公钥密码学 公钥基础设施_公钥密码学简介

公钥密码学 公钥基础设施

If you’re into software development, you have probably already been introduced to cryptography in one way or another. Signing messages, encrypting payloads, verifying signatures, and using certificates; these are all features we use every day even when we’re not aware of it.

如果您从事软件开发,那么您可能已经以一种或另一种方式被介绍给密码学。 签名消息,加密有效载荷,验证签名和使用证书; 这些都是我们每天都使用的功能,即使我们不知道也是如此。

Public-key cryptography, or asymmetric cryptography, is a topic of broad scientific research starting back in the mid-70s, as well as the target of numerous books and research papers to this day.


This piece is by no means an attempt to present cryptography in any level of scientific or academic detail.


Instead, I’ll try to showcase the key functional concepts behind asymmetric cryptography and provide examples of how you can use it (while trying to avoid jargon as much as possible).


In the following sections we’ll discuss:


  • Symmetric vs. asymmetric cryptography.

  • Key generation.

  • Asymmetric encryption, or how to send encrypted messages.

  • Signing payloads.

  • Certificates.


对称加密与非对称加密 (Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Cryptography)

The differentiation of symmetric vs. asymmetric cryptography lies in the way in which keys are used to deliver the underlying cryptographic functions:


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With symmetric encryption, one key is shared with one or more parties (image by author)

In symmetric encryption, the same key is used both for encryption as well as for decryption. The key becomes a shared secret, shared between the participants.

在对称加密中,同一密钥既用于加密又用于解密。 密钥成为参与者之间共享的共享秘密。

Evidently, as the number of participants grows, the risk of having the secret key leaked grows too.


In the above figure, if e.g. Steve’s PC is compromised, anyone having obtained the secret key could also decrypt all messages sent to Alice, John, and Elizabeth.


So, once the shared secret is compromised in any single location, the security of the whole system becomes compromised. This very requirement of using a single shared key, as well as finding a secure way to propagate it, is what symmetric encryption’s major drawback is.

因此,一旦共享秘密在任何单个位置受到破坏,整个系统的安全性就会受到损害。 对称加密的主要缺点是使用单个共享密钥以及找到安全的方式来传播它的要求。

Symmetric encryption was the principal encryption mechanism used until the mid-70s, when researchers started suggesting a different approach for creating and, more importantly, propagating keys.


This is when asymmetric encryption was born:


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With asymmetric encryption, parties maintain key-pairs and exchange public keys (image by author)

In asymmetric encryption, each party is the owner of a pair of keys, a public and a private key.


The major breakthrough was that the public key was not a shared secret that should be carefully kept hidden by two or more parties. Instead, participants could exchange public keys over untrusted networks and even share one’s public key with anybody else.

最大的突破是,公开密钥不是共享的秘密,应该由两个或多个参与者小心地隐藏起来。 相反,参与者可以在不受信任的网络上交换公钥,甚至可以与其他任何人共享一个人的公钥。

Symmetric encryption revolutionized the cryptography domain and it is nowadays the foundation of most large-scale encryption schemes; for example, the internet.

对称加密彻底改变了密码学领域,如今它已成为大多数大规模加密方案的基础。 例如,互联网。

密钥生成 (Key Generation)

The creation of public and private keys in asymmetric encryption depends on mathematical problems, in particular one-way functions.


One-way functions have the characteristic of being easy to be solved in one way (i.e. generating a key) but very computationally expensive to be calculated in inverse (i.e. finding the key when having an encrypted payload).


As I promised at the beginning of this article, I won’t unnecessarily use technical jargon related to cryptography. However, let’s just keep this one thing in mind: not all keys are created equal.

正如我在本文开头所承诺的那样,我不会不必要地使用与密码学有关的技术术语。 但是,让我们牢记这一件事:并非所有键都是相同的。

The quality and strength of a key depend on the algorithm used to generate it as well as the number of bits it is comprised of.


