
Pinterest announced it was adding Andrea Wishom, president at Skywalker Holdings and former executive vice president at Harpo Productions, to its board of directors on Monday. The addition of Wishom, who is a Black woman, comes three days after Pinterest employees staged a virtual walkout over racial discrimination and retaliation at the company.

P兴趣宣布将在周一加入安德烈Wishom,在天行者控股公司总裁兼哈波制作公司前任执行副总裁,其董事会成员。 在Pinterest员工针对公司的种族歧视和报复进行虚拟罢工三天后,加入了黑人妇女Wishom。

“I want to thank the entire Pinterest board for this opportunity,” Wishom said in a statement on Monday. “In this unprecedented moment in time, I’m excited to join the board of a global company that has provided exploration and inspiration to so many, including myself.”

Wishom在周一的一份声明中说:“我要感谢整个Pinterest董事会的这次机会。” “在这个空前的时刻,我很高兴能加入一家全球公司的董事会,该公司为包括我在内的许多人提供了探索和灵感。”

Wishom is the third woman on Pinterst’s board of directors and its first Black member. The board is currently composed of Jeffrey Jordan, formerly a general partner at Andreessen Horowitz; Leslie J. Kilgore, a director at Netflix; Jeremy S. Levine, a partner at Bessemer Venture Partners; Gokul Rajaram, Caviar lead at DoorDash; Frederic G. Reynolds, director of Mondelez International, Inc. and United Technologies Corporation; Evan Sharp, Pinterest co-founder and chief design and creative officer; Ben Silbermann, Pinterest co-founder and CEO; and Michelle Wilson, formerly senior vice president at Amazon.

Wi s hom是Pinterst董事会的第三位女性,也是第一位黑人成员。 董事会目前由杰弗里·乔丹(Jeffrey Jordan)组成,他曾是安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)的普通合伙人; Netflix董事莱斯利·基尔戈(Leslie J.Kilgore); Bessemer Venture Partners的合伙人Jeremy S. Levine; DoorDash鱼子酱主管Gokul Rajaram; Mondelez International,Inc.和United Technologies Corporation的董事Frederic G. Reynolds; Pinterest联合创始人兼首席设计和创意官Evan Sharp; Pinterest联合创始人兼首席执行官Ben Silbermann; 以及亚马逊前高级副总裁米歇尔·威尔逊(Michelle Wilson)。

A spokesperson for Pinterest said that the addition of Wishom was not a response to Friday’s walkout, saying “the board has been speaking with many candidates over the past few months. This appointment is focused on Andrea’s expertise and what she can bring to Pinterest, and not in response to any specific events.”

Pinterest发言人表示,加入Wishom并不是对周五罢工的回应,他说:“在过去几个月中,董事会一直在与许多候选人交谈。 此次任命的重点是Andrea的专业知识以及她可以为Pinterest带来的好处,而不是针对任何特定事件。”

At Skywalker Holdings, Wishom oversees operations at the privately held property management company affiliated with George Lucas’s Skywalker Ranch. At Harpo Productions, where Wishom worked for more than 20 years, she held various production, programming, development, and executive roles for The Oprah Winfrey Show and OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network.

Wishom在Skywalker Holdings 负责监督与乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)的Skywalker Ranch相关的私有财产管理公司的运营。 在Wishom工作了20多年的Harpo Productions,她担任过The Oprah Winfrey Show和OWN:The Oprah Winfrey Network的各种制作,编程,开发和执行职务。

The announcement punctuates several months of unrest at Pinterest after Ifeoma Ozoma and Aerica Shimizu Banks, two Black women who formerly worked on the company’s policy team, went public about their mistreatment by managers and Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann. In July, the Washington Post reported that Ozoma and Banks faced racist comments, unequal pay, and retaliation at the company for speaking up about the conditions they experienced. Silbermann denied their claims in an internal email to staff, according to the Post. Both women filed complaints last year with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.

