
A shorter version of the below appeared in The Harvard Business Review on May 15, 2020

以下内容的简短版本出现在 2020年5月15日的 《哈佛商业评论》

Twenty years ago, Kevin Rivette and David Kline wrote a book about the hidden value contained within companies’ underutilized patents. These patents, Rivette and Kline argued, represented “Rembrandts in the Attic” (the title of their book*). Patents, the authors suggested, shouldn’t be seen merely as defensive tools but also as monetizable assets that could be deployed in the quest for profits and competitive dominance. In an interview given by the authors, they referred to patents as “the new currency of the knowledge economy.”

二十年前,凯文·里维特(Kevin Rivette)和戴维·克莱恩(David Kline)写了一本书,讲述公司未充分利用的专利所包含的隐性价值。 里维特(Rivette)和克莱恩(Kline)辩称,这些专利代表了“ 阁楼上的伦勃朗 ”(书名*)。 作者认为,专利不仅应被视为防御工具,还应被视为可用于谋取利润和竞争优势的可货币化资产。 在作者的一次采访中 ,他们将专利称为“知识经济的新货币”。

We are still living in the knowledge economy, and organizations are still trying to figure out how to unlock under-utilized assets. But today the currency has shifted: Today’s Rembrandts in the Attic are data. At the same time, the currency and the means of unlocking the value of data are quite different than with patentable innovations. Unlike patents, the key to harnessing data’s value is unlikely to be found in restrictive licensing approaches. Unlocking the value of data requires a new approach, one that recognizes that the value of data ultimately lies in access, collaboration, and application of data to solving a wide range of problems using tools like machine learning.

我们仍然生活在知识经济中,组织仍在努力寻找如何释放未充分利用的资产的方法。 但是今天,货币发生了变化:今天阁楼中的伦勃朗是数据。 同时,货币和释放数据价值的方式与专利创新大不相同。 与专利不同,在限制性许可方法中不太可能找到利用数据价值的关键。 释放数据的价值需要一种新的方法,该方法应认识到数据的价值最终取决于使用机器学习等工具来解决广泛问题的访问,协作和应用。

The vast amounts of data being generated today represent a vast repository of potential value (and danger), and not just monetary: there is tremendous social good to be unlocked as well. But do organizations — and more importantly, do we as a society — know how to unlock this value? Do we know how to find the insights hidden in our digital attics and use them to improve people’s lives? And how do we unlock these treasures in a manner that is societal beneficial?

今天生成的大量数据代表着巨大的潜在价值(和危险),而不仅仅是金钱:巨大的社会价值也需要解锁。 但是,组织(更重要的是,我们作为一个社会)是否知​​道如何释放这一价值? 我们是否知道如何找到隐藏在数字阁楼中的见解,并利用它们来改善人们的生活? 我们如何以对社会有益的方式释放这些宝藏?

At The GovLab, an action-oriented think tank located within NYU, we are dedicated to unleashing the societal value of data to improve decision making. Our work with corporations, governments, and non-profit organizations has convinced us of the tremendous potential (and risks) of this data, and also that the potential remains largely unfulfilled.

在位于纽约大学内的行动导向智囊团GovLab ,我们致力于释放数据的社会价值,以改善决策制定能力。 我们与公司,政府和非营利组织的合作使我们相信了这些数据的巨大潜力(和风险),而且这种潜力在很大程度上尚未实现。

In what follows, we outline four steps that we think could help data stewards (we resist using the term “data owners”) to maximize the potential.


If there is an overarching theme that emerges, it is about the value of re-using. In recent years, several countries have witnessed the rise of an open data movement, and a growing number of organizations have taken steps to release or made accessible previously siloed data sets. Despite occasional trepidation on the part of data holders, our research has repeatedly shown that such efforts can be value-enhancing — both for data holders and for society at large. Better and more transparent re-use of data is arguably the single most important measure we can take to unleash the full possibilities of data.

如果出现一个总体主题,那就是重用的价值。 近年来,几个国家目睹了开放数据运动的兴起,越来越多的组织已采取步骤发布或访问以前孤立的数据集。 尽管数据持有人偶尔会感到不安,但我们的研究反复表明,这种努力可以为数据持有人和整个社会带来增值。 更好和更透明地重复使用数据可以说是我们释放数据的全部可能性所能采取的最重要的措施。

1.开发新的方法来识别和衡量数据的价值 (1. Develop new methodologies to identify and measure the value of data)

The first step required to fulfill this potential is for all stakeholders to arrive at a better understanding of just what we mean by value. Today there exists widespread consensus that data is valuable. Despite such agreement, however, there exists no equally accepted method for calculating or estimating the value of data. Such a consensus must be arrived at through a broad process of consultation that involves data holders and users from all sectors, as well as policymakers, researchers and academics, and civil society or other groups representing the public interest.

