

Sat around a wooden table, with brown cloth upholstered chairs I remember watching my father work on the family company’s tax returns.


In the background my mother prepared dinner for the four of us. On this particular day I seem to remember it was stuffed marrow.

在后台,我妈妈为我们四个人准备了晚餐。 在这一特殊的日子,我似乎记得那是塞满骨髓的

The memory is very clear to me, as this was the day I learned about slide-rules.


计算尺。 (Slide rules ruled.)

Slide rules are fasciantingly intricate sliding instruments which at first glance seem similar to the everyday ruler you might already be familiar with. Unlike these, slide-rules allow the trained user to conduct sophisticated mathematical operations, including square roots, cube roots, logarithmic and trigonometric equations by simply sliding pieces of the ruler backwards and forwards.

滑动尺是极其复杂的滑动工具,乍一看似乎与您可能已经熟悉的日常标尺相似。 与这些规则不同,滑动规则允许受过训练的用户通过简单地前后滑动标尺来进行复杂的数学运算,包括平方根,立方根,对数和三角方程。

My father, being a draughtsman by trade, used these device day in and day out, and even though personal calculators had begun their meteoric rise in 1972, he refused to adopt this new fangled technology and in our kitchen in 1984 I learned how to use this “ancient” piece of technology.


I’m somewhat embarrassed to say the memory of the day lasted longer than my skill, and if like me, you need a refresher on how to use a slide rule, this is a useful video.


技术的发展比教育实践快 (Technology moves faster than education practices)

Whilst my father had learnt the skill in his early training, and used it throughout his architectural career, I learnt and promptly forgot the skill, having never needed it in any real life or academic setting.


As I moved into the higher years of my education, I also learnt what are now pseudo-redundant skills, and many of these are still being taught today. Whilst an understanding of the fundamentals still underpins comprehension and utility, with so much technology available at our finger-tips or simple utterance, tomorrow’s jobs will require greater understanding of how to create, control and use technology.

当我进入更高的学业时,我还学习了现在的伪冗余技能,其中许多现在仍在教授中。 尽管对基本原理的理解仍是理解和实用性的基础,但只要触手可及或简单的语音就能获得如此多的技术,那么明天的工作将需要对如何创建,控制和使用技术有更多的了解。

“Hey Siri! What is the square root of 484?”

“嘿Siri! 484的平方根是多少?”

新基础 (New foundations)

Schools and colleges are no longer just preparing students for standard, 9–5 employment in fields like hospitality or accounting; they’re being tasked with the difficult job of preparing students for unique jobs that might not even exist yet.

学校和学院不再只是为学生提供诸如招待费或会计等标准的9-5就业机会的准备; 他们面临着艰巨的任务,即为学生准备甚至可能还不存在的独特工作。

The foundational skills of tomorrow’s vocations include skills seen as optional during my education. These will include workable knowledge of information technology, programming and coding, cyber security, and, computational ethics across nearly every role.

明天职业的基本技能包括在我接受教育期间被视为可选的技能。 这些将包括几乎每个角色的信息技术,编程和编码,网络安全以及计算道德方面的实用知识。

原理与实务 (Principles and practice)

It was around the same time that I was taught how to use a slide rule that I got my first computer, the BBC Micro, and the world of programming opened up. The language back then was BASIC and I learnt it by copying programmes from magazines one character at a time (…time and time again!).

大约在同一时间,我得到了如何使用计算尺的帮助,我有了第一台计算机BBC Micro,并且打开了编程世界。 当时的语言是BASIC,我通过一次从一个杂志复制程序来学习它(一次又一次!)。

From this home-study it was another eight or so years until I began any formal software development education. At university the pace was rapid, C, Pascal, LISP, Prolog, Matlab and …. assembly language! Then in my first jobs, C#, Pascal2, Delphi, C++ and of course, the most rapidly growing language of the time, Java.

从这个家庭学习到我开始任何正式的软件开发教育还需要八年左右的时间。 在大学里,C,Pascal,LISP,Prolog,Matlab和…的速度很快。 汇编语言! 然后在我的第一份工作中,使用C#,Pascal2,Delphi,C ++,当然还有当时发展最快的语言Java。

After a career foray into marketing and sales that lasted a coupe of decades, the basics of what I learnt are still there and enabled me to pick up Python with ease, and it is this “muscle memory” and logic ability that schools and colleges need to be helping students with from earlier ages.


I don’t think it is a hyperbole to say that nearly all jobs of the future will require some level of coding. That could be simple if-this-then-that type of logic (see below) through to AI algorithm tuning, and quantum.

我认为将来几乎所有工作都需要一定程度的编码并不是一个夸张的说法。 如果不是那么简单的话,那将是简单的逻辑类型(请参阅下文),直到AI算法调整和量子化。

Like LISP and Python in my lifetime, the tools used tomorrow are likely to resemble, but be quite different to those available to students today. However the further through the education system you go, especialliay vocational-focused colleges, the closer to the industrial status quo you need to be.

像我一生中的LISP和Python一样,明天使用的工具可能很相似,但与今天的学生可以使用的工具完全不同。 但是,如果您走的越远,特别是针对专业职业的大学,就越需要达到行业现状。

If you are responsible for preparing students for entry into the job market in the next few years, you should be looking to make sure they are learning skills, languages and systems that are widely used and increasing in demand.


Next, I’ll look at some of the technologies that are in both demand and easy for colleges to embrace. Read more here …

接下来,我将介绍大学既需要又易于使用的一些技术。 在这里阅读更多...

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/lessons-education-can-take-from-slide-rules-and-lisp-374f6118e0bd


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