

Have you ever taken a look at the apps you interact with daily and thought, “I could do better than that”? Have you ever had an app idea you thought would be perfect for a smartphone or tablet, but never got around to implementing it?

您是否曾经看过您每天与之交互的应用程序,并认为“ 我可以做得更好” ? 您是否曾经想到过某个应用程序创意,认为它适合智能手机或平板电脑,但却从未实现过呢?

Every day, we take note of the world around us and think of little tweaks we could make to improve both ourselves and the world. Too often, when those improvements or innovations are associated with apps, we back down due to the seeming immense complexity of app development.

每天,我们都会注意到周围的世界,并想着我们可以做些微调来改善自己和世界。 通常,当这些改进或创新与应用程序相关联时,由于应用程序开发看似非常复杂,我们便退缩了。

But things have changed since the days when your iOS app ambitions were immediately curdled by a glance at spaghetti Objective-C code. I found developing my first app, Sunrise Alarm, enjoyable and rewarding. I firmly believe that changes in the way we make iOS apps—and the increasing number of online communities for app development — will democratize the app-making process for all of us.

但是,自从一眼看到意大利面条的Objective-C代码就立即抑制了您的iOS应用野心以来,事情已经发生了变化。 我发现开发了自己的第一个应用程序“ Sunrise Alarm” ,既有趣又有意义。 我坚信,我们制作iOS应用程序的方式的变化以及用于应用程序开发的在线社区的不断增加,将使我们所有人的应用程序制作过程民主化。

Without further ado, let’s jump into the things I learned along the process of making my app, and how you can use them to make your dream app!

事不宜迟,让我们跳入我的世界 学习了制作我的应用程序的过程,以及如何使用它们制作自己的梦想应用程序!

时尚你的问题陈述 (Fashion Your Problem Statement)

You don’t need to know how to code to think of an app you’d like to see made. In my case, I wanted an app that would bring people closer to our nature and help us arise in sync with the sun, without having to worry about constantly changing alarm times.

您不需要知道如何编码就可以想到自己想要制作的应用程序。 就我而言,我想要一个应用程序,它可以使人们更接近自然,并帮助我们与太阳同步,而不必担心不断变化的警报时间。

If you don’t have an idea but want to make an app, ask your friends. Chances are, there are problems boiling in their brains that have solutions that apply to many others around the globe.

如果您不知道但想制作一个应用程序,请询问您的朋友。 有可能他们的大脑中冒出了很多问题,这些问题的解决方案适用于全球许多其他人。

Once you have your app idea, frame it as a problem, and propose a solution: I want to bring humans’ sleeping patterns in sync with the sun by making an app that gets them up before, after, or at sunrise. This provides you with a well-defined goal, and helps you stay determined through the learning and application ahead.

一旦有了您的应用程序构想,就将其构想为一个问题,并提出解决方案: 我想通过制作一个可以在日出前,日出后或日出时使人起床的应用程序,使人类的睡眠方式与太阳同步。 这为您提供了一个明确的目标,并帮助您通过不断学习和应用来保持决心。

进行一些基础学习 (Get in some Basic Learning)

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“Of making many coding books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.” — King Solomon (adapted)
“制作许多编码书没有止境,许多研究使身体疲倦。” -所罗门王(已改编)

Too many people get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of learning materials out there. That’s because we have a tendency to underestimate the amount we can do without much prior knowledge.

太多的学习资料使很多人不知所措。 那是因为我们倾向于低估没有很多先验知识的情况下可以做的事情。

The key to learning how to code iOS apps is getting familiar with the structure, not the particulars. When developing Sunrise Alarm, I knew none of my books would cover a topic like, “How to make an alarm app,” or, “How to make a sound player.” But I did know that others have faced similar problems in the past, and have likely shared what they learned through Medium articles or through sources like Reddit or Stack Overflow.

学习如何编写iOS应用程序代码的关键是熟悉结构 ,而不是细节 。 在开发Sunrise Alarm时,我知道我的书都不会涉及“ 如何制作警报应用程序 ”或“ 如何制作声音播放器”这样的主题。 ”但是我确实知道其他人在过去也遇到过类似的问题,并且很可能分享了他们通过“中型”文章或通过Reddit或Stack Overflow等来源学到的知识。

So instead of praying for a genie to grant me specific knowledge of features I wanted to implement, I paid fervent attention to the sections of the book that talked about an app’s structure. Essential questions I asked included:

因此,我没有恳求精灵让我了解要实现的功能的具体知识,而是全神贯注于本书中有关应用程序结构的部分 。 我问的基本问题包括:

  • Where do I implement an app’s functionality?


  • Where do I implement its user interface?


  • What are some common structural mistakes I can avoid early on, to avoid countless hours of debugging?


By envisioning how the structure of examples in the books I read could apply to my app’s structure, I was able to get the boring stuff out of the way early on in my development phase and focus more on functionality.


As a bonus, here are some of the books I used to gain an understanding of the structure of iOS projects:


Everyone learns differently. Perhaps you’d rather learn by watching videos than reading books. Regardless, remember the corollary to Garbage In, Garbage Out: if you put effort and determination into learning something, your brain will reward you by learning patterns and making invaluable mental connections.

每个人的学习方式都不一样。 也许您宁愿通过观看视频来学习而不是读书。 无论如何,请记住垃圾输入,垃圾输出的推论:如果您投入精力和决心来学习某些东西,您的大脑将通过学习模式和建立宝贵的心理联系来奖励您。

快速但谨慎地进入“从这里下坡”的时刻 (Proceed to your “Downhill from Here” Moment Quickly, but Cautiously)

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It’s helpful to prepare for the several phases of your app’s development

By now, you’ve laid out your problem statement and done some essential learning. But when it comes time to implement your app, where do you start?I recommend getting to your “downhill from here” moment. This is the place in your app in which your core functionality is completed, and everything else is, well, “downhill from here.”

