

Saying welcome to Model View ViewModel (MVVM) pattern using SwiftUI.


If you’ve heard of SwiftUI but you have never dealt with this framework, you’re in the right place.


During the 2019 WWDC, Apple introduced SwiftUI, a new framework that, in the plans of the American company, will change the way applications are made. SwiftUI will eventually replace the existing UIKit. Actually SwiftUI is a wrapper of UIKit but despite this the differences between the two are many, just think that storyboards will no longer exist and that a new procedural paradigm is applied allowing you to make the code easily exportable on all Apple devices.

在2019年的WWDC期间,苹果推出了SwiftUI,这是美国公司计划的新框架,它将改变应用程序的制作方式。 SwiftUI最终将取代现有的UIKit。 实际上,SwiftUI是UIKit的包装,但是尽管两者之间存在很多差异,但请以为故事板将不复存在,并且应用了新的程序范式,使您可以轻松地在所有Apple设备上导出代码。



Precisely these novelties make SwiftUI to have a great potential and it is thought that in the coming years it can definitively replaces its ancestors , precisely for its ease in writing code, due to the imperative paradigm, like Python and Ruby, making the very same code to adapt to the various screens of the devices.


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We would love to say it’s enough for the differences, but here comes the big one: when you use swiftUI you abandon the classic Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern in favour of the latest Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)


设计模式: (The design pattern:)

This pattern, developed by Ken Cooper and Ted Peters of Microsoft, was designed to simplify event driven programming.

由Microsoft的Ken Cooper和Ted Peters开发的此模式旨在简化事件驱动的编程。

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Model View ViewModel pattern architecture

Its scheme, allows us to immediately notice its four fundamentals elements:


  1. Model: MVVM is an implementation of the Domain Model pattern. The Model will include our data structure and business logic and validation logic.

    模型 :MVVM是域模型模式的实现。 该模型将包括我们的数据结构以及业务逻辑和验证逻辑。

  2. View: View will be responsible for defining the structure, layout and appearance of what the user sees on the screen.


  3. ViewModel : the ViewModel will be the intermediary between the view and the model. It is responsible for the management of the logic of the view. Generally, the view model interacts with the model by invoking methods in the model classes. The view model will then provide the model data in such a way that the view can use it easily.

    ViewModel :ViewModel将成为视图和模型之间的中介。 它负责视图逻辑的管理。 通常,视图模型通过调用模型类中的方法与模型交互。 然后,视图模型将以一种视图可以轻松使用的方式提供模型数据。

  4. DataBinding : Data binding is a fundamental mechanism for this pattern: with this operation the view model and the view are kept constantly synchronized, typically through a declarative syntax in the view itself. This implies that changes to the data made by the user through a view will be automatically reported in the view model, without giving this responsibility to the developer.

    DataBinding :数据绑定是此模式的基本机制:通过此操作,通常通过视图本身中的声明性语法,使视图模型和视图保持恒定同步。 这意味着用户通过视图对数据所做的更改将自动在视图模型中报告,而无需将此责任交给开发人员。

The question that this article wants to answer is the following: Is SwiftUI ready to handle a complete application? Or is he still too young and needs more time to express his true potential?

本文要回答的问题如下:SwiftUI准备好处理完整的应用程序了吗? 还是他还太年轻,需要更多时间来表达自己的真正潜力?

我们在SwiftUI中的第一个应用程序: (Our first application in SwiftUI:)

To try to answer these questions we decided , as students of the Apple Developer Academy in Naples, to develop a full SwiftUI application to better understand its potential and the main differences with UIKit. This application is called Planooze: it is an app for tourists that will show you the shortest path to reach all the points of interest that you intend to visit. In addition to using SwiftUI, during this project we used other frameworks such as MapKit, CoreLocation, CoreData and CloudKit.

