

In the early 19th century Britain was in the process of being transformed by the industrial revolution. Industries such as manufacturing and textiles were being transformed by innovative technology like the steam engine and the power loom. Previously home-based workers had to migrate from the countryside to newly built factories in towns and cities. Thousands found the skills they had taken years to master were no longer needed, replaced overnight by huge, hulking steam powered machines. One set of workers decided to fight back. Known as the Luddites, they took sledge hammers to the machines and destroyed them as a form of protest. The response was swift. The Luddites were brutally suppressed and their leaders either hung or sent overseas to penal colonies. The British Government introduced the death penalty for anyone found ‘machine breaking’ and with the help of the army the Luddite uprising was put down. The machines, or rather the mill owners had won.

在19世纪初,英国正处于工业革命的改造过程中。 诸如蒸汽机和动力织机等创新技术正在改变制造业和纺织业。 以前,家庭工人不得不从农村迁移到城镇的新建工厂。 成千上万的人不再需要他们花费数年掌握的技能,而是在一夜之间被庞大笨拙的蒸汽动力机器所取代。 一组工人决定反击。 他们被称为路德派(Luddites) ,将大锤砸向机器,并将其销毁以示抗议。 ReactSwift。 路德人遭到残酷镇压,他们的领导人要么吊死,要么被遣送出境到刑事殖民地。 英国政府对任何被发现“机器损坏”的人实行死刑,并在军队的帮助下平息了卢迪特起义。 机器,或者说是工厂的老板赢得了。

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The Luddites indulging in a bit of ‘machine breaking’ 路德主义者沉迷于一些“机器破坏”

I was reminded of the Luddites when I saw some of the responses to the recent video posted by Jordan Singer on Twitter of an AI driven Figma plugin called ‘designer. The tool uses GPT-3 (an AI driven natural language processing tool from OpenAI) to automatically create a Figma design from the following text:

当我看到乔丹·辛格(Jordan Singer)在Twitter上发布的有关AI驱动的Figma插件称为“设计器”的最新视频时,给我回想起了Luddites。 该工具使用GPT-3 (来自OpenAI的AI驱动的自然语言处理工具)根据以下文本自动创建Figma设计:

An app that has a navigation bar with a camera icon, “Photos” title, and a message icon, a feed of photos with each photo having a user icon, a photo, a heart icon, and a chat bubble icon.


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Text is entered specifying the design for ‘designer’ to create 输入文本,指定要由“ designer”创建的设计

In the video Jordan can be seen launching the plugin from within Figma, entering the text and then hitting a rather fancifully titled ‘Design’ button. After a bit of thinking the computer comes back with a shiny new mobile app Figma design with a navigation bar, photos and the icons that Jordan asked for. It’s not exactly a design that Jony Ive (chief designer of the iPhone) would be proud of, but it’s still damn impressive stuff.

在视频中,可以看到Jordan在Figma内部启动插件,输入文字,然后点击标题为“ Design”的按钮。 经过一番思考,计算机返回了闪亮的新移动应用程序Figma设计,其中包含导航栏,照片和Jordan要求的图标。 这并不是Jony Ive (iPhone的首席设计师)引以为傲的设计,但它仍然是令人印象深刻的东西。

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The design created by the AI driven ‘designer’ 由AI驱动的“设计师”创建的设计

Responses to the Tweet have ranged from the tongue in cheek:


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To the rather more concerned:


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Clearly like the Luddite weavers, designers are not immune to the ever-marching impact of automation. Sure, it’s much easier to automate a manufacturing process than knowledge work, but if Microsoft can replace journalists with robots (AI will now be used to curate content for MSN rather than real people) then is it not only a matter of time before designers are also replaced by machines?

显然,就像Luddite织布工一样,设计人员也不能幸免于自动化的不断冲击。 当然,自动化制造过程要比知识工作容易得多,但是如果微软可以用机器人代替新闻工作者 (现在将使用AI来为MSN而不是真实的人策划新闻内容),那么设计师就不仅仅是时间问题了还换机器吗?

We are entering a new robotics and AI driven industrial revolution. Manufacturing, distribution, farming and countless other industries are increasingly becoming automated. The robots really are taking over.

我们正在进入新的机器人技术和AI驱动的工业革命。 制造业,分销业,农业和无数其他行业正日益变得自动化。 机器人真的接管了。

Whilst it might be a while yet before a T-1000 is deployed to design the next breakthrough product, rather than hunting down and terminating John Connor, we’re certainly starting to see automation increasingly be used within the design process. A few examples include:

尽管可能需要一段时间才能部署T-1000来设计下一个突破性产品,而不是寻找并终止约翰·康纳(John Connor),但我们肯定会开始看到自动化在设计过程中越来越多地被使用。 一些示例包括:

  • Automatically creating design specifications with tools like Zeplin.


  • Automatically creating working apps and websites from designs with tools like webflow and Thunkable.


  • Automatically generating design alternatives (also known as, generative design) with tools like Autodesk.


  • Automatically evaluating designs using multivariate testing with tools like Google Optimize.

