奶酪和奶酪碎的区别_与奶酪三星银河芽战斗大逃杀直播vs airpods


I said in my last Battle Royale involving headphones that I was very interested in the new Samsung “bean” earbuds, and I wasn’t kidding. After seeing a couple of reviews, I decided that I had to try them out for myself.

我在上次使用耳机的大逃杀中说,我对新的三星“豆”形耳塞非常感兴趣,但我不是在开玩笑。 看到几条评论后,我决定必须自己尝试一下。

Of course, these aren’t my first true-wireless headphones. They aren’t even my third pair. I’ve owned two pairs of standard AirPods, the AirPods Pro, and a cheap pair of JLab Go Air headphones. And if you read my last Battle Royale, you’ll know that I find a way to use them all fairly regularly.

当然,这些不是我的第一个真正的无线耳机。 他们甚至都不是我的第三对。 我拥有两对标准的AirPods,AirPods Pro和一副便宜的JLab Go Air耳机。 而且,如果您阅读了我的上一部《 Royal Royale》,您就会知道,我找到了一种相当定期地使用它们的方法。

I prefer the AirPods as a travel pair of earbuds for my phone, while the AirPods Pro I like to use when I need to block out noise- when I’m working at home, or cutting the grass. And I like to use the JLab headphones with my computer because I hate switching Bluetooth headphones between devices.

我更喜欢将AirPods用作手机的旅行耳塞,而当我需要遮挡噪音时(在家中工作或割草时),我喜欢使用AirPods Pro。 而且我喜欢在计算机上使用JLab耳机,因为我不想在设备之间切换Bluetooth耳机。

I’m also not a huge fan of in-ear headphones. After a while, they always seem to make my ears ache, and some of them- like the BeatsX- just feel like they are shoved so deep into my ears that they are tickling my brain. That’s why I’ve gravitated towards headphones like the regular AirPods and Google’s USB-C earbuds that sit in your ears but don’t have rubber or hard plastic inserts into your ear canal.

我也没有入耳式耳机一个巨大的风扇。 一段时间后,它们似乎总是使我的耳朵感到疼痛,其中一些信号(例如BeatsX)就像感觉它们被推入我的耳朵一样深,以至于让我发痒。 这就是为什么我偏向喜欢耳边的普通AirPods和Google的USB-C耳塞之类的耳机,但是耳道中没有橡胶或硬塑料插入物的原因。

Enter the Samsung Galaxy Buds Live- or as I’m going to call them for the duration, the “Beans.” I opted not to get the metallic kidney-bean-colored buds, but instead the nice metallic black ones, the color of which resembles hematite (in fact, when I’m wearing them, it looks like I just stuffed two hematite stones in my ears).

输入Samsung Galaxy Buds Live,或在整个通话过程中称其为“ Beans” 。 我选择不获取金属的芸豆色芽,而是选择漂亮的金属黑色芽,其颜色类似于赤铁矿(实际上,当我佩戴它们时,看起来就像我在里面塞了两个赤铁矿石一样)。耳朵)。

Even though the Beans have active noise cancelling, I’m going to compare them primarily to the regular AirPods, for a couple of reasons that will be come more clear as we move along. But I will directly compare the ANC here with the ANC on the more expensive AirPods Pro.

即使Bean具有主动降噪功能,我还是将它们主要与常规AirPods进行比较,原因有两个,随着我们的前进,这些原因将变得更加清晰。 但是我将在这里直接将ANC与价格更昂贵的AirPods Pro上的ANC进行比较。

I’m also not going to be talking a lot about the features of the AirPods; since I’ve already written about AirPods a few times, I’d rather focus on the Beans and how they compare to their biggest competitor.

我也不会谈论AirPods的功能。 因为我已经写过几次有关AirPods的文章,所以我宁愿专注于Bean及其与最大竞争对手的比较。

Ready… set… FIGHT!


价钱 (Price)

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We might as well start here.


The Beans- whether you get them in hematite (or “mystic”) black, metallic kidney-bean-color (more commonly known as “mystic bronze”), or humdrum white (not the official name)- cost $169.


That price gets you two Beans- one for each ear (imagine that!)- along with a charging case, a USB-C to USB charging cable, and a pair of large and small ear fins for stability. Not bad. The charging case can also be charged wirelessly.

这个价格让您得到两个Bean(每个耳朵一个(想象一下!)),一个充电盒,一个USB-C到USB充电电缆以及一对大而小的耳鳍以保持稳定性。 不错。 充电盒也可以无线充电。

AirPods start at $159, which gives you the pods, the charging case, and a Lightning cable. If you want to be able to charge the case wirelessly, however, you’re going to be spending $199. The AirPods come in white, white, or- if you are feeling wild- white. It’s a classy look, sure; Apple headphones have always been white. But the metallic black or bronze of the Beans looks a lot more modern.

AirPods的起价为159美元,为您提供吊舱,充电盒和Lightning电缆。 但是,如果您想通过无线方式为手机充电,则需要花费199美元。 AirPods有白色,白色或-如果您感到野白的颜色 。 看起来很优雅。 苹果耳机一直都是白色的。 但是Beans的金属黑色或古铜色看起来更加现代。

Winner: Most of the time, I don’t like to pick a winner based solely on price. It really depends on what the devices bring to the table for that cost to see if the price is actually worth it. But I do think that the Samsung Galaxy Buds Live hit a nice sweet spot between the two AirPods options.

优胜者:大多数时候,我不喜欢仅根据价格来选择优胜者。 这实际上取决于该设备带来的费用,以查看价格是否真正值得。 但是我确实认为,三星Galaxy Buds Live在这两个AirPods选项之间达到了一个不错的位置。

设计 (Design)

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Have you ever looked at a bean and thought, “That would fit perfectly in my ear?” Well, the folks at Samsung did, and that’s exactly what we got.

您是否曾经看过一个豆子,想过:“那完全适合我的耳朵 ?” 好吧,三星的员工做到了,而这正是我们所得到的。

I mean, we aren’t just making jokes here. They are distinctly bean-shaped. To the point that if someone said “I don’t see it” you’d be left wondering how. Especially if you are looking at the bronze buds. And Samsung even technically admits to their bean-ness; in a tear down by iFixit, you’ll see that there are internal strips that say “Bean Left” and “Bean Right”. See? They’re freaking beans!

