

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning seems to be the current buzzword as everyone seems to be getting into this subject. Artificial Intelligence seems to have a role in all fields of science. According to Britannica , “Artificial intelligence (AI), is broadly defined as the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.” By intelligent beings it basically means humans … but maybe not all humans…so anyway,It is usually classified into three subsets as shown below.

人工智能和机器学习似乎是当前的流行语,因为每个人似乎都在涉足这一领域。 人工智能似乎在科学的所有领域都发挥着作用。 据全书“人工智能(AI),被广泛地定义为数字的能力的计算机或计算机控制的机器人来执行通常与智能生物相关联的任务”。 对于有智慧的人,它基本上是指人类……但可能并非所有人……因此,无论如何,它通常分为以下三个子集。

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Source: Edureka) 来源:Edureka )

Artificial Intelligence is a broader term which in cooperates Machine Learning. Machine learning uses statistical methods to allow machines to improve with experience.

人工智能是与机器学习合作的更广泛的术语。 机器学习使用统计方法来使机器根据经验进行改进。

Deep Learning, again, is the subset of Machine Learning which uses multi layer neural networks that mimic the human brain and can learn incredibly difficult tasks with enough data.


We are going to talk about Deep learning methods and its possible role in the field of Mechanical Engineering. Some common examples could be Anomaly Detection(Machine Learning) and Image based Part Classification(Deep Learning). The focus will be on Image based part classifiers and why we need them.

我们将讨论深度学习方法及其在机械工程领域的可能作用。 一些常见的示例可能是异常检测(机器学习)基于图像的零件分类(深度学习) 。 重点将放在基于图像的零件分类器上以及我们为什么需要它们。

Firstly, what is an image classifier? The ever famous AI which recognizes cat-dog pictures should come to mind. Here’s a link to the code of such a program. The data-set used contains images of cats and dogs, the algorithm learns from it and then is able to guess with 97% accuracy whether a randomly shown image is a cat or a dog.

首先,什么是图像分类器? 想到猫的狗图片的著名AI应该浮现在脑海。 这是该程序代码的链接 。 所使用的数据集包含猫和狗的图像,该算法从中获知,然后能够以97%的准确度猜测随机显示的图像是猫还是狗。

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medium article) 中篇文章 )

We will attempt a similar code but using Nuts, Bolts, Washers and Locating Pins as our Cats and Dogs….. because mechanical engineering.


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Bolt or Nut or Locating Pin or Washer? Will the AI be able to tell?
螺栓或螺母还是定位销或垫圈? AI会说出来吗?

So how does it work? An algorithm is able to classify images(efficiently) by using a Machine Learning algorithm called Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) a method used in Deep Learning. We will be using a simple version of this model called Sequential to let our model distinguish the images into four classes Nuts, Bolts, Washers and Locating Pins. The model will learn by “observing” a set of training images. After learning we will see how accurately it can predict what an image (which it has not seen) is.

那么它是怎样工作的? 通过使用称为深度学习中使用的卷积神经网络(CNN)的机器学习算法,该算法能够高效地对图像分类。 我们将使用此模型的一个简单版本(称为顺序序列),使我们的模型将图像区分为四类:螺母,螺栓,垫圈和定位销。 该模型将通过“观察”一组训练图像来学习。 学习后,我们将看到它可以预测出什么图像(未看到)是多么准确。

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pngfind) pngfind )

Go directly to the code in github


数据集 (Data-set)

We downloaded 238 parts each of the 4 classes (Total 238 x 4 = 952) from various part libraries available on the internet. Then we took 8 different isometric images of each part. This was done to augment the data available, as only 238 images for each part would not be enough to train a good neural network. A single class now has 1904 images(8 isometric images of 238 parts) a total of 7616 images. Each image is of 224 x 224 pixels.

我们从互联网上提供的各种零件库中下载了4个类中的238个零件(总计238 x 4 = 952)。 然后,我们为每个零件拍摄了8张不同的等轴测图。 这样做是为了增加可用数据,因为每个部分只有238张图像不足以训练一个好的神经网络。 现在,一个类拥有1904个图像(8个等轴测图像,共238个部分),总共7616个图像。 每个图像为224 x 224像素。

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