

编者的信 (Letter From the Editor)

There’s nothing more frustrating than when something stops working and you can’t do anything about it. I was fiddling with a busted Switch controller this weekend and watched helplessly as the calibration program showed the joystick pushing to the top of the screen without my direction; a little green ghost in the machine that I couldn’t exorcise.

Ť这里的无非就是当事情停止工作更让人沮丧的,你不能做任何事情。 这个周末我正摆弄着一个破烂的Switch控制器,无奈地看着校准程序显示操纵杆没有我的指示就推到了屏幕的顶部。 机器上有一个我无法驱除的绿色幽灵。

A lot of things feel like this right now. August has been a long haul: It’s hot and slow; the president is blowing up the post office (!!!); Joyce Carol Oates, the 82-year-old author and five-time Pulitzer finalist, is revitalizing the soul of goatse on Twitter feeds worldwide with a nightmarish photograph of her extremely messed-up foot (just… don’t Google it, honestly); and the coronavirus pandemic is ongoing and getting worse in places. Life is out of control.

现在很多事情都是这样。 所述的U阵风一直是长途:又热又慢; 总统炸毁了邮局( !!! ); 乔伊斯·卡罗尔·奥茨(Joyce Carol Oates)是现年82岁的作家,曾连续五次入围普利策决赛,她正在用举足轻重的脚步噩梦般的照片在全世界的Twitter提要中振兴山羊胡子的灵魂(只是……坦白地说,不要谷歌搜索) ; 而冠状病毒的大流行仍在继续,并在某些地方恶化 。 生活失控。

I sometimes feel a temptation to resign myself to all of this — folks, I really can’t overemphasize how Oates’ foot broke me — but that’s not really our style at OneZero. A cornerstone of our tech and science storytelling is that it points readers to a better future: You should walk away from our publication having learned something new, or thought about something differently. Yes, there are big problems (and we write about them; don’t sleep on senior editor Brian Merchant’s barn burner of an editorial today about the deep hole at the center of Uber and Lyft). But just as often, we can point to how things might get better: a surprising new way of thinking about cows and climate change, for example, or scientists puzzling out new ways to control Covid-19 by observing sewage. Later this week, OneZero will profile an A.I. company that’s working to protect our privacy while driving innovation, explore the intersection of art and automation, and talk to a small group of women who have constructed a new way to combat racism on social media.

有时候,我有时会很想把自己引向所有这些方面,这很引诱我-伙计们,我真的不能过分强调Oates的脚是如何打断我的-但是,这并不是我们OneZero的风格。 我们的科技故事的基石是它将读者带到一个更美好的未来:您应该从已经学到新知识或以不同方式思考的出版物中走出自己。 是的,有很大的问题(我们也写过这些问题;今天,不要睡在高级编辑Brian Merchant的谷仓报道中,有关Uber和Lyft中心的深Kong)。 但是,我们常常可以指出情况会如何好转:例如, 关于奶牛和气候变化的令人惊讶的新思维方式,或者科学家通过观察污水迷惑控制Covid-19新方式 。 本周晚些时候, OneZero将介绍一家AI公司,该公司致力于在推动创新的同时保护我们的隐私,探索艺术与自动化的交汇处,并与一小群女性进行对话,这些女性构建了一种在社交媒体上打击种族主义的新方法。

All of which serves as a reminder: Even as a pandemic and, shall we say, unprecedented presidential behavior upend the world around us, the future is being shaped by plenty of other forces. We won’t let it go unexamined — we won’t be resigned.

所有这些都在提醒我们:即使是大流行,而且,我们可以说,空前的总统行为颠覆了我们周围的世界,但未来也受到许多其他因素的影响。 我们不会放任不管-我们不会辞职。

… Please stop tweeting your feet, though.


Tip of the day: There are plenty of ways to mute people, topics, and conversations on Twitter. For example, if you see a tweet that you absolutely hate, click on the dropdown arrow and select one of these options to banish it from your timeline moving forward:

每日提示:有很多方法可以使Twitter上的人员,主题和对话静音 。 例如,如果您看到一条您绝对讨厌的推文,请单击下拉箭头,然后选择以下选项之一以将其从时间轴上移开:

Image for post

Just note that Twitter doesn’t give you the option to mute images (yet), even though we’ve now seen how that would be tremendously useful. Dare to dream of a better future.

只是请注意,即使我们已经看到了如何将Twitter巨大地有用,Twitter仍然没有给您提供静音图像的选项。 敢于梦想美好的未来。

In case you missed it: Last week, I promised you a number of great stories. If you haven’t read them, now’s the time: Here’s Emily Mullin’s story on gene-edited squids, Will Oremus’ story that may significantly complicate how you think about TikTok, and Brian Barth’s big feature about the life and death of Sidewalk Labs’ smart city project in Toronto.

万一您错过了它: 上周 ,我向您保证了许多精彩的故事。 如果您还没有阅读它们,那么现在是时候了:这是艾米莉·穆林(Emily Mullin)关于基因编辑鱿鱼的故事,威尔·奥雷姆斯(Will Oremus)的故事可能会使您如何看待TikTok以及布莱恩·巴特(Brian Barth)关于人行道实验室的生与死的重大特征复杂化多伦多的智能城市项目

This is a weekly editor’s letter from OneZero editor-in-chief Damon Beres. If you have information or a viewpoint to share, feel free to reach Damon via email or on Twitter.

这是 OneZero 主编 Damon Beres 每周的编辑来信 如果您有信息或要分享的观点,请随时通过 电子邮件 Twitter 与Damon联系

翻译自: https://onezero.medium.com/when-everything-feels-broken-b14984d62828


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