我的意思是,我们不仅在这里开玩笑。 它们是明显的豆形。 直截了当的是,如果有人说“我看不到”,那您就会想知道如何做。 特别是如果您正在看青铜芽。 三星甚至从技术上也承认他们的豆豆味。 在iFixit的拆解中 ,您会看到有一些内部条分别显示“ Bean Left”和“ Bean Right”。 看到? 他们吓坏了豆子!

And you know what? This shape totally works. I’m using the smaller of the two fins that come with the Beans; these attach to the charging ports at the back end to allow the buds to sit comfortably within the cartilage of your ears. And I think it is important to pick the right ones; I started with the larger ones and my ears were aching within minutes. The smaller ones make the buds feel like they could fall out, but in reality they are super secure. I tried a headache-inducing shake to try to get them to fly out, and they simply did not- that’s a test that both the AirPods and AirPods Pro have failed miserably.

你知道吗? 这种形状完全有效。 我正在使用Bean随附的两个鳍中的较小者。 它们连接到后端的充电端口,以使芽舒适地坐在耳朵的软骨内。 我认为选择正确的选择很重要; 我从较大的耳朵开始,几分钟之内我的耳朵就痛了。 较小的芽使芽感觉好像会掉下来,但实际上它们是超级安全的。 我试过引起头痛的摇动,试图让它们飞出去,但他们却没有这么做-这是对AirPods和AirPods Pro都失败了的测试。

I will say that sometimes the Beans do start to hurt after a while, even with the smaller fins in place; I think this has more to do with how I’m inserting them into my ears, however; some days I’ve been able to go nearly the whole day with them in and they feel wonderful, but on others, they ache within an hour or two. Samsung does provide some instruction on how to put them in your ears, but I think it comes down to how much you are trying to push them in; these buds really just rest in your ear and don’t really require much maneuvering; when they are at their most comfortable in my ears, it is when I’ve literally just dropped them in, and though they really do feel like they are going to come out with the gentlest breeze, they don’t. I’m just going to have to get used to that sensation, I guess.

我要说的是,即使安装了较小的鳍,有时豆类也会在一段时间后开始受到伤害。 我认为这与我将它们插入耳朵的方式有关。 有时候,我几乎可以整整一天和他们一起去,他们感觉很棒,但在另一些人身上,他们在一两个小时内就会感到疼痛。 三星确实提供了一些有关如何将它们戴到您耳中的说明,但是我认为这取决于您试图将它们推入多少。 这些芽真的只是停留在您的耳朵中,不需要太多的操作。 当它们在我的耳朵中最舒适时,就是我刚好将它们放下时,尽管它们确实确实确实感觉像它们要轻柔地吹出来,但事实并非如此。 我想我将不得不习惯这种感觉。

I actually much prefer this shape to the AirPods, which still look more like small toothbrushes sticking out of your ears. I get why Apple went with this design, however; they are basically their standard EarPods without the cord. It’s a tried and tested design, and one that so many other companies have mimicked, and frankly because they are Apple-made, the AirPods have become iconic. I know people who wear them in their ears all day, regardless of whether or not they are listening to something or having a conversation (which is easier to do with the AirPods Pro, since they feature a noise pass-through mode). But it is nice that Samsung didn’t try to copy Apple- or anyone, really.

实际上,与AirPods相比,我更喜欢这种形状,AirPods看起来仍然更像是从您的耳朵伸出的小牙刷。 我知道为什么苹果会采用这种设计。 他们基本上是不带线的标准EarPods。 这是一种久经考验的设计,许多其他公司都在模仿它,而且坦率地说,由于它们是苹果制造的,所以AirPods成为了标志性的产品。 我知道人们一整天都戴着它们,而不论他们是在听声音还是在谈话(这都是使用AirPods Pro的功能,因为它们具有噪音直通模式),因此无论他们是否在听或交谈。 但是,很高兴三星没有尝试复制Apple或任何人 ,真的。

Once in your ears, the Beans sit very flush; unless someone is looking directly at the side of your head, they most likely won’t notice the weird, metallic legume you’ve inserted into your ear canal. As I said, they may feel a little loose, and at first I felt the need to try to push them back in only to find that they weren’t going anywhere. I’m going to attribute this in part to my experience with AirPods, as I constantly feel like I am pushing them back in place (especially, oddly enough, the AirPods Pro).

一旦进入您的耳朵,豆子就会变得很齐平。 除非有人直接看着您的头部侧面,否则他们很可能不会注意到您插入耳道的奇怪的金属豆类。 正如我说的那样,它们可能会有些松动,起初,我觉得有必要尝试将它们推回去,只是发现它们没有去任何地方。 我将部分归因于我在AirPods上的经验,因为我一直觉得自己将它们推回原位(尤其是,奇怪的是,AirPods Pro)。

The charging case for the Beans isn’t really that much larger than the case for the AirPods. The AirPods case is definitely about a third thinner, but the case for the Beans is a little bit shorter. The AirPods are definitely more pocket-friendly, especially if you have tight or small pockets, but the Beans are very reasonably pocketable as well, so I don’t think you’re going to be complaining that the case is huge. The AirPods definitely have the more fidget-friendly lid; you won’t be absent-mindedly opening and closing the Beans the way so many people do with their AirPods case. That said, the clam shell design of the Samsung case does have a very satisfying snap shut, and you’ll never have to worry about it accidentally opening or your Beans falling out.

Beans的充电盒实际上并不比AirPods的充电盒大很多。 AirPods的外壳肯定要薄三分之一,但Beans的外壳要短一些。 AirPods绝对更便于放在口袋中使用,尤其是在口袋狭窄或狭小的情况下,但Beans也非常易于放入口袋,因此我认为您不会抱怨这种情况很大。 AirPods肯定有更烦躁的盖子。 您将不会像很多人那样用他们的AirPods外壳来随意打开和关闭Bean。 就是说,三星保护壳的蛤壳设计确实具有非常令人满意的按扣关闭,您不必担心它会意外打开或Beans掉落。

This next detail is really going to depend on who you are and what other technology you use. That’s right; we’re talking about charging the earbuds. The AirPods, as previously mentioned, use Apple’s proprietary Lightning connector to charge, and if you use iPhones or iPads (or, more likely, both), then you can easily get away with travelling with one Lightning cable for all of your devices. The Beans use USB-C, which is much more prolific these days, and likewise should be able to charge with any USB-C chargers you have around the house.