发挥这种潜力的第一步是让所有利益相关者更好地理解我们的价值含义。 今天,人们普遍认为数据有价值的。 尽管达成了这样的协议,但是,还没有一种同样可接受的方法来计算或估计数据的价值。 必须通过广泛的协商过程达成这样的共识,这一协商过程涉及所有部门的数据持有者和用户,以及决策者,研究人员和学者以及民间社会或代表公共利益的其他团体。

One important consideration is what variables or indices to use. While data may have monetary worth, it can also have what a recent report by the Bennett Institute for Public policy refers to as “social welfare” value, which means that unlocking or sharing data could contribute to “the wellbeing of all society.” These two forms of value — societal and monetary — may not always coincide. For example, in re-using data, an organization may surrender a certain amount of financial advantage (or incur an opportunity cost) even while contributing to the broader social welfare. To guide such difficult decisions, policymakers and society at large must determine broader metrics of valuation and consider how various metrics interact and sometimes clash. In addition to social and monetary value, other metrics to consider include potential harms that may result from releasing or sharing data; and the opportunity costs of not re-using data. All these metrics co-exist in a delicate balance. Considered together, they can help organizations determine the true value of data.

一个重要的考虑因素是要使用哪些变量或索引。 尽管数据可能具有金钱价值,但它也可以具有Bennett公共政策研究所最近的报告所称的“社会福利”价值,这意味着解锁或共享数据可以有助于“全社会的福祉”。 社会和货币这两种价值形式可能并不总是重合。 例如,在重用数据时,即使在为更广泛的社会福利做出贡献的同时,组织也可能放弃一定数量的财务优势(或招致机会成本)。 为了指导这些困难的决策,决策者和整个社会必须确定更广泛的评估指标,并考虑各种指标之间的相互作用和冲突。 除了社会和金钱价值外,其他要考虑的指标还包括因发布或共享数据而可能造成的潜在危害; 以及重复使用数据的机会成本。 所有这些指标在微妙的平衡中共存。 一起考虑,它们可以帮助组织确定数据的真正价值。

2.建立有利的生态系统和协作框架,从提取价值转变为共同创造价值 (2. Develop enabling ecosystems and collaborative frameworks to move from extraction to co-creation of value)

Unlike physical assets, data goods are non-rivalrous and intangible, which means that they can be shared without depriving their original holders of benefit. The process of maximizing under-utilized data assets will therefore often involve arriving at new institutions and frameworks to enable data collaboration and what we call “co-creation of value.” This concept of co-creation is not new and various experts have called for the creation of new institutions to facilitate it in different sectors. In her book, The Entrepreneurial State, University College London Professor Mariana Mazzucato argues that such a framework is necessary to bring the public and private sectors together to spur innovation. She writes:

与有形资产不同,数据商品是非竞争性和无形的,这意味着可以共享数据商品而不会剥夺其原始持有者的利益。 因此,最大化未充分利用的数据资产的过程通常涉及到建立新的机构和框架以实现数据协作以及我们所谓的“价值共同创造”。 这种共同创造的概念并不是什么新鲜事物,许多专家呼吁建立新的机构,以促进不同部门的共同创新。 伦敦大学学院教授玛丽安娜·马祖卡托(Mariana Mazzucato)在其《企业家的状态》一书中指出,这种框架对于将公共部门和私营部门联合起来以刺激创新是必要的。 她写道:

“Creating a symbiotic (more mutualistic) public–private innovation ecosystem thus requires new methods, metrics and indicators to evaluate public investments and their results. Without the right tools for evaluating investments, governments have a hard time knowing when they are merely operating in existing spaces and when they are making things happen that would not have happened otherwise. The result: investments that are too narrow, constrained by the prevailing path-dependent, techno-economic paradigm.”

“因此,创建共生(更相互共生)的公私创新生态系统需要新的方法,指标和指标来评估公共投资及其结果。 如果没有正确的投资评估工具,政府将很难知道何时仅在现有空间中运营以及何时使事情发生,否则就不会发生。 结果是:投资过于狭窄,受到普遍依赖路径的技术经济范式的约束。”

Data use can operate the same way, bringing together different institutions from the public and private sector to find new, innovative approaches through what we call “data collaboratives.” We outline some specifics of these institutions and frameworks below. The broader goal is to create new ecosystems of sharing that move beyond legacy models of value extraction and asset hoarding.

