gpt-2 文章自动生成_有助于您理解GPT-3的文章

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意见 (Opinion)

I usually would post interesting articles related to the topics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning that I have come across on Medium this week.


But recently, it’s rather hard to escape the hype and interest around GPT-3.


So this week I’ve identified a few articles that will take your knowledge of GPT-3 from zero to ‘kinda’ hero.

因此,本周我确定了一些文章,这些文章将使您对GPT-3的了解从零变为“ 有点 ”英雄。

The presented articles will provide you with some knowledge to understand the essential background of GPT-3, along with its intuitive applications and potential threats.


For those who are somewhat in a hurry, feel free to only read the ‘Short Review’ of the summary and review of the presented articles.

对于那些有些着急的人,请随意阅读 摘要 的“ 简短审阅” 和对所提交文章的审阅。

And those with a bit more time can delve into the ‘Detailed Review’ of the summary to understand my thoughts and opinions of the mentioned articles.

那些时间比较多的人可以深入研究 摘要 的“ 详细审阅” ,以了解我对所提及文章的想法和看法。

您将找到文章: (You will find articles:)

  • That explains GPT-3 in 3 minutes


  • Or, explain why GPT-3 is overhyped, also in 3 minutes


  • Provide an in-depth understanding of GPT-3


  • Question the longevity of coding roles due to GPT-3 potential.


GPT-3:第一个人工智能? 朱利安·劳雷特(Julien Lauret) (GPT-3: The First Artificial General Intelligence? By Julien Lauret)

One-stop-shop to get information into the history, development and potential of GPT-3.


简短评论 (Short Review)

Julien Lauret’s article is a comprehensive summary of the journey taken so far to create GPT-3.

朱利安·劳雷特(Julien Lauret)的文章全面概述了迄今为止创建GPT-3的过程。

Julien has managed to summarize years of development and introductions of methodology and techniques to model language and solve natural language processing into several small, concise paragraphs.


As well as providing the reader with a background of GPT-3, Julien also gives a somewhat diplomatic answer to the question as to whether GPT-3 is AGI. His response truly reflects the nature of the question itself, in that the question is subjected to the definition of intelligence by whoever poses the question.

除了为读者提供GPT-3的背景知识外,Julien还对GPT-3是否为AGI提出了一些外交上的回答。 他的回答确实反映了问题本身的性质,因为提出问题的人都会对问题进行智力定义。

详细审查 (Detailed Review)

Julien’s latest article on GPT-3 is a well-needed article, as I feel the topic of Artificial General Intelligence(AGI) has almost taken a backseat in our imagination.


Julien points early in the article, two viewpoints on AGI. One viewpoint alludes to the fact that AGI is decades away; while the other questions the possibility of humans ever achieving AGI.

朱利安(Julien)在文章开头指出了关于AGI的两种观点。 一种观点暗示着AGI距今已有数十年之久。 而其他人则质疑人类实现AGI的可能性。

Julien’s article is littered with some technical and specialist terms, but each term is accompanied with a brief definition and in some cases an extensive background.


Terms such as ‘Deep Neural Networks’, ‘Machne translations’, ‘Word2vec’ and ‘Few-shot learning’ are presented and defined in a manner that provides readers with a crash course on language modelling and NLP, as well as the primary information around GPT-3.

呈现和定义“深度神经网络”,“ Machne翻译”,“ Word2vec”和“少量学习”等术语,为读者提供有关语言建模和NLP的速成课程以及主要信息大约是GPT-3。

The article doesn’t mention GPT-3 until halfway through the article, due to the fact that Julien cleverly takes the reader through a journey that outlines crucial developments and research that have contributed to the advancement of language modelling and GPT-3 itself.


Information on the intrinsic characteristics(number of weights) of both GPT-3 and its predecessor are provided to give the reader an understanding of the level of progress the GPT model has made at every released version.


The latter half of the article presents examples of the intuitive application of GPT-3, developed by early access API users.


But more importantly, Julien answers the question proposed in the article’s title. Julien’s conclusion at to whether if GPT-3 is AGI falls on the conclusion that it isn’. But even more so, the answer to the question itself is not as clear as one might think.

但更重要的是,朱利安回答了文章标题中提出的问题。 朱利安关于GPT-3是否为AGI的结论基于“它不是”的结论。 但更重要的是,问题本身的答案并不像人们想象的那么清晰。

The unclarity stems from the fact that the definition of intelligence is ambiguous and subject to an individual’s interpretation.


What Julien states that is an important matter to discuss is the application of GPT-3. We’ve already seen its ability to generate poems, gameplay scenarios and web components defined through language.