接下来的细节将取决于您是谁以及您使用什么其他技术。 那就对了; 我们正在谈论为耳机充电。 如前所述,AirPods使用Apple专有的Lightning连接器进行充电,如果您使用iPhone或iPad(或更可能是两者都使用),则可以轻松地使用一根Lightning电缆连接所有设备。 Beans使用USB-C,这几天来的使用率更高了,同样,您也可以使用家中所有的USB-C充电器进行充电。

Also as mentioned earlier, the Beans also feature wireless charging, and will charge on any Qi charging device, including the power-sharing options on other Samsung devices. You can get wireless charging for the AirPods, but that will cost you an additional $40 at the time of purchase, or $79 if you buy the wireless charging after the fact. You can see why I leaned towards the Beans in the price category.

同样如前所述,Beans还具有无线充电功能,可以在任何Qi充电设备上充电,包括其他三星设备上的电源共享选项。 您可以获得AirPods的无线充电功能,但购买时将额外花费40美元,如果事后购买无线充电功能,则需要支付79美元。 您可以看到为什么我在价格类别中倾向于Bean。

Speaking of charging, the Beans will net you around 8 hours of listening time, with an extra 21 in the case for a total of 29 hours. This is about on par with the AirPods total battery life of 29 hours, but it is better rationed out between the buds and the case; the AirPods, by comparison, will only have up to 5 hours of continuous playback and 24 in the charging case. Personally, I usually don’t listen to headphones for 8 hours straight, but it is nice to know that the Beans could last a full workday or a longer car/plane ride without having to recharge in the middle of it.

说到充电,Beans将为您节省大约8个小时的收听时间,在这种情况下,总共需要29个小时,额外增加21个小时。 这与AirPods的29小时总电池寿命差不多,但最好在花蕾和表壳之间分配; 相比之下,AirPods最多只能连续播放5小时,而充电盒则可以播放24小时。 就个人而言,我通常不会连续8个小时听耳机,但是很高兴知道Beans可以持续一整天的工作时间或更长的汽车/飞机旅行时间,而不必在当中进行充电。

The Beans also have a one-up over the AirPods- sweat resistance. They aren’t rated for any heavy water-related activities and you might want to reconsider wearing them in the rain, but you don’t have to sweat wearing them in the gym- if you’ll pardon the pun.

Beans还比AirPods的防汗性能高一倍。 他们没有参加任何与重水有关的活动,因此您可能要重新考虑在雨中穿着它们,但是如果您对双关语宽恕 ,则不必在健身房里流汗。

Winner: I’m giving this one to the Beans. I mean, I love the AirPods, but the Buds Live are very comfortable and I’ve yet to have them fall out or even get loose in my ears. Combine that with wireless charging at no additional cost, the more ubiquitous USB-C charging port, and a very unique shape that is low-profile and also doesn’t look like every other true wireless headset on the market, and you’ve got the makings of a winner.

优胜者:我把这个给豆子。 我的意思是,我喜欢AirPods,但是Buds Live非常舒适,而且还没有掉下来,甚至在我的耳朵里都没有松动。 无需额外费用即可将其与无线充电,更普及的USB-C充电端口以及非常独特的外形相结合(低调且看起来不像市场上所有其他真正的无线耳机一样),您已经拥有赢家的气质。


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Alright, so the beans fit well, and they look nice, albeit a little weird. That doesn’t matter if they don’t work, right?

好了,所以豆子很合身 ,看起来也不错,尽管有点奇怪。 如果他们不工作没关系,对吧?

Well, the good news is that they work, and they work very well.


Let’s start by putting them in our ears. I’ve already talked about the shape, but I need to bring it up again- I really think Samsung has hit upon a brilliant shape for these buds. The Beans seem like they were made exactly to fit in my ears. Of course, since they are one size and they do not have any sort of sizable ear tips, you’re results may vary. The standard AirPods (and the EarPods before them) have always fit my ears very well, and so the Beans are no different.

让我们从将它们戴入我们的耳朵开始。 我已经讨论过形状了,但是我需要再次提出来-我真的认为三星为这些花蕾选择了出色的形状。 豆子看起来好像是完全适合我的耳朵。 当然,由于它们是一种尺寸,并且没有任何可观的耳塞,因此结果可能会有所不同。 标准的AirPods(以及之前的EarPods)始终非常贴合我的耳朵,因此Beans也没有什么不同。

They sound fantastic and have some decently strong bass for such tiny beans. I definitely think they sound better than AirPods, but on some songs- notably instrumental pieces like “C.L.U.” from Tron: Legacy- the softer notes sounded a bit muddled when the volume was at it’s highest. This may have had more to do with the track than the Beans, however; I tested the same song on iTunes and YouTube Music on the Beans, and then in YouTube Music on my AirPods Pro, and even though the same song sounded much clearer (and less bass-y) on the AirPods Pro, similar tracks that have soft highs like “C.L.U.” (“Window to the Past” from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Aurora’s “It Happened Quiet” were among the other songs I tested) sounded crystal clear on the Beans. Even the version of “C.L.U.” that I pulled off of YouTube to link in this article was crystal clear on the Beans, so I honestly don’t think they are to blame. The only other song that I tested that came close to having any distortion at the highest volume was “Same Old Day” from Doctor Who: Series 9, and like “C.L.U.”, the YouTube version was much clearer than the one on YouTube Music or iTunes. It’s strange.