为了尝试回答这些问题,我们决定以那不勒斯苹果开发人员学院的学生身份,开发一个完整的SwiftUI应用程序,以更好地了解其潜力以及与UIKit的主要区别。 该应用程序称为Planooze:这是一款针对游客的应用程序,它将向您显示最短的路径,以达到您打算访问的所有景点。 除了使用SwiftUI,在此项目中,我们还使用了其他框架,例如MapKit,CoreLocation,CoreData和CloudKit。

We will focus in particular on the part of MapKit and CoreLocation, which manages the creation of the routes.


Taking in account what we previously discussed about the framework itself our project met these four components : Model, ViewModel, View and Data Binding.


Let’s examine them in more detail:


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Model: Our model is made of Itinerarymodel.swift, Searchinput.swift and Locationmanager.swift.


Itinerarymodel.swift is a data structure that allows you to keep track of the points of interest that are chosen and then calculate the shortest path.


SearchInput.swift, on the other hand, manages the search for points of interest. The search for points of interest can be done in two ways: the first way through the search by names, the second through filters by the category of points of interest (café, museum, ect.).

另一方面,SearchInput.swift管理搜索兴趣点。 搜索兴趣点的方法有两种:一种是通过名称进行搜索,另一种是通过按兴趣点类别(咖啡馆,博物馆等)进行过滤。

Locationmanager.swift finally, is the model that allows us to take our current position.


ViewModel: our Viewmodel is the Mapviewmodel.swift file .


The Viewmodel will return an element of the view that in our case is a MKMapView.


Here the Mapviewmodel can inherit the UIViewRepresentable or UIViewControllerRepresentable protocol and to do this we have to write some code.


No need to overthink about, just do it.


First we need to declare a coordinator. The coordinators in swiftUI are designed to act as the delegate for UIKit ViewControllers. In fact it will be a class that can extend the MKMapViewDelegate in our case .

首先,我们需要声明一个协调器。 swiftUI中的协调器旨在充当UIKit ViewController的委托。 实际上,在我们的案例中,它将是一个可以扩展MKMapViewDelegate的类。

A delegate is the protocol responsible for handling the data source of your model.


In the coordinator we will have a reference to our ViewModel and we will define all the functions that will allow us to invalidate the view in order to update it in response to changes in the model. In addition we need to define a makeCoordinator() function that returns the coordinator creating a communication between the ViewModel and the Coordinator itself.

在协调器中,我们将引用我们的ViewModel,并将定义所有函数,这些函数将使我们能够使视图无效,以便根据模型的更改对其进行更新。 另外,我们需要定义一个makeCoordinator()函数,该函数返回协调器,从而在ViewModel和协调器本身之间建立通信。

The make(context: _ ) and update(view: _, context: _ ) functions are the functions that are called respectively when the view is created for the first time and when it needs to be updated.


View: In our project we have three views that are shown to a final user: ContentView.swift, PoiDetailsView.swift and PlaceListView.swift.


The ContentView will be responsible for showing the MKMapView and the PlaceListView.swift. When you tap on a point of interest a modal called PoiDetailsView.swift will be showed giving you the chance to add a point of interest to your own path and to calculate the best itinerary.

ContentView将负责显示MKMapView和PlaceListView.swift。 当您点击一个兴趣点时,将显示一个名为PoiDetailsView.swift的模式,使您有机会在自己的路径中添加一个兴趣点并计算最佳行程。

Data Binding: As we have previously mentioned, data binding is a fundamental operation for this pattern. In order to communicate viewModel and view we need these binding.

数据绑定:如前所述,数据绑定是此模式的基本操作。 为了传达viewModel和view,我们需要这些绑定。

In swift the data binding can be expressed through various tags:


  • @Binding: allows us to declare that a value actually comes from elsewhere and must be shared within these contexts;

  • @ObservedObject and @EnvironmentObject: they are two properties similar to that of binding, only that they have a greater sharing scope , potentially making an object with one of these 2 tags to be shared between all the views of the application;

  • @Published and ObservableObject protocol: allows us to create observable objects that announce automatically when changes occur. All classes that are compliant with the Observableobject protocol can be used within SwiftUI and notify when its values have change so that you know when to update the view.

