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原创 Argument 11

  The editoral recommends that Alta Manufaturing reduce its work shifts by one hour each in order to reduce its on-the-job accident rate and thereby increase Altas productivity. To support this advis

2008-02-29 16:21:00 678

原创 Issue 111( Most important discoveries or creation are accidental; it is usually while seeking the answer to one question that

  Most important discoveries or creation are accidental; it is usually while seeking the answer to one question that  we come across the answer to another.   I dont agree the authors view that i

2008-02-29 11:08:00 2025 1

原创 Issue 109 (example)

“Society should identify those children who have special talents and ablities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually excel in their areas of ability. Otherwise, these tale

2008-02-28 16:50:00 1077

原创 Issue 109

  It is a good adivice to identify those talent children , training them at an early age, so that they can make a well attribution to special area. But, at the same, we must think careful that what sh

2008-02-28 16:02:00 1308 1

原创 Argument 70

   The argument seemly saves the cost for use margarian replace butter in Happy Pancake House, since several people complaint the service, in southeast Unite State. None of the guest want to comsume h

2008-02-28 11:07:00 837

原创 Issue 12(Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What require more effort and courage is to move in the opposite directi

Topic:    Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What require more effort and courage is to move in the opposite direction --  in other word, make things as simple as possible.    The spe

2008-02-27 16:16:00 1203

原创 An Argument 5("A jazz music club in Monroe would be a tremendously profitable enterprise. Currently, the nearest jazz club is 6

Add the argument :  The following was written as a part of  an application for a small business loan by a group of developers in the city of Monroe."A jazz music club in Monroe would be a tremen

2008-02-27 11:19:00 3105

原创 A Big Bang to Me

  Ready for being defeated, when you are ready to learn GRE. After a long time to prepare for the vocabulary and analytic writing, I still get a lower grade in the test. O, its a big bang to me, for 

2008-02-25 20:37:00 449

原创 Analyise the issue? (Issue 13)

"Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any societys past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for

2008-02-24 21:29:00 487

原创 One word One day(PEDANT)

  Studing one word one day is just tell us that every success begins atom things . Just like knowledge accumulative , it is a long time to program . Without patient, we cant attain it; without dilige

2008-02-23 22:10:00 578

原创 Find a new software to memory the vocabulary

   Nothing new happened today, except find a new software to memory my vocabulary. I can tell you the name "新东方背单词 5" . Oh, it is a good help for me. Thanks goodness, from now no, I will never afraid

2008-02-22 22:55:00 449

原创 A movie "2012 DoomsDay"

  After watching the movie "2012 Dooms Day", which predicts the Doomsday on December of 21, 2012 that the world will be changed, I had to talk something about it.  I watched it at afternoon, so boring

2008-02-21 16:08:00 496

原创 The First day I write diary on my blog

      The sky is azure, the zephyr is slight and the sunlight is warm after a long time shadow. Today is my first time that write my diary on  blog. I can hardly  know what to say. Because my verb is

2008-02-20 22:20:00 552

The Jahn-Teller Effect

it is a textbook of Jahn-Teller Effect









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