是你渡过人生难关的助力_人工智能将助力安全返回工作场所。 这是如何做


Just imagine your first day back to the office after months of isolation: Not only are you potentially exposed to the virus on your morning commute, but you’re then presented with crowded elevators.


As you enter the floor, you notice door handles that have likely been touched by dozens of others right before you, and confined workspaces that make it too easy to breach social distancing protocols. It’s hardly a situation that would put your mind at ease, let alone one that would help you to get back into the swing of working in the office.

当您进入地板时,您会注意到门把手可能已经被其他数十个人碰到,而封闭的工作空间也很容易违反社交疏散协议。 几乎没有一种情况能让您放心,更不用说可以帮助您重新回到办公室工作的环境了。

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Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash
克里斯蒂安·爱尔福特Unsplash上的 照片

That’s why it’s vital that organizations take strict and cautious measures when welcoming their teams back into the workplace. What many businesses don’t realize is how artificial intelligence (AI) can power more general health and safety protocols to new heights.

这就是为什么组织在欢迎其团队回到工作场所时采取严格和谨慎的措施至关重要。 许多企业没有意识到的是,人工智能(AI)如何将更多的常规健康和安全协议推向新的高度。

The technology can allow teams to gain the benefits of in-person collaboration in the safest possible way. Here’s how.

该技术可以使团队以最安全的方式获得面对面协作的好处。 这是如何做。

AI可以让您安排谁回来,何时返回 (AI allows you to schedule who comes back, and when)

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Photo by Curtis MacNewton on Unsplash
Curtis MacNewtonUnsplash拍摄的照片

So, you’re planning to invite your workforce back to the office. Understanding what is the most effective way to organize who comes in, on what days, and for how long is a complex task — especially if you have more than 50 employees. Here’s where AI-powered scheduling and planning tools come in.

因此,您打算邀请您的员工回到办公室。 了解什么是最有效的方法来组织谁进来,在什么日期,持续多长时间是一项复杂的任务-尤其是如果您有超过50名员工。 这是AI驱动的调度和计划工具的到来。

Organizations must first understand the work activities, nature of employee assignments, kinds of customer interactions, meeting schedules and the list of people who are expected to collaborate on-site.


You must combine this with an assessment of the risk level for each employee. This could include factors such as their extent of exposure at work, the kind of workspace, and the level of physical contact needed with the general public. It could also feature the employee’s home location, age, pre-existing conditions, and anything else that could be (ethically) used by employers to safeguard them and their teams.

您必须将此与对每个员工的风险水平评估结合起来。 这可能包括一些因素,例如它们在工作中的暴露程度,工作空间的种类以及与公众之间的身体接触水平。 它还可能包含员工的住所位置,年龄,既存条件以及雇主可以(在道德上)用来保护员工及其团队的其他任何信息。

Machine learning can use these factors to balance work criticality with risk levels and help chart out a back-to-work schedule. The algorithm can help plan schedules within the day by factoring in permissible capacity in the typical workplace choke points. This includes locations such as the elevator or areas used for social gatherings that can be high-risk areas within an office.

机器学习可以利用这些因素来平衡工作的关键程度和风险水平,并帮助制定返工时间表。 该算法可以通过考虑典型工作场所阻塞点的允许容量来帮助计划一天中的计划。 这包括诸如电梯之类的位置或社交聚会所用的区域,这些区域可能是办公室内的高风险区域。

You must continuously fine-tune these plans based on shifting organizational priorities, effectiveness of virus control and governmental guidelines for businesses. This McKinsey report outlines the risk factors of different types of workplaces and can be a useful point of reference.

您必须根据不断变化的组织优先级,病毒控制的有效性以及企业的政府指导方针不断调整这些计划。 麦肯锡的这份报告概述了不同类型工作场所的风险因素,可以作为参考。

AI让您确保遵循安全协议 (AI lets you ensure safety protocols are followed)

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Photo by visuals on Unsplash
照片由 视觉Unsplash拍摄

Business as usual is long gone. Being around coworkers once again will not come with the luxury of huddling together around the coffee machine or sharing crowded tables in the cafeteria. Now, social distancing is non-negotiable while at work. How can AI help ensure the safety of employees while they are in the workplace?

照常营业已久。 再次出现在同事身边不会带来挤在咖啡机周围挤在一起或在自助餐厅共享拥挤桌子的奢侈。 现在,在工作中无法进行社会疏远。 人工智能如何帮助确保员工在工作场所的安全?

AI can help businesses process data from mass temperature screening of employees and customers as they enter the facility. Canadian company PredictMedix offers its AI-powered temperature screening technology to help retail stores prevent the spread of Covid-19.

人工智能可以帮助企业处理员工和客户进入工厂时进行大规模温度筛选的数据。 加拿大公司PredictMedix提供其AI驱动的温度筛选技术,以帮助零售商店防止Covid-19的传播。

AI-powered computer vision tools can automatically monitor the workplace to ensure people wear a face mask and maintain social distancing with their co-workers. AI startup DatakaLab uses the security cameras from the Paris Metro system to check whether passengers are wearing face masks.

人工智能驱动的计算机视觉工具可以自动监控工作场所,以确保人们戴上口罩并与同事保持社交距离。 人工智能初创公司DatakaLab使用Paris Metro系统中的安全摄像头检查乘客是否戴着口罩。

These systems avoid the controversial element of facial recognition technology by anonymously detecting whether a person is wearing a face mask. Any violations can be reported to the administration team to let them identify and take appropriate corrective action.

