

One thing I stress the importance of to all my students is the need to use a password manager, especially when the alternatives are either memorizing dozens of different ones, or worse, using the same one (or minor variations thereof) for everything, or settling for those offered by the browser. And yet, the fact that I still have to tell my students, suggests to me that people just don’t get it.

我强调所有学生的重要性是需要使用密码管理器,特别是当备选方案要么记住许多不同的密码,或者更糟的是,对所有内容使用相同的密码(或密码的微小变化),或者解决适用于浏览器提供的功能。 但是,我仍然必须告诉我的学生这一事实向我表明,人们只是不明白这一点。

What’s more, the great Troy Hunt and his Have I been pawned? has been helping my arguments: just display the service on a screen, ask somebody to enter their email, and bingo, they will be on a list of data breaches, which means that their password is pretty much available to anyone who wants to use it. That said, I’ve no idea how many of my students immediately sign up for a password manager.

更重要的是,伟大的特洛伊·亨特 ( Troy Hunt)和他的《我是否被典当了? 一直在帮助我争论:只需在屏幕上显示服务 ,要求某人输入电子邮件,然后宾果游戏,他们就会出现在数据泄露列表中,这意味着他们的密码几乎可供任何想要使用它的人使用。 就是说,我不知道有多少学生立即注册了密码管理器。

But all that might be about to change: for the first time, a password manager, Dashlane, has placed an ad during a Super Bowl break, which will have cost the firm $5.6 million, which it can afford thanks to a recent round of investment, and will hopefully raise awareness of the the issue of security breaches.

但这一切都可能会改变: 密码管理器Dashlane第一次在超级碗休息期间放了一个广告,这将使公司损失560万美元 ,这要归功于最近的一轮投资,并有望提高人们对安全漏洞问题的认识。

We only need to know one password: the one we use for our password manager, which means we’ll hopefully think up a reasonably good one. Forget about all those others. Using a password manager is simply the logical thing to do: it enters your password into all the services you need to log into, on all your devices, and through a secure channel, giving you passwords composed of long sets of all kinds of characters that are much more robust than anything we could dream up, and which are encrypted and stored securely, so that even if the bad guys hack into the password manager they won’t be able to read them.

我们只需要知道一个密码:我们用于密码管理器的密码,这意味着我们希望会考虑一个合理的密码。 忘掉所有其他的。 使用密码管理器只是简单的逻辑操作:将密码输入您需要登录的所有服务,在所有设备上并通过安全通道,以提供由各种字符组成的长密码集的密码,它比我们梦dream以求的要强大得多,并且经过安全加密和安全存储,因此即使恶意分子侵入密码管理器,他们也无法读取它们。

I haven’t tried Dashlane and wouldn’t recommend it over any of the other big players: LastPass, KeePass, 1Password and Dashlane itself have been consistently proving their reliability for years. Deciding which password manager to use comes down to interface and conditions: some are a bit more complex to use, others have freemium models… It doesn’t really matter, because using a password manager is about common sense: the more often you use vulnerable passwords, the more the more likely you are to find yourself on a list of sites that have been hacked, which means that somebody out there could be using your name and password to their financial advantage.

我没有尝试过Dashlane ,也不会在其他任何大公司中推荐它: LastPassKeePass1PasswordDashlane本身多年来一直在证明其可靠性。 确定使用哪种密码管理器取决于界面和条件:有些密码使用起来有点复杂,有些则有免费增值模式……这没关系,因为使用密码管理器是常识:您经常使用易受攻击的密码,您越有可能在被黑客入侵的网站列表中找到自己,这意味着那里的某个人可能会利用您的姓名和密码来牟取经济利益。

Do yourself a favor and don’t leave yourself at risk.


This article was previously published on Forbes.


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