The current key-size recommendation for keys generated using Diffie-Hellman algorithms is 2048 bits or larger, and approximately 1/10th of that for keys generated using Elliptic Curves algorithms.


So, time to create our first asymmetric encryption key-pair using the Swiss army knife of cryptography tools, LibreSSL (v2.8.3 — if you’re using OpenSSL, most of the commands below should work as well).

因此,是时候使用瑞士的加密工具军刀LibreSSL (v2.8.3-如果使用的是OpenSSL ,下面的大多数命令也应该可以)创建我们的第一个非对称加密密钥对。

创建一个加密的私钥 (Creating an encrypted private key)

openssl genrsa -des3 -out alice-privatekey.pem 2048openssl genrsa -des3 -out bob-privatekey.pem 2048

You have now successfully generated private keys for Alice and Bob. There are additional options in both LibreSSL and OpenSSL specifying properties of the key, including the use of an elliptic curve algorithm during generation.

您现在已经成功为Alice和Bob生成了私钥。 LibreSSL和OpenSSL中都有指定密钥属性的其他选项,包括在生成过程中使用椭圆曲线算法。

The private key should be kept, well... private and never be shared with anyone else.


从私钥中提取公钥 (Extracting the public key from the private key)

openssl rsa -in alice-privatekey.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out alice-publickey.pemopenssl rsa -in bob-privatekey.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out bob-publickey.pem

The public keys of Alice and Bob are now extracted and can be sent to any interested party as there is no sensitive information embedded in it.


非对称加密,或如何发送加密的消息 (Asymmetric Encryption, or How to Send Encrypted Messages)

Asymmetric encryption works with public and private keys. To send an encrypted message, the public key of the recipient is used during encryption and the private key of the recipient is used during decryption, as depicted next:

非对称加密适用于公钥和私钥。 要发送加密的消息,在加密过程中使用接收者的公钥,在解密过程中使用接收者的私钥,如下所示:

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Public-key encryption/decryption (image by author)

Here are the steps involved in the above scenario, where Alice wants to send an encrypted message to Bob:


  1. Alice obtains the public key of Bob.

  2. Alice stores Bob’s public key for future usage.

  3. Alice uses Bob’s public key together with the payload to be encrypted and passes them through her encryption software.

  4. The encrypted payload is sent to Bob.

  5. Bob passes his private key and the encrypted message sent by Alice to his decryption software.

  6. Bob gets the original payload Alice sent.


So, let’s move to the practical part and use Bob’s public key to send him an encrypted file. Oh, wait… we can’t!

因此,让我们进入实际部分,并使用Bob的公钥向他发送加密文件。 哦,等等……我们不能!

混合加密 (Hybrid encryption)

There’s nothing wrong with the theoretical part presented above as it works exactly as advertised. However, there’s a “catch” with asymmetric encryption: the size of your to-be-encrypted payload must (almost) match the size of the public key you’re using for the encryption.

上面介绍的理论部分没有任何问题,因为它的工作原理与广告宣传完全一样。 但是,存在不对称加密的“陷阱”:要加密的有效负载的大小必须(几乎)与用于加密的公钥的大小匹配。

So, for sending Bob a photo of approximately 1MB, you’d need Bob to have a public key of at least 8 million bits. That’s eight million 1s and 0s, one after the other. Probably not that practical — if even achievable, to generate such a key.

因此,要向Bob发送大约1MB的照片,您需要Bob拥有至少800万比特的公共密钥。 那是八百万个1和0,一个接一个。 生成这样的密钥可能不那么实际-即使可以实现。

Although you could create a construct in which asymmetric encryption is used in block mode to encrypt large payloads, by encrypting the payload in smaller bits close to the size of the available public key, in practice, that’s something nobody is using. It’s inefficient in terms of space used, and it’s going to be very slow.

