

While some people are still caught up in the sudden changes in the system of living, some leverage these improvements to achieve good results, to make outstanding success and great fortune. You could be wondering how to place yourself in a world that is changing so fast, perhaps you aren’t quite sure about the activities to engage. This discourse is a part of a series in which I discuss the requisiteness of the computer devices in the present world, I shall briefly introduce you to the trends of the digital present and a list of choices from which, perhaps, you could find an intriguing subject to dive into. However, be mindful at first that this is not necessarily for a computer or general science nerd. The computer has become more like a tool everyone uses; you should know that already.

尽管有些人仍陷于生活系统的突然变化,但有些人则利用这些改进取得了良好的效果,取得了巨大的成功和巨大的财富。 您可能想知道如何将自己置于一个瞬息万变的世界中,也许您不确定参与的活动。 本篇文章是系列文章的一部分,在该系列文章中,我讨论了当今世界中计算机设备的必要性,我将向您简要介绍数字化礼物的趋势以及一系列选择,也许您会从中发现有趣的东西。潜入。 但是,首先要注意,这不一定适用于计算机或一般科学的书呆子。 计算机已经越来越像每个人都使用的工具。 您应该已经知道了。

A friend once opined that there are no more natural human beings on earth, that’s quite hilarious of course, “we have only cyborgs now”, he said. One would casually discard that kind of assertion. But for a critically minded person, the speech was a deep one that held a deep meaning. A critical examination of that assertion could actually lead one to infer that a major part of the present human race comprises cyborgs of course.

他说,一个朋友曾经认为地球上已经没有自然人了,这当然很可笑,“我们现在只有半机械人”。 人们会随随便便放弃这种主张。 但是对于一个有批判心的人来说,演讲是一次深刻而深刻的演讲。 对该主张的严格审查实际上可能导致人们推断,当今人类的大部分当然都包含电子人。

‘Cyborg’, a term coined in 1960 by Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline, to mean a contraction of “cybernetic organism”, being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts. This implies such an organism has organic and electromechanical parts, as you would, for the simplest and most usable instance, picture a human-robot hybrid. The cyborg exists and remains alive (biologically) by its bio-organs while it also engages the experience of inanimate computers by its mechatronic part — it is, therefore, dependent on these two features and will not survive should any one of these components fail. This is the non-literal reality of the present human, who cannot be separated from their mobile phone. Although there is no sequestering of mechanical parts to the species of humans we know today, they are pretty much cyborgs since they are addicted to their isolated mechatronic devices and can’t go a day without posting a photo on Facebook or texting their brother who stays in the same room.

“ Cyborg”一词由Manfred Clynes和Nathan S. Kline于1960年创造,意为“ cybernetic有机体”的收缩,包括有机和生物机电一体化的身体部位。 这意味着这种生物具有有机和机电部分,就像您在最简单和最实用的情况下所描绘的那样,是人与机器人的混合体。 电子人通过其生物器官存在并保持生命(生物),同时它的机电一体化部分也吸收了无生命的计算机的经验-因此,它依赖于这两个功能,并且如果其中任何一个失败,则将无法生存。 这是当今人类的非文字现实,无法与手机分离。 尽管没有机械零件与我们今天所认识的人类隔绝,但他们几乎是半机械人,因为他们沉迷于其孤立的机电一体化设备,并且不能一天不将照片发布到Facebook或发短信给留下的兄弟在同一个房间里。

That was only to explain the reality, and also to acknowledge it (the exact opposite of ‘criticizing it’), because the very life we live now, in which we must survive, will not function without the lifestyle incorporation of these devices and their awesome functions.


As a consequence, it is necessary for a mindful person to seek knowledge in the science of these things; even if not so technical, a basic insight and ability to utilize simple tools will not hurt. Most of the complex tools which do simple tasks now aren’t all about programming as everything was. There is a fine lot of things that can be done by an amateur accountant who doesn’t know how to write python codes, starting from automating customer mails, adding and manipulating data to spreadsheets, creating and sending reports, or scheduling tasks for completion to more complex stuff like automating responses to customers on their WhatsApp handles, or even building a functional chatbot (software robot) by themselves, and of course, without knowing anything about computer codes.

结果,一个有思想的人有必要在这些事物的科学中寻求知识。 即使不是那么技术,基本见识和使用简单工具的能力也不会受到损害。 现在,大多数执行简单任务的复杂工具都与编程无关。 不了解如何编写python代码的业余会计师可以做很多事情,从自动化客户邮件开始,向电子表格添加数据和处理数据,创建和发送报告,或安排完成任务到更复杂的东西,例如自动在客户的WhatsApp句柄上对客户进行响应,甚至自己构建功能正常的聊天机器人(软件机器人),当然,他们对计算机代码一无所知。

As a busy individual, you could still consult developers to do simple things, but not everything. Learn to use some of these tools, take [free] courses about more complex tools online anytime you feel like. For more zealous individuals, to whom a major part of this series focuses, there are quite a lot of interesting things you could start doing with your computer from now on.

