
PA 4.1 Test Measurement 测试测量

Purpose 目的

The purpose of Test Measurement is to identify, collect, analyze and apply measurements to support an organization in objectively evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of the test process, the productivity of its testing staff, the resulting product quality and the results of test improvement. As such, the test organization will develop and sustain a test measurement capability that is used to support management information needs.


Introductory Notes 简介

Achieving the goals of TMMi levels 2 and 3 has had the benefits of putting into place a technical, managerial, and staffing infrastructure capable of thorough testing and providing support for test process improvement. With this infrastructure in place, a formal test measurement program can be established to encourage further growth and accomplishment.


Test measurement is the continuous process of identifying, collecting, and analyzing data on both the test process and the products being developed in order to understand and provide information to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the test processes and possibly also the development processes. Measurement and analysis methods and processes for data collection, storage, retrieval and communication are specified to support a successful implementation of a test measurement program. Note that a test measurement program has two focal areas: it supports test process and product quality evaluation, and it supports process improvement.


In order to be successful, a test measurement program needs to be linked to the business objectives, test policy and test strategy [Van Solingen and Berghout]. The business objectives are the starting point for defining test measurement goals and metrics. From the business objectives, goals are derived for the organization’s standard test process. When implemented successfully, the test measurement program will become an integral part of the test culture, and measurement will become a practice adopted and applied by all test groups and teams. Test measurement is the continuous process of identifying, collecting, and analyzing data in order to improve the test process and product quality. It should help the organization improve planning for future projects, train its employees more effectively, etc. Examples of test related measurements include test costs, number of test cases executed, defect data and product measures such as mean time between failures.


The Test Measurement process area involves the following: 测试测量过程域包括:

- Specifying the objectives of test measurement such that they are aligned with identified information needs and business objectives 指定测试测量的目标,使他们和明确的需要的信息和商业目的保持一致。

- Specifying measures, analysis and validation techniques as well as mechanisms for data collection, data storage, retrieval, communication and feedback 指定测量,分析和验证技术,同时制定数据搜集,数据存储,数据回收,沟通和反馈机制。

- Implementing the collection, storage, analysis, and reporting of the data 实施收集,存储,分析和报告数据。

- Providing objective results that can be used in making informed decisions and in taking appropriate actions. 


It is suggested at lower TMMi levels that an organization should begin to collect data related to the testing process, e.g., test performance indicators within Test Policy and Strategy. It is recommended that an organization at the lower TMMi levels begin to assemble defect-related measurements in the context of a simple defect repository. When moving towards TMMi level 4, an organization will realize the need for additional measures to achieve greater levels of test process maturity. In anticipation of these needs, TMMi calls for the establishment of a formal test measurement program as a goal to be achieved at TMMi level 4. For most organizations it may be practical to implement such a test measurement program as a supplement to a general measurement program.

建议在低TMMI级别,组织应该开始收集测试流程相关的数据。比如,测试方针和战略中的测试绩效指标。 推荐组织在低TMMI等级开始收集缺陷相关的测量到一个简单的缺陷仓库。当到达TMMI4,组织应该意识到另外的测量是为了达到更高等级的测试流程成熟度。参与这些需求,TMMI4呼唤建立一个正式的测试测量项目作为目标被达到,对大多数组织来说。可能实施这个测试测量项目作为一个通用测量项目的补充。

At TMMi level 4 and above the test measurement activities are at the organizational level addressing organizational information needs. However, test measurement will also provide support to individual projects by providing data, e.g., to support objective planning and estimation. Because the data is shared widely across projects, it is often stored in an organization-wide test measurement repository.


Scope 范围

The process area Test Measurement addresses the measurement activities at an organizational level. For organizations that have multiple test groups or teams, test measurement will be performed identically across all test groups as part of one overall test measurement program. Test Measurement covers practices such as defining measurement objectives, creating the test measurement plan, gathering data, analyzing data and reporting the results. It will also encompass organizational test measurement activities that were defined at lower TMMi levels,such as test performance indicators (a specific type of test measure) from Test Policy and Strategy and generic practice 3.2 Collect improvement information. This process area also will provide support to the measurement activities for the other TMMi level 4 process areas: Product Quality Evaluation and Advanced Reviews. The measurement activities at the project level, e.g., the process area Test Monitoring and Control, will remain at the project level but will interface with the organizational Test Measurement process area.


Specific Goal and Practice Summary特定过程和目的汇总

SG 1 Align Test Measurement and Analysis Activities 保持测试测量和分析行为一致

SP 1.1 Establish test measurement objectives SP 1.2 Specify test measures SP 1.3 Specify data collection and storage procedures SP 1.4 Specify analysis procedures


SG 2 Provide Test Measurement Results 提供测试测量结果

SP 2.1 Collect test measurement data SP 2.2 Analyze test measurement data SP 2.3 Communicate results SP 2.4 Store data and results


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