

Written by Simon Hansford, CEO of UKCloud, Non-Exec Director of the UK technology industry association, techUK

由UKCloud首席执行官,英国技术行业协会英国技术行业协会非执行董事Simon Hansford撰写

As we wake up this morning to a new government, I am calling on them to create a National Capability that treats our data as a National Asset.


Although 2019 has been another good year for UKCloud, it’s been a tough year for GovTech in general. There has been concern about data misuse, political interference, fake news, cyber security and practices which, frankly, can at times only be described as Corporate Social Irresponsibility .

尽管对于UKCloud来说,2019年是又一个丰收年,但对GovTech来说,这通常是艰难的一年。 人们一直担心数据滥用,政治干扰,虚假新闻,网络安全和行为,坦率地说,有时只能被描述为企业社会责任

A few global technology companies are perceived as having become too big, too powerful, too rich, too greedy and accountable to no-one. It is therefore no surprise that the eyes of the world are now scrutinising the technology industry like never before.

几家全球性科技公司被认为已经变得太大,太强大,太富有,太贪婪并且对一个人都不负责。 因此,毫不奇怪的是,全世界的目光正在前所未有地审查着技术行业。

Data is at the heart of our digital industry. Here in the UK we have rich and diverse data sets, for example within our NHS, which have the potential to bring significant societal and economic benefit if we use that data safely, ethically and wisely. In doing so, better use of data can drive new national capabilities, new industries, new wealth and new jobs.

数据是我们数字行业的核心。 在英国,我们拥有丰富多样的数据集,例如在我们的NHS中,如果我们安全,合乎道德和明智地使用这些数据,就有可能带来巨大的社会和经济利益。 这样,更好地利用数据可以推动新的国家能力,新行业,新财富和新工作。

The think tank recently estimated that 92% of western world’s data is currently stored in the US. That’s a lot of data. And at the risk of stating the obvious, an increasing amount of that data is held in the cloud.

该智囊团最近估计,西方世界目前有92%的数据存储在美国。 大量的数据。 而且冒着明显的风险,越来越多的数据被存储在云中。

Because of the US CLOUD Act, data held in the US, or by US companies, is subject to US law, no matter where it is in the world. Many will shrug their shoulders and think so what? The US is an ally. Yet, the UK’s Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy recently identified “ growing strains on the UK’s relationship with the United States “ as something that could potentially undermine our national security in the future.

根据《美国云计算法》,无论在世界任何地方,在美国或由美国公司持有的数据均受美国法律的约束。 许多人会耸耸肩膀,怎么想呢? 美国是盟友。 然而,英国国家安全战略联合委员会最近将“ 英国与美国关系日益紧张 ”的情况确定为将来有可能损害我们的国家安全。

Then there is the Carillion effect — even Jeff Bezos has gone on record to say that “ one day Amazon will fail “. Putting all our eggs in one or possibly two, baskets is neither resilient nor sustainable in the long run.

然后就是Carillion效应-甚至Jeff Bezos也有记录说“ 亚马逊有一天会失败 ”。 从长远来看,将我们所有的鸡蛋放在一个或两个鸡蛋中,既没有弹性,也没有可持续性。

And it goes without saying that a near data monopoly will do nothing to drive competition, innovation or value — and it will inhibit local and inward innovation and investment. This again reinforces why the US, leveraging their large data lakes, have such a huge economic advantage.

不用说,近乎数据的垄断对推动竞争,创新或价值无能为力,而且会抑制本地和内部创新与投资。 这再次证明了为什么美国利用其大数据湖拥有如此巨大的经济优势。

In turn the UK will ultimately be deprived of our digital resilience, the national capability that we desperately need and instead will be dependent on foreign powers for the curation of our own data.


In June this year the US Federal Government updated its “ Cloud First “ strategy to a “ Cloud Smart “ strategy. What “ Cloud Smart “ means in practice is that even US agencies are re-considering their dependency on individual hyper-scale clouds by planning to invest in multi-cloud environments, because the multi-cloud approach offers choice and flexibility, and potentially reduces millions of dollars of federal technical debt.

今年6月,美国联邦政府将其“ 云优先 ”策略更新为“ 云智能 ”策略。 实际上,“ 云智能 ”的意思是,甚至美国机构也正在计划投资于多云环境,从而重新考虑对单个超大规模云的依赖,因为多云方法提供了选择和灵活性,并有可能减少数百万美元的联邦技术债务。

In October this year, Angela Merkel launched Gaia-X, following warnings from German law makers and industry leaders that their country is too dependent on foreign-owned digital infrastructure.