尽管您可以创建一种结构,在该结构中以块模式使用非对称加密来加密大型有效负载,但是通过以接近可用公共密钥大小的较小比特来加密有效负载,实际上,这是没人在使用的东西。 就使用的空间而言,它效率很低,而且会非常慢。

To alleviate the key size restriction of asymmetric encryption, the current practice is to use hybrid encryption:


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Hybrid encryption (image by author)

In hybrid encryption, a random symmetric key is created to encrypt the payload and the public key is used to encrypt the random symmetric key. Let’s see how this works:

在混合加密中,将创建一个随机对称密钥来加密有效负载,并使用公共密钥来加密随机对称密钥。 让我们看看它是如何工作的:

  1. Bob sends his public key to Alice.

  2. Alice generates a shared symmetric key.

  3. Alice encrypts the symmetric key with Bob’s public key.

  4. Alice encrypts the message with the shared key created in (2).

  5. Alice sends to Bob the encrypted message and the encrypted shared key.

  6. Bob decrypts the shared key using his private key.

  7. Bob decrypts the encrypted message using the shared key.


The above scenario is lengthy and tedious if performed manually. However, there are well-established tools and standards automating the process of securely exchanging messages and files, such as OpenPGP and its incarnation in PGP and GPG.

如果手动执行,上述情况将是冗长而乏味的。 但是,有完善的工具和标准可以自动安全地交换消息和文件,例如OpenPGP及其在PGPGPG中的化身。

使用GPG加密(GNU Privacy Guard) (Encrypting with GPG (The GNU Privacy Guard))

GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880 (also known as PGP).

GnuPGRFC4880 (也称为PGP)定义的OpenPGP标准的完整和免费实现。

GnuPG allows you to encrypt and sign your data and communications and features a versatile key management system, along with access modules for all kinds of public key directories.


Let’s now try sending an encrypted file from Alice to Bob using GPG:


  1. Both Alice and Bob need to create GPG key-pairs:


    Both Alice and Bob need to create GPG key-pairs:gpg --gen-key

    爱丽丝和鲍勃都需要创建GPG密钥对: gpg --gen-key

  2. Bob should export his public key and send it to Alice:


    Bob should export his public key and send it to Alice:gpg --output bob.gpg --export bob@bob.com

    鲍勃应导出其公钥并将其发送给爱丽丝: gpg --output bob.gpg --export bob@bob.com

  3. Once Alice receives Bob’s public key, she should import it into her local key-database:


    Once Alice receives Bob’s public key, she should import it into her local key-database:gpg --import bob.gpg

    爱丽丝收到鲍勃的公钥后,应将其导入本地密钥数据库: gpg --import bob.gpg

  4. Alice creates an unencrypted message:


    Alice creates an unencrypted message:echo "Hello Bob" > bob.msg

    爱丽丝创建未加密的消息: echo "Hello Bob" > bob.msg

  5. Alice encrypts the message and sends the encrypted messages together with the encrypted shared key to Bob:


    Alice encrypts the message and sends the encrypted messages together with the encrypted shared key to Bob:gpg --output bob.msg.gpg --encrypt --recipient bob@bob.com bob.msg

    爱丽丝对消息进行加密,然后将加密的消息与加密的共享密钥一起发送给鲍勃: gpg --output bob.msg.gpg --encrypt --recipient bob@bob.com bob.msg

  6. Bob receives the encrypted message and decrypts it by decrypting the shared key and with it decrypting the encrypted message:


    Bob receives the encrypted message and decrypts it by decrypting the shared key and with it decrypting the encrypted message:gpg --output bob.msg --decrypt bob.msg.pgp

    Bob接收到加密的消息,并通过解密共享密钥并解密解密的消息来解密它: gpg --output bob.msg --decrypt bob.msg.pgp

GPG and PGP are both widely used and already incorporated in many of the products we daily use, such as in email clients, so you rarely have to perform the above sequence manually.