它们听起来棒极了,并且对于这种细小的豆子具有相当强的低音。 我绝对认为它们的声音要比AirPods更好,但在某些歌曲上-尤其是Tron:Legacy之类的器乐作品上,当音量达到最高时,柔和的音符听起来有些混乱。 但是,与Bean相比,这可能与轨道有关。 我在iTunes和Beans上的YouTube音乐上测试了同一首歌曲,然后在AirPods Pro上的YouTube音乐中测试了同一首歌,即使同一首歌在AirPods Pro上听起来更清晰(低音更低),类似的音轨却柔和我测试过的其他歌曲中,诸如“ CLU”( 哈利·波特和阿兹卡班的囚徒的 “过去之窗”以及Aurora的“发生了寂静”之类的歌曲)听起来像豆豆一样清晰。 甚至我在YouTube上摘下的本文链接的“ CLU”版本在Bean上都非常清晰,因此,老实说,我不认为这应该归咎于他们。 我测试过的唯一一首几乎没有任何失真的歌曲是Doctor Who:Series 9的 “ Same Old Day” ,并且像“ CLU”一样,YouTube版本比YouTube Music或iTunes。 真奇怪

Of course, you probably shouldn’t be listening to music on these- or any- headphones at max volume; that’s not good for your hearing. And since these aren’t sealed headphones like the AirPods Pro, the people sitting around you may hear some faint sound leakage if you are playing your tunes too loud.

当然,您可能不应该以最大音量在这些或任何耳机上听音乐; 这对您的听力不利。 而且由于这些不是像AirPods Pro那样的密封式耳机,所以如果您的音调太大,坐在您周围的人可能会听到一些微弱的声音泄漏。

I had a few instances where it felt like the right Bean wasn’t connected or was playing music at a much lower volume than the left Bean; this turned out to be user error, however, and comes back to what I said about pushing them in too far. Because I’m just so used to earbuds that need to go in deep, I seem to have a habit of pushing the right Bean in to where the speaker is actually being muffled by my ear. So I stress again- drop them in, don’t push.

在某些情况下,我感觉右边的Bean没有连接或者播放音乐的音量比左边的Bean低得多。 事实证明这是用户错误,回到我所说的将其推得太远的说法。 因为我已经习惯了需要深入的耳塞,所以我似乎习惯于将正确的Bean推入扬声器实际上被我的耳朵遮住的位置。 因此,我再次强调-将它们放下,不要推动。

The Beans also have some fun beeps and sounds to tell you what they are doing. When you first put them in, they make a welcoming “purr”- that’s the only way I can describe it- to let you know that each bud has connected. Putting the volume up to max and you get a nice double beep that is oddly reminiscent of the communicator beep from Star Trek (not the chirping of the badge, mind you, but instead the ship’s internal comms sound… if you are a geek enough to know what that sounds like as I do). You get nice up and down sounds to correlate with volume up and down (if you have those set as your long-press… more on that in a bit), and when you turn on and off ANC, you’ll also be met with a pleasant melody to tell you it is on or off.

Bean还发出一些有趣的哔哔声和声音,以告诉您它们在做什么。 当您第一次将它们放入时,它们发出欢迎的“ pur叫声”(这是我唯一可以描述的方式),以让您知道每个芽都已连接。 将音量调到最大,您会得到一个不错的双蜂鸣声,这让人想起了《 星际迷航》中的沟通者蜂鸣声(请注意,不是徽章发出的chi声,而是船的内部通讯声音……如果您是个极客,知道这听起来像我一样)。 您会获得很好的上下声音,与上下音量相关(如果您将其设置为长按…等等),当您打开和关闭ANC时,也会遇到悦耳的旋律告诉您它是开还是关。

Of course, I know the AirPods also make their own noises to signify some of these tasks. But personally, I like the chirps that the Beans make a little bit more- especially for the ANC, as it kind of masks the transition a little better than the current noises that the AirPods Pro make.

当然,我知道AirPods也会发出自己的声音来表示其中一些任务。 但就我个人而言,我更喜欢Beans发出的rp声-特别是对于ANC,因为它掩盖了过渡效果,比AirPods Pro产生的噪音要好一些。

Compared to the AirPods- again, aside from those few weird tracks- the Beans sound leagues better. They aren’t going to replace your multi-hundred dollar Bose or Sony headphones, but they aren’t meant for that anyway. If I had to compare the sound of these to anything from my last Battle Royale, it would be the Sony WI-XB400 in-ear headphones, which are some of my favorites as far as sound isolation and good, thumping bass are concerned. I even think the bass on the Beans sounds better than the AirPods Pro.

与AirPods相比,除了那几条怪异的曲目外,Beans的声音联盟更好。 它们不会取代您的几百美元的Bose或Sony耳机,但无论如何,它们并不是想要的。 如果我必须将这些声音与上次《皇家大逃杀》中的声音进行比较,那就是索尼WI-XB400入耳式耳机,就隔音效果和出色的重击低音而言,这是我的最爱。 我什至认为Beans上的低音听起来比AirPods Pro更好。

What doesn’t sound as good as the AirPods Pro, however, is the Active Noise Cancellation. But frankly, that was to be expected. As I’ve mentioned, the Beans don’t have any sort of rubber or foam tips that go into your ears, so they don’t create a tight seal. Naturally, that means some outside sound will get in.

但是,听起来不如AirPods Pro更好的是主动降噪功能。 但坦率地说,这是可以预料的。 正如我所提到的,Beans的耳朵没有任何类型的橡胶或泡沫尖端,因此它们不会形成紧密的密封。 自然,这意味着一些外部声音会进入。

For me, that is actually preferable; the ANC in the AirPods has always given me headaches after prolonged use, and I can’t stand the sensation of stuffiness that some in-ear headphones cause with ANC.

对我来说,这实际上是更可取的。 长时间使用后,AirPods中的ANC总是让我头疼,而且我无法忍受某些入耳式耳机会给ANC带来闷闷的感觉。

What the Beans do a good job of is lowering the volume of your surroundings, especially lower, louder noises. When I was first trying them on, a thunderstorm was kicking up outside, and while I could still tell it was thundering, the ANC effectively killed the BOOM of the thunder, leaving only the quieter grumblings. As I’m writing this, I have a fan blowing and I cannot hear it at all with music playing (and only barely with nothing playing).