    使用Google Optimize等工具使用多变量测试自动评估设计。

  • Automatically analysing customer feedback with sentiment analysis tools like Amazon Comprehend.

    使用诸如Amazon Comprehend之类的情绪分析工具自动分析客户反馈。

The thing is, whilst machines are great at non-creative tasks, like crunching data or turning pixels into working code, they suck at having to think for themselves. In the same way that AI written fiction isn’t going to be troubling the book charts anytime soon, we’re not going to see the creative aspects of the design process automated for a long while yet. And by creative, I don’t just mean coming up with ideas and nice visuals, but problem solving, lateral thinking and exploring potential solutions.

问题是,尽管机器擅长处理非创造性的任务,例如处理数据或将像素转换为工作代码,但它们却不得不自己思考。 就像AI写作小说不会在短期内困扰着图书排行榜一样,很长一段时间我们都不会看到设计过程的创造性方面是自动化的。 通过创造力,我不仅意味着提出想法和漂亮的视觉效果,还包括解决问题,横向思考和探索潜在解决方案。

If you consider the now infamous British Design Council double diamond design process, the potential to automate aspects of the process tends to increase as you progress from the first to the second diamond. We’re already starting to see aspects of the develop and deliver stages being automated, such as generating design alternatives and automatically creating code from designs. Automating the discover and define stages however is a whole different ball game.

如果您考虑现在臭名昭著的英国设计委员会双钻石设计流程 ,则随着您从第一颗钻石发展到第二颗钻石,该流程各方面实现自动化的潜力会越来越大。 我们已经开始看到开发和交付阶段的各个方面是自动化的,例如生成设计备选方案并从设计中自动创建代码。 然而,自动化发现和定义阶段是一个完全不同的球类游戏。

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The potential to automate aspects of the design process tends to increase 自动化设计过程各方面的潜力趋于增加

In computer science there is the well-known concept of ‘ Garbage in, garbage out’. In other words, if you use garbage as your input (not literally, but in the form of flawed inputs) you’ll get garbage as your output. The concept of ‘garbage in, garbage out’ is also true of any design process. If you don’t understand the problem you’re solving and therefore introduce garbage into your design process, you’re going to get garbage out at the end. Have a read of my previous article — Why every design should start with a problem for a great example of this.

在计算机科学中,有一个众所周知的概念:“ 垃圾进,垃圾出 ”。 换句话说,如果您使用垃圾作为输入(不是字面意思,而是以有缺陷的输入形式),您将得到垃圾作为输出。 “垃圾进,垃圾出”的概念在任何设计过程中也是如此。 如果您不了解要解决的问题,因此在设计过程中引入了垃圾,那么最终您将得到垃圾。 阅读我的上一篇文章- 为什么每个设计都应该从一个问题开始,这是一个很好的例子。

Designers first and foremost should be problem solvers and understanding hard complex problems is something that people are good at, machines are not.


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Rather than the enemy, designers should see automation as a helping hand that can help them to work better, to work faster, and to work smarter. Tools like generative design, sentiment analysis and the ‘designer’ concept can allow designers to let machines do the work that they’re good at, so that the designers can get on with the work that they’re good at.

设计人员应该把自动化而不是敌人视为帮助之手,这可以帮助他们更好地工作,更快地工作以及更聪明地工作。 生成设计,情感分析和“设计师”概念之类的工具可以使设计师让机器完成他们擅长的工作,从而使设计师可以继续从事自己擅长的工作。

Caleb Meyer an industrial designer on the team at Autodesk who are developing the generative design technology summarised it nicely when he said:

正在开发生成设计技术的 Autodesk团队的工业设计师Caleb Meyer很好地总结了这一点:

“You’re not mastering the tool any longer, you’re mastering the problem — and letting the computer do all the work.” Caleb Meyer, Industrial Designer — Autodesk

“您不再需要掌握该工具,而是可以解决问题,让计算机完成所有工作。” 工业设计师Caleb Meyer – Autodesk

Sure, at some point the machines will take over and we’ll be battling for our very survival (unless global warming, coronavirus or a massive asteroid has already wiped us out). Until then I’d urge you to see automation as your friend, not your foe.

当然,在某些时候,这些机器将接管一切,我们将为自己的生存而战(除非全球变暖,冠状病毒或大型小行星已经使我们丧命)。 在此之前,我敦促您将自动化视为您的朋友,而不是您的敌人。

也可以看看 (See also)

图片学分 (Image credits)

‘Designer’ concept by Jordan SingerTerminator from Terminator Exhibition: T-800 by Dick Thomas JohnsonDesign Council double diamond design process

终结者展上 的乔丹·辛格 终结者的 “设计师”概念 :迪克·托马斯·约翰逊 设计委员会设计的 T-800 双钻石设计Craft.io

Originally published at http://www.uxforthemasses.com on August 1, 2020.

最初于 2020年8月1日 发布在 http://www.uxforthemasses.com 上。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@neilturnerux/automation-designers-friend-or-foe-231d2ef17bb4






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