数据使用可以以相同的方式进行操作,将公共和私营部门的不同机构聚集在一起,以通过我们称为“数据协作”的方式找到新的创新方法。 我们在下面概述了这些机构和框架的一些细节。 更广泛的目标是创建新的共享生态系统,超越传统的价值提取和资产ho积模型。

Drawing on the analogy with patents (those earlier “Rembrandts in the attic”), it is worth pointing out in this context the dangers and risks of not sharing. While patents can be competitive assets for companies, they also often block innovation and prevent true competition from emerging. In much the same way, data hoarding can result in broader societal and monetary losses. These losses may ultimately rebound on the data holders themselves, who fail to benefit from missed-out innovations or breakthroughs.

参照专利(较早的“阁楼上的伦勃朗”)的类推,在这种情况下,值得指出的是共享的危险和风险。 尽管专利可以成为公司的竞争资产,但它们通常也会阻碍创新并阻止真正的竞争的出现。 同样,数据same积可能导致更大范围的社会和金钱损失。 这些损失最终可能会使数据持有者自己反弹,而他们却无法从错过的创新或突破中受益。

3.通过新的数据协作和重用条件进行创新 (3. Innovate with new data collaborations and re-use conditions)

In order to enable sharing, we need new structures that foster partnerships and more collaborative approaches. The old model of single-ownership is outdated and no longer conducive to maximizing the value of data assets. Data holders are also unlikely to foster public value creation by simply auctioning off their “Rembrandts” to the highest, most well-resourced bidder. Several structures have been proposed, including data co-ops, data commons and (our preferred term at The GovLab) data collaboratives.

为了实现共享,我们需要能够促进伙伴关系和更多协作方法的新结构。 单一所有权的旧模型已经过时,不再有利于最大化数据资产的价值。 数据持有者也不太可能通过简单地将其“伦勃朗”拍卖给出价最高,资源最丰富的竞标者来促进公共价值创造。 已经提出了几种结构 ,包括数据合作社,数据共享和(我们在GovLab的首选术语) 数据协作

Data collaboration can take many forms. In our typology, we generally focus on two defining variables: engagement and accessibility. The first variable, engagement, refers to the degree to which the data supply and demand actors co-design the use of corporate data assets. We find that collaboration is often independent, in that the private-sector holder has little to no involvement in data re-use, cooperative, in that data suppliers and data users work together, and directed, in that the data holder seeks a specific product. The second variable, accessibility, the extent to which external parties can access private data. Within it, we find that data is either open access, in that there are few restrictions on who can see it, or restricted, in that only pre-selected partners received unfettered access.

数据协作可以采用多种形式。 在类型学中 ,我们通常关注两个定义​​变量:参与度和可访问性。 第一个变量engagement是指数据供求参与者共同设计公司数据资产的使用程度。 我们发现协作通常是独立的,因为私营部门的所有者很少或根本没有参与数据的再利用,合作,因为数据供应商和数据用户一起工作并受到指导,因为数据所有者寻求特定的产品。 第二个变量accessibility ,外部方可以访问私有数据的程度。 在其中,我们发现数据要么是开放式访问,要么对于谁可以看到数据没有任何限制,要么受到限制,因为只有预先选定的合作伙伴才能获得不受限制的访问权限。

From these variables, a variety of models emerge. For data collaboratives where there is both independent data usage and open access, we see public interfaces such as APIs, which the startup Numina uses in its Street Intelligence initiative, and data platforms, such as Uber Movement. Data collaboratives with open access and directed use often are prizes and challenges in which companies make data available to individuals who compete to develop apps. These competitions can be open challenges that allow participation from the public, such as the LinkedIn Economic Graph Challenge, or more selective challenges directed at a few trusted partners, such as the Orange Telecom Data for Development Challenge. Other models include data pools, trusted intermediaries, research and analysis partnerships, and intelligence generation ventures.

从这些变量中,出现了各种模型。 对于既有独立数据使用又有开放访问权限的数据协作,我们看到了公共接口(如初创公司Numina在其Street Intelligence计划中使用的API)以及数据平台(如Uber Movement) 。 具有开放访问权和有针对性使用的数据协作通常是奖品和挑战,在这些挑战和挑战中,公司向竞争开发应用程序的个人提供数据。 这些竞赛可以是允许公众参与的公开挑战,例如LinkedIn经济图挑战 ,也可以是针对少数可信赖的合作伙伴的更具选择性的挑战,例如Orange Telecom Data for Development挑战 。 其他模型包括数据池,可信赖的中介机构,研究和分析伙伴关系以及情报生成企业。

While each of these frameworks has its distinguishing characteristics, they all share a commitment to developing fresh forms of data management and re-use conditions, including new sharing agreements and licensing provisions. They begin from a recognition that data is in many respects unlike conventional assets, and that more sophisticated forms of governance and value-maximization are required in order to work through some of the tradeoffs and competing valuation metrics. In particular, these new partnerships and holding entities can help balance the private (often monetary) value of data holders and the wider societal benefits of sharing.