朱利安指出,讨论的重要事项是GPT-3的应用。 我们已经看到了其生成诗歌,游戏场景和通过语言定义的Web组件的能力。

What we now need to observe is how the latest feat of AI can be applied in a more general setting that involves videos and images.


Julien’s article interestingly contains segments of philosophical views and statements. For example, Julien points to the proposition that we can’t determine the level of intelligence GPT-3 possesses, just as we can’t determine the level of cognitive function of a paralyzed person or individual with physical limitations.

朱利安的文章有趣地包含了一些哲学观点和陈述。 例如,朱利安(Julien)指出我们无法确定GPT-3拥有的智力水平,就像我们无法确定具有身体限制的瘫痪者或个人的认知功能水平一样。

This article delves touches areas of AI that are worth pondering about.


这篇文章非常适合阅读: (This article is a great read for:)

Machine Learning Practitioners: The language and technical term used is very familiar with anyone involved in machine learning. And the definitions and papers included allows for further exploitation of topics related to GPT-3

机器学习从业者 :所使用的语言和技术术语对参与机器学习的任何人都非常熟悉。 并且所包含的定义和论文可以进一步利用与GPT-3相关的主题

GPT-3在3分钟内得到了解释,作者Dale Markowitz (GPT-3 Explained In Under 3 Minutes By Dale Markowitz)

Short bite-size information on GPT-3


简短评论 (Short Review)

For those who are slightly short of time and would like to get bite-size information on GPT-3, then Dale Markowitz’s article is the perfect stop. With well structured and presented paragraphs, you get the important information on key properties of GPT-3. The article also includes some examples of GPT-3 based applications.

对于那些时间比较短并且想要了解有关GPT-3的信息的人, Dale Markowitz的文章是理想的选择。 通过精心组织和呈现的段落,您可以获得有关GPT-3关键属性的重要信息。 本文还包括一些基于GPT-3的应用程序的示例。

详细审查 (Detailed Review)

Dale’s article can be described as a quick shot of useful information that contains the important details on GPT-3.


Dale included in the article an exploration into the general makeup of the GPT-3 language model without the extensive inclusion of technical jargons and details.


The article starts with some showcases of GPT-3 based applications through a series of embedded twitter posts.


Dale’s article provides information into the definition of the common technical idea GPT-3 is associated with, which is ‘language model’.


The description of ‘language model’ is accompanied by an example even a five-year-old can understand.


More importantly, Dale’s article includes the properties of GPT-3 that are important to know, in order to carry further exploration. The article mentions the transformer-based architecture of GPT-3, along with the number of parameters within GPT-3 and its predecessor.

更重要的是,Dale的文章包含了一些重要的GPT-3属性,以便进行进一步的探索。 本文提到了基于变压器的GPT-3架构,以及GPT-3及其前身中的参数数量。

The article concludes with statements to indicate the main reason as to why GPT-3 sets itself apart from its counterparts, which is mainly the fact that GPT-3 has a general application to a variety of tasks, without the need for fine-tuning.


本文是以下方面的绝佳读物: (This article is an excellent read for:)

General audiences: The language used in the article is not too technical. The information presented is well structured and presented in a format that enables the understanding of key GPT-3 characteristics and benefits. No major technical background required.

普通读者 :本文中使用的语言不太技术性。 所提供的信息结构合理,并以能够理解GPT-3关键特征和优势的格式提供。 不需要主要的技术背景。

最新的AI会杀死编码吗? 弗雷德里克·巴斯勒(Frederik Bussler) (Will The Latest AI Kill Coding? By Frederik Bussler)

Web programmers will want to read this article


简短评论 (Short Review)

Frederik Bussler has written a piece that has reignited a question that has been around the tech industry for a few years now.

弗雷德里克·巴斯勒(Frederik Bussler )撰写的一篇文章重新引发了一个问题,这个问题已经困扰着科技行业几年。

Frederik presents a brief background into the different versions of GPT and an opinion based reasoning as to why the coding job role might face an AI-Apocolypse sooner than later.


详细审查 (Detailed Review)

Frederik starts his latest article with an indication to the reader in regards to how quick the progression of AI advancement can be. He references a question proposed by researchers in 2017, which asks the question that “Could AI write most code by 2040?”. In 2020 we are no doubt beginning to see an answer to that question.

弗雷德里克(Frederik)在他的最新文章中向读者表明了AI进步的速度有多快。 他引用了研究人员在2017年提出的一个问题,该问题是“ 到2040年AI会编写最多的代码吗?”。 毫无疑问,在2020年,我们将开始看到该问题的答案。

Like most other articles describing GPT-3, Frederik mentions the key characteristic of the GPT-3 language model, which is its ability to generalized to domain-specific tasks as a result of its very robust neural network parameters. This, as noted by Frederik, is why GPT-3 can code in practically any programming language.

