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翻译 对抗性攻击_任何数据科学家都应该知道的两种对抗性攻击

对抗性攻击As artificial intelligence(AI) and deep learning evolves to become more mainstream in software solutions, they are going to carry with them other disciplines in the technology space. Security is ...

2020-09-29 08:25:00 950

翻译 这些足够相似吗

When you want to measure the similarity between two objects including documents or images, you always encounter important questions such as “what is the right way of defining similarity?”,“how can we ...

2020-09-29 08:14:37 619

翻译 嘿siri_嘿siri我可以帮你吗

嘿siriNuances, expressions, context, jargon, imprecision or social-cultural depth. 细微差别,表情,上下文,行话,不精确或社会文化深度。 Human language is diverse, its own, and can lead to a wide spectrum of interpretations. Ar...

2020-09-29 08:04:53 931

翻译 自动驾驶发展_自动驾驶网络及其发展

自动驾驶发展 介绍 (Introduction)Talking about inspiration in the networking industry, nothing more than Autonomous Driving Network (ADN). You may hear about this and wondering what this is about, and does it...

2020-09-29 07:54:33 3546

翻译 hcnp三本书_这是我关于人工智能的三本书

hcnp三本书Several friends asked me what books I have been reading. I have decided to start a new series sharing the top three books I found useful and insightful on each topic that I am interested in. 有几...

2020-09-29 07:45:00 1895

翻译 人工智能 垂直领域 行业_垂直与水平AI创业公司

人工智能 垂直领域 行业AI Startups continue to emerge at a rapid pace. Since 2014, more than 15,798 AI Startups have received an investment of at least $400k, according to the Stanford AI Index. AI Startups have...

2020-09-29 07:34:21 752

翻译 机器学习多元线性回归_机器学习中的多元线性回归

机器学习多元线性回归Linear regression is useful when we want to predict the values of a variable from its relationship with other variables. There are two different types of linear regression models (simple lin...

2020-09-29 07:24:37 2621

翻译 遗传算法python库_介绍通用的遗传算法python库

遗传算法python库Genetic algorithms (GA) are an optimization and search technique based on the principles of genetics and natural selection, in essence mimicking the natural evolution process that we observ...

2020-09-29 07:14:35 5065

翻译 软件如何成为种族主义者,以及您如何制止种族主义

An audio version of this essay is available as this week’s episode of the Production Ready podcast. 这篇文章的音频版本可以在本周的 Production Ready 播客中获得 。 Software is powerful and can shift the balance of power in...

2020-09-29 07:05:16 548

翻译 机器学习模型的衡量指标_使用消歧自动学习来衡量聊天机器人客户的努力

机器学习模型的衡量指标 介绍 (Introduction)What is Customer Effort, and how can it be measured in chatbot conversations? 什么是客户努力 ,如何在聊天机器人对话中进行衡量? And, how can Disambiguation improve Customer Effort? 并且,消歧如何改善客户的工...

2020-09-29 06:55:06 356

翻译 东风谷早苗机器人玩法_神秘谷介绍机器人

东风谷早苗机器人玩法Re-thinking robotic design: social support robots diving us into the uncanny valley. We don’t need robots to look like humans. Am I the only one here who has never wanted a robot to raise my...

2020-09-29 06:44:36 4488

翻译 新手如何设置和优化关键词_大规模超参数优化的新手指南

新手如何设置和优化关键词Despite the tremendous success of machine learning (ML), modern algorithms still depend on a variety of free non-trainable hyperparameters. Ultimately, our ability to select quality hyperp...

2020-09-29 06:33:46 1063

翻译 自然语言处理职业路线图_自然语言处理nlp的路线图

自然语言处理职业路线图 介绍 (Introduction)Due to the development of Big Data during the last decade. organizations are now faced with analysing large amounts of data coming from a wide variety of sources on a dai...

2020-09-29 06:24:03 380

翻译 修剪神经网络

Much of the success of deep learning has come from building larger and larger neural networks. This allows these models to perform better on various tasks, but also makes them more expensive to use. L...

