

Organize your phone, tablet, and computer with these quick and easy tips.


By Jill Duffy


Many of us spend far too much time on our phones and PCs, and it can get worse over the holidays. Sure, you could try a digital detox equivalent of Dry January to cut your screen time down—but for most people, that’s not a realistic option. One thing you can do is organize your devices, streamlining them so that you can at least get things done more quickly. And while you’re doing that, you might as well do all the other things you’ve been putting off, like backing up your photos and tightening up your security.

M之外的任何我们的花费在我们的手机和个人电脑太多时间,它可以在假期变得更糟。 当然,您可以尝试使用等效于Dry January的数字排毒来减少屏幕时间,但是对于大多数人来说,这不是一个现实的选择。 您可以做的一件事就是整理设备,简化设备,以便至少可以更快地完成工作。 在执行此操作的同时,您还可以执行所有其他推迟执行的操作,例如备份照片并加强安全性。

Now that the holidays are over and we’re getting back to real life, it’s time to focus on being productive again, and cleaning up your devices is an excellent way to start.


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1.从手机上传输照片和视频 (1. Transfer Photos and Videos Off Your Phone)

Photos are often the cause of data deluge on smartphones. You probably want to keep a few photos stored locally—say, a good headshot so you can add it to online accounts, and maybe a couple of pictures of your pets and favorite family members (not that anyone plays favorites, of course). Beyond that, do you really need pictures from so-and-so’s graduation three years ago?

照片通常是导致智能手机上数据泛滥的原因。 您可能希望将几张照片保存在本地,例如,一个不错的头像,以便将其添加到在线帐户中,还可能需要两张有关您的宠物和最爱的家庭成员的照片(当然,不是任何人都喜欢收藏)。 除此之外,您真的需要三年前某某毕业的照片吗?

Transfer photos off your smartphone and put them somewhere safe, like a computer that you regularly back up or an online storage service. Many online storage services have an app that lets you move photos with almost no action required on your part. Once you free up that space, you’ll have a lot more room to take new photos and videos, as well as download music, podcasts, apps, and more.

从智能手机上传输照片并将其放置在安全的地方,例如您定期备份的计算机或在线存储服务。 许多在线存储服务都有一个应用程序,可让您几乎无需任何操作即可移动照片。 释放空间后,您将有更多空间拍摄新照片和新视频,以及下载音乐,播客,应用程序等。

2.备份设备(或至少保存最重要的文件) (2. Back Up Your Devices (or at Least Your Most Important Files))

Smartphones fall into the toilet, hardware crashes during updates, laptops get stolen—there are so many ways to lose your data. If you aren’t backing up your computers and mobile devices, now’s a good time to start.

智能手机掉进马桶,更新期间硬件崩溃,笔记本电脑被盗-丢失数据的方法有很多。 如果您不备份计算机和移动设备,那么现在是开始的好时机。

The ins and outs of PC backup are way less intimidating than most people think. If backing it all up sounds like too much to tackle, focus instead on backing up your most important files. You can use a cloud storage and file syncing service, such as Dropbox, to do this very quickly and easily.

PC备份的来龙去脉比大多数人想象的要少。 如果备份所有文件听起来太难处理,请集中精力备份最重要的文件。 您可以使用云存储和文件同步服务 (例如Dropbox)来快速,轻松地执行此操作。

Backing up smartphone data takes little more than turning on a preinstalled service such as iCloud and assessing whether you need to purchase more storage space or delete unnecessary files. If you need help, we have instructions for how to back up an iPhone and how to back up an Android device.

备份智能手机数据仅需打开预安装的服务(例如iCloud)并评估您是否需要购买更多存储空间或删除不必要的文件。 如果您需要帮助,我们将提供有关如何备份iPhone如何备份Android设备的说明

3.运行Tuneup实用程序 (3. Run a Tuneup Utility)

If it’s been a while since you gave your computer a tuneup (or you’ve never done one), now’s the time. All you need to do is pick a good tuneup utility and let it run. Some tuneup apps have a free tier of service or free trial, so even if you aren’t sure which one to buy, you should be able to run a quick tuneup.

