

Bias in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most dangerous factor in the development of AI algorithms. Yes, even more important than that ubiquitous fear immortalized in movies — that robots will kill us all.

人工智能(AI) 乙 IAS是在AI算法的开发中最危险的因素。 是的,比在电影中永生不朽的恐惧更重要的是,机器人会杀死我们所有人。

Those most at risk for suffering at the hands of bias in AI algorithms are the most vulnerable members of our society. This is no different in healthcare.

那些在AI算法偏见中面临最大风险的人是我们社会中最脆弱的成员。 在医疗保健方面也是如此。

According to a study published in the American Medical Association Journal of Ethics,


“In contrast to human bias, algorithmic bias occurs when an AI model, trained on a given dataset, produces results that may be completely unintended by the model creators.”


This differentiates bias in an AI algorithm from bias in a non-AI based algorithm. In a non-AI based algorithm, a software developer can determine the source of the resulting bias and change the formula to remove the bias.

这将AI算法中的偏差与非基于AI算法中的偏差区分开来。 在基于非AI的算法中,软件开发人员可以确定所得偏差的来源,并更改公式以消除偏差。

In an AI algorithm, the software arrives at the clinical decision using a method hidden from the software developer. This phenomenon, called black-box learning, makes it more difficult to detect and fix the bias in an algorithm.

在AI算法中,软件使用对软件开发人员隐藏的方法来做出临床决策。 这种称为黑盒学习的现象使检测和修复算法中的偏差变得更加困难。

人工智能的好处 (Benefits of AI)

At a fundamental level, a software program that can autonomously operate increases efficiency. A program that quickly learns from its mistakes translates to a diagnostician that is far faster and smarter than a human diagnostician (also known as a doctor).

从根本上讲,可以自主运行的软件程序可以提高效率。 快速从错误中学习的程序将转化为比人类诊断师(也称为医生)更快,更聪明的诊断师。

Better diagnosticians mean fewer medical errors. It means shorter wait times for diagnoses. It means personalized treatment plans. Over time and with scale, this should result in humans who live longer and with fewer illnesses.

更好的诊断师意味着更少的医疗错误。 这意味着更短的诊断等待时间。 这意味着个性化的治疗计划。 随着时间和规模的增长,这将导致人类寿命更长,疾病更少。

And yes, it will also mean that we will need fewer doctors.


This result of AI is worthy of a separate discussion. In short, if you’re reading this article, you’ll likely always have the option of a human doctor in your lifetime or an algorithm that human doctors are overseeing.

AI的结果值得单独讨论。 简而言之,如果您正在阅读本文,那么您一生中都可能会选择一名医生,或者由医生监督的算法。

The transition to machine learning algorithms has long been underway but like automation processes before it, AI technology will need humans to oversee it for many years to come.


So how does AI show up in your care?


数据驱动的临床决策支持 (Data-driven clinical decision support)

AI-based clinical decision support (CDS) systems have already been in use in several specialties for different medical tasks.


These software algorithms incorporate either human knowledge or large amounts of data (also called machine learning) to provide a clinical recommendation.

这些软件算法结合了人类知识或大量数据(也称为机器学习 )来提供临床建议。

The advantage of knowledge-driven CDS systems is that the basis or logic for their recommendations is easy to discern. However, data-driven CDS systems may arrive at innovative clinical recommendations but the logic may be much less transparent.

知识驱动的CDS系统的优势在于,可以轻松分辨出其建议的基础或逻辑。 但是,数据驱动的CDS系统可能会提出创新的临床建议,但是逻辑可能不那么透明。

行政任务 (Administrative tasks)

This is one of the most practical uses for AI algorithms in many industries. Outsourcing billing or medical record maintenance to algorithms frees up time for healthcare staff to focus on patient care. It also reduces overall healthcare costs.

这是许多行业中AI算法最实际的用途之一。 将账单或病历维护外包到算法中,可以腾出时间让医护人员专注于患者护理。 它还可以降低总体医疗保健成本。

大规模数据分析,用于模式识别 (Large scale data analysis for pattern identification)

AI can analyze large amounts of historical data to tease out novel insights that can predict the future course of a person’s health. AI is the key to providing personalized healthcare that incorporates many types of personal data.

人工智能可以分析大量的历史数据,以挖掘出新颖的见解,这些见解可以预测一个人未来的健康历程。 人工智能是提供包含多种类型个人数据的个性化医疗保健的关键。

Data amassed from a person’s genomics, their medical record, and even their smartwatch can alert the person and their doctor to medical risks and hopefully someday predict their long-term outlook.