签署有效载荷 (Signing Payloads)

Sometimes, it may not be necessary to encrypt the content of the message, however, we may still want to be sure of the identity of the sender. Other times, the content needs to be encrypted and the sender’s identity needs to be validated too. In both cases, this is where we use digital signatures.

有时,不一定需要加密消息的内容,但是,我们可能仍要确保发送者的身份。 其他时候,内容需要加密,发送者的身份也需要验证。 在两种情况下,这都是我们使用数字签名的地方。

Before we see how a digital signature is generated and how it can be helpful to validate the content, as well as the identity of the sender, let’s make an important distinction here — something I often see people use interchangeably: digital signatures are not electronic signatures.


电子签名 (Digital signature)

A digital signature is just a mathematic proof for verifying the authenticity of digital messages.


It allows the recipient of a message, with a very high degree of certainty, to believe that a specific message was created by a known sender and that the message was not altered in transit.


电子签名 (Electronic signature)

An electronic signature carries the intent of a physical signature, very often implemented using digital signatures.


In many countries, an electronic signature provides the same legal standing as a handwritten signature as long as it adheres to the requirements of the specific regulation it was created under.


A digital signature is produced by the sender using a private key, and validated by the recipient using the sender’s public key:


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Verifying a message with a digital signature (image by author)
  1. Alice sends her public key to Bob.

  2. Alice creates a message and produces a digital signature using her public key. The digital signature is, often, produced on a calculated hash of the message, for example, on a resulting SHA-256.

    爱丽丝创建一条消息,并使用她的公共密钥生成数字签名。 通常,在消息的计算出的哈希值上,例如在所得的SHA-256上,产生数字签名。

  3. Bob receives the original, unencrypted message and Alice’s digital signature for that message.

  4. Bob re-calculates the digital signature of the original, unencrypted message using Alice’s public key and compares it with the signature Alice sent.

  5. If both signatures match, Bob knows it was Alice who sent the original message and that the content of the message hasn’t been changed.


Let’s see next how to create a digital signature and how the recipient can verify that the received message has not been tampered with.


签发签名 (Issuing a signature)

openssl dgst -sha256 -sign alice-privatekey.pem -out bob.msg.sign bob.msg

The above command uses Alice’s private key to calculate a digital signature on the SHA-256 output for the file bob.msg. Alice then sends the bob.msg as well as the bob.msg.sign files to Bob.

上面的命令使用Alice的私钥为文件bob.msg在SHA-256输出上计算数字签名。 然后,爱丽丝将bob.msg以及bob.msg.sign文件发送给Bob。

验证签名 (Verifying a signature)

openssl dgst -sha256 -verify alice-publickey.pem -signature bob.msg.sign bob.msg

Bob receives the two files from Alice and proceeds with verifying the signature using Alice’s public key. The above command returns Verified OK or Verification Failure according to the digital signature validation outcome.

鲍勃(Bob)从爱丽丝(Alice)接收了两个文件,并继续使用爱丽丝(Alice)的公钥来验证签名。 上面的命令根据数字签名验证结果返回“ Verified OK或“ Verification Failure

证明书 (Certificates)

A certificate, otherwise also known as a digital certificate, an identity certificate, or a public key certificate, is an electronic document proving the ownership of a public key.


The most common format for certificates is defined by X.509 and it contains, fundamentally, a public key, a digital signature for that public key, as well as information about the identity of the owner of the public key.


Certificates may be used for a variety of purposes, therefore, different certificate profiles exist.


The public key corresponds to the owner of the certificate. However, for anyone else to be able to verify the identity of the owner, a trusted third-party entity is required.

公钥对应于证书的所有者。 但是,要使其他任何人都能够验证所有者的身份,则需要一个受信任的第三方实体。

This is where certificate authorities come in. A certificate authority is a party responsible for signing certificates and, usually, is a trusted, well-known company or organization.


To perform this role effectively, a certificate authority needs to have its own root certificate trusted by as many users as possible. However, a certificate authority may also provide cross-signature, thus signing the root certificates of other certificate authorities.

