
;Structure Definition for Pizza Details (define-struct pizzaDetails (id name price status count)) (define pizza1(make-pizzaDetails 1 "bigPizza" 16.99 #t 200)) (define pizza2(make-pizzaDetails 2 "nomalPizza" 6.99 #t 100)) (define pizza3(make-pizzaDetails 3 "extraPizza" 36.99 #f 258)) ;************Defining Pizza List*****************have the default value (define pizza-list (list pizza1 pizza2 pizza3)) ;************define the temp-list------- for addPizza*******in order to append to the pizza-list********* (define temp-list (list "")) (set! temp-list (make-pizzaDetails 3 "tempPizza" 56.99 #f 738)) ;(set! pizza-list (append pizza-list (list pizza3))) ;pizzaSystem ;;-------------------- ;;------------ ;;contract: pizzaSystem() -->get in the pizzaSystem ;;purpose: first welcome to get in the pizzaSystem. ;;example: (pizzaSystem )----expected O/P: input message: Pizza System-------------1.Add Pizza2.Update Pizza3.View Pizza4.Exit ;;Algorithms:********** ;;Dry Run:********** ;;Implements Program Body: (define pizzaSystem (lambda() (let loop() (newline) (display "Pizza System/n") (display "-------------/n") (display "1.Add Pizza/n") (display "2.Update Pizza/n") (display "3.View Pizza/n") (display "4.Exit/n") (let ([option (getPizzaSystemOption)]) (cond [(not(number? option)) (display "Invalid Choice entered-number!/n")(loop)] [(inexact? option) (display "Invalid Choice entered-inexact!/n")(loop)] [(or (> option 4) (< option 1)) (display "Invalid Choice entered-!/n")(loop)] [(= option 1)(display "1.Add Pizza have choosed/n")(addPizza)(loop) ] [(= option 2)(display "2.Update Pizza have choosed/n")(updatePizza)(loop) ] [(= option 3)(display "3.View Pizza have choosed/n")(viewPizza pizza-list)(loop) ] [(= option 4)(display "4.Exit have choosed/n")(exit) ] ) )))) ;getPizzaSystemOption ;;------------ ;;contract: getPizzaSystemOption(input) -->get the input message ;;purpose: in order to return the message you inputed ;;example: (getPizzaSystemOption )----expected O/P: input message ;;Algorithms:********** ;;Dry Run:********** ;;Implements Program Body: (define getPizzaSystemOption (lambda() (display "Enter your PizzaSystem choice ::") (let([option1 (read)]) option1 ))) ;showStruct ;;contract: showStruct(string struct) -->show struct details ;;purpose: in order to add show the struct of the details. ;;example: (showStruct 'success (make-pizzaDetails '1 '1 '1 '1 '1))----to O/P success pizza id:1 pizza name:1 pizza price:1 pizza status:1 pizza count:1 ;;Algorithms:********** ;;Dry Run:********** ;;Implements Program Body: (define showStruct (lambda (message a) ;(display (pizzaDetails? a)) ;(if (not(pizzaDetails? a))(set! a (car a))) (display message) (display " pizza id:") (display (pizzaDetails-id a)) (display " pizza name:") (display (pizzaDetails-name a)) (display " pizza price:") (display (pizzaDetails-price a)) (display " pizza status:") (display (pizzaDetails-status a)) (display " pizza count:") (display (pizzaDetails-count a)) (display "/n") )) ;test case----->;(showStruct 'success (make-pizzaDetails '1 '1 '1 '1 '1)) ;AddPizza ;;------------- ;;contract: addPizza() -->show added the details ;;purpose: in order to add the pizza than show the added the details. ;;example: (addPizza )----to O/P the message that you added ;;Algorithms:********** ;;Dry Run:********** ;;Implements Program Body: (define addPizza (lambda() (let ([pizza-id ""] [pizza-name ""] [pizza-price 0] [pizza-status #t] [pizza-count 0]) (begin (display "input pizza id::") (set! pizza-id (read)) (display "input pizza name::") (set! pizza-name (read)) (display "input pizza price::") (set! pizza-price (read)) (display "input pizza status::") (set! pizza-status (read)) (display "input pizza count::") (set! pizza-count (read)) (set! temp-list (make-pizzaDetails pizza-id pizza-name pizza-price pizza-status pizza-count)) (set! pizza-list (append pizza-list (list temp-list))) (showStruct "addPizza success-->" temp-list) )))) ;selectPizzaByName ;;contract: selectPizzaByName(array string) -->struct--(changePizza (struct))to change the details ;;purpose: in order to input the pizza name then to select struct to change the details. ;;example: (selectPizzaByName List name)----to O/P the message ;;Algorithms:********** ;;Dry Run:********** ;;Implements Program Body: (define