设计师马丁 ai教程文件_一位在AI中迷失的用户体验设计师

设计师马丁 ai教程文件

Curiosity is a fundamental part of every Designer’s personality. As User Experience (UX) Designers, finding the best way to meet the users and the business needs is our main goal. However, “the best way” should not be the most trendy or pretty one, but the most efficient one. Researching and understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities enables UX Designers to create AI-powered proposals with a human-centred approach, as well as boost our workflows.

好奇心是每个设计师个性的基本组成部分。 作为用户体验(UX)设计师,寻找满足用户和业务需求的最佳方法是我们的主要目标。 但是,“最佳方法”不应该是最时髦或最漂亮的方法,而应该是最有效的方法。 通过研究和理解人工智能(AI)功能, UX设计人员可以以人为本的方式创建基于AI的提案 ,并增强我们的工作流程。

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Steve Jobs

设计不仅是外观和感觉。 设计是它的工作方式。 ”史蒂夫·乔布斯

AI与否 (AI or not AI)

AI plays an extremely important role in improving the users’ experience by providing disruptive and much more efficient solutions. However, many companies are forcing their teams to introduce AI features just because it is a buzzword, without understanding its capabilities, and if it is worth investing in it. Introducing AI must be a decision based on the belief that it is the best way to improve the product. A problem should not be created to introduce AI. AI should be introduced as the best way to solve a pre-identified problem. In addition, many Product Owners and Designers face challenges in understanding how AI works and what it can provide. So, even though they identify a problem that could be solved with AI, they do not follow that path due to a lack of knowledge.

通过提供颠覆性的,效率更高的解决方案,人工智能在改善用户体验方面发挥着极其重要的作用。 但是,许多公司正迫使他们的团队引入AI功能,只是因为它是一个流行语,而没有了解其功能以及是否值得投资。 引入AI必须是基于以下信念的决策,即这是改进产品的最佳方法。 引入AI不应创建问题。 应该引入AI作为解决预先确定的问题的最佳方法 。 此外,许多产品负责人和设计师在理解AI的工作原理和提供的功能方面也面临挑战。 因此,即使他们确定了AI可以解决的问题,但由于缺乏知识,他们也没有遵循这条道路。

Based on this, let’s first have a high-level look at what AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning are:


1 / AI (1/ AI)

AI is the broadest way to think about computer intelligence. It can be associated with anything from a voice-recognition system to a playlist recommendation based on your interests. The technology can be categorized into two main groups: artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) and artificial general intelligence (AGI).

人工智能是思考计算机智能的最广泛方法。 它可以与任何内容相关联,从语音识别系统到根据您的兴趣推荐的播放列表。 这项技术可以分为两大类:人工智能(ANI)和人工智能(AGI)。

  • Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI): It is where we currently are. Narrow AI can perform one specific task. Apple’s face recognition system, a computer playing chess or even a self-driven car are all examples of ANI.

    人工智能(ANI) :这就是我们目前的位置。 窄AI可以执行一项特定任务。 苹果公司的面部识别系统,下棋的计算机甚至是无人驾驶汽车都是ANI的例子。

  • Artificial general intelligence (AGI): It is where we are going. This type of technology would own the cognitive abilities to understands the world as we do and can perform a range of tasks. AGI is considered “human-level”.

    人工智能(AGI) :这就是我们要去的地方。 这种技术将像我们一样拥有认知世界的认知能力,并可以执行一系列任务。 AGI被认为是“人类层面的”。

Some people consider a third group called Artificial superintelligence (ASI). Nick Bostrom, Oxford philosopher who popularized the term “superintelligence” defines it as “an intellect that is much smarter than the best human brains in practically every field, including scientific creativity, general wisdom and social skills.” The technological singularity is a hypothesis predicted on the creation of artificial superintelligence. This would trigger a kind of tipping point in which enormous changes take place in human society.

有人认为第三组称为人工超智能(ASI)。 牛津大学哲学家尼克·波斯特罗姆(Nick Bostrom)推广了“超级智能”一词,将其定义为“ 一种智力,它比包括科学创造力,一般智慧和社交技能在内的几乎每个领域的人脑都要聪明得多。 技术的奇异性是对人工超级智能技术产生的假设。 这将触发一种转折点,人类社会将发生巨大的变化。

2 /机器学习 (2/ Machine Learning)

Machine learning is a subfield of AI where machines take data and “learn” for themselves improving their responses. ML algorithms find patterns in massive amounts of data, and then use those patterns to make predictions such us what type of show you might like. There are two types of Machine Learning:

机器学习是AI的一个子领域,机器可以自己获取数据并对其进行“学习”,以改善其响应能力。 机器学习算法会在大量数据中找到模式,然后使用这些模式进行预测,例如我们可能会喜欢哪种类型的节目。 机器学习有两种类型:

  • Supervised learning: The data is labelled to tell the machine exactly what patterns it should look for.