如果自从您对计算机进行调优(或者从未做过)以来已经有一段时间了,那么现在是时候了。 您需要做的就是选择一个好的tuneup实用程序并使其运行。 某些优化应用程序具有免费的服务层或免费试用版,因此即使您不确定要购买哪个应用程序,也应该能够进行快速优化。

Read the instructions or watch a video tutorial so you understand exactly what will be cleaned up before you run it. The first time you do a tuneup on your desktop might take some time, so feel free to kick back and watch a movie. Or move on to step 4, since your phone should be free.

阅读说明或观看视频教程,以便您确切了解在运行之前需要清除的内容。 第一次在桌面上进行调优可能会花费一些时间,因此请放心观看电影。 或继续进行第4步,因为您的电话应该是免费的。

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4.删除您不使用的应用程序 (4. Remove Apps You Don’t Use)

Here’s another easy cleanup task to do while you’re vegging out in front of the TV: Swipe through your phone or tablet looking for apps you don’t use or need, and delete them. In case your iPhone runs low on space, iOS has a special setting that deletes apps you haven’t used in a while . Find the option by going to Settings > General > iPhone Storage > Offload Unused Apps.

当您在电视前看电视时,这是另一个容易执行的清理任务:在手机或平板电脑上滑动以查找不需要或不需要的应用,然后将其删除。 如果您的iPhone的空间不足,iOS会有一项特殊设置,可删除您一段时间未使用的应用程序。 通过转到设置>常规> iPhone存储>卸载未使用的应用程序找到该选项。

From this same page, you can see how much storage space each app takes up and when you last used it. When you tap the app for more information, you’ll see a Delete App button, so you can manage your apps here rather than go back to the home screens to do it.

在同一页面上,您可以看到每个应用占用了多少存储空间以及上次使用它的时间。 当您点击该应用程序以获取更多信息时,您会看到一个“删除应用程序”按钮,因此您可以在此处管理您的应用程序,而无需返回主屏幕来执行操作。

You can remove unused apps from a laptop or desktop computer, too, although it requires slightly more of your attention. If you need help, follow the links for instructions on how to remove apps from Mac and how to remove apps on Windows 10.

您也可以从笔记本电脑或台式机中删除未使用的应用程序,尽管这需要您多加注意。 如果需要帮助,请单击链接以获取有关如何从Mac删除应用程序以及如何在Windows 10上删除应用程序的说明

5.清除缓存并转储垃圾 (5. Clear Your Cache and Dump Your Trash)

How long has it been since you cleared your browser cache and history on your computers? Have you ever done it on your smartphone and tablet? For most browsers, look for the History option and clear all of it.

从您清除计算机上的浏览器缓存和历史记录到现在有多长时间了? 您曾经在智能手机和平板电脑上完成此操作吗? 对于大多数浏览器,寻找“历史记录”选项并清除所有选项。

Be sure to dump the supposedly deleted files from other places where it doesn’t happen automatically, including Apple’s Photo app, email, and Google Drive.


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Other places to focus on deleting unnecessary digital debris are old text messages (the ones with videos and images can take up excessive space), Instagram search history, and WhatsApp archives. The Instagram one is a little hard to find, because it keeps moving. As of this writing, it’s at Profile page > Settings > Security > Clear Search History.

其他重点要删除不必要的数字碎片的地方是旧短信(带有视频和图像的短信会占用过多空间),Instagram搜索历史记录和WhatsApp档案。 Instagram很难找到,因为它一直在移动。 在撰写本文时,它位于“个人资料”页面>“设置”>“安全性”>“清除搜索历史记录”中。

6.扫一扫收件箱 (6. Sweep Your Inbox)

If your email inbox contains more unread messages than you can emotionally handle, this tip is for you. I call it sweeping the inbox. You move all messages from the inbox to a new folder. You’re not deleting them. You’re not ignoring them. You’re merely putting them into a safe space that’s out of your immediate line of sight.