selectPizzaByName (lambda(aList name) (if (> (length aList) 0) (if(equal? (changeTypeOfRead (pizzaDetails-name (car aList))) name) (begin (showStruct "selectPizzaByName-->" (car aList));view (changePizza (car aList));to update ) (selectPizzaByName (cdr aList) name) ) ) )) ;testCase; ;(selectPizzaByName pizza-list "extraPizza") ;updatePizza ;;contract: updatePizza(input) -->selectPizzaByName(list input). ;;purpose: in order to input the pizza name then to select struct by this input name ,it is before the change. ;;example: (updatePizza) ;;Algorithms:********** ;;Dry Run:********** ;;Implements Program Body: (define updatePizza (lambda() (let ([pizza-name ""]) (display "input update pizza name::") (set! pizza-name (read)) ;(display (symbol? pizza-name)) (set! pizza-name (changeTypeOfRead pizza-name)) ;(display (string? pizza-name)) (selectPizzaByName pizza-list pizza-name) ))) ;test Case ;(updatePizza) ;CheckOutUtils ;1;changeTypeOfRead ;;;contract: changeTypeOfRead(input) -->string. ;;;purpose: in order to change the type of input to changed as String. ;;;Example: (changeTypeOfRead 1) Expected O/P:"1" ;;;Algorithms:********** ;;;Dry Run:********** ;;;Implements Program Body: (define changeTypeOfRead (lambda(v) (if (number? v) (begin (set! v (number->string v)) v )) (if(symbol? v) (begin (set! v (symbol->string v)) v )) (if(string? v) (begin v )) )) ;2;checkEquals ;;;contract: checkEquals(string string) -->boolean ;;;purpose: in order to Judge the two string equal or not ;;;Example: (checkEquals "ha1" "ha") Expected O/P:#f ;;;Algorithms:********** ;;;Dry Run:********** ;;;Implements Program Body: (define checkEquals (lambda(v1 v2) (if(equal? v1 v2) #t #f ))) ;testCase;(checkEquals "ha1" "ha") ;changePizza ;;contract: changePizza(struct) ;;purpose: in order to change the struct's member ,such as update the id,name,price,status,count. flact to struct and List ;;Example: (changePizza aStruct)------> call (showStruct "chanegPizza-->" aStruct) ----show the message you updated. ;;Algorithms:********** ;;Dry Run:********** ;;Implements Program Body: (define changePizza (lambda(aStruct) ;(set-pizzaDetails-name! pizza3 "kkk") ;(pizzaDetails-name pizza3) (let ([pizza-id ""] [pizza-name ""] [pizza-price 0] [pizza-status #t] [pizza-count 0] [tempFlg ""]) (begin (display "do you wanna change pizza id if not plz input '-1' else input other:") (set! pizza-id (read)) (set! tempFlg (changeTypeOfRead pizza-id));change the (read) type form number->string & symbol->string! (if(not(checkEquals tempFlg "-1"));Judge the value weather equal or not (set-pizzaDetails-id! aStruct tempFlg);to update the id of this struct ) (display "do you wanna change pizza name if not plz input '-1' else input other:") (set! pizza-name (read)) (set! tempFlg (changeTypeOfRead pizza-name)) (if(not(checkEquals tempFlg "-1")) (set-pizzaDetails-name! aStruct tempFlg) ) (display "do you wanna change pizza price if not plz input '-1' else input other:") (set! pizza-price (read)) (set! tempFlg (changeTypeOfRead pizza-price)) (if(not(checkEquals tempFlg "-1")) (set-pizzaDetails-price! aStruct tempFlg) ) (display "do you wanna change pizza status if not plz input '-1' else input other:") (set! pizza-status (read)) (set! tempFlg (changeTypeOfRead pizza-status)) (if(not(checkEquals tempFlg "-1")) (set-pizzaDetails-status! aStruct tempFlg) ) (display "do you wanna change pizza count if not plz input '-1' else input other:") (set! pizza-count (read)) (set! tempFlg (changeTypeOfRead pizza-count)) (if(not(checkEquals tempFlg "-1")) (set-pizzaDetails-count! aStruct tempFlg) ) (showStruct "chanegPizza-->" aStruct);view )) )) ;viewPizza ;;contract: viewPizza(array) ;;purpose: called by PizzaSystem,to call showStruct method use(string,struct). in order to show every member(struct) of List. ;;Example: (viewPizza pizza-list)----->(showStruct "viewPizza " (car pizza-list))---->experted O/P:viewPizza pizza id:1 pizza name:bigPizza pizza price:16.99 pizza status:#t pizza count:200 ;;Algorithms:********** ;;Dry Run:********** ;;Implements Program Body: (define viewPizza (lambda(aList) (if (> (length aList) 0) (begin (showStruct "viewPizza " (car aList)) (viewPizza (cdr aList)) ) ))) ;test case:-->;(viewPizza pizza-list) (pizzaSystem)




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