


Hackathons are one of the most unique and rewarding parts of working in creative technology. At their most rewarding, hackathons can be an experience that sees teams go from a completely blank page to a minimally viable business in less than 48 hours. My team at SwiftKick Mobile recently stepped up to the plate in response to COVID-19 and attempted to do the impossible; come up with four viable businesses in two days to help people with their changing lifestyles in the aftermath of the virus. How we managed to start with a blank page on a Miro board and end with four businesses is a magic trick, and it wouldn’t be possible without total commitment to how we think about creativity and product development at SwiftKick. With the problems our society is facing seemingly mounting by the day, I wanted to share our framework for that process, in the hopes that it helps you and your team contribute to the side of history that finds solutions to our problems in a rapidly changing world.

黑客马拉松是从事创造性技术工作中最独特,最有意义的部分之一。 骇客马拉松最有意思的是,它可以使团队在不到48小时的时间内从完全空白的页面变成最低限度的业务。 我在SwiftKick Mobile的团队最近响应COVID-19登上了榜首,并试图做到不可能。 在两天之内提出四个可行的业务,以帮助人们在病毒感染后改变自己的生活方式。 我们如何以Miro板上的空白页开始并以四项业务结束是一个魔术,如果没有全力投入我们对SwiftKick的创造力和产品开发的思考,这是不可能的。 由于我们的社会似乎每天都在面临着越来越多的问题,我想分享我们在这一过程中的框架,希望它可以帮助您和您的团队为历史的一面做出贡献,从而在瞬息万变的世界中找到解决我们问题的方法。

步骤1:广告素材摘要 (Step 1: Creative Briefs)

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It’s common wisdom in Silicon Valley that ideas are cheap, but execution is everything. Why are ideas so cheap? Because they are nearly infinite. We, as humans are constantly producing thoughts, some estimate a new one pops into our heads every three seconds, the average span of what we can perceive as the “present moment”. That’s a lot of thoughts! With such a massive supply of thoughts, how does one begin to direct the flow of thoughts towards opportunities to become ideas that generate demand?

硅谷的常识是,想法很便宜,但执行就是一切。 为什么想法这么便宜? 因为它们几乎是无限的。 我们作为人类不断产生想法的人,有人估计每三秒钟就会有一个新的想法突然出现在我们的脑海中,即我们可以感知的“当前时刻”的平均跨度。 有很多想法! 有了如此大量的思想,人们如何开始将思想流引向机会,以成为产生需求的思想?

When constructing an agenda for hackathons, I like to view the creative process as a funnel that seeks to direct thought towards opportunities that become ideas and then converge on solutions. For this hackathon, the team at SwiftKick wanted to cast a wide net at the top of the funnel. COVID-19 had disrupted so many parts of our society, we could find opportunities to help people with mobile technology just about anywhere. We also didn’t know for certain heading into the hackathon where our team’s interest level or expertise would be. So instead of focusing on one problem, we created six briefs to focus on problems we saw in six different verticals; School & University, Entertainment, Mental & Physical Health.

在为黑客马拉松制定议程时,我喜欢将创意过程视为一个漏斗,该漏斗旨在将思想引导到成为思想的机会,然后集中于解决方案。 对于这次黑客马拉松,SwiftKick的团队想在漏斗的顶部放宽网。 COVID-19破坏了我们社会的许多地方,我们可以找到机会在几乎任何地方帮助人们使用移动技术。 我们还不确定要进入黑客马拉松,我们团队的兴趣水平或专业水平将是多少。 因此,我们没有关注一个问题,而是创建了六个摘要来关注在六个不同行业中看到的问题。 学校和大学,娱乐,心理和身体健康。





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