CC7:The sparetime life of working people

初稿及Rick, Jill的建议

 1,amateur这个词更重要的是‘不专业的’意思,一般与‘professional’相对,一般有贬义的感觉(如果别人说你是amateur,意思是你就是个二把刀),你的意思应该是工作之余,休息时间,所以应该使用'after work' ,‘leisure time’or 'spare time' etc.因为即使我们在工作之余做的活动,也可能是非常专业的一件事儿(例如TM就是一件很专业的事情)。
2,working people按我的理解应该指一个概念,‘工人阶级’ 而并不指‘有工作的人’ 建议使用worker, employee etc.

结尾看来你还没有写完,建议不要做live survey,这样费时间,而你文中的信息量足够多了。结尾可多写些,给出一些你的想法和指导。比如虽然我们区分了working time 和 spare time,但人生仍是一整块,我们其实每一刻都在向自己的目标努力,只是不同的形式而已。无论在哪一块的时间,都应该好好利用,不要浪费,即使娱乐,也要做个专业的人,而不是amateur,比如吃货,那也要吃的专业,或者是美味专家,或者是饭馆的信息专家,或者是省钱专家。不要浪费你的spare time,在家里发呆,除非你立志想做一个和尚,那你可以坚持练习冥想。


The amateur life of working people

What do the working people usually do in their amateur life? This sounds very interesting since almost all of us are working people, but we actually don’t know what other people do in their spare time.

According to a survey about white collars in China in 2008, 41% (of)working people hardly have spare time to relax. Usually, they work full time in their amateur life. It means that, in our club, some(about) 15 members can’t attend our regular meetings due to work.Maybe(autually这样有力) they want, but they have to work unwillingly. Nowadays, modern companies are good at make(ing) full use of the staff. However, they used to( always表示一直used to表示过去一直) say ’We don’t encourage the staff to work overtime, nevertheless, we also don’t oppose (这样用法有些硬, welcome)it at the same time’ while (then) they assign the staff(their employee) with a full workload.(then, they double their emplyee's workload!)

When you are a fresh man(worker), you’d better behave well in front of your boss, so you need to work overtime. because You dreamed to get a raise and work more lightly one day. But the reality is, when the day comes, you still have to work harder !!  though you are an experienced professional.

Now, you see. If you don’t have to work overtime, you are much luckier than nearly half of the white collars.不明?

Apart from those who always have to work overtime, the survery shows(回应开头,需指出仍是引用的survey), 33% work overtime not too often. 15% work overtime once a while. 11% nearly never work overtime. Does anyone never work overtime?


Then, what would the white collars do in their amateur life if they don’t work overtime (so, what would the white collars  do in their spare time, if they un-luckly (joke) have some )? Any idea? Now, I’d like to encourage every attendee to join a live survey. In the following part, I will give several kinds of amateur activities people usually do in their spare time. If you are just a person of the kind, pls raise your hand. And the DV would help me to record the data.


Yes (OK), 17% want to travel. They want to have a totally(complete) long term outing. Fill their mind with beautiful scenery, breath fresh air, and throw work and trivial ['tr v l] matters in life away (trash bin). What they want is a completely (totally) relax. Usually they are single and available. The financial condition also can support their travel.

10% prefer to stay with family and friends. Most of them have got married, maybe plus a child. My wife belongs to this group. No matter how much I persuadeher, she just didn’t (doesn't) want to come to toastmasters with me (是个常态,不用过去式). What a pity. It seems there’s still a long way to go for me.

 (joke, maybe we shouldn't get married while just sleep together)

12% tend to recharge themselves. They are the so called ’白骨精white, backbone, outstanding’. Most of them are unwilling to stay at the current status of life and work. On the contrary, they try hard to achieve higher progress(过程?level or rank). The(you) guys in this room are almost this kind of person.

13% go to entertain. Play sports, go to ktvs, bars. Just have fun near by.

However, 35% choose to stay alone to have a thorough rest, according to the survey, they are completely exhausted. To my surprise, this is the biggest group in this survey.