到现在为止,您已经列出了问题陈述并进行了一些必要的学习。 但是,当需要实施您的应用程序时,您应该从哪里开始呢?我建议您“从这里下坡”。 这是应用程序中完成核心功能的地方,其他所有事情都“从这里下坡”。

For example, my “downhill from here” moment was when I had a simple button that could reliably schedule an alarm at sunrise. There was no need for a fancy interface or 3D effects — just the minimum viable product that satisfied my initial problem statement.

例如,我的“从这里下坡”时刻是当我有一个简单的按钮可以可靠地在日出时安排警报的时候。 不需要精美的界面或3D效果-只是满足我最初的问题陈述的最低限度可行的产品

It may be tempting to cut corners and follow questionable coding practices when heading to your “downhill from here” moment. But remember that poor decisions will cost you much more time down the line than if you had written solid code from the beginning. With iOS development, there is little room for shortcuts — if you want your app to be sustainable in the long term, you’ve got to constantly ensure that you’re coding at the top of your game.

前往“从这里下坡”的时刻时,可能会偷工减料并遵循可疑的编码做法。 但是请记住,与一开始就编写可靠的代码相比,糟糕的决定会花费更多的时间。 随着iOS的发展,捷径几乎没有余地-如果您希望应用程序长期可持续发展,则必须不断确保您在游戏的顶部进行编码。

完成比赛 (Finish Out the Race)

Once you’ve implemented the basic functionality of your app, proceed to add additional features one-by-one. It may be helpful to make a list of features you’d like to add, sorted by the impact each feature would have on improving the overall usability of the app.

实施应用程序的基本功能后,请一一添加其他功能。 列出您要添加的功能可能会有所帮助,并按每个功能对改善应用程序整体可用性的影响进行排序。

The advantage of implementing features in a discrete fashion is that you can test your app incrementally and be sure that no one part is breaking another. Sure, you’ll run into this problem less if you follow good iOS coding practices and separate the functionality of the app from the presentation, but when coding as in all other things, mistakes are inevitable.

以离散方式实现功能的优势在于,您可以逐步测试应用程序,并确保没有任何一部分会破坏另一部分。 当然,如果您遵循良好的iOS编码惯例并将应用程序的功能与演示文稿分开,则遇到此问题的机会会更少,但是当与其他所有事物一样进行编码时,错误是不可避免的。

保持现实的期望 (Keep Realistic Expectations)

Beijing wasn’t built in a day. Even if your app idea seems simple, keep in mind that iOS programming is an intimidating field, and stuff that seems simple to that guy on Stack Overflow might be an overwhelming brain dump for a beginner.

北京不是一天建成的。 即使您的应用程序想法很简单,也请记住,iOS编程是一个令人生畏的领域,而对于Stack Overflow上的那个家伙来说似乎很简单的东西对于初学者来说可能是压倒性的头脑。

But when you’re stuck, don’t be afraid to reach out. Communities like AppCoda’s Facebook group and r/iOSProgramming can often surprise you with the quickness of their responses and the kindness of their members.

但是,当您陷入困境时,不要害怕伸出手。 AppCoda的Facebook小组r / iOSProgramming这样社区通常会以其快速的响应和其成员的友善而使您感到惊讶。

It all comes down to you. If you have a passion for what you want to create and the drive to see it come into reality, you will make something impressive. But it all starts with one simple question: What would you like to make?

这一切都取决于你。 如果您对想要创建的东西充满热情,并渴望看到将其变为现实,那么您将会给人留下深刻的印象。 但这一切都始于一个简单的问题: 您想做什么?

初学者常见问题解答 (Beginner FAQ)

I want to make an iOS App, but I’m not sure whether to use SwiftUI or UIKit. Where do I start?

我想制作一个iOS应用程序,但不确定使用SwiftUI还是UIKit。 我从哪说起呢?

I recommend SwiftUI, as it makes many of the basic and boring things (buttons, layout) a piece of cake. However, if you want to make an AR experience or want more online documentation for your project, UIKit is a safe bet. (Gosh Darn SwiftUI elaborates upon this question well.)

我推荐SwiftUI,因为它使许多基本的和无聊的事情(按钮,布局)变得轻而易举。 但是,如果您想获得AR体验或需要更多在线文档供您的项目使用,UIKit是一个不错的选择。 ( Gosh Darn SwiftUI 很好地阐述了这个问题。)

I’m determined to make an app, but I don’t want my work to be in vain. How can I be sure it will reach the App Store?

我决心开发一个应用程序,但我不希望自己的工作徒劳。 我如何确定它会到达App Store?

I found my experience with pushing my app to the App Store straightforward. If you are determined enough to fashion your app from scratch, work out the kinks, and polish the whistles, then you have nothing to worry about.

我发现将应用程序推送到App Store的经验很简单。 如果您有足够的决心从头开始构建应用程序,解决纠结并擦亮哨子,那么您就无需担心。

Thanks for reading my article, and please leave your comments/corrections/suggestions in the comment section below. And, if you’re interested in checking out my app, visit in on the App Store and leave it a 5-star review. Here’s to the inspiring apps we’ll create in the future! 🍻

感谢您阅读我的文章,请在下面的评论部分中留下您的评论/更正/建议。 而且,如果您有兴趣签出我的应用程序,请在App Store上访问并留下5星级评价。 这是我们将来将创建的鼓舞人心的应用程序! 🍻

翻译自: https://medium.com/dev-genius/i-built-my-first-ios-app-with-little-experience-and-you-can-too-e54039d44004


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