如果您的电子邮件收件箱中包含的未读邮件超出了您的情感承受能力,则此提示适合您。 我称它为收件箱。 您将所有邮件从收件箱移到新文件夹。 您没有删除它们。 您不会忽略它们。 您只是将它们放到您视线之外的安全空间中。

You decide the rules. You can move all messages or only messages that are older than one month, for example. Name your folder whatever you want; I suggest “2019 Unread” or “2019 and Older.”

您决定规则。 例如,您可以移动所有邮件或仅移动一个月以上的邮件。 随意命名文件夹; 我建议“ 2019未读”或“ 2019及更早版本”。

Here’s how to do it: Sort your messages by date and select all from this/last year or this year and older. Drag them into the new folder. Voilà. That’s it. If you’re handy working with “rules” in your email program, you can select and move messages that way.

操作方法如下:按日期对邮件进行排序,然后从今年/去年或今年及以后的年份中选择所有邮件。 将它们拖到新文件夹中。 Voilà。 而已。 如果您方便使用电子邮件程序中的“规则”,则可以以这种方式选择和移动邮件。

7.退订批量电子邮件 (7. Unsubscribe From Bulk Email)

Since we’re talking about email, another easy task to knock out is to pick through your email messages and unsubscribe from all the stuff you never actually open or read. If you don’t actually read The New York Times daily briefing, for instance (I subscribed for a month before acknowledging that I read at most one out of every five), stop getting it. The same goes for other newsletters and online deal emails from retailers. So many of those “exclusive” discounts are in fact offered right on the retailer’s website when you land on it. You don’t need the email.

由于我们在谈论电子邮件,因此淘汰另一个容易完成的任务是,仔细阅读您的电子邮件,并取消订阅您从未真正打开或阅读的所有内容。 例如,如果您实际上没有阅读《纽约时报》的每日简报(我订阅了一个月,然后才承认我阅读了五分之一),那么请停止阅读。 零售商的其他新闻通讯和在线交易电子邮件也是如此。 实际上,当您进入零售商的网站时,实际上会在零售商的网站上提供许多“独家”折扣。 您不需要电子邮件。

For all bulk messages that are sent responsibly, there’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. It’s usually in small print and it’s not always in a different color or underlined (tricky bastards).

对于所有负责任地发送的批量邮件,电子邮件底部都有一个退订链接。 它通常是小字体,并不总是具有不同的颜色或带有下划线((杂的混蛋)。

If you’re looking for more inbox relief, you should read my 11 Tips for Managing Email More Effectively.


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8.更新您的电子邮件签名 (8. Update Your Email Signature)

Here’s another simple mail-related task that takes a minute or two: Update your signature.


“I don’t even have an email signature,” you might say. Are you sure?

您可能会说:“我什至没有电子邮件签名。” 你确定吗?

In Gmail, check at Settings > General > Email Signature.


If you use a mobile email app, including apps that came preinstalled on your phone or tablet, and never changed any of the default settings, there’s a good chance your emails say “Sent from…” and fill in the name of your device or email provider. Following the instructions for changing your email signature on iOS or Android won’t take long at all.

如果您使用移动电子邮件应用程序,包括预先安装在手机或平板电脑上的应用程序,并且从未更改任何默认设置,那么您的电子邮件很有可能会说“从...发送”,并填写设备或电子邮件的名称提供者。 按照说明在iOS或Android上更改电子邮件签名操作将花费很长时间。

While you’re at it, check your email “from” name. Especially on mobile devices, it’s easy to confuse the nickname you gave to the account (e.g., Gmail) with your “from” name, which is what recipients see in their preview when they get messages from you.

在使用时, 请检查您的电子邮件“来自”名称 。 特别是在移动设备上,很容易将您给帐户(例如Gmail)的昵称与您的“发件人”名称混淆,收件人从您的邮件中看到的内容就是预览。

9.更新您的播放列表 (9. Freshen Up Your Playlists)

No matter which music service or podcast app you use, the new year is a great time to take stock of what you have, remove the audio files you don’t want, and rearrange everything how you want it.

