qt QListWidget

The QListWidget class provides an item-based list widget.

QListWidget is a convenience class that provides a list view similar to the one supplied by QListView, but with a classic item-based interface for adding and removing items. QListWidget uses an internal model to manage each QListWidgetItem in the list.

For a more flexible list view widget, use the QListView class with a standard model.

List widgets are constructed in the same way as other widgets:

     QListWidget *listWidget = new QListWidget(this);

The selectionMode() of a list widget determines how many of the items in the list can be selected at the same time, and whether complex selections of items can be created. This can be set with the setSelectionMode() function.

There are two ways to add items to the list: they can be constructed with the list widget as their parent widget, or they can be constructed with no parent widget and added to the list later. If a list widget already exists when the items are constructed, the first method is easier to use:

  这个 QListWidget类提供了一个,QListWidget是一个方便的提供了list view的类相似与QListView提供的。用一个内部的一个模型操纵每一个item


enum QAbstractItemView::SelectionMode

This enum indicates how the view responds to user selections:

Constant Value Description
QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection 1 When the user selects an item, any already-selected item becomes unselected, and the user cannot unselect the selected item by clicking on it.
QAbstractItemView::ContiguousSelection 4 When the user selects an item in the usual way, the selection is cleared and the new item selected. However, if the user presses the Shift key while clicking on an item, all items between the current item and the clicked item are selected or unselected, depending on the state of the clicked item.
QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection 3 When the user selects an item in the usual way, the selection is cleared and the new item selected. However, if the user presses the Ctrl key when clicking on an item, the clicked item gets toggled and all other items are left untouched. If the user presses the Shift key while clicking on an item, all items between the current item and the clicked item are selected or unselected, depending on the state of the clicked item. Multiple items can be selected by dragging the mouse over them.
QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection 2 When the user selects an item in the usual way, the selection status of that item is toggled and the other items are left alone. Multiple items can be toggled by dragging the mouse over them.
QAbstractItemView::NoSelection 0 Items cannot be selected.
QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection 1 When the user selects an item, any already-selected item becomes unselected, and the user cannot unselect the selected item by clicking on it.

This property holds whether the widget is enabled.

An enabled widget handles keyboard and mouse events; a disabled widget does not.

Some widgets display themselves differently when they are disabled. For example a button might draw its label grayed out. If your widget needs to know when it becomes enabled or disabled, you can use the changeEvent() with type QEvent::EnabledChange.

Disabling a widget implicitly disables all its children. Enabling respectively enables all child widgets unless they have been explicitly disabled.

By default, this property is true.


Qt::TabFocus 0x1 the widget accepts focus by tabbing.
Qt::ClickFocus 0x2 the widget accepts focus by clicking.
Qt::StrongFocus TabFocus | ClickFocus | 0x8 the widget accepts focus by both tabbing and clicking. On Mac OS X this will also be indicate that the widget accepts tab focus when in 'Text/List focus mode'.
Qt::WheelFocus StrongFocus | 0x4 like Qt::StrongFocus plus the widget accepts focus by using the mouse wheel.
Qt::NoFocus 0 the widget does not accept focus.





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