今年10月,安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)推出了Gaia-X,此前德国立法者和行业领袖警告说,德国过于依赖外国拥有的数字基础设施。

Gaia-X is a plan to restore European sovereignty to European data. It will be a cloud service that will address growing alarm over the reliance of industry, governments and security services on US cloud providers. Gaia-X has growing support across Europe.

Gaia-X计划恢复欧洲对欧洲数据的主权。 这将是一项云服务,将解决业界,政府和安全服务对美国云提供商的依赖日益严重的警报。 Gaia-X在整个欧洲的支持日益增加。

Some are now seeing the scramble for data sovereignty as the next arms race. Yet, here in the UK we have been mostly preoccupied with Brexit and the General Election. In both, digital and data have kept a remarkably low profile, despite their huge and ever-growing importance to our economy, our national security and to the future provision of effective healthcare.

在下一轮军备竞赛中,一些人现在看到了对数据主权的争夺。 然而,在英国,我们大部分时间都专注于英国退欧和大选。 尽管数字和数据对我们的经济,我们的国家安全以及未来提供有效医疗保健的重要性日益增长,但它们的影响力却一直很低。

There is a very real danger that the UK will fall behind Europe and indeed the rest of the world unless we too take back control of our data. Of course, Gaia-X already has its detractors — most of which are US companies and US Trade Associations, all claiming that it can’t be done. But they take would that position wouldn’t they? The world’s largest cloud companies are all from the US and they already host 92% of our data. They already have a national capability and national assets that drives their economic and political independence.

除非我们也重新控制数据,否则英国将真正落后于欧洲乃至世界其他地区,这是一个非常现实的危险。 当然,Gaia-X已经有了它的批评者-其中大多数是美国公司和美国贸易协会,都声称它无法做到。 但是他们会担任那个职位吗? 全球最大的云公司都来自美国,它们已经托管了我们92%的数据。 他们已经具有驱动经济和政治独立的国家能力和国家资产。

My vision is for an inclusive multi-vendor, multi-cloud service that creates a digital platform for innovation and collaboration within the UK. A digital platform based on technical, ethical, jurisdictional and regulatory standards that would be available for government and industry alike. A digital platform which would create a huge national capability by facilitating the sharing and analytics of data and intelligence.

我的愿景是提供一个包容性的多供应商,多云服务,从而为英国范围内的创新和协作创建一个数字平台。 一个基于技术,道德,管辖权和监管标准的数字平台,可供政府和行业使用。 通过促进数据和情报的共享和分析,将创建巨大的国家能力的数字平台。

A UK National Capability that treats UK data as our National Asset. It would underpin new industries in the UK based on the power of data, enhance our national security, grow our economy and bolster the exchequer — and we will need this more than ever, as we face the twin challenges of Brexit and the forthcoming trade negotiations.

英国国家能力,将英国数据视为我们的国家资产。 它将基于数据的力量为英国的新兴产业提供支撑,增强我们的国家安全,发展我们的经济并支持国库—随着我们面临英国退欧和即将进行的贸易谈判的双重挑战,我们将比以往任何时候都更加需要这一点。 。

The world’s increasing dependence on a very few US hyper-scale cloud providers creates national dependencies and diminishes our national capability. This does not mean that they do not have a place as a valuable supplier to our government and UK industry. But they have grown too big, too quickly and the UK needs a core capability to remain digitally independent.

全球对极少数美国超大规模云提供商的依赖日益增加,这造成了国家依赖性,并削弱了我们的国家能力。 这并不意味着他们没有作为我们政府和英国工业的宝贵供应商的位置。 但是它们已经变得太大,太快,英国需要一种核心能力来保持数字独立性。

If Europe can do this then so must we. We must be bold in our ambition and have belief in our capability — or we shall be stuck between the rock and the hard place that will be Europe and the US.

如果欧洲能够做到这一点,那么我们也必须这样做。 我们必须雄心勃勃,对自己的能力有信心-否则我们将被困在坚硬的欧洲和美国之间。

More thought leadership


Originally published at https://digileaders.com on December 13, 2019.

最初于 2019年12月13日 发布在 https://digileaders.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/digital-leaders-uk/the-uk-needs-a-national-capability-that-treats-our-data-as-a-national-asset-cacc37223fa8






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