Beans擅长的工作是降低周围环境的音量,尤其是降低噪音。 当我初次尝试雷电时,外面正在刮起雷暴,虽然我仍然可以说雷声很大,但ANC有效地杀死了雷声,仅留下了安静的抱怨声。 在写这篇文章时,我的风扇在吹,在播放音乐时根本听不到(几乎什么也没播放)。

In fact, this appears to be by design; Samsung’s website says, “ANC reduces background noises without missing what’s important, like voices and announcements, so you hear more of what you want to hear.” And in practice, this is more or less accurate; when washing dishes, the Beans lowered the sound of the running water, but I was still able to hear my fiance when she said something to me. And when I turned on ANC while the TV was playing behind me, I was actually able to hear the voices with a little more clarity (don’t worry though, turning the volume up on the Beans about half way successfully drowned out all but the most obnoxiously loud commercials). And you know what- that fits an odd niche use case for me.

实际上,这似乎是设计使然。 三星的网站说:“ ANC可以减少背景噪音,而不会错过语音和公告等重要内容,因此您可以听到更多想听的内容。” 实际上,这或多或少是准确的。 在洗碗时,豆豆降低了自来水的声音,但是当她对我说些什么时,我仍然能够听到我的未婚夫。 当电视在我身后播放时,当我打开ANC时,我实际上能听到更清晰的声音(不过,不用担心,将Beans的音量调高大约一半成功淹没了所有声音,但最令人讨厌的广告)。 而且您知道吗-对我来说这很适合一个特殊的利基用例。

When this pandemic is over, I will most likely be heading back into an office building, and if my journey into finding a good pair of headphones started anywhere, it was right at my desk; I talk to customers all day, but I’m texting and emailing them instead of talking over the phone, so I have the ability to listen to music. But sometimes coworkers can be noisy. Sometimes you just want to drown out the background office sounds. With headphones that had ANC- like the AirPods Pro, it worked, but I also was drowning out the dings my computer made that alerted me to a new customer or response. And it drowned out my supervisor when she would be trying to get my attention. Now, I won’t be able to test the Beans in this situation for a while- maybe not ever, if my employer decides working from home is a good permanent solution for me- but I’m excited to try them at the office when/if I go back, because I think these might just lower the sounds I don’t want to hear while still allowing me to hear the sounds I need to hear.

大流行结束后,我很可能会回到办公大楼,如果我发现任何地方都可以买到一副好耳机的旅程就在我的办公桌旁; 我整天都在与客户交流,但是我通过短信和电子邮件向他们发送电子邮件,而不是通过电话交谈,因此我可以听音乐。 但是有时候同事会很吵。 有时您只想淹没后台办公声音。 使用像AirPods Pro这样具有ANC的耳机,它可以工作,但我也淹没了计算机制造的叮当声,使我警觉到了新客户或新客户。 当她的主管试图引起我的注意时,它淹没了我的主管。 现在,我将暂时无法在这种情况下测试Beans-也许永远不会,如果我的雇主认为在家工作对我来说是一个很好的永久解决方案-但我很高兴能在办公室试用它们/如果我回去,因为我认为这些声音可能会降低我不想听到的声音,同时仍然允许我听到需要听到的声音。

If you are buying these for the ANC, it is best to set your expectations; if you are listening to music, this “passive” active noise cancelling does a good job of dimming your surroundings, just don’t expect the world around you to go silent. Personally, I don’t usually need the world around me to be dead quiet, just quieter. And the Beans do that job for me, and sound damn fine while doing it.

如果您要为ANC购买这些,最好设定您的期望。 如果您正在听音乐,那么这种“被动”主动降噪功能可以很好地使周围的环境变暗,只是不要期望周围的世界变得安静。 就个人而言,我不通常需要我周围的世界是死寂,只是安静的 。 Beans为我完成了这项工作,并且在执行过程中听起来还不错。

Before we talk about the other features of these headphones, I should point out that I do not own any Samsung devices. Therefore, I’m not able to test out the Samsung-specific features like Spotify integration or Bixby support- but having had a brief experience with Bixby on the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 that I tried out last year, I can honestly say that I’m not missing much there. And I can’t speak to how well-integrated these are in Samsung’s ecosystem. That said, they do a good job of not discriminating when it comes to non-Samsung and non-Android devices.

在讨论这些耳机的其他功能之前,我应该指出,我不拥有任何三星设备。 因此,我无法测试诸如Spotify集成或Bixby支持之类的特定于三星的功能,但是我曾在去年尝试过的三星Galaxy Watch Active 2上与Bixby进行过短暂的交流,说实话在那儿并没有错过太多。 而且我不能说这些在三星生态系统中的整合程度如何。 也就是说,他们在不区分非三星和非Android设备方面做得很好。

The AirPods have Apple’s H1 chip, which means they pair instantly with Apple devices and I can leave my phone anywhere in my house and- so long as I don’t go into my laundry room or garage (concrete walls)- they will stay connected and rarely drop a note. The Beans, on the other hand, couldn’t get more than half a room away from my laptop before it started sounding like a Michael Bay Transformer was transforming in my ears (still, much better than the bizarre screeching sound my AirPods Pro have been making recently… but I digress), but when paired to my iPhone, I could wander all over the house without so much as a skipped beat- so once more, this is probably more a comment on how shitty the Bluetooth is on my Surface Laptop rather than the connection strength of the Beans.

AirPods具有Apple的H1芯片,这意味着它们可以立即与Apple设备配对,并且我可以将手机留在家里的任何地方,而且-只要我不进入洗衣房或车库(混凝土墙),它们就会保持连接状态很少放笔记 另一方面,Beans距我的笔记本电脑的距离不能超过半个房间,然后它开始听起来像是Michael Bay变形金刚在我耳边转变 (仍然比我的AirPods Pro发出的怪异刺耳的声音好得多)最近制作了…但我离题了),但是当与我的iPhone配对时,我可以在整个屋子里徘徊而不会跳动,所以再一次,这可能更多地是说明Surface笔记本电脑上的蓝牙有多糟糕而不是Bean的连接强度。

I find this kind of funny, actually, because the Beans have a feature with the Surface Laptop that I’ve been sorely missing ever since I chose a PC over a Mac: instant pairing. Samsung’s Beans work with Microsoft’s Swift Pair feature; I had barely taken the headphones out of the box before when my computer was asking me if I wanted to connect. I’m assuming this means they will also work with fast pairing options on other Android phones, but don’t expect them to have the same one-touch pairing with an iPhone that the AirPods boast; it’s old school Bluetooth menus with iOS, but they still pair very quickly. Naturally, they won’t swap between my iPhone and iPad like AirPods can, either, and I couldn’t even get them to do Swift Pair with my Surface Go or the Lenovo Duet (although they easily appeared in the standard Bluetooth menus for each).

