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翻译 aws lambda_AWS Lambda最佳做法

aws lambdaNow-a-days, any kind of computing tasks such as Real-time data processing, pre-process data for Machine learning models, Serverless back-ends (web, mobile, Internet of Things) can be done us...

2020-09-18 02:37:08 445

翻译 ai人工智能市场客户_投资管理中的人工智能可提升客户关系和回报

ai人工智能市场客户Let’s be honest. An investment manager’s clients probably won’t care about the fancy AI tools the investment manager is using. The client will care about exactly four things: 说实话。 投资经理的客户可能不...

2020-09-17 01:15:12 795

翻译 谷歌ai人工智能叫什么_为Google产品提供动力的人工智能

谷歌ai人工智能叫什么“We want to use AI to augment the abilities of people, to enable us to accomplish more and to allow us to spend more time on our creative endeavors.” “我们希望利用人工智能来增强人们的能力,使我们能够完成更多的工作,并允许我们将...

2020-09-17 01:05:22 3728

翻译 算法偏见是什么_因偏见而死,算法如何将歧视性做法制度化

算法偏见是什么Google advertisements and Netflix recommendations have brought more widespread awareness of algorithms, and how they learn from our behaviours. You may have experienced eerily relevant advertis...

2020-09-17 00:55:48 1861

翻译 什么是公正的社会

A just society is a society that respects the rights and liberties of its members. In order to do this it must adhere to four main principles: 公正的社会是尊重其成员的权利和自由的社会。 为此,它必须遵循四个主要原则: Rationality — A ra...

2020-09-17 00:45:43 418

翻译 神经网络为什么优于逻辑回归_什么时候以及为什么基于树的模型通常优于神经网络...

神经网络为什么优于逻辑回归Neural networks are often regarded as the holy grail, all-knowing, solution-to-everything of machine learning, primarily because they are complex. Tree-based methods, on the other hand, a...

2020-09-17 00:35:35 1006

翻译 opencv keras_如何使用keras和opencv构建武器检测系统

opencv kerasI recently completed a project I am very proud of and figured I should share it in case anyone else is interested in implementing something similar to their specific needs. Before I get st...

2020-09-17 00:25:22 346

翻译 netflix_netflix vs Deepfake爱尔兰人

netflixOne of the things that made Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman unique was the de-aging technology used in the movie for the flashbacks. While this technology significantly increased the film’s budg...

2020-09-17 00:14:39 357

翻译 数据驱动的营销方式和加拿大禁止Clearview AI

人工智能 (ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE)The debate on facial recognition, surveillance, and privacy continues with Canada the latest country to ban Clearview AI software. Clearview AI is under investigation i...

2020-09-17 00:04:04 1745

翻译 svm.svm_什么是svm

svm.svmSupport Vector Machine (SVM) is an approach for classification which uses the concept of separating hyperplane. It was developed in the 1990s. It is a generalization of an intuitive and simple ...

2020-09-16 23:53:08 304

翻译 传感器mqtt树莓派_使用mqtt在多个设备之间共享传感器数据

传感器mqtt树莓派TL;DR: You can use MQTT and its pub/sub architecture to share data from multiple devices and sensors without much overhead. Here are some starter publisher and subscriber JavaScript clients ...

2020-09-12 17:43:02 1240

翻译 有线电视新闻有一段屏蔽时间,性别不平衡

使用AI追踪十年有线电视新闻中的性别代表 (Tracking gender representation across a decade of cable news using AI)As America celebrates the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment and the constitutional right for 68 mill...

2020-09-12 10:36:39 176



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