tmi 技术管理与服创新_如何在消费者健康技术中避免数据tmi

tmi 技术管理与服创新

知识就是力量,但是知识对我们始终有好处吗? (Knowledge is power — but is it always good for us?)

I’m an endurance runner. You know, one of those types who’s idea of relaxation is running 15 miles through the wilderness. The secret sauce of motivation is quite simple; when I’m running, I feel the most “me” — out on the trails, I am the most energised, confident, creative version of myself. However, for the past few months, running and I have fallen out of step. For reasons unbeknown to me, my speed, mood and motivation have all suffered. To rediscover my mojo, I enlisted the help of a running coach.

我是耐力跑者。 您知道,其中一种放松的想法是穿越旷野15英里。 动机的秘诀很简单; 当我跑步时,我感到自己是最“自我”的人,在步道上,我是最充满活力,自信,富有创造力的自己。 但是,在过去的几个月中,我和跑步一直步履蹒跚。 由于我不知道的原因,我的速度,情绪和动力都受到了影响。 为了重新发现我的魔力,我请一位跑步教练帮助下。

After describing how I was feeling, combined with my goal to run another Ultramarathon in the Autumn, the first instruction from Coach was surprisingly simple: “run naked”* (*That’s running talk for removing your smartwatch, not your shorts). Rather than pushing my pace, I was to run based on a feeling of joy on any given day. If I wanted to see my pace improve, I had to remove it from my running entirely.

在描述了我的感觉之后,结合我在秋季举办另一场超马拉松比赛的目标,Coach的第一条指令非常简单:“赤身跑步” *( *这是去除智能手表而不是短裤的谈话)。 与其每天加快步伐,不如让我在每一天都充满喜悦。 如果我想提高自己的速度,则必须将其完全从跑步中删除。

The wearables market is worth $33 billion and is projected to expand at an annual growth rate of 15.9% to 2027. Given the benefits, it’s hardly surprising; we’re more empowered by our physiological data to form positive behaviours than ever before. Fitbit’s gamification of a daily step count set a new social benchmark to get moving. A resting heart rate reading provides a useful indicator of fitness to Olmypians and casual Park Runners alike. Perhaps more critically, products like Dexcom for diabetics enable real-time glucose monitoring. The pool of information at our fingertips is growing in size, frequency and accuracy.

可穿戴设备市场价值330亿美元,预计到2027年将以每年15.9%的速度增长。有了这些好处,这不足为奇。 我们的生理数据比以往任何时候都更有能力形成积极的行为。 Fitbit每日计步的游戏化设定了一个新的社会基准以推动发展。 静息的心率读数为奥林匹克运动员和休闲公园跑步者都提供了适合的健康指标。 也许更关键的是,像Dexcom这样的糖尿病患者产品可以实现实时葡萄糖监测。 触手可及的信息量在规模,频率和准确性方面都在增长。

But is knowing this data always a good thing? What about the information we’d rather not know? Knowledge is power, but it can also make us miserable. Seeing a slower pace on my running watch can quickly override a happy post-run feeling. Could you still focus on the joy of savouring a freshly baked donut if it’s high fat content was dusted in the sugar? Would Facebook still foster a sense of social connection if you could see how often someone viewed your profile? Some things we just don’t want to know.

但是知道这些数据总是一件好事吗? 我们宁愿不知道的信息呢? 知识就是力量,但它也会使我们痛苦。 在跑步腕表上看到较慢的步伐可以Swift消除跑步后的愉悦感。 如果糖中撒了高脂肪含量的甜甜圈,那么您还能专注于品尝新鲜出炉的甜甜圈的乐趣吗? 如果您可以看到某人多久查看一次您的个人资料,Facebook仍会培养一种社交联系感吗? 有些事情我们只是不想知道。

As humans, the information we consume influences our decision making, feelings, and behaviour. It shapes how we experience our lives. Knowing how often someone viewed your profile might shape your perception or feelings towards them. Knowing the donut’s fat content might detract from focusing purely on how delicious it tastes. Would you still perform your job in the same way you are now if you knew you were to be made redundant?