    @Published和ObservableObject协议:允许我们创建可观察对象,这些对象在发生更改时自动宣布。 可以在SwiftUI中使用所有与Observableobject协议兼容的类,并在其值更改时通知您,以便您知道何时更新视图。
  • @State: it’s a tag that allows us to check the value of our Binding ,ObservedObject or EnvironmentObject. SwiftUI decides whether to invalidate the view or not if the value of the @State tag changes or not.

    @State:这是一个标签,允许我们检查Binding,ObservedObject或EnvironmentObject的值。 如果@State标记的值更改,SwiftUI决定是否使视图无效。

Through these tags we can make the ViewModel and the View communicate.


During the development of our application, we realised that SwiftUI can already be a valid alternative to UIKit: it allows developers to focus more on the application’s implementation logic rather than “wasting” time caring about things like auto-layout. So while it’s still young as a framework, our advice is to try it out. Perhaps the only problem we encountered is the lack of examples of code, but with the time passing by , the available documentation will surely become wider.

在我们的应用程序开发过程中,我们意识到SwiftUI已经可以替代UIKit:它使开发人员可以将更多的精力放在应用程序的实现逻辑上,而不是“浪费时间”在意诸如自动布局之类的事情。 因此,尽管它还只是一个框架,但我们的建议是尝试一下。 也许我们遇到的唯一问题是缺少代码示例,但是随着时间的流逝,可用的文档肯定会越来越广泛。

We hope that this article will work in this direction.


将TestFlight链接到Planooze: (Link TestFlight to Planooze:)

链接到Planooze中等文章: (Link to Planooze medium article:)



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组: (Group:)

Simone Punzo

西蒙妮·庞佐(Simone Punzo)

Mauro Zobel(https://www.linkedin.com/in/mauro-zobel-321120196/)

毛罗·佐伯(Mauro Zobel)( https://www.linkedin.com/in/mauro-zobel-321120196/ )

Giovanni Erpete(https://www.linkedin.com/in/giovanni-erpete-51035617b/)

乔瓦尼·埃尔佩特(Giovanni Erpete)( https://www.linkedin.com/in/giovanni-erpete-51035617b/ )

Giovanni Di Guida(https://www.linkedin.com/in/giovanni-di-guida-228287165/)

乔瓦尼·迪·吉达( https://www.linkedin.com/in/giovanni-di-guida-228287165/ )

Simone De Crescenzo(https://www.linkedin.com/in/simone-de-crescenzo-4081461b0/)

Simone De Crescenzo( https://www.linkedin.com/in/simone-de-crescenzo-4081461b0/ )

Mirella Cetronio(https://www.linkedin.com/in/mirellacetronio/)

Mirella Cetronio( https://www.linkedin.com/in/mirellacetronio/ )

Antonietta Cirma(https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonella-cirma-814295114/)

Antonietta Cirma( https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonella-cirma-814295114/ )

链接到该项目的GitHub存储库: (Link to GitHub repo for the project:)

翻译自: https://medium.com/apple-developer-academy-federico-ii/your-first-complex-application-in-swiftui-7babd3c976bf