    有监督的学习 :对数据进行标记,以告诉机器准确的寻找什么模式。

  • Unsupervised learning: The data is not labelled to let the machine look for whatever patterns it can find.

    无监督学习 :未标记数据以使机器寻找可以找到的任何模式。

2 /深度学习 (2/ Deep Learning)

Deep learning is Machine Learning on steroids and it uses Artificial Neural Networks. It consists of several artificial neurons connected to each other to simulate the brain’s function delivering a final result in the form of a prediction. The higher the number of neurons layers, the deeper the network is. In this case, we add a third option of learning:

深度学习是对类固醇的机器学习,它使用人工神经网络。 它由几个相互连接的人工神经元组成,以模拟大脑的功能,以预测的形式提供最终结果。 神经元层数越高,网络越深。 在这种情况下,我们添加了第三个学习选项:

  • Reinforcement learning: Learns by trial and error to achieve a clear objective

    强化学习 :通过反复试验学习以实现明确的目标

完美的夫妻 (Perfect Couple)

Now that we have a high-level understanding of what AI stands for, there is no doubt that it can add value not only to a company’s portfolio, but also to its workflows. Both Data Scientists/Analysts and Ux Designers jobs can be enhanced by working together:

现在,我们对AI的含义有了一个高级的了解,毫无疑问,它不仅可以为公司的产品组合而且还可以为其工作流程增加价值。 通过一起工作,可以增强数据科学家/分析师和Ux设计师的工作:

AI改善UX流程 (AI to improve UX processes)

The UX Design process follows a Design Thinking approach which is based on 5 phases. AI can be used to make this process much more efficient delivering better outcomes:

UX设计过程遵循基于5个阶段的“设计思维”方法。 人工智能可用于使此过程更加高效,从而提供更好的结果:

1/ Empathize: The key to empathize is to understand, and to understand we need to learn about the audience.

1 /移情:移情的关键是理解,要了解我们需要了解听众。

[AI to improve Research] UX Researchers collect huge amounts of data. Analyzing it takes a lot of time and it can be a very complex task. AI can find patterns based on users behaviours that would be difficult to identify by a human. It can also cluster users to build segments and to understand what binds them together.This will optimize the UX Researcher work and let the UX Designer provide more meaningful prototypes as well as gather better feedback minimizing product errors.

[AI改善研究] UX研究人员收集了大量数据。 分析需要很多时间,这可能是一个非常复杂的任务。 AI可以根据用户难以找到的用户行为找到模式。 它还可以将用户聚集在一起以构建细分并了解将它们捆绑在一起的内容。这将优化UX Researcher的工作,并让UX Designer提供更有意义的原型,并收集更好的反馈,从而最大程度地减少产品错误。

2/ Define: Identifying the users' needs and prioritizing them based on the business goals and the value proposition.

2 /定义:确定用户需求并根据业务目标和价值主张对用户进行优先排序。

[AI to customize experiences] Some products have a wide range of user types. AI could detect profiles and past behaviours to select from a set of experiences and provide the most intuitive and positive one for each particular user.

[AI定制体验]某些产品具有广泛的用户类型。 AI可以检测配置文件和过去的行为以从一组体验中进行选择,并为每个特定用户提供最直观,最积极的体验。

3/ Ideate: Generating ideas for the design.

3 / Ideate:为设计生成想法。

4/ Prototype: Turning ideas into concrete examples.

4 /原型:将想法变成具体的例子。

[AI to move ideas to reality] Some existing tools are able to recognize sketches and transform standard hand-drawn designs into high fidelity mockups or source code. This allows UX Designers test high fidelity ideas much more quickly (Ulizard / Airbnb AI)

[将思想变为现实的AI]一些现有工具能够识别草图并将标准的手绘设计转换为高保真模型或源代码。 这使UX设计人员可以更快地测试高保真度的想法(Ulizard / Airbnb AI)

5/ Test: Evaluating the design. Iterate.

5 /测试:评估设计。 重复。

Infograph: Illustrates the 5 design thinking phases connecting them with AI tools to improve the workflow and a UXD process.