像大多数其他描述GPT-3的文章一样,Frederik提到了GPT-3语言模型的关键特征,这是由于其非常强大的神经网络参数,它能够将其推广到特定领域的任务。 正如Frederik所指出的,这就是为什么GPT-3可以使用几乎任何编程语言进行编码的原因。

Frederik breaks away from the main question the article is trying to address and provides the reader with a detailed description of the variants of the GPT language model.


The article steers back to the main subject, with a section named ‘Evolve or Die’, a faith that most industries will probably be subjected too, but coders more sooner than others.


Frederik provides further information to the reader — who might be sceptical at the claims Frederik is making, that ‘No-code’ movement has been in full force with the introduction of platforms such as Squarespace, Wix, GoDaddy, generally WYSIWYG website generating platforms.


To back up the trend of the emergence of code-free platforms, Frederik includes AutoML and links to a company that enables the creation of AI models with no coding skills.


I get the impression that Frederik is pretty convinced that the coding or programmer role is fair game for AI in the very near future.


Read this opinion-based article and find arguments that could reaffirm your worry of an AI-Apocolypse within several industries.


本文是必读的: (This article is a must-read for:)

Programmers: I’ve always taken comfort in the fact that programmers and coders will be required even though AI and automation will decimate a large number of job roles in the future. The emergence and potential of GPT-3 seem to have ignited some worries that we should probably give more attention to.

程序员 :尽管AI和自动化将来会淘汰大量工作角色,但仍然需要程序员和编码员,这让我一直感到欣慰。 GPT-3的出现和潜力似乎引起了一些我们可能应该更多关注的担忧。

3分钟解释Ayush Sharma为何对GPT-3进行过度宣传的原因 (A 3 Minute Explainer on Why GPT-3 is Overhyped By Ayush Sharma)

Not everyone is buying what GPT-3 is selling


精简版 (Short Version)

There is no shortage of articles glorifying the feats of GPT-3, but Ayush article seeks to bring us back down to Earth. This bluntly written article is short and convinces the reader that GPT-3 is nothing more than an AI-tool overhyped by mainstream media.

不乏赞美GPT-3壮举的文章,但是Ayush的文章力图使我们重返地球。 这篇简短的文章简短,使读者相信GPT-3仅仅是主流媒体夸大的AI工具。

详细版本 (Detailed Version)

Ayush Sharma article aims to bring individuals in tech that hold the notion that GPT-3 is an advent to the much anticipated Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

Ayush Sharma的文章旨在使个人认为GPT-3是万众期待的人工智能(AGI)的出现。

I particularly like the analogy he uses where he describes the similarity of the notion embraced by a few individuals in tech, to cavemen delivering they have solved nuclear fusion through the discovery of fire.


Ayush seems not to be fooled by the shiny new toys build through GPT-3. The article reminds us that the hype and attention we are currently seeing is a familiar behavioural cycle adopted by mainstream media to overestimate the potential of AI advanced, all to sell stories.

Ayush似乎并没有被通过GPT-3制造的闪亮新玩具所迷住。 这篇文章提醒我们,我们目前看到的炒作和关注是主流媒体采用的熟悉的行为周期,以高估所有高级AI产品的销售潜力。

Describing GPT-3 as a “glorified $10+ auto-complete software” is rather harsh. In this article, Ayush states bluntly reasons as to why GPT-3 is not AGI.

将GPT-3描述为“ 美化了的$ 10 +自动完成软件 ”相当苛刻。 在本文中,Ayush直言不讳地说明了为什么GPT-3不是AGI。

The article goes further to include examples of GPT-3 shortcomings.


The conclusion to the article included an embedded tweet from Sam Altman, the CEO of Open AI, where he states that the hype surrounding GPT-3 is not warranted, and although it might be impressive, there is still a long way to go.

文章的结论包括来自Open AI首席执行官Sam Altman的嵌入式推文,他在信中指出,围绕GPT-3的炒作是没有必要的,尽管可能会令人印象深刻,但还有很长的路要走。

本文是以下方面的绝佳读物: (This article is an excellent read for:)

Everyone: It’s easy to get lost in the potential of AI that is showcased across the internet. Therefore, it is always healthy to have a rather critic-like perspective, so as to manage the expectation of the public and prevent future disappointments.

每个人 :在互联网上展示的AI的潜力很容易迷失。 因此,保持一种颇像批评家的观点总是健康的,以便管理公众的期望并防止未来的失望。

希望您觉得这篇文章有用。 (I hope you found the article useful.)

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