作为人类,我们消耗的信息会影响我们的决策,感觉和行为。 它决定了我们如何体验生活。 知道某人多久查看一次您的个人资料可能会影响您对他们的看法或感觉。 知道甜甜圈的脂肪含量可能会偏离纯粹地专注于它的味道。 如果您知道自己将被裁员,您是否仍会像现在一样执行工作?

Information informs our perception and behaviour. The very thing that makes data such a powerful asset to health and wellbeing can also work to our detriment.

信息告知我们的看法和行为。 使数据成为健康和福祉的强大资产的事情也可能损害我们的利益。

Sleep data makes for an interesting case study. Whilst successful athletes might use data to track performance, successful sleepers barely think about sleep at all. By showing a quantified view of our sleep, sleep starts looking less like relaxation and more like performance. There are targets that, if missed, imply a sense of failure, lack of effort or ability. When it comes to sleep, fixating on numbers risks compounding sleep anxiety, complicating a troubled relationship with sleep even further.

睡眠数据构成了一个有趣的案例研究。 尽管成功的运动员可能会使用数据来跟踪表现,但成功的睡眠者几乎根本不会考虑睡眠。 通过显示我们的睡眠量化视图,睡眠开始看起来不像是放松,而更像是表现。 如果错过了目标,则意味着失败,缺乏努力或能力。 谈到睡眠时,固守数字可能会加剧睡眠焦虑,使与睡眠的困扰更加复杂化。

Data can encourage behavioural change for good, but it works both ways. The information that we consume informs the way we think, feel and behave. If you were to wake feeling energised and positive, would it help or hinder your day, to be informed that you were 2hrs short of your sleep target? If you woke from that same sleep to a message of reassurance, it’s likely that you’d approach your day with a sunnier mindset. By portraying sleep as a binary measure of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ we not only over-simplify a complex, highly individual experience, but we risk creating a placebo effect of irritability, perceived fatigue and potential anxiety over one’s energy levels during the day.

数据可以促进行为改变,但是它双向起作用。 我们消耗的信息告知我们的思维,感觉和行为方式。 如果被告知您距离睡眠目标还有2小时的时间,您会感到精力充沛且积极向上,这对您的一天会有帮助还是会妨碍您的一天? 如果您从同样的睡眠中醒来,得到了让您放心的消息,那么您可能会以更加乐观的心态来度过美好的一天。 通过将睡眠描述为“好”或“坏”的二元测量,我们不仅过分简化了复杂的高度个人化的体验,而且还冒着安慰剂的作用,造成白天烦躁,疲劳和潜在焦虑。

Image for post
A picture of ‘relaxation’…

My relationship with running had been absorbed by my own perceived targets and numbers, rather than focusing on the main reason I ran in the first place. Why risk the same effect with sleep?

我与跑步的关系已经被我自己的目标和数字所吸引,而不是专注于我最初跑的主要原因。 为什么要冒与睡眠相同的风险?

Of course, any advice to ‘sleep naked’ (which may come naturally to some) or ‘focus on feeling energised’ is not as simple a solution in sleep as it is to my running. Guidance is further complicated by subjectivity; our needs and attitudes towards data differ hugely from person to person. Some might desperately want to see a breakdown of their sleep to understand sleeping patterns, whereas for others it compounds their insomnia and sleep anxiety. How then is it possible to get this right? Whilst there’s no one simple solution, like my running coach, there is some quite simple guidance:

当然,任何“赤裸裸地睡觉”(某些人可能会自然而然)或“专注于精力充沛”的建议,都不是像我跑步那样简单的睡眠解决方案。 主观性使指导变得更加复杂。 我们对数据的需求和态度因人而异。 有些人可能拼命想看看他们的睡眠状况以了解睡眠方式,而对另一些人来说,这会加重他们的失眠和睡眠焦虑。 那么如何才能做到这一点呢? 尽管没有像我的跑步教练这样的简单解决方案,但有一些非常简单的指导:

  1. Focus on purpose


Wearables in the Health space have a responsibility to drive positive outcomes for the wearer. This means we must have clarity on the role data is performing when it’s delivered to a wearer. If the purpose of data is unclear, or worse, if it negatively impacts a human feeling, then it should be reconsidered.

