

通用情报 (General Intelligence)

Welcome to General Intelligence, OneZero’s weekly dive into the A.I. news and research that matters.

欢迎来到 General Intelligence OneZero 每周都会深入探讨重要的AI新闻和研究。

One of the most serious facial recognition technology failures may never have come to light if it wasn’t for a single tweet. “I’d love to talk to you about Detroit’s facial recognition & my family,” Melissa Williams, a food blogger whose husband had been wrongfully arrested due to faulty use of facial recognition, tweeted to an outreach coordinator for the ACLU of Michigan.

Ø最严重的面部识别技术故障NE可能从来没有显露出来,如果它不是一个单一的鸣叫。 “我很想和您谈谈底特律的面部识别和我的家人,”美食博客的梅利莎·威廉姆斯(Melissa Williams)在推特上发了一条推文给密歇根州ACLU的外展协调员,该丈夫因面部识别错误而被捕。

Months later, the story of Robert Williams’ wrongful arrest was in the New York Times, Washington Post, and NPR. Police had run a blurry image of a Black man through their facial recognition engine, and unknown algorithmic arithmetic brought them to Robert Williams.

几个月后,罗伯特·威廉姆斯的错误逮捕的STOR y为在纽约时报华盛顿邮报和NPR。 警察通过他们的面部识别引擎对黑人进行了模糊的描绘,未知的算法将他们带到了罗伯特·威廉姆斯。

The New York Times indicated that Williams’ arrest was the first time a poor facial recognition match led to an arrest like this in the United States. But it may be just the tip of the iceberg.

纽约时报》指出,威廉姆斯的逮捕是第一次糟糕的面部识别比赛导致在美国的此类逮捕。 但这可能只是冰山一角。

How many people have been caught up in similar mistakes but don’t know that facial recognition led to their arrest? How many don’t know to tweet at an ACLU outreach coordinator? It’s impossible to know.

有多少人被类似的错误所困,但不知道面部识别会导致他们被捕? 有多少不知道在ACLU外联协调员上发推文? 这是不可能的。

Facial recognition is pervasive across the United States and used in law enforcement agencies that range from small-town police departments to cities with billions in annual funding. It’s becoming a cornerstone of policing: Dataworks Plus, the company that sells facial recognition database software and access to algorithms in Detroit, has contracts in dozens of cities and states. Biometrics giant NEC has more than 1,000 contracts around the world.

面部识别在美国各地都很普遍,并且在执法机构中使用,从小城镇警察局到每年拨款数十亿美元的城市,不一而足。 它正成为维持治安的基石:Dataworks Plus是在底特律出售面部识别数据库软件并访问算法的公司,已在数十个城市和州签约。 生物识别技术巨头NEC在全球拥有1,000多个合同

Last week, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM made news for pausing or stopping their facial recognition programs with police departments. (Apple, on the other hand, announced this week it was adding facial recognition to HomeKit, its software to connect your iPhone or iPad to devices like video doorbells and smart lights.) But these aren’t the real players that have their technology deployed in communities, like NEC, RankOne, and Cognitec.

上周,亚马逊,微软和IBM向警察部门发出了暂停或停止面部识别程序的消息。 (另一方面,苹果公司本周宣布将在HomeKit中增加面部识别功能 ,该软件可将您的iPhone或iPad连接到视频门铃和智能灯等设备。)但这些并不是真正部署了技术的播放器在NEC,RankOne和Cognitec等社区中。

How many people have been caught up in similar mistakes but don’t know that facial recognition led to their arrest?


Communities are finally fighting back against the steady creep of facial recognition. This week, Boston voted to ban government use of facial recognition, making it the fourth community in Massachusetts to do so. This East Coast facial recognition legislative stronghold complements the West Coast’s Bay Area bans in San Francisco, Alameda, Berkeley, and Oakland.

社区终于在反击面部识别技术的不断发展。 本周,波士顿投票决定禁止政府使用面部识别,这使其成为马萨诸塞州第四个这样做的社区。 这个东海岸人脸识别立法据点是对西海岸在旧金山,阿拉米达,伯克利和奥克兰的湾区禁令的补充。

It’s a race against time. Policymakers are moving quickly — each of these cities announced their bans in the span of just over a year—but maybe not quickly enough to keep up with the meteoric rise of adoption in facial recognition by police in the past decade.

这是一场与时间的竞赛。 决策者们正在Swift采取行动-这些城市中的每一个都在一年多的时间里宣布了禁令-但可能赶不上跟上过去十年来警察对面部识别的采用的迅猛增长的步伐。

That might change if a new bill proposed by House and Senate Democrats passes. The Facial Recognition and Biometric Technology Moratorium Act , announced yesterday, would put an indefinite ban on facial recognition for federal, state, and local agencies.

如果众议院和参议院民主党提出的新法案获得通过,这可能会改变。 昨天宣布的《 面部识别和生物识别技术暂停法》将无限期禁止联邦,州和地方机构进行面部识别。

“Between the risks of sliding into a surveillance state we can’t escape from and the dangers of perpetuating discrimination, this technology is not ready for prime time,” Jeff Merkley told CNET. Increasingly, policymakers agree.

杰夫·默克利( Jeff Merkley) 告诉CNET: “在陷入我们无法逃脱的监视状态的风险与永久歧视的危险之间,这项技术还没有准备就绪。” 政策制定者越来越同意。

Here’s some of the most interesting A.I. research of the week:


RL Unplugged:离线强化学习基准 (RL Unplugged: Benchmarks for Offline Reinforcement Learning)

DeepMind researchers released a benchmark, data, and algorithms for “unplugged” machine learning. An example might be a robot that needs to continuously learn while not constantly communicating with a central server.

DeepMind研究人员发布了用于“不插电”机器学习的基准,数据和算法。 例如,需要不断学习而又不与中央服务器持续通信的机器人。

使用蒙特卡洛树搜索和深度神经网络进行电路布线 (Circuit Routing Using Monte Carlo Tree Search and Deep Neural Networks)

Every computer is built on printed circuit boards, and printed circuit boards need to be meticulously designed. Two researchers from Iowa State University are trying to automate that process, potentially speeding up the time spent designing new tech.

每台计算机都构建在印刷电路板上,并且印刷电路板需要精心设计。 爱荷华州立大学的两名研究人员正在尝试使这一过程自动化,从而有可能加快设计新技术的时间。

深度学习对SAR图像中的溢油进行大规模检测和分类 (Large-Scale Detection and Categorization of Oil Spills From SAR Images With Deep Learning)

In an ideal world, we wouldn’t have oil spills. But in this world, we do. Scientists are now finding faster and faster ways to identify them. In this paper, researchers try to identify oil spills by interpreting satellite radar images. The massive amount of satellite imagery is rich training data for what an oil spill looks like from space, so authors were able to train algorithms to detect the shape of a spill.

在理想的世界中,我们不会发生漏油事件。 但是在这个世界上,我们做到了。 科学家现在正在寻找越来越快的方法来识别它们。 在本文中,研究人员试图通过解释卫星雷达图像来识别漏油事件。 大量的卫星图像提供了丰富的训练数据,可以了解太空中发生的漏油情况,因此作者能够训练算法来检测漏油的形状。

翻译自: https://onezero.medium.com/we-need-to-know-how-often-facial-recognition-fails-e9ba3a90745f


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