2020-09-29 06:14:57 731

翻译 外汇交易策略算法_算法交易策略

外汇交易策略算法Algorithmic Trading aims to remove the human factor and instead follows pre-determined statistics based strategies that can be run 24/7 by computers with minimal oversight. Computers can offer...

2020-09-29 06:04:09 977

翻译 隐形字符复制_复制器的隐形传送翘曲驱动以及科幻小说实现的可能性更高

隐形字符复制Science fiction shaped all my ideas about human society as a child. From Star Trek to Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke, I was raised on a steady diet of the future. The beauty of science fiction is t...

2020-09-29 05:53:20 3610

翻译 百度ai 性别_是的,ai可能是种族主义者和性别歧视者,所以我们该怎么办

百度ai 性别Detroit police wrongfully arrested Robert Julian-Borchak Williams in January 2020 for a shoplifting incident that had taken place two years earlier. Williams had nothing to do with the incident...

2020-09-29 05:43:34 1518

翻译 一句话突破上传限制一句话_一句话的基础

一句话突破上传限制一句话Tanesh balodiTanesh balodi Follow跟随 Jun 11 6月11 The Bag-of-words model is a method of representing text data when modeling text with machine learning algorithms. 词袋模型是一种在使用机器学习算法对文本进行建模时表示...

2020-09-29 05:33:53 303

翻译 宗教信仰和推荐系统解决同一问题

人工智能 ,哲学, 舆论 (Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, Opinion)On the surface, religions and recommender systems appear to have nothing in common. One is a historical and social phenomenon, providing th...

2020-09-29 05:23:23 1788

翻译 标记偏见_协作和透明的机器学习可消除偏见

标记偏见No one wants bias in their organization. Underrepresentation has plagued the business world for years and many fear bias is making its way into the artificial intelligence industry. While AI and m...

2020-09-29 05:12:31 289

翻译 js在自定义对象中添加数据_建立自定义的开放图像数据集以进行对象检测

js在自定义对象中添加数据We are excited to announce integration with the Open Images Dataset and the release of two new public datasets encapsulating subdomains of the Open Images Dataset: Vehicles Object Detecti...

2020-09-29 05:03:09 328

翻译 基于百度ai的抑郁症分析_AI根据脑波模式预测有效的抑郁症治疗

基于百度ai的抑郁症分析By Tracie White 由崔西怀特 Current methods used to diagnose and treat depression are imprecise at best, relying largely on subjective answers to survey questions, said Leanne Williams, PhD, St...

2020-09-29 04:53:38 816

翻译 算法偏见是什么_处理人工智能的偏见如何使算法公平公正

算法偏见是什么 算法在AI中扮演什么角色? (What Role do Algorithms Play in AI?)As artificial intelligence becomes more pervasive and entrenched in our lives, we are faced with challenging questions to ensure that the fu...

2020-09-29 04:33:42 2034

翻译 ai项目实施_公司在实施AI时必须避免的6个最大陷阱

ai项目实施The age of AI is upon us and many companies begin to start their AI journey and reap the full potential of AI in their respective industries. But, some still consider AI as an immature technolog...

2020-09-29 04:23:25 401

翻译 ai人工智能换脸原理_他们如何看待AI监视内部工作原理

ai人工智能换脸原理Large scale intelligent surveillance systems used by governments and corporates have attracted a lot of bad press and public outrage over privacy and data security concerns. They often do da...

2020-09-29 04:13:12 543

翻译 生活中的观察者偏见例子_人工智能中的系统偏见

生活中的观察者偏见例子Recently, Dr. Jennifer Lincoln made a TikTok highlighting the multitude of ways that African Americans face discrimination in healthcare such as receiving less pain medication and waiting l...

2020-09-29 04:03:21 715

翻译 ai技术与能源行业_最终AI能源效率的新方程式

ai技术与能源行业How energy-intensive is the AI infrastructure today? And what does that mean for the future of discipline? 如今的AI基础架构有多耗能? 这对学科的未来意味着什么? Rick leads AI business development for M12, Microsoft’...