健康领域的可穿戴设备有责任为穿戴者带来积极的成果。 这意味着我们必须清楚数据在传递给佩戴者时所扮演的角色。 如果数据的目的不清楚,或更糟的是,如果它对人的感觉产生负面影响,则应重新考虑。

2. Be guided by relevance


‘More’ is not ‘more’; just because we can display vast amounts of data, it doesn’t mean we should. At best, too much data can lead to cognitive overload, making it harder for a user to interpret and action. At worst, too much data can have a detrimental impact on user feeling and subsequent behaviour.

“更多”不是“更多”; 仅仅因为我们可以显示大量数据,并不意味着我们应该这样做。 充其量,太多的数据会导致认知超负荷,从而使用户难以解释和采取行动。 在最坏的情况下,过多的数据可能会对用户的感觉和随后的行为产生不利影响。

Disclose information not because it might be ‘good to know’ but only when that information will improve the wellbeing of the recipient.


3. Time it right


There’s a time and a place for everything, and data is no exception. The nutrition app MyFitnessPal adjusts your recommended daily caloric intake immediately after it detects exercise, to allow the users time in their day to refuel. Rather than inform you retrospectively, the meditation app Muse uses Birdsong to signal an overactive mind in real time, prompting the wearer to bring focus back to the breath, rather than seeing sub-optimal session only after the opportunity has passed to improve it. Time the delivery of data for when it will provide the most effective window of action for the user, not at the earliest opportunity of engagement.

一切都有时间和地点,数据也不例外。 营养应用程序MyFitnessPal在检测到运动后立即调整建议的每日卡路里摄入量,以使用户在一天中有时间加油。 冥想应用程序Muse不会使用回顾性的方式通知您,而是使用Birdsong实时发出过度活跃的心态信号,提示佩戴者将注意力重新带回呼吸,而不是仅在机会有所改善后才看到次优的会话。 将数据传递的时间定为何时为用户提供最有效的操作窗口,而不是尽早参与。

Health tech companies are largely a force for good, but have a duty to share information responsibly. To do so, both product managers and consumers must have clarity on what their data is achieving in the moment that it’s presented; we must resist the temptation to disclose data on a ‘good to know’ basis, and consciously consider what outcome we are hoping to support. This doesn’t necessarily mean withholding data, but considering factors such as timing, context, and tone to deliver information in a way that will have the greatest impact not only on behaviour, but also thought and feeling for a user’s overall wellbeing.

卫生科技公司在很大程度上是造福大众的力量,但有责任以负责任的方式分享信息。 为此,产品经理和消费者都必须清楚其数据在提供时即取得的成就。 我们必须抵制“以众所周知的方式”披露数据的诱惑,并有意识地考虑我们希望支持的结果。 这并不一定意味着保留数据,而是要考虑时间,上下文和语气等因素,以一种不仅对行为产生最大影响的方式来传递信息,而且还会对用户的整体福祉产生最大的影响。

After a 6-week hiatus, I checked in with my Garmin graphs this morning. It revealed that my pace has increased once more. Whilst it shows me how much faster my miles are, it fails to represent how much happier they are. Perhaps, in a world ruled by data, we might all benefit from running naked a little more often.

中断6周后,今天早上我检查了Garmin图。 它表明我的步伐再一次提高了。 虽然它向我显示了我的行驶速度有多快,但它无法代表他们的幸福程度。 也许,在一个由数据统治的世界中,我们可能会更多地得益于裸奔。


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