筛选 (Screening)

Everyone has a radiologist. If you have ever received an Xray or Ultrasound, your radiologist analyzed your images and issued a report to the doctor who ordered your exam.

每个人都有放射科医生。 如果您曾经收到过X射线或超声波检查,则放射科医生会分析您的图像,并向下达检查命令的医生发出报告。

One issue that comes up for radiologists where AI is of tremendous help is with routine studies. Routine means there is no urgent need for a diagnosis, such as Chest X-rays ordered at annual physicals.

对于放射线医师来说,人工智能的巨大帮助之一就是常规研究。 例行检查意味着没有急诊诊断的必要,例如按年度体检要求进行的胸部X光检查。

A problem arises when a catastrophic abnormality such as a markedly enlarged aorta in a person who is complaining of mild backache. This means the X-ray needs urgent attention. But if the list of routine X-rays is long (as commonly occurs in most hospitals), the X-ray may not be interpreted for hours or sometimes 1–2 days.

当抱怨轻度腰酸的人发生灾难性异常(例如主动脉明显肿大)时,就会出现问题。 这意味着需要紧急关注X射线。 但是,如果常规X射线的清单很长(在大多数医院中通常会发生这种情况),则X射线可能要数小时甚至有时是1-2天才能被解释。

A software algorithm trained on data from thousands of X-rays will be able to screen and detect this urgent abnormality before the human radiologist can get to reading it. This also allows the radiologist to focus on emergency examinations.

经过训练的软件算法可以对来自数千个X射线的数据进行训练,从而可以在人类放射线医师能够读取之前筛选和检测这种紧急异常情况。 这也使放射科医生可以集中精力进行紧急检查。

The overarching appeal of algorithms for screening, diagnosis, and treatment is also based on the fact that unlike we petty, pathetic, biased humans, software algorithms are objective and free of human error.


Or are they?


AI的陷阱 (Pitfalls of AI)

The problems of AI in healthcare fall into three categories.


  • Use of already biased data to train a software algorithm.

  • A software algorithm that contains no bias but has a biased design or organization.

  • A software algorithm is incorrectly applied and thus produces bias.


Let’s look at some examples.


有偏数据 (Biased data)

You might be wondering: Why would anyone put flawed data into an algorithm?


  1. Humans are biased. It’s a longstanding, unfortunate feature of healthcare like it is in many systems in the US (including the technology industry).

    人类有偏见。 与美国许多系统(包括技术行业)一样,它是医疗保健的一项长期而不幸的功能。
  2. Unconscious bias or being unaware that one lacks objectivity results in data containing hidden bias.


For example, when Serena Williams began having chest pain and difficulty breathing after giving birth, she knew she was having a pulmonary embolism. She’d had them before.

例如,当塞雷娜·威廉姆斯出生后开始出现胸痛和呼吸困难时,她知道自己患有肺栓塞。 她以前有过。

Serena also had a history of developing blood clots in her leg veins, a common precursor to a pulmonary embolism. When she told her nurse, the nurse assumed she was confused as a side effect of her pain medication. Serena’s doctor ordered a sonogram of her legs instead of a CT scan of her chest.

小威(Serena)在腿部静脉中也有血栓形成的历史,这是肺栓塞的常见先兆。 当她告诉护士时,护士认为她因服用止痛药而感到困惑。 Serena的医生下令对她的双腿进行超声检查,而不是对胸部进行CT扫描。

Pulmonary embolisms are a common cause of sudden death. Serena had the privilege and knowledge to advocate for herself. She also was lucky to have smaller emboli that didn’t kill her in the delay until the doctor finally ordered the correct test.

肺栓塞是猝死的常见原因。 Serena有特权和知识为自己辩护。 她还很幸运地拥有较小的栓子,直到医生最终命令进行正确的检查后,她才在延误中杀死了她。

Serena’s case isn’t unique. But many Black mothers are not so lucky.

Serena的案子并非唯一。 但是许多黑人母亲并不那么幸运。

Black mothers with high levels of education and socioeconomic access are more likely to have severe postpartum complications compared to white mothers according to this 2016 study of maternal morbidity in NYC.


Now imagine you want to train an AI algorithm to screen for patients at risk for postpartum complications using data from childbirths at an NYC hospital. Your data will include visits of Black mothers who receive biased treatment from healthcare professionals in the hospital.