2020-09-29 03:53:37 285

翻译 ai人工智能_人工智能的6种最佳启动选择

ai人工智能 意见 (Opinion)Artificial Intelligence is the fastest-growing field in the present-day. According to fortune, the statistics say that the hirings for AI specialists have grown by 74% over the las...

2020-09-29 03:43:35 749

翻译 光学字符识别技术的功能_光学音乐识别技术的发展和主要挑战

光学字符识别技术的功能Recently I got my very first paper accepted to the International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (TENOR) 2020. The journey of getting published was very ins...

2020-09-29 03:33:01 435

翻译 关于长寿_你会长寿到永远吗

关于长寿The fear of loneliness is a very common fear in life, and we are all experiencing that by being forced to self-isolate and social-distance. Since humans are “social animals”, it implies that we ca...

2020-09-29 03:23:30 695

翻译 vue路由匹配实现包容性_全球最大的AI会议正在虚拟化,并最终变得更具包容性...

vue路由匹配实现包容性 通用情报 (General Intelligence)Welcome to General Intelligence, OneZero’s weekly dive into the A.I. news and research that matters. 欢迎来到 General Intelligence , OneZero 每周都会深入探讨重要的AI新闻和研究。 T...

2020-09-29 03:12:49 219

翻译 机器学习人工智能中的Rubyyy或nay

Ror是机器学习的最佳选择吗? (IS ROR THE BEST CHOICE FOR MACHINE LEARNING?)Currently, we see many web developers and tech enthusiasts, talking about Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. From Twitter to ...

2020-09-29 03:02:05 386

翻译 unity逼真车辆_局部运动阶段技术可提高篮球动画的丰富度和逼真度

unity逼真车辆Researchers from the University of Edinburgh School of Informatics and video game company Electronic Arts have proposed a novel framework that learns fast and dynamic character interactions. ...

2020-09-29 02:52:48 405

翻译 手写的高棉数字识别

手写识别 (Handwriting recognition)Handwriting recognition is a task in categorizing given handwriting patterns into groups (categories). There are many methods to implement this task from a traditional ...

2020-09-29 02:43:25 1120

翻译 人员识别_为什么我们需要人员重新识别

人员识别In this article, I will briefly introduce to you the field of tracking and re-identification without going into technical details. Before talking about re-identification it is essential to mention...

2020-09-29 02:32:48 994

翻译 超维术士_超维计算及其在人工智能中的作用

超维术士 它是什么? (What is it?)Don’t be intimidated by the name hyperdimensional computing…Even though it sounds like something from Star Trek, this simply means: 不要被超维计算这个名字所吓倒 ……尽管听起来像是《星际迷航》中的东西,但这仅意味着: ...

2020-09-29 02:22:01 2547

翻译 晚上鸟沒事,白天没鸟事_鸟箱

晚上鸟沒事,白天没鸟事This is a sequel to my previous post about image classification using the NABirds data set provided by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. In this article, I move beyond simple classification, ...

2020-09-29 02:12:53 561

翻译 w外星人入侵没法显示外星人_外星生命会是人造的吗

w外星人入侵没法显示外星人 德雷克方程 (The Drake equation)Developed by astronomer Frank Drake in the ’60s, the main purpose of the eponymous equation was not to give a precise number of aliens civilizations lurking be...

2020-09-29 02:03:42 216

翻译 python人脸识别_在python中构建人脸识别器

python人脸识别In this post, I will show you how to build your own face recognizer using Python. Building a program that detects and recognizes faces is a very interesting and fun project to get started wi...

2020-09-29 01:54:38 689

翻译 伯特斯卡斯_解释伯特卡

伯特斯卡斯 重点 (Top highlight)Given a question and a passage, the task of Question Answering (QA) focuses on identifying the exact span within the passage that answers the question. 给定一个问题和一个段落 ,“问答”(QA)的任务...

2020-09-29 01:44:05 229



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