k8s apollo_AI增强的Apollo 16素材让您以4K登上月球

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When humans last walked on the moon it was in 1972 as part of the Apollo 17 mission. It goes without saying that a lot has changed since then. In the world of technology, those almost 50 years equate to unfathomable advances.

人类最后一次在月球上行走时是1972年,是阿波罗17号任务的一部分 。 不用说,此后发生了很多变化。 在技​​术世界中,将近50年的时间相当于不可思议的进步。

While NASA astronauts did their best to capture footage of their adventures on the moon, the technology of the day failed them. Fortunately, modern artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are here to save the day.

尽管NASA宇航员竭尽全力捕捉他们在月球上的冒险经历的镜头,但当时的技术却使他们失败。 幸运的是,现代人工智能(AI)技术在这里挽救了一天。

The YouTube channel Dutchsteammachine recently uploaded enhanced footage from the Apollo 16 mission. It puts viewers in the passenger seat of the mission’s lunar rover with 4K resolution at 60 frames per second.

YouTube频道Dutchsteammachine最近上传了来自阿波罗16号任务的增强镜头。 它以每秒60帧的速度将观众置于 4K分辨率的任务登月车的乘客座位上

昨天问题的现代解决方案 (Modern Solutions to Yesterday’s Problems)

The thought of high-definition cameras wasn’t even around in the ’70s, let alone the technology itself. When the astronauts of the Apollo 16 mission visited the moon, they captured their views with 16-millimeter film at just 12 frames per second (fps). While it was good enough to give viewers a general idea of the scene, it wasn’t great.

高清摄像头的想法甚至在70年代就还没有出现,更不用说技术本身了。 当阿波罗16号任务的宇航员拜访月球时,他们用16毫米胶片以每秒12帧(fps)的速度捕捉了他们的视野。 尽管足以让观众大致了解场景,但效果并不理想。

The YouTube creator used an AI platform called DAIN to upscale the footage. While the resolution increase is nice, the fact that the clip now runs at 60 frames per second is what’s most impressive. This creates a smooth picture of the lunar rover’s journey to Station 4 on the rim of moon’s Shorty Crater.

YouTube创作者使用一个称为DAIN的AI平台来放大素材。 虽然分辨率提高了很好,但是剪辑现在以每秒60帧的速度运行的事实是最令人印象深刻的。 这为月球车到达月球“矮子陨石坑”边缘第4站的旅程提供了流畅的画面。

Motion-smoothing features aren’t widely loved. However, when done right — as in this video — they can make a clip much better. The AI enhancement makes the moon rover footage feel much more immersive than the original version.

平滑运动功能并未广受喜爱。 但是,如本视频所述,如果操作正确,它们可以使剪辑变得更好。 AI增强功能使月球漫游者的镜头比原始版本更具沉浸感。

Further enhancing its charm is the fact that the clip is synced to the original audio from the Apollo mission. Listening along to the astronauts as they explore the moon’s surface is both entertaining and endearing. It humanizes them in a way that their massive spacesuits and Darth Vader-esque breathing noises don’t.

剪辑与Apollo任务中的原始音频同步后,进一步增强了其魅力。 聆听宇航员探索月球表面的过程既有趣又讨人喜欢。 它以巨大的宇航服和达斯·维达(Darth Vader)般的呼吸声所不具备的方式使它们变得人性化。

In reality, it sounds like a pair of Texan dads catching up during a casual Sunday drive than two highly-trained scientists exploring a celestial body. It’s almost easy to forget that they were 239,000 miles away from Earth at the time.

实际上,听起来像是一对德州爸爸在一个偶然的星期天开车中赶上来,而不是两位训练有素的科学家探索一个天体。 几乎很容易忘记他们当时距离地球239,000英里。

AI助手 (AI Helper)

Without extra footage, it’s impossible to truly increase a video’s framerate. However, artificial intelligence provides a workaround.

没有多余的镜头,就不可能真正提高视频的帧率。 但是,人工智能提供了一种解决方法。

In essence, the DAIN platform analyzes footage frame-by-frame to determine what elements are moving between each one. The AI then inserts new frames between the originals based on what it determines would have been there if it was shot at a higher fps. By doing so, it can enhance a clip originally shot at 12 fps to 60 fps.

本质上,DAIN平台逐帧分析素材,以确定每个元素之间正在移动的元素。 然后,如果AI以更高的fps拍摄,AI会确定在原件之间插入新帧。 这样,可以将最初以12 fps拍摄的剪辑增强到60 fps。

Including more frames per second allows a video to capture more motion without looking jumpy. It turns out, artificially adding frames is almost as effective.

每秒包含更多帧可使视频捕获更多运动而不会显得跳动。 事实证明,人为地添加框架几乎是有效的。

Hopefully, though, humanity’s next trip to the moon won’t rely on low-quality footage. When NASA astronauts return to the moon via the Artemis program they will likely bring 4K recording equipment that will capture footage unlike anything seen before. Perhaps they’ll even be able to create a virtual reality (VR) experience.

不过,希望人类下一次登月之旅不会依赖于低质量的镜头。 当NASA宇航员通过Artemis计划返回月球时他们可能会携带4K记录设备,该设备将捕获与以往不同的镜头。 也许他们甚至可以创建虚拟现实(VR)体验

Originally published at https://www.theburnin.com on July 9, 2020.

最初于 2020年7月9日 https://www.theburnin.com 发布

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/ai-enhanced-apollo-16-footage-puts-you-on-the-moon-in-4k-4ed7b39822fd

k8s apollo





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