

“We want to use AI to augment the abilities of people, to enable us to accomplish more and to allow us to spend more time on our creative endeavors.”


— Jeff Dean, Google Senior Fellow

Google高级研究员Jeff Dean

We are all familiar with Google and how it’s search engine revolutionized the internet for everyone. Google claims that the advancements in their search engine and its lineup of other products would not have been possible had the company not invested a sizable chunk of time, money, and efforts into evolving technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning.

我们都熟悉Google ,以及Google的搜索引擎如何为所有人带来了互联网革命。 Google声称,如果该公司没有将大量的时间,金钱和精力投入到诸如人工智能,深度学习和 机器学习不断发展的技术上,就不可能实现其搜索引擎及其其他产品阵容的进步

Being a multifaceted company dealing with software and hardware catering to several domains, Google now understands how important it is to create AI-powered products that can help its users usher into the new and advanced era of smart technology.


为什么Google首先对深度学习感兴趣? (Why is Google Interested in Deep Learning in the First Place?)

Google AI is focused on bringing the benefits of AI to everyone.

Google AI致力于将AI的优势带给每个人。

The past couple of years have clearly shown how interested Google has been in building smarter technology for its users. The proof includes its heavily used search engine along with many other products that rely heavily upon technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. Google’s primary goal has always been to understand how its users actually use their services, the thought here may include the when, where, and how of the usage of its services.

过去两年来,清楚地表明了Google对为用户开发更智能技术的兴趣。 证明包括其大量使用的搜索引擎以及许多其他严重依赖于诸如人工智能机器学习和深度学习等技术的产品。 Google的主要目标一直是了解用户如何实际使用他们的服务,这里的想法可能包括何时,何地以及如何使用其服务。

Google’s foray into developing, adopting, and/or acquiring better technologies will prove crucial in understanding the usage patterns behind their products. Google has also relied on its infrastructure and its array of algorithms that constantly analyze and find ways to improve their offerings so that the latest improvements enable their users to get more stuff done with fewer clicks and taps.

Google尝试开发,采用和/或获得更好的技术,对于理解其产品背后的使用模式将至关重要。 Google还依靠其基础设施和算法阵列,这些基础设施和算法不断分析并找到改进其产品的方法,以便最新的改进使用户能够以更少的点击次数完成更多的工作。

Know more things here —


人工智能助力Google产品 (Artificial Intelligence Powering Google Products)

Now that we know why Google has been focussing its efforts into incorporating Artificial Intelligence into a variety of its services, let’s take a look at some of the popular applications, services, and hardware from Google, that we commonly use.


1. Google搜索引擎 (1. Google Search Engine)

  • Type: Web search engine

    类型: Web搜索引擎

  • Launched: 1997

    推出: 1997年

  • Available in: 149 languages

    提供 149种语言

  • Written in: Python, C, C++

    撰写: Python,C,C ++

Google’s search engine has vastly changed since its release, and Artificial Intelligence has played a major role in that. Algorithms make up for a crucial part of any search engine. With time, Google has tweaked its search engine algorithms to support the various trends in the industry, but it was the breakthrough in Deep Learning that truly enabled Google to build algorithms so efficient that they could learn on their own.

自发布以来, Google的搜索引擎发生了翻天覆地的变化,人工智能在其中发挥了重要作用。 算法构成了任何搜索引擎的关键部分。 随着时间的流逝,谷歌已经对其搜索引擎算法进行了调整,以支持行业中的各种趋势,但是深度学习的突破才真正使谷歌能够构建如此高效的算法,使他们可以自己学习。

Without AI, Google could not have made improvements to its algorithm for search pattern identification to filter and avoid spam, as well as categorize and catalog images for search.


How Google Search Works —


2. Google翻译 (2. Google Translate)

  • Type: Neural machine translation


  • Launched: April 28, 2006(as statistical machine translation)

    推出: 2006年4月28日(作为统计机器翻译)

    November 15, 2016(as neural machine translation)


  • Created by: Franz Josef Och

    创建于: Franz Josef Och

  • Available in: 109 languages, see below

    提供: 109种语言,请参见下文

  • URL:


Google Translate is a simple online tool that allows users to translate any text from one language to another. Compared to what it was back in 2006 when it launched with its Statistical Machine Translation, Google Translate has made great strides in offering instant translations.

Google翻译是一种简单的在线工具,可让用户将任何文本从一种语言翻译成另一种语言。 与2006年发布统计机器翻译时相比 ,Google翻译在提供即时翻译方面取得了长足的进步。

But it’s the recent advancements in AI, specifically Neural Machine Translation, which truly boosted the quality and reliability of translations, including over 109 languages to deliver relevant translations. Additionally, improvements in Natural Language Processing have also optimized the voice input capabilities in several Google services.

但是正是AI的最新进展,特别是神经机器翻译,才真正提高了翻译的质量和可靠性,其中包括109多种语言来提供相关的翻译。 此外, 自然语言处理<

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