无论您使用哪种音乐服务或播客应用 ,新的一年都是盘点您拥有的东西,删除不需要的音频文件以及重新排列所有内容的好时机。

Spotify has a way of getting crowded with playlists. If you need a little help learning all the tools to organize your songs, see this list of Spotify tips. PCMag also has tips for organizing Apple Music and iTunes.

Spotify有一种使播放列表变得拥挤的方式。 如果您需要一点帮助来学习组织歌曲的所有工具,请参阅此Spotify技巧列表 。 PCMag还提供了组织Apple Music和iTunes的技巧

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Remember to set up playlists for yourself that support other New Year’s resolutions you might have, like workout playlists or songs or podcasts you can listen to while doing a hobby. For example, I have podcast playlists called Kitchen Time for shows I enjoy while cooking.

切记要为自己设置播放列表,以支持您可能具有的其他新年分辨率,例如锻炼时的播放列表,歌曲或播客,您可以在业余爱好时收听。 例如,我有一个名为Kitchen Time的播客播放列表,用于播放我在烹饪时喜欢的节目。

You might decide to tidy up your Spotify playlists or unsubscribe from podcasts that no longer release new episodes. Maybe you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to work out more, in which case you could spend a little time putting together a workout playlist. On an average day, this chore might seem like a poor use of your time, but when you have a few hours to kill over a winter holiday, it’s just right.

您可能决定整理您的Spotify播放列表,或取消订阅不再发布新剧集的播客。 也许您已经做出了新年的决议,想锻炼更多,在这种情况下,您可以花一点时间来整理锻炼播放列表。 在平常的一天中,这种琐事看起来似乎浪费了您的时间,但是当您在寒假中要消磨几个小时时,这是正确的。

10.清理密码 (10. Clean Up Your Passwords)

In an age when so much of what we do is online, including storing important documents, having secure passwords can be more important than backing up your files. A password manager is your key to greater online safety and security.

在这个时代,我们要做的很多事情都是在线的,包括存储重要的文档,拥有安全的密码比备份文件更为重要。 密码管理器是提高在线安全性的关键。

If you already use a password manager (you hero, you), now’s a good time to think about whether you should update any passwords or add two-factor or multifactor authentication to keep your accounts secure.


If you don’t have a password manager, let me briefly explain what they are, as sometimes people have a misunderstanding. A password manager is an app that creates unique passwords for all your online accounts. Now here’s the key part. Whenever you want to log in to an account, the app types your username and password into the login fields for you in a secure way. So if you go to, say, Facebook’s login page, the password manager automatically fills in the fields for Email/Phone Number and Password. You don’t have to type anything. You can open your password manager app and look at the passwords if you ever need to, but you don’t have to.

如果您没有密码管理器,请让我简要解释一下它们是什么,因为有时人们会产生误解。 密码管理器是一款可为您的所有在线帐户创建唯一密码的应用程序。 现在是关键部分。 每当您要登录帐户时,应用程序都会以安全的方式在登录字段中输入您的用户名和密码。 因此,例如,如果您访问Facebook的登录页面,则密码管理器会自动填写“电子邮件/电话号码”和“密码”字段。 您无需输入任何内容。 您可以打开密码管理器应用程序,并在需要时查看密码,但不必这样做。

Pick a password manager that meets your needs and try it for an hour or so. Get a feel for it. When you use a password manager for the first time, there’s a hurdle to clear during the first week or two, as you need to teach the app your existing passwords and give it permission to save them or replace them with new, stronger passwords. That hurdle disappears as you use the app. So stick with it.

选择一个满足您需求的密码管理器,然后尝试一个小时左右。 感受一下。 首次使用密码管理器时,在前一两周需要清除一个障碍,因为您需要教该应用您现有的密码,并授予其保存或使用新的更强密码替换的权限。 使用该应用程序时,该障碍消失了。 所以坚持下去。

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com on January 7, 2020.

最初于 2020年1月7日 发布在 https://www.pcmag.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/10-ways-to-tidy-up-your-phones-and-pcs-for-the-new-year-5d27462ef8a6






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