这些系统通过匿名检测一个人是否戴着口罩来避免面部识别技术的争议。 任何违规行为都可以报告给管理团队,以让他们识别并采取适当的纠正措施。

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Demo by Landing AI 演示

This technology can be extended to detect when social distancing is being breached within the office. LandingAI has developed an AI-enabled tool that analyzes real time video streams to estimate the distance between people which can be used to instantly identify violations.

可以扩展此技术,以检测何时在办公室内违反了社交距离。 LandingAI开发了一种支持AI的工具 ,该工具可以分析实时视频流,以估计人与人之间的距离,从而可以立即识别违规情况。

Many organizations are exploring the use of IoT-powered wearables that alert users when they get too close to each other. Organizations can analyze data from these to understand the locations in the office and the kind of situations that lead to protocol breaches.

许多组织正在探索使用物联网驱动的可穿戴设备,当用户彼此之间距离太近时会发出警报。 组织可以分析其中的数据,以了解办公室中的位置以及导致违反协议的情况。

While physical health and prevention of the spread of the virus must be a priority, it’s also vital to help employees maintain their mental wellbeing in these tough times. AI-powered solutions can analyze text messages to identify potential indicators of stress, depression, or anxiety.

虽然身体健康和防止病毒传播必须成为首要任务,但在当前困难时期帮助员工保持精神健康也至关重要。 由AI驱动的解决方案可以分析文本消息以识别潜在的压力,抑郁或焦虑指标

For example, StatusToday’s AI solution connects to email, chat, and communication systems within organizations to identify employees that could be on the verge of burning out.

例如,StatusToday的AI 解决方案可以连接到组织内部的电子邮件,聊天和通信系统,以识别可能处于精疲力竭状态的员工。

人工智能推动恢复计划 (AI drives recovery planning)

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Demo by Gramener 演示

No matter how much you prepare, strategize, and plan for a safe return to the workplace, there will always be the likelihood of infection until the virus has been fully defeated. With the help of AI, how can you put in place the right processes to deal with the eventuality of team members testing positive for Covid-19?

无论您为安全返回工作场所做多少准备,制定战略计划和计划,在病毒被彻底清除之前,总有被感染的可能性。 在AI的帮助下,您如何制定正确的流程来应对团队成员对Covid-19呈阳性测试的可能性?

Contact tracing solutions can help you get visibility into the movement of employees within the workplace using wearables, biometrics, or access cards. In case an employee gets infected, you can then identify the colleagues that had close contact with that person. Contact tracing can help you identify and quarantine at-risk employees rather than having the entire workforce operate remotely.

联系人跟踪解决方案可以帮助您使用可穿戴设备,生物识别技术或访问卡来了解员工在工作场所中的流动情况。 如果员工被感染,则可以确定与该人有密切联系的同事。 联系人跟踪可以帮助您识别和隔离有风险的员工,而不是让整个员工远程操作。

Despite all the measures to reopen offices, the likelihood is that a sizable portion of your workforce will have to operate remotely in the coming months. You must continue to leverage data analytics and smart collaboration applications that facilitate remote work to ensure high productivity levels within your remote teams.

尽管采取了各种措施重新开设办事处,但在未来几个月中,仍有很大一部分劳动力将不得不远程办公。 您必须继续利用数据分析和智能协作应用程序来促进远程工作,以确保远程团队的高生产力水平。

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Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash
Matthew HenryUnsplash拍摄的照片

AI has serious potential to facilitate a safe return to the workplace, be it an office, warehouse, or retail store. However, one common thread that runs through all these initiatives is the concern over the level of data collection and monitoring that’s necessary for their functioning.

人工智能在促进安全返回工作场所方面具有巨大潜力,无论是办公室,仓库还是零售商店。 但是,贯穿所有这些计划的一个共同思路是,对于其运行所必需的数据收集和监视级别关注

While this a legitimate concern, these initiatives must be viewed in the context of the pandemic and what’s necessary to fight it. If companies and employees want to ensure safety while avoiding any form of data collection, then we may not have credible options to get back to work.

尽管这是一个合理的问题,但必须在大流行的背景下以及对付大流行的必要条件下考虑这些举措。 如果公司和员工希望在避免任何形式的数据收集的同时确保安全,那么我们可能没有可靠的选择来恢复工作。

The reality is that judgement calls must be made on the extent of data collection without compromising on the health and safety of employees. While we’ve presented some technology options at our disposal, each organization must decide on what’s right for their culture and based on norms in their country.

现实情况是,必须在不影响员工健康和安全的前提下对数据收集的范围做出判断 。 尽管我们提供了一些技术选择,但每个组织都必须根据自己的国家/地区的规范来决定适合其文化的内容。

What’s critical is that you are open and transparent with your employees on the level of monitoring and the ways in which the data is used. Follow best practices, collect the data in good faith, and commit to lowering the extent of monitoring once risk levels go down.

至关重要的是,您必须在监控级别和数据使用方式上对员工保持开放和透明。 遵循最佳实践,真诚地收集数据,并承诺在风险水平下降后降低监视范围。

In the meanwhile, AI might just be the thing that not only allows your team to survive, but thrive, throughout the remainder of the pandemic.

同时, AI可能不仅可以使您的团队在整个大流行中幸存下来,而且可以蓬勃发展

This article was first published on IT Pro Portal. Illustrations have been added. Title Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash.

本文首次 发表 于IT专业门户网站。 插图已添加。 标题图片由 Edwin Hooper Unsplash

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/ai-will-power-a-safe-return-to-the-workplace-heres-how-4968785c8e65


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