实际上,我觉得这很有趣,因为Beans具有Surface Laptop的功能,自从我选择Mac而不是Mac以来,我一直非常想念它:即时配对。 三星的Beans与Microsoft的Swift Pair功能配合使用; 在计算机问我是否要连接之前,我几乎没有把耳机从盒子里拿出来。 我假设这意味着它们也可以在其他Android手机上使用快速配对选项,但是不要指望它们与AirPods拥有的iPhone具有相同的一键式配对; 这是带有iOS的老派蓝牙菜单,但它们配对仍非常快。 自然,它们也不会像AirPods一样在我的iPhone和iPad之间交换,我什至无法让它们与Surface Go或Lenovo Duet进行Swift Pair(尽管它们很容易地出现在每个设备的标准蓝牙菜单中) )。

For my use-case, this really works. I never intended the Beans to replace my AirPods anyway; after all, the AirPods are literally magic when paired with Apple products. But I’d wanted an equivalent to use with my laptop, something that was just as small and travel-friendly, and sounded just as good (if not better), and hell- the Beans are it.

对于我的用例,这确实有效。 无论如何,我从未打算将Beans替换为AirPods。 毕竟,与苹果产品搭配使用时,AirPods 确实具有魔力。 但是我想在笔记本电脑上使用一个等效的设备,它既小巧又便于旅行,听起来也一样好(如果不是更好的话),这就是Beans。

But if I’m being honest with myself, even though I never meant for the Beans to replace the Pods, I’m now finding myself reaching for the Beans of the AirPods to use with my iPhone, too. They’ll never fully replace them- the ANC in the AirPods Pro will undoubtedly work better when I’m mowing the lawn (but you better believe I’ll be testing out the ANC on the Beans whenever I begrudgingly wheel out the lawn mower next)- but if I just wanted one pair of headphones between my phone and my computer, I’m actually going to go for the Beans rather than try to pair my AirPods to the Surface.

但是,如果我对自己说实话,即使我从未打算让Beans取代Pods,我现在也发现自己也想要与我的iPhone一起使用AirPods的Beans。 它们永远不会完全取代它们-当我修剪草坪时,AirPods Pro中的ANC无疑会更好地工作(但是您最好相信,每当我接下来将割草机推开时,我都会在Beans上测试ANC )-但是如果我只想在手机和计算机之间安装一对耳机,那我实际上是去买Beans而不是尝试将AirPods与Surface配对。

Next, let’s talk about how you control the Beans. Before we get there, however, I want to point out one thing that everyone who uses them with an iPhone or Android phone should do- download the Samsung Galaxy Buds app. This app provides a wealth of control options for the Beans, including updating them (and Apple… I do like knowing when my headphones have been updated… just sayin’), showing you how to use them, allowing you to configure some of the tap settings, finding your Beans if you lose them, and allowing you to control features like the ANC and equalizer settings (more on that in a moment). There’s even a lab option, which lets you test out experimental features- the current feature in testing is a mode to reduce the aforementioned feeling of stuffiness that you can get with some in-ear buds (something that Apple says the AirPods Pro do as well… though I don’t think it is particularly effective on the AirPods Pro). The really cool thing, however, is that the app can control the buds even when they aren’t paired to that device; while the Beans were connected with my laptop, I was using my iPhone to change the sound settings and turn on/off ANC.

接下来,让我们谈谈如何控制Bean。 但是,在到达那里之前,我想指出一件事,那就是每个在iPhone或Android手机上使用它们的人都应该下载三星Galaxy Buds应用程序。 该应用程序为Beans提供了丰富的控制选项,包括更新它们(以及Apple……我想知道耳机的更新时间……只是说一声),向您展示如何使用它们,并允许您配置一些水龙头。设置,找到丢失的Bean,并允许您控制ANC和均衡器设置之类的功能(稍后再介绍)。 甚至还有一个实验室选项,可让您测试实验性功能-测试中的当前功能是一种减少上述入耳感的模式,您可以通过入耳芽获得这种感觉(Apple表示AirPods Pro也可以这样做) …尽管我认为这在AirPods Pro上不是特别有效)。 然而,真正酷的是,即使芽未与该设备配对,该应用仍可以控制芽。 当Beans与我的笔记本电脑连接时,我正在使用iPhone更改声音设置并打开/关闭ANC。

The Beans feature touch controls on each bud; I’ve found them to be a bit finicky, but I also don’t think my fingers have learned exactly where I should be touching- Samsung shows that you should be pressing on what appears to be a microphone hole centered on the back half. Tap either bud once, and you will play or pause a track. Tap twice to skip to the next song (or answer/end a phone call), and thrice to skip back to the previous track. A long press on either will decline an incoming call, and can also be configured to either turn on/off ANC, summon your digital assistant, or turn the volume up (right bean) and down (left bean). Long press on both at the same time and they will enter pairing mode. If you find yourself having too many accidental taps, you can also block the touch controls altogether.

Beans在每个芽上都具有触摸控制功能。 我发现它们有些挑剔,但我也认为我的手指没有确切地知道我应该触摸的位置-三星表明您应该按下似乎位于后半部中央的麦克风Kong。 点击任一芽一次,您将播放或暂停曲目。 点按两次可跳至下一首歌曲(或接听/结束电话),再按三次可跳回到上一曲目。 长按任一按钮将拒绝来电,也可以将其配置为打开/关闭ANC,召唤数字助理或将音量调高(右bean)和调低音量(左bean)。 同时长按两个按钮,它们将进入配对模式。 如果您发现自己的意外轻击次数过多,也可以完全阻止触摸控制。

As mentioned, there are six EQ options available for the Beans- Normal, Bass Boost, Soft, Dynamic, Clear, and Treble Boost. I personally preferred the sound from either Normal or Dynamic, but of course you can choose to configure however you’d like. Of course, the iPhone packs in a lot of EQ options, but A) these are not in any way exclusive to the AirPods, and B) they are buried in the Settings app, and not as easily accessible.

