
SG 2 Monitor Product Quality against Plan and Expectations


Actual product quality is monitored against the quality measurements defined in the plan and the quality expectations, e.g., of the customer/user.  根据计划中定义的质量度量和质量预期,实际的产品质量被监视。比如。 客户/用户

SP 2.1 Check against entry criteria 检查进入规则

At the start of the test execution phase check the status against the entry criteria identified in the test plan. Example work products 1. Records of entry check Sub-practices 1. Check the status against the entry criteria identified in the test plan 2. Identify and document significant deviations in compliance to entry criteria and initiate corrective action

在测试执行的开始阶段,根据测试计划中定义的进入规则检查状态。例子工作产品。 1. 进入检查记录。

子实践: 1. 检查状态。 2. 明确和文档化明显偏离进入规则的行为,并形成矫正行为。

SP 2.2 Monitor defects 监视缺陷

Monitor measures of defects found during testing against expectations. Example work products 1. Records of defect monitoring Sub-practices 1. Monitor measures on defects found and status against expectations Examples of useful defect measures include the following [Burnstein]:  Total number of defects (for a component, subsystem, system) outstanding at each defined priority level  Total number of defects found during the most recent test run at each defined priority level  Number of defects resolved/unresolved (for all levels of test)  Number of defects found for each given type  Number of defects causing failures of severity level greater than X  Number of defects/KLOC (“incident volume”)  Actual number versus estimated number of defects (based on historical data) 2. Identify and document significant deviations from expectations for measures regarding defects found

监视测试过程中背离预期的缺陷的度量,例子工作产品: 1. 记录缺陷监视。

子实践: 1. 监视发现的缺陷的度量和基于期望的状态。 比如, 每一个优先级的缺陷数量,最近一个测试周期发现的缺陷,严重级别的问题个数,不同类别的缺陷个数, 实际和评估的缺陷个数。 2.明确和文档化与舆情背离的行为,基于缺陷发现。

SP 2.3 Monitor product risks 监视产品风险

Monitor product risks against those identified in the test plan. Example work products 1. Updated test product risk list 2. Records of product risk monitoring Sub-practices 1. Periodically review the product risks in the context of the current status and circumstances with a selected set of stakeholders 2. Monitor changes and additions to the requirements to identify new or changed product risks 3. Revise the documentation of the product risks as additional information becomes available to incorporate the change on likelihood, impact and/or priority status 4. Monitor the (number of) product risks mitigated by testing against the mitigation stated in the plan5. Communicate product risk status to relevant stakeholders

基于测试计划中的定义,监视产品风险。 例子工作产品。1. 更新测试产品风险列表。 2. 记录产品风险监视

子实践: 1.根据当前状态定期回顾产品风险。 2. 监视变化和新需求来明确新的和改变的产品风险。 3. 修改产品风险文档。 4. 监视产品风险数量。 5. 和相关人沟通产品风险状态

SP 2.4 Monitor exit criteria 监视出口规则

Monitor the status of the exit criteria against those identified in the test plan. Example work products 1. Records of exit criteria monitoring Sub-practices 1. Monitor the test process related exit criteria, e.g., test coverage against plan 2. Monitor the product quality related exit criteria against plan 3. Identify and document significant deviations in exit criteria status from plan

根据测试计划中已经定义的出口规则监视状态。 1. 出口规则文档。 

子实践:监视出口规则关联的测试流程。 监视出口规则关联的产品质量。 明确和文档化明显的偏离出口规则状态的行为。

SP 2.5 Monitor suspension and resumption criteria 监视推迟和重启规则

Monitor the status of the suspension and resumption criteria against those identified in the test plan. Example work products 1. Records of suspension criteria monitoring 2. Records of resumption criteria monitoring Sub-practices 1. Monitor suspension criteria against those documented in the test plan 2. Suspend testing if suspension criteria are met and initiate corrective action 3. Monitor resumption criteria against those documented in the test plan 4. Initiate the resumption of testing once the issues have been solved using the defined resumption criteria


例子工作产品。 推迟和重启监视的记录。

子实践:1. 监视推迟规则,基于测试计划。 2. 如果退出规则达到就推迟测试,并且纠正行为。 3. 监视重启规则。 。。

SP 2.6 Conduct product quality reviews 执行产品质量回顾

Periodically review product quality. Product quality reviews are reviews conducted to keep stakeholders informed. Reviews are often held both internally with test team members and externally with stakeholders outside testing. These reviews are typically informal reviews held regularly, e.g., weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. Example work products 1. Product quality report 2. Documented product quality review results, e.g., minutes of the product quality meetings Sub-practices 1. Collect and analyze product quality monitoring measures 2. Regularly communicate status on product quality to stakeholders Examples of stakeholders typically include the following:  Project management  Business management  Test team members 3. Regularly organize product quality review meetings with stakeholders 4. Identify, document and discuss significant product quality issues and deviations from expectations and plan 5. Document the results of the reviews, e.g., decisions made and corrective actions defined


SP 2.7 Conduct product quality milestone reviews 执行产品质量里程碑回顾

Review product quality status at selected test milestones. Product quality milestone reviews are planned during test planning and are typically formal reviews. Example work products 1. Test milestone report 2. Documented milestone review results, e.g., minutes of the review meeting Sub-practices 1. Conduct product quality reviews at meaningful points in the test schedule, such as the completion of selected stages, with relevant stakeholders 2. Communicate product quality status to stakeholders by means of a formal product quality report Examples of elements of a product quality test report include the following [after IEEE 829]:  Identifier (and reference to test plan)  Management summary  Variances (against plan)  Comprehensive assessment  Summary of results  Evaluation  Summary of activities  Approvals 3. Review the status regarding defects, product risks and exit criteria 4. Identify and document significant product quality issues and their impacts 5. Document the results of the reviews, actions items, and decisions 6. Update the test plan to reflect accomplishments and the latest status


1. 测试里程碑报告。 2. 文档化里程碑回顾结果。 

子实践: 执行产品质量回顾在测试进度的适当点。和相关人沟通产品质量状态。回顾缺陷状态,产品风险和出口规则。 明确和文档化明显的产品质量问题,以及它的影响。 更新测试计划来反映完成度和当前状态。

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