### 回答1: SwiftUI是苹果公司推出的用于开发用户界面的框架,它引入了一种全新的编程思想。SwiftUI的编程思想是声明式编程。 声明式编程是一种将程序的逻辑和界面描述分离的编程方式。在SwiftUI,我们通过编写一些声明式的代码来描述用户界面的样式、布局和行为。与传统的命令式编程相比,我们不需要编写大量的繁琐的界面更新代码,而是通过简单地声明所需的界面效果。 SwiftUI的声明式代码具有可组合性和可重用性。我们可以通过简单地将多个视图组合在一起来创建复杂的用户界面,也可以将这些组合后的视图作为组件在其他地方重用。这使得开发者可以更加高效地编写和组织代码。 另外,SwiftUI还引入了Swift的一些新概念,如State和Binding。State是一种特殊的属性类型,用于保存视图的状态,并在其发生变化时自动刷新界面。Binding则用于实现不同视图之间的数据绑定,使得一个视图的改变能够自动更新到其他相关的视图上。 总而言之,SwiftUI的编程思想是一种基于声明式编程的方法,它让开发者能够更加高效地描述和构建用户界面。通过声明所需的效果,我们能够更加专注于用户界面的设计和交互,而无需过多关注底层的实现细节。 ### 回答2: SwiftUI 是一种全新的编程框架,它采用了一种声明式编程思想。在传统的命令式编程,我们需要通过编写复杂的逻辑代码来实现界面的构建和响应;而在 SwiftUI ,我们只需将界面的结构和布局以及与用户的交互方式描述清楚,剩下的工作则交给框架自动处理。 SwiftUI 的编程思想可以用一句话概括:描述你的用户界面是什么样的,而不是怎么去创建它。这种方式与传统的命令式编程方式有很大的不同。在 SwiftUI ,我们通过一种称为“视图”的概念来建立用户界面。视图是应用程序界面的基本构建块,可以是简单的文本标签、按钮或图像,也可以是复杂的容器或自定义控件。我们可以通过嵌套、组合和修改视图来构建整个应用程序界面。 与传统的命令式界面构建方式相比,SwiftUI 提供了以下几个突出的优势: 1. 即时预览:SwiftUI 提供了实时预览功能,可以在编辑代码的同时实时查看界面的变化,极大地提高开发效率。 2. 自动化布局:在 SwiftUI ,我们可以使用各种布局容器来对视图进行布局,而无需手动计算位置和大小。框架会自动根据屏幕大小和设备方向调整布局。 3. 响应式设计:SwiftUI 支持状态管理和绑定,使得界面可以根据应用程序的状态自动更新。我们可以通过简单地修改状态来更新界面,而无需手动操作界面元素。 4. 简单易用的语法:SwiftUI 使用的声明式语法非常简洁和直观,开发者可以以更少的代码实现更复杂的功能,同时降低了出错的可能性。 总的来说,SwiftUI 的编程思想是以用户界面为心,将界面的描述和交互方式作为重点,而非复杂的编码逻辑。这种声明式的编程方式使得开发者可以更加专注于界面本身,而不用过多关注底层的实现细节。同时,SwiftUI 的特性也使得界面的构建和维护更加简单和高效。 ### 回答3: SwiftUI 是苹果公司推出的一种全新的用户界面开发框架。它采用声明式语法,通过描述用户界面组件之间的关系和行为,而非编写大量的代码来创建复杂的界面。SwiftUI 的编程思想可以概括为以下几点。 第一,简单易用。SwiftUI 提供了一种直观的编码方式,使开发者能够更轻松地创建用户界面。通过使用简单的修饰符和容器视图组合,我们可以快速构建出想要的界面,并实时预览其外观效果。这种简单易用的特性,极大地提高了开发效率。 第二,复用性强。SwiftUI 的组件是可以复用的,我们可以通过创建自定义的组件,将其在不同的界面多次使用。这不仅减少了代码的重复编写,还保证了代码的一致性和可维护性。同时,SwiftUI 也提供了一些高度可配置的组件,使我们能够根据需要进行个性化的定制。 第三,动态响应。SwiftUI 实现了自动布局和数据驱动的思想,使得界面可以根据数据的变化而实时更新。无论是用户交互的改变,还是数据的更新,都能够自动地反映到界面上。这种动态响应的特性,保证了界面的实时性和灵活性。 第四,跨平台支持。SwiftUI 可以在多个平台上使用,包括 macOS、iOS、watchOS 和 tvOS。这意味着我们可以通过共享大部分代码来开发不同平台上的应用,从而减少了开发成本和工作量。 综上所述,SwiftUI 是一种简单易用、复用性强、动态响应、跨平台支持的编程框架。它的出现不仅提供了一种全新的方式来开发用户界面,还带来了更高效的开发体验和更好的用户体验。




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