如前所述,Bean有六个可用的EQ选项-普通,低音增强,柔和,动态,清除和高音增强。 我个人更喜欢“普通”或“动态”的声音,但是您当然可以选择配置。 当然,iPhone提供了许多EQ选项,但是A)这些并不是AirPods独有的,B)它们埋藏在Settings应用程序中,并且不那么容易使用。

Again, since I’m not using these with a Samsung device, I’m not sure if there are any additional touch controls (although I think Spotify can be programmed as one of the long presses with a Samsung phone), but it is nice to know that all of the functionality that I just described is available on the iPhone as well. In fact, there’s one additional feature that I didn’t yet mention, and one that I think truly brings the Beans into the realm of “AirPod killer”: take the earbuds out, and the music will stop playing. I know, this isn’t a feature exclusive to the AirPods, but dammit if it is a feature that is hard to find on any other headphones that don’t have an Apple logo on the box. It is also one of my most-used AirPods features. That said, at least when paired to the iPhone, this feature works about 90% of the time. A few times the music didn’t stop, and a few more times it didn’t start back up again when I put them back in. And most of the time it does require that both Beans are removed from your ears- although I haven’t yet noticed the annoying AirPods habit of starting the music back up again if you drop the loose AirPod in a pocket.

再说一次,由于我没有在三星设备上使用它们,所以我不确定是否还有其他触摸控件(尽管我认为Spotify可以作为三星手机的长按之一进行编程),但这很好知道我刚才描述的所有功能在iPhone上也可用。 实际上,我还没有提到另一项功能,我认为这确实将Beans带入了“ AirPod杀手””的境界:拿出耳塞,音乐将停止播放。 我知道,这不是AirPods 独有的功能,但请问这是在其他没有Apple徽标的耳机上很难找到的功能。 这也是我最常用的AirPods功能之一。 也就是说,至少在与iPhone配对时,此功能大约有90%的时间有效。 几次音乐都没有停止,而当我再次将它们放回去之后,又有几次它没有重新开始。而且在大多数情况下,确实需要将两个 Bean从您的耳朵上移开-尽管我还没有尚未注意到烦人的AirPods习惯,如果您将宽松的AirPod放在口袋里,就会重新开始播放音乐。

I do want to notate, however, that you lose a lot of this functionality when paired to a PC; aside from volume controls, I could not get the play/pause, skip tracks, or even the automatic pausing to work on my Surface Laptop, whether I was using iTunes or playing music in a browser. There may be options to make it work- like using Edge instead of Chrome or Groove Music (is that still a thing?)- but I haven’t tried those yet; frankly, even if Edge is the solution, that still wouldn’t make me use it. But hey, long press to summon Cortana works… yay?

我要指出的是,当与PC配对时,您会失去很多此功能; 除了音量控制之外,无论我是使用iTunes还是在浏览器中播放音乐,我都无法在Surface Laptop上播放/暂停,跳过曲目甚至无法自动暂停。 可能有一些使它工作的选项-就像使用Edge而不是Chrome或Groove Music(还可以吗?)-但是我还没有尝试过这些。 坦率地说,即使Edge是解决方案,也仍然无法让我使用它。 但是,嘿,长按召唤Cortana的作品……是吗?

Winner: Beans! Beans! The Special Beans! I mean, they are very close in a lot of ways to the AirPods, and if we compare Apples to… beans, the ANC doesn’t quite match up to what the AirPods Pro can muster- but those are almost $100 more expensive. For the $10 extra that you would pay over the cost of the regular AirPods, the Samsung Galaxy Buds Live (I seriously almost forgot that was the name) bring a lot more to the table- better, more bass-filled sound, a unique implementation of ANC, and the same or similar functionality that iPhone owners enjoy with the AirPods on more devices.

优胜者: 豆类! 豆子! 特殊豆! 我的意思是,它们在许多方面都与AirPods非常接近,如果我们将Apple与…bean进行比较,则ANC不能完全满足AirPods Pro的需求-但价格要高出近100美元。 对于您需要支付的比普通AirPods支付的$ 10额外费用,三星Galaxy Buds Live(我很认真地几乎忘记了这个名字)为您带来了更多的乐趣-更好,更低音填充的声音,独特的实现ANC,以及iPhone所有者在更多设备上使用AirPods所具有的相同或相似功能。

豆,豆,音乐果 (Beans, Beans, the Musical Fruit)

Image for post

So there you have it. I love the Beans… er… Samsung Galaxy Buds Live. I really didn’t know what to expect with them- I just knew that I had to try them out for myself when I saw the first leaks.

所以你有它。 我喜欢豆子……嗯……三星Galaxy Buds Live。 我真的不知道对他们有什么期望-我只知道当我看到第一次泄漏时,我必须亲自尝试一下。

Of course, as I mentioned in my last Battle Royale, I am also interested in the Surface Earbuds and the new Pixel Buds, but honestly, I think I chose the winner the first time here; the Beans are so unique and good enough that I can’t foresee wanting to try any other headphones for a while.

当然,正如我在上次《 Royal Royale》中提到的那样,我也对Surface Earbuds和新的Pixel Buds感兴趣,但说实话,我认为我是第一次在这里选出获胜者; Beans非常独特且出色,以至于我无法预料要尝试一会儿其他耳机。

And while that’s probably a bad thing for my series of Battle Royales, it’s a good thing for my wallet.




But seriously, unless you are tied to have Apple products to compliment your Apple products, or you need that Apple magic to have your headphones hop from iPhone to iPad to Mac, I think the Beans are a no-brainer.

但是,认真的说,除非您被束缚要用Apple产品来补充您的Apple产品,或者您需要Apple Magic来让您的耳机从iPhone跳到iPad再到Mac,否则我认为Beans毋庸置疑。

Or maybe a no-beaner.


