

‘No consumer would realistically have an inkling that their antivirus software could be selling their browsing data,’ US Senator Mark Warner said after a joint investigation from PCMag and Motherboard examined the data practices of Avast’s free antivirus software.

美国参议员马克·华纳(Mark Warner)在接受PCMag和Motherboard的联合调查后,检查了Avast免费防病毒软件的数据做法后说:“实际上,没有消费者会暗示他们的防病毒软件可能会出售其浏览数据。”

By Michael Kan


US Senator Mark Warner (D-Virginia) is questioning why the FTC hasn’t investigated the data collection practices of antivirus companies following a PCMag-Motherboard investigation into the privacy risks of Avast selling the customer browser histories to third-party companies.

美国参议员马克·沃纳(Mark Warner)(弗吉尼亚州)质疑,在PCMag母板调查了Avast将客户浏览器历史出售给第三方公司的隐私风险之后,联邦贸易委员会(FTC)为什么没有调查反病毒公司的数据收集实践。

“It’s increasingly clear that the FTC hasn’t kept up with how these markets for data operate, and appears to be unwilling to use its authorities to do so,” Warner said in a statement.


On Monday, PCMag and Motherboard published a joint investigation examining Avast’s free antivirus products and how they can expose your website clicks to corporations and market research companies. Although the antivirus company claims it “de-identifies” the collected browser histories before selling the information off, the same data can still be analyzed to link a person’s web activities to their real identity.

周一,PCMag和Motherboard 发表了一项联合调查,调查了Avast的免费防病毒产品以及它们如何向企业和市场研究公司公开您的网站点击。 尽管该防病毒公司声称在出售信息之前先“取消识别”了收集到的浏览器历史记录,但仍可以分析相同的数据以将一个人的网络活动与其真实身份相关联。

In response to the investigation, Warner said: “Time and again we’ve seen that consumers are totally unwitting to the ways their data is being collected, commercialized and sold.” He not only pointed to antivirus companies, but also web browsers and VPN services, which have attracted scrutiny as well over potential spying risks.

华纳在回应调查时说:“我们一次又一次地看到,消费者完全不知道其数据的收集,商业化和出售方式。” 他不仅指出了防病毒公司,还指出了网络浏览器和VPN服务 ,它们已经受到了潜在间谍活动风险的严格审查。

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“Yet in each of these cases we’ve repeatedly seen trusted intermediaries undermine the privacy and security of consumers,” he added. “No consumer would realistically have an inkling that their antivirus software could be selling their browsing data and-even more sensitive information such as mouse movement- to an array of third parties.”

他补充说:“但是,在每种情况下,我们都反复看到可信的中介机构破坏了消费者的隐私和安全性。” “实际上,没有任何消费者会暗示他们的防病毒软件可以将其浏览数据以及甚至更敏感的信息(例如鼠标移动)出售给一系列第三方。”

In the case of Avast, the free antivirus software is capable of scanning every site your browser is visiting as a way to warn you of any malicious or fraudulent activity. However, the same feature can also harvest your browser history, along with any sensitive search terms you’ve made through Google or Bing, according to PCMag’s investigation.

对于Avast来说 ,免费的防病毒软件能够扫描您的浏览器正在访问的每个站点,以警告您任何恶意或欺诈性活动。 但是,根据PCMag的调查,相同的功能还可以收集您的浏览器历史记录,以及您通过Google或Bing所做的任何敏感搜索词。

The good news is that users can easily opt out of the data collection by going into the antivirus software’s privacy settings or turning it off on install. However, Avast’s marketing and privacy promises around the data harvesting may convince people otherwise; the company has been recently asking all users to opt into the data-sharing when the Avast subsidiary in charge of monetizing the browser histories, Jumpshot, has been selling access to the data for million of dollars.

好消息是,用户可以通过进入防病毒软件的隐私设置或在安装时将其关闭来轻松退出数据收集。 但是,Avast关于数据收集的营销和隐私承诺可能会说服人们。 当负责浏览器历史获利的Avast子公司Jumpshot以百万美元的价格出售对数据的访问权限时,该公司最近一直在要求所有用户选择共享数据。

In his statement, Warner said: “Congress can’t afford to ignore these issues any longer.” The senator previously introduced other legislation to crack down on deceptive website practices that can fool you into handing over your information. But the US still has no federal digital privacy law in place.

华纳在声明中说:“国会再也不能无视这些问题了。” 这位参议员此前曾提出其他立法,以打击可能欺骗您上交信息的欺骗性网站做法。 但是美国仍然没有联邦数字隐私法。

The FTC declined to comment, saying “Investigations are nonpublic.” But the regulator told Motherboard: “However, we are very familiar with how these markets for data operate, and will not hesitate to take appropriate action as necessary where we find conduct that violates the laws we enforce.”

美国联邦贸易委员会拒绝置评,称“调查是非公开的”。 但是监管机构告诉母板:“但是,我们非常熟悉这些数据市场的运作方式,如果发现违反我们执行的法律的行为,我们会毫不犹豫地采取必要的行动。”

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.

最初发布在 https://www.pcmag.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/us-senator-faults-ftc-for-dropping-ball-on-antivirus-data-harvesting-92f2b7f30b50






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