现在,假设您想训练一个AI算法,使用纽约市一家医院的分娩数据筛查有产后并发症风险的患者。 您的数据将包括黑人母亲的就诊次数,这些黑人母亲在医院的医疗保健专业人员中受到偏见治疗。

This subset of your data isn’t labeled racist, of course. Patients rarely get the opportunity to provide this kind of feedback. The next time these Black women need care, they may opt to visit a different hospital, in the hopes of escaping bias.

当然,您的数据子集没有标记为种族主义者。 患者很少有机会提供这种反馈。 这些黑人妇女下次需要护理时,可能会选择去另一家医院,以逃避偏见。

In contrast to human bias, algorithmic bias occurs when an AI model, trained on a given dataset, produces results that may be completely unintended by the model creators.


If your data only uses visits from this single hospital, the algorithm will not select this high-risk group because they’ll show fewer hospital visits in total. Yet this is precisely the group that needs more resources to reduce the risk of postpartum complications.

如果您的数据仅使用来自该单一医院的就诊,则该算法将不会选择此高风险组,因为它们总共将显示较少的医院就诊。 然而,正是这个团体需要更多的资源来减少产后并发症的风险。

偏差算法设计 (Biased algorithm design)

A study in the journal Science revealed racial bias in a widely used algorithm designed to determine which patients in a healthcare system would benefit from additional high-risk care management programs. These programs include specialized health care professionals and other costly resources. Software that can identify the people who would benefit from these resources the most is desirable.

《科学》杂志上的一项研究揭示了一种广泛使用的算法中的种族偏见,该算法旨在确定医疗保健系统中的哪些患者将从其他高风险护理管理计划中受益。 这些计划包括专业的医疗保健专业人员和其他昂贵的资源。 需要一种能够确定将最受益于这些资源的人员的软件。

The sickest patients will benefit the most from the added resources. The algorithm used health care cost as a proxy for health care needs. In isolation, this is a reasonable assumption because the sicker a person is, the higher their health care needs are, hence more money is required for their care.

最病的患者将从增加的资源中受益最大。 该算法使用医疗保健成本作为医疗保健需求的代理。 孤立地讲,这是一个合理的假设,因为一个人越重病,其医疗保健需求就越高,因此需要更多的钱来照顾他们。

The dataset shows that health care costs for Black people are slightly less than whites but doesn’t take into account several factors.


  • Black people may not see doctors as regularly due to inherent cultural distrust in a system that has been biased against them.

  • They may have insufficient insurance coverage that restricts access to specialists or expensive medication.

  • Their care may be fragmented—they see healthcare professionals in different hospitals and health care systems like the Black mothers in the example above.


This isn’t just this specific piece of software. Using cost as a predictor of health needs in algorithms is a widely-used practice.

这不仅仅是这个特定的软件。 在算法中使用成本作为健康需求的预测指标是一种广泛使用的做法。

算法的有偏应用 (Biased application of an algorithm)

An algorithm designed to screen for signals of an impending heart attack. If the algorithm is taught using a dataset comprised of white men only and is used for this patient population, there’s no bias.

一种旨在筛选即将发生的心脏病发作信号的算法。 如果仅使用仅由白人组成的数据集来教授该算法,并且将该算法用于该患者人群,则不会有偏差。

If it’s incorrectly applied to women, who often show different symptoms when having a heart attack, the algorithm will fail to detect some women who are about to have a heart attack.


To be clear, AI/Machine Learning technology is already in wide use in algorithms that affect our healthcare decisions. It is NOT currently operating without human supervision.

需要明确的是,人工智能/机器学习技术已经广泛应用于影响我们医疗决策的算法中。 目前,没有人的监督,它就无法运行。

It’s important for people who interact with healthcare to know that bias may play a role in decisions being made for them.


Unfortunately, the onus often falls to sick patients and their families to advocate for themselves. In the case of AI algorithms, advocacy means asking how determinations are made (for example, in the insurance process).

不幸的是,疾病患者和他们的家人常常有责任为自己辩护。 对于AI算法,倡导意味着询问如何做出决定(例如,在保险过程中)。

It’s also crucial for physicians and other healthcare workers to know bias can exist in software programs.


Assuming that objectivity is inherent in AI-based software programs is naive and will continue to perpetuate medical error.


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/machine-learning-medicine-the-pitfalls-of-ai-in-healthcare-996839cc9b97






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