9 % still worry about their work and even can’t rest well. Most of them are sales, high level leaders and bosses. Generally, they take (are taking 用进行式)charge of a big project, department or a whole company. The big profit and pressure push(force) them forwardnonstop(constantly). And they are rewarded with money, status and reputation.

(summarize the result of the live survey, and give an short comparison with professional one to see if there is big difference)

All in all, the working people want to live a better life, have a charming career. But we should learn you can’t work well unless you can have a healthy and relax amateur life. Balancing work and life is a tough task. Let’s just start from scheduling our amateur life.


The sparetime life of working people

Whatdo the working people usually do in their spare time? This sounds veryinteresting since almost all of us are working people, but we actually don’tknow how other people spend their sparetime life.

Accordingto a survey about white collars in China in 2008, 41% of workingpeople hardly have spare time to relax. Usually, they work full time even onweekends. It means that, in ourclub, about 15 members can’t attend our regularmeetings due to overtime work. Autually they want, but they have to work unwillingly. Nowadays,modern companies are more and more good at makeing full use of the staff. However, they used to say ’Wedon’t encourage our staff to work overtime, nevertheless, we also don’t oppose (这样用法有些硬, welcomeit at the same time’.

Whenyou are a fresh worker, you’d better behavewell in front of your boss, so you need to work overtime. Then You are dreamingofhigher salary with less workload someday in the future. But the reality is cruel. when the day comes, you still have to work hard! though you are an experienced professional.

Now, you see. If youdon’t have to work overtime, you are much luckier than nearly half of the otherwhite collars.

Apartfrom those who always have to work overtime, the surveyshows(回应开头,需指出仍是引用的survey),thereare 33% people who workovertime but not too often. 15% work overtime only once a while. Therest 11% nearly never work overtime. Does anyone in this room belongs to theluckiest 11%? Your bosses are too nice.

 so, whatwould the white collars do in their spare time, if they unluckily (joke)have some? In the following part, I will give several kinds of sparetime activities people usually do.

OK,First, there are 18% want totravel. They want to have a completely long term outing. Fill their mind withbeautiful scenery, breath fresh air, and throw work and trivial matters into trash bin. What they want is a totally relax. Usually they are single andavailable. The financial condition also can support their travel.

Second,11% prefer to stay with family and friends. Most of them have got married,maybe plus a child. My wife belongs to this group. No matter how hard I try topersuade her, shejust doesn't want to come to toastmasters with me.What a pity. It seems that I have to finish my CC9 to persuade her with powerand inspire her with my true emotion!

Third,14% tend to recharge themselves. They arethe so called ’白骨精white,backbone, outstanding’. Most of them are unwilling to stay at the currentstatus of life and work. On the contrary, they try hard to achieve more progress. You guys in thisroom are almost this kind of person.

Forth,14% go to entertain. Play sports, go to ktvs, bars. Just have fun near by.

However,35% choose to stay alone to have a thorough rest, according to the survey, theyare completely exhausted. To my surprise, this is the biggest group in thissurvey. I thought maybe most people would like to stay with their families andfriends.

 Thelast 8 % still worry about their work and even can’t rest well. Most of themare sales, high level leaders and bosses. Generally, they aretaking charge of big projects, departments or whole companies. The bigprofit and pressure  force them forward constantly. And they are rewardedwith money, status and reputation.

Allin all, the working people want to live a better life, have a charming career.But we should learn you can’t work well unless you can have a healthy and relaxsparetime life.

Onthe other hand, what you do in sparetime will decide half of your life andfuture. Life is a journey. Cherish the most valuable scenery to you. Good luck.Thank you.


Forthose who choose to stay alone, I suggest you to stay with your family andfriends. Sometimes, It’s much better to relax you in this way. Or big pressureand loneliness would reduce your passion and energy.

Forthose who still worry about their work, I suggest you to delegate more to othercolleagues.  Then find a way to relax. Dosome sports like swimming, go outing would less your, Enjoy a SPA. Once you getthe inner peace, reschedule your life with less but valuable goals.

Forothers, just try to balance your work and life. Life is a journey. Cherish themost valuable scenery to you. Good luck. Thanks.

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