为了有效地执行此角色,证书颁发机构需要拥有自己的根证书,并由尽可能多的用户信任。 但是,证书颁发机构也可以提供交叉签名,从而对其他证书颁发机构的根证书进行签名。

This may sound confusing at first, so let’s try to go through it with an example:


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A certificate validation chain of trust (image by author)
  • In the above example, Bob connects to Alice’s website and wants to verify that it is really Alice who operates it.

  • Bob obtains a certificate while visiting Alice’s website. The certificate contains Alice’s public key together with a digital signature from certificate authority CA1.

    Bob在访问爱丽丝的网站时获得了证书。 该证书包含Alice的公钥以及来自证书颁发机构CA1的数字签名。
  • Since Bob doesn’t know nor trust CA1, he examines the certificate chain embedded into the certificate.

  • By tracing back the available cross-signatures, Bob arrives at certificate authority CA3 that he trusts. He now knows that Alice’s website can be trusted to be operated by Alice.

    通过追溯可用的交叉签名,Bob到达了他信任​​的证书颁发机构CA3。 现在,他知道爱丽丝的网站可以信任由爱丽丝运营。

Of course, all of this process takes place behind the scenes by your internet browser under Transport Layer Security (TLS) on the HTTPS protocol.

当然,所有这些过程都是由Internet浏览器在后台通过HTTPS协议的“传输层安全性( TLS )”进行的。

The fact that the verification of a certificate’s identity is based on a commonly trusted parent certificate authority is also one of the main criticisms of certificates.


What if that parent certificate authority is compromised or goes rogue?


Although certificates are used predominantly for website privacy, identification, and content reliability, they can also be used for client identification.


If you’re interested in operating your own certificate authority, you can try one of the various open-source implementations available, such as OpenCA, EJBCA, or OpenXKPI.


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David CARELLA, David CARELLAWikipedia, WikipediaCC BY-SA 4.0) CC BY-SA 4.0 )

Of course, take into account that since your own certificate authority’s root certificate will not be trusted by your internet browser, or anyone else really, you will need to manually insert it into your trusted certificates store as per your operating system’s instructions.


The same goes for the machines of all your users using certificates from your own certificate authority.


And no, it’s not an option to have one of the large, known root certificate authorities cross-signing your own certificate authority’s root certificate.


结论 (Conclusion)

Public-key cryptography, or asymmetric encryption, is a cryptographic system based on pairs of keys, a public and a private key. The main use cases of asymmetric encryption are encrypting communications, providing message validation, and authenticity.

公钥密码术或非对称加密是一种基于密钥对,公钥和私钥的加密系统。 非对称加密的主要用例是加密通信,提供消息验证和真实性。

In this article, I tried to present the basic concepts behind asymmetric encryption, albeit only scratching the surface of such a complicated topic. Cryptography is a fascinating area with active research to this day with abundant amounts of information for inquisitive minds.

在本文中,我试图介绍非对称加密背后的基本概念,尽管只是从头开始讨论了这样一个复杂的话题。 密码学是一个引人入胜的领域,迄今为止,它一直在进行积极的研究,并为好奇的人们提供了大量的信息。

Before you leave, if you need encryption in your project, keep the encryption golden-rule in mind: Don’t roll your own crypto.

在离开之前,如果您需要在项目中进行加密,请牢记加密的黄金法则: 不要使用自己的crypto

There are plenty of libraries and already-implemented strong, secure, battle-tested algorithms out there. Do your research and pick the ones already satisfying the needs of your project.

那里有许多库以及已经实施的强大,安全,经过考验的算法。 做您的研究并选择那些已经满足您的项目需求的研究。

Thank you for reading this piece. I hope to see you in the next one.

感谢您阅读本文。 我希望在下一个见到你。

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/an-introduction-to-public-key-cryptography-3ea0cf7bf4ba

公钥密码学 公钥基础设施

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