尽管每个框架都有其独特的特征,但它们都共同致力于开发新形式的数据管理和重用条件,包括新的共享协议和许可条款。 他们开始认识到数据在许多方面都不同于常规资产,并且需要更复杂的治理和价值最大化形式,才能通过一些权衡和竞争性评估指标来工作。 这些新的伙伴关系和控股实体尤其可以帮助平衡数据持有者的私人(通常是货币)价值和共享所带来的更广泛的社会利益。

A variety of barriers stands in the way of streamlining open and re-using data, including the absence of an enabling and scalable policy and legislative agenda, the lack of internal capacity and limited access to external expertise and resources. And at a time of increased data asymmetries, and the growing need for data to develop artificial intelligence we need to develop new intermediaries that can help to lower these barriers and build a center of expertise that is available to all; and democratizes data availability.

精简开放和重复使用数据的方式存在多种障碍,包括缺乏可行的,可扩展的政策和立法议程,缺乏内部能力以及对外部专业知识和资源的获取受限。 在数据不对称性日益增加以及开发人工智能的数据需求日益增长之际,我们需要开发新的中介机构,以帮助降低这些障碍并建立一个所有人均可使用的专业知识中心。 并使数据可用性民主化。

Those focused on enabling data collaboration should also take a page from the open source software movement. Open source has become the default business model thanks to the existence of flexible yet trusted policy and legal instrument, concepts of good stewardship, and an ethos of collaboration and peer-learning.

那些致力于实现数据协作的人员也应该从开源软件运动中汲取经验。 由于存在灵活但值得信赖的政策和法律工具,良好管理的理念以及协作和对等学习的精神,开源已成为默认的业务模型。

4.识别和培养数据管理员 (4. Identify and nurture data stewards)

As data collaboratives and other similar structures gain increasing validity, it is becoming clear that new human and institutional roles will be required to foster them (and more generally to encourage a culture of sharing). In our work at the GovLab, we have identified a key role within data holding organizations for what we call data stewards. As the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Business-to-Government Data Sharing recognizes, these individuals or teams empowered to proactively initiate, facilitate, and coordinate data sharing are essential to using cross-organizational and cross-sector data toward the public interest.

随着数据协作和其他类似结构的有效性越来越高,越来越明显的是,将需要新的人员和机构角色来培养它们(更广泛地说,是鼓励共享文化)。 在GovLab的工作中,我们已经在数据保存组织中确定了所谓的数据管理员的关键角色 正如欧洲委员会企业对政府数据共享高级专家组所承认的那样,有权主动发起,促进和协调数据共享的这些个人或团队对于使用跨组织和跨部门的数据来实现公共利益至关重要。 。

Data stewards can be seen as the curators of the “Rembrandts” held by a business or institution. They are individuals or groups who manage data within their organizations, and whose specific remit is to maximize both the societal and monetary value of data assets by fostering collaboration and sharing, with an eye to maximizing both societal and monetary value. Among other responsibilities and roles, data stewards can identify under-utilized data that may have potential value; locate and foster partnerships to help unlock that value; and ensure a responsible framework that balances potential benefits of sharing against possible risks such as harms to privacy or security.

数据管理员可以看作是企业或机构持有的“伦勃朗”的策展人。 他们是在组织内管理数据的个人或团体,其特定职责是通过促进协作和共享来最大化数据资产的社会和货币价值,以期实现社会和货币价值的最大化。 在其他职责和角色中,数据管理员可以识别未充分利用的数据,这些数据可能具有潜在价值; 寻找并促进伙伴关系,以帮助释放该价值; 并确保建立一个负责任的框架,平衡共享的潜在利益与可能的风险(例如,对隐私或安全的损害)之间的平衡。

*Venkatesh Hariharan reminded me of the book during a fascinating discussion at The GovLab on governance and data collaboratives, which was in part the inspiration for this blog.

* Venkatesh Hariharan在GovLab上有关治理和数据协作的有趣讨论中使我想起了这本书,这在一定程度上是本博客的灵感。

** Thanks also to Andrew Young, Dave Green, Akash Kapur, Michelle Winowatan and Andrew Zahuranec for their input.

**也感谢Andrew Young,Dave Green,Akash Kapur,Michelle Winowatan和Andrew Zahuranec的投入。

翻译自: https://medium.com/data-stewards-network/todays-rembrandts-in-the-attic-unlocking-the-hidden-value-of-data-e98bc308fd9e





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