作为一个忙碌的人,您仍然可以咨询开发人员来完成简单的事情,但不能完成所有事情。 学习使用其中一些工具,并随时在线上有关更复杂工具的[免费]课程。 对于本系列主要内容针对的更加热心的个人,从现在开始,您可以使用计算机开始做很多有趣的事情。

You could build a simple website yourself — the majority uses WordPress, which is quite standard. Other frameworks that really help you deal with the codes include Wix, Weebly, Jimdo, Site123, and Webflow. Trying to make a site for yourself could be successful, could also open you to more about the world wide web, instigate you to expand your reach for technical techniques, and perhaps introduce you to the world of programming which is paramount.

您可以自己构建一个简单的网站-大多数使用WordPress ,这是相当标准的。 其他真正可以帮助您处理代码的框架包括WixWeeblyJimdoSite123Webflow 。 尝试自己创建一个站点可能会成功,也可能使您对万维网有更多了解,激发您扩大技术技能的覆盖范围,并可能向您介绍编程世界。

Chatbot Development [learn more about it here] seems to be one of the most sought after discipline in the 21st century since it’s surnamed Artificial Intelligence, the very topic in all sci-fi movies. Being able to build chatbots is a step closer to knowing the intricacies of robots, and some principles of artificial intelligence. Fortunately, although very much all of these deal with codes, you don’t need to be a code guru to start. You can read an overview of this technology and the hows of its development in a previous article here.

聊天机器人开发[ 这里了解更多信息]似乎是21世纪最受欢迎的学科之一,因为它的名字是人工智能,这是所有科幻电影中的话题。 能够构建聊天机器人的步骤离了解机器人的复杂性以及人工智能的一些原理还很近。 幸运的是,尽管所有这些都涉及代码,但是您无需成为代码专家就可以开始。 您可以在此处的上一篇文章中阅读有关此技术及其发展方式的概述。

To automate things yourself, like spreadsheet manipulation, emails, and so much more as discussed above, you could use these tools and more I can’t list— Zapier, Integromat, Automate, Microsoft Flow.

要自己使事情自动化,例如电子表格处理,电子邮件等,如上所述,您可以使用这些工具,我无法列出更多的东西-ZapierIntegromatAutomateMicrosoft Flow

For an individual more zealous about computer technology and ready to dive into a proper education of the mechatronic and internet world, they should begin by learning a prevalent programming language. There are several requisite languages for doing different things. The standard languages for developing web interfaces are HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Styles Sheet (CSS), and Javascript (Js) — do not mistake Javascript for Java or think they related, they aren’t related at all. Other conventional languages are also used in the backend web to structure websites and their databases, some of them are PHP, Python, Js, etc. Java is suitable, though becoming obsolete, in the development of mobile and desktop applications, especially for Android devices. Javascript (React/Vue/Angular) seems to be the prevailing method of developing web and mobile applications while languages like Python and R are reserved to do the deeds of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. However, while R is basically used for Data Science, Python is in Data Science, major in Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning), and also used in general programming concepts like Java. Python is also one of the best languages for developing web frameworks, the language seems to be the superhero programming language of the century. So, if anyone wants to learn conventional or multi-purpose programming, they should learn Python. Older languages, some of which are still in use, are C, C++, C#, Perl, Octave, etc.

对于更热衷于计算机技术并准备好深入学习机电一体化和互联网世界的个人,他们应该从学习流行的编程语言开始。 有几种执行不同操作所需的语言。 用于开发Web界面的标准语言是超文本标记语言( HTML ),级联样式表( CSS )和Javascript( Js )-不要将Javascript误认为Java或认为它们相互关联,它们一点也不相关。 后端网站还使用其他常规语言来构建网站及其数据库,其中一些是PHP ,Python,Js等。尽管过时了, Java仍适用于移动和桌面应用程序的开发,尤其是对于Android设备。 Javascript(React / Vue / Angular)似乎是开发Web和移动应用程序的主要方法,而诸如PythonR之类的语言则保留了人工智能和数据科学的作用。 但是,尽管R基本上用于数据科学,但Python属于数据科学,是人工智能(机器学习)专业,并且还用于诸如Java之类的通用编程概念。 Python还是开发Web框架的最佳语言之一,该语言似乎是本世纪的超级英雄编程语言。 因此,如果任何人想学习常规或多功能编程,就应该学习PythonCC ++C#PerlOctave等仍在使用的较旧的语言。

With all of these utilities and applications, you come to the verge of using your mechatronic devices for profitable reasons and placing yourself fit in the changing world, so that you are not left out of the trends.


We will not contemplate the addiction of people to the computers, which in a way shouldn’t be considered an addiction but an inclination. Instead, we must make sure our inclination to this technology yields positive results.

我们不会考虑人们对计算机的沉迷,从某种意义上说,计算机不应该被视为沉迷,而是一种倾向。 相反,我们必须确保我们对这项技术的偏好会产生积极的结果。

Peter MichaelUniversity of Lagos, Nigeria.


SGC GI: 048 — Robotics/IoT/AI

SGC GI:048 —机器人技术/物联网/人工智能

翻译自: https://medium.com/@micha.el/a-cyborg-species-of-humans-7c93194e95db


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