UX创造有意义的AI驱动产品 (UX to create meaningful AI-powered products)

It is important to highlight that introducing UX early on in a product development cycle helps to anticipate, mitigate and reduce errors which saves costs down the line. Fixing a problem in development costs more than fixing it in design, and much more if the product has already been launched. In addition, recovering a frustrated customer can be a really hard task.

重要的是要强调指出,在产品开发周期的早期引入UX 有助于预测,减轻和减少错误,从而节省了成本。 解决开发中的问题要比解决设计中的问题花费更多,如果产品已经发布,则花费更多。 此外,恢复沮丧的客户可能是一项艰巨的任务。

Also, UXers engaged in ongoing collaboration with Data Scientists help to envision what to make and to define priorities based on the users and business needs. The combination of both skill-sets helps to move from a data-centric culture to a user-centric culture that leverages data to enhance the experience.

此外, 与数据科学家进行持续合作的UXer有助于根据用户和业务需求设想要做什么,并确定优先级 。 两种技能组合的结合有助于从以数据为中心的文化转变为以数据为基础来增强体验的以用户为中心的文化。

1/ Empathize and 2/ Define: Before introducing any AI capability, we first need to understand the users' needs and expectations to identify the real problems.

1 /移情定义2 /定义:在引入任何AI功能之前,我们首先需要了解用户的需求和期望,以识别出真正的问题。

3/ Ideate: With the problem statements previously defined, the team can sort them into categories (f.i: Analytic, Functional, Interactive, Content) and start answering questions such as: Would an AI-driven solution solve a real user need? Would it be the best way to solve it for both the users and the business? Is it worth investing in it?

3 / Ideate:利用先前定义的问题陈述,团队可以将其分类(例如:分析,功能,交互,内容),并开始回答以下问题:AI驱动的解决方案是否可以解决用户的实际需求? 对于用户和企业来说,这是解决它的最佳方法吗? 值得投资吗?

A few examples of AI solutions for each category could be:


  • Analytic: Risk assessment, sentiment analysis, retroactive analysis

  • Functional: IoT solutions, robots, mechanical apparati

  • Interactive: Personal assistants, chatbots, Google Home, Alexa

    互动式:个人助理,聊天机器人,Google Home,Alexa
  • Content: Natural language processing, text recognition, speech-to-text conversion, Computer vision, augmented reality


4/ Prototype and 5/ Test: By creating sketches, mockups and animated prototypes, the team has the chance to evaluate the idea, collect feedback, and improve the proposal before investing too much time and money on developing the end solution. A team that creates an AI-driven solution based on user research and testing is the best and most efficient way of improving a customer’s experience. Utilizing this approach is much more likely to produce a solution that satisfies both user needs and business objectives.

4 /原型5 /测试:通过创建草图,模型和动画原型,团队可以在投入太多时间和金钱来开发最终解决方案之前评估想法,收集反馈并改进提案。 一个基于用户研究和测试创建AI驱动的解决方案的团队是改善客户体验的最佳,最有效的方法。 使用这种方法更有可能产生既满足用户需求又满足业务目标的解决方案。

结论 (Conclusion)

AI has increasingly become a strategic focus for many businesses. This strategy is certainly a wise investment. However, AI efforts will likely fail to deliver on anticipated value unless the benefits of AI are focused on solving real customer needs that improve their overall experience.

人工智能已越来越成为许多企业的战略重点。 此策略无疑是一项明智的投资。 但是,除非AI的利益集中在解决真正的客户需求上,以改善他们的整体体验,否则AI的努力可能无法实现预期的价值。

Currently, many UX Designers overlook simple opportunities to include AI in their projects because they face challenges understanding AI capabilities. On the other hand, many Data Scientists and Analysts focus only on the datasets without a deep knowledge about the users pain points. A multidisciplinary team consisting of both UX Designers and Data Scientists/Analysts is crucial in defining when and how to enhance a product by leveraging AI. They have the perfect skill-sets not only to help the company save money by mitigating errors, but also to move it to the next level with solutions that follow the latest trends in the market.

当前,许多UX设计师忽略了将AI纳入其项目的简单机会,因为他们在理解AI功能方面面临挑战。 另一方面,许多数据科学家和分析师只关注数据集,而没有对用户痛点的深入了解。 由UX设计师和数据科学家/分析师组成的多学科团队对于利用AI定义何时以及如何增强产品至关重要。 他们拥有完美的技能集,不仅可以帮助公司通过减少错误来节省资金,还可以通过遵循市场最新趋势的解决方案将其提升到一个新的水平。

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UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/a-ux-designer-lost-in-ai-1e893c61acba

设计师马丁 ai教程文件





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