此前,曾在公司政策团队工作的两名黑人女性Ifeoma Ozoma和Aerica Shimizu Banks曾因经理和Pinterest首席执行官本·西尔伯曼的虐待而公开露面。 7月, 华盛顿邮报道称 ,Ozoma和Banks 发表自己的经历而面临种族主义言论,薪酬不平等和报复。 据《 邮报》报道 ,席尔伯曼在给员工的内部电子邮件中否认了他们的要求。 去年,这两名妇女都向加利福尼亚公平就业与住房部提出了投诉。

“This appointment is focused on Andrea’s expertise and what she can bring to Pinterest, and not in response to any specific events.”


Last month, OneZero reported on moderation problems at the company, identifying numerous examples of harmful content that persists on the platform. OneZero also spoke to former content moderators at Pinterest who described their jobs and “second-class” treatment as a “permanent nightmare.” Their stories underscore the testimonies of Ozoma and Banks that Pinterest, while promoting itself as Silicon Valley’s friendliest social media platform, suffers the same systemic inequalities of other technology companies.

上个月, OneZero报告了该公司的审核问题,并发现了平台上持续存在的许多有害内容的示例。 OneZero还与Pinterest前内容主持人进行了交谈,他们将他们的工作和“二等”待遇描述为“永久的噩梦”。 他们的故事强调了Ozoma和Banks的证词,Pinterest在宣传自己为硅谷最友好的社交媒体平台的同时,也遭受了其他科技公司同样的系统性不平等待遇。

And on Tuesday last week, Pinterest’s former COO Françoise Brougher filed a gender discrimination lawsuit against Pinterest after reporting mistreatment by the company’s CFO Todd Morgenfeld. According to the New York Times, Brougher also experienced pay inequality and sexist comments from colleagues. The suit describes Silbermann as “dismissive of Ms. Brougher’s concerns about Mr. Morgenfeld, comparing it to a domestic dispute.”

上周二,Pinterest前首席运营官FrançoiseBrougher报告了公司CFO Todd Morgenfeld的虐待后,对Pinterest提起了性别歧视诉讼。 根据《纽约时报》 ,Brougher还经历了同事之间的薪酬不平等和性别歧视言论。 该诉讼将西尔伯曼描述为“驳回了布劳女士对莫根费尔德先生的担忧,将其与国内争议进行了比较。”

In a statement on Monday about Wishom’s new role, Silbermann wrote, “For the past few months, the board has been meeting with many great candidates, and Andrea stood out for several reasons. She’s an expert in creating positive and inspirational content for global audiences, and a passionate advocate for building a company culture of respect, integrity, inclusion, and support — areas in which we must innovate and improve. Andrea has spent her career outside of Silicon Valley and has a vision for reimagining the board/employee relationship. We welcome her creativity and authenticity, and I’m honored to grow Pinterest alongside her.”

希尔伯曼(Silbermann)在周一关于Wishom的新角色的声明中写道:“在过去的几个月中,董事会一直在与许多优秀候选人会面,而安德里亚(Andrea)出于各种原因脱颖而出。 她是为全球受众创造积极和鼓舞人心的内容的专家,并且是倡导建立尊重,正直,包容和支持的公司文化的热情倡导者,我们必须在这些领域中进行创新和改进。 安德里亚(Andrea)在硅谷以外的地方度过了她的职业生涯,并具有重新构想董事会/员工关系的愿景。 我们欢迎她的创造力和真实性,我很荣幸与她一起成长Pinterest。”

Wishom said in a statement that she is “interested in Ben’s vision of having a new type of conversation between employees and the board itself.”


“Part of meeting this moment is looking outside the expected and bringing different perspectives to the table,” Wishom added. “There are real challenges to address, and that responsibility is not lost on me. I’m committed to listening and sharing my perspective and providing guidance as Pinterest continues to make positive strides forward.”

Wishom补充说:“这次会议的一部分是超越预期,为会议带来不同的观点。” “有真正的挑战要解决,责任并没有落在我身上。 随着Pinterest继续取得积极进展,我致力于倾听和分享我的观点并提供指导。”

翻译自: https://onezero.medium.com/after-walkout-over-company-racism-pinterest-adds-a-new-board-member-856b7ff5d682

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