(except in this case, totally a yes-beaner)

(在这种情况下,完全是yes -beaner)

(…ok, I’m done now)


两周后 (Two-ish Weeks Later)

After living with the Beans for a couple of weeks, I think it is worth providing an update.


Long story short, I still love them.


In that timeframe, I actually switched back to using a MacBook Air (more on that here), and surprisingly the Beans work better with macOS than they do with Windows; they still don’t magically switch between my iPhone and MacBook like AirPods do, but all of the other functionality- pausing the audio when you remove a Bean, tap functionality to skip tracks or change volume- works just as flawlessly as if the Beans were Apple-made. I am, frankly, very impressed.

在此时间内,我居然转回使用一台MacBook Air(更多的在这里 ),并且令人惊讶地豆类和MacOS比他们做的与Windows 更好的工作; 它们仍然没有像AirPods那样神奇地在我的iPhone和MacBook之间切换,但是所有其他功能-删除Bean时暂停音频,点击功能以跳过曲目或更改音量-就像Beans一样完美无缺。苹果制造。 坦率地说,我印象深刻。

Of course, having switched back to the Mac, I’ve also played around with my AirPods a bit more. At times, the Beans can get a little uncomfortable after wearing them for a while, mainly at the back of my ear where little rubber gasket holds them in place. That said, perhaps I’m being a little picky; realistically any in-ear headphone will probably start to hurt a little after a few hours, and even the standard AirPods will hurt after a couple of hours of use. But going back and forth, the AirPods feel a little more comfortable in prolonged wear. But they still fall out a lot more often, too (especially the AirPods Pro), but by that token, they are also much easier to insert and remove than the Beans; while I love the design of the Beans, the stems on the AirPods do make them easier to take out and put in.

当然,切换回Mac后,我还玩了一些AirPods。 有时,将Beans戴上一会儿后可能会感到有些不适,主要是在我的耳朵的后部,那儿几乎没有橡胶垫圈将它们固定到位。 就是说,也许我有点挑剔。 实际上,任何入耳式耳机在几个小时后可能会开始受到一点伤害,甚至标准的AirPods在使用几个小时后也会受到伤害。 但是,来回穿梭,AirPods在长时间佩戴时会感觉舒适一些。 但是它们仍然掉落的次数也更多(尤其是AirPods Pro),但因此,它们比Beans更容易插入和移除。 虽然我喜欢Bean的设计,但AirPods上的茎杆确实使它们更易于取出和放入。

On that subject, the Beans, at times, are a little more difficult to get positioned just right in my ears. I find myself struggling every now and then to get the right Bean situated just right to where the speaker isn’t being muffled by my ear; when it is, it has the odd sensation that my right ear is full of water. I’m sure this will come more naturally with more practice; after all, I never seem to have any issue at all positioning the left Bean. But having to reposition the Beans every now and then also has the adverse effect of activating the touch controls; as I’ve mentioned, you can easily disable the touch controls in the app if this is too much of a problem for you.

在这个问题上,有时很难在自己的耳朵中正确定位豆子。 我发现自己时不时地在挣扎,要使正确的Bean恰好位于扬声器不会被我的耳朵遮住的位置。 在这种情况下,我的右耳充满了水,这使我感到奇怪。 我相信,随着更多的练习,这会自然而然地出现。 毕竟,定位左Bean似乎从来没有任何问题。 但是不得不不时地重新定位Bean的位置也会对激活触摸控件产生不利影响。 正如我所提到的,如果这对您来说太麻烦了,您可以轻松禁用该应用程序中的触摸控件。

I’ve also found that the AirPods are better for phone calls. Not so much me hearing the other person, or the other person hearing me (I make phone calls so infrequently that I still haven’t really tested this, although other reviews I’ve looked at seem to indicate that the AirPods barely have any advantage over the Beans in this department), but in how I sound when I’m talking. With the Beans in, either with ANC turned on or off, they muffle my own voice when I’m talking. For me, that’s a bit of a distraction as I feel like I in turn am talking louder. I’ve noticed this, too, when I’m speaking with my fiance who is sitting in the same room; if I have the Beans in and even if nothing is playing and ANC is off, I find myself speaking louder to her than if I didn’t have headphones in at all. And with AirPods, put simply, this doesn’t happen. Their open design is a little more open, I guess, but I can live with AirPods in all day long and I’ll never have to take them out to have a conversation, and because of that they are my go-to headphones whenever I have to make a phone call, as I feel like I can talk normally.

我还发现AirPods更适合打电话。 我听不到别人的声音,或者听我说话的人很少(我打电话的频率非常低,以至于我还没有真正测试过,尽管我看过的其他评论似乎表明AirPods 几乎没有任何优势在该部的豆),但当我说的是如何发声。 启用Bean时,无论ANC处于打开还是关闭状态,当我讲话时,它们都会减弱我自己的声音。 对我来说,这有点让人分心,因为我觉得我反过来在大声说话。 当我和坐在同一房间的未婚夫交谈时,我也注意到了这一点。 如果我有Bean,即使没有任何声音在播放并且ANC关闭,我发现自己对她的声音要比根本没有耳机的声音大。 简而言之,使用AirPods不会发生这种情况。 我猜他们的开放式设计要开放一些,但是我可以整天与AirPods一起生活,而且我永远不必带他们出去进行对话,因此,无论何时我成为我的首选耳机我必须打个电话,因为我觉得我可以正常说话。

But over the last two-ish weeks, the Beans have been the headphones I’ve reached for more than any other. More than once I’ve found myself sitting at my desk with my AirPods in reach, and instead of popping those in, I’ve traversed my house back to my bedroom to grab the Beans off the nightstand. They are just damn good headphones.

但是在过去的两个星期里,Beans是我所追求的头戴耳机。 我不止一次地发现自己坐在我的办公桌旁,将AirPods伸手可及,而不是将它们弹出来,而是从我的房子回到卧室,将豆子从床头柜上抢下来。 他们只是该死的好耳机。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/battle-royale-with-cheese-samsung-galaxy-buds-live-vs-airpods-b6019c20e67f






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