

Self-driving cars are as fascinating as they are challenging to develop. The sensors, compute, actuation all need to continuously work together to understand the surrounding environment and respond in real-time. And when it all works as expected, we will save lives and change society for the better.

小号精灵驾驶汽车是一样迷人,他们是具有挑战性的发展。 传感器,计算,执行机构都需要持续协作以了解周围环境并实时做出响应。 当一切都按预期进行时,我们将拯救生命并改善社会。

Back in 2013, Tesla, while still struggling, decided to take on this challenge. All in the midst of posting huge operating losses, struggling to manufacture cars and scale production. It’s worth considering:

早在2013年, 特斯拉仍在挣扎中,但决定接受这一挑战。 所有这些都处在巨大的运营亏损之中,努力制造汽车和扩大规模。 值得考虑:

What was Tesla’s strategy, and why?


How has it evolved over the years?


Fast forward to today and Tesla has a large fleet on the road with self-driving features. Not to mention, Tesla has one of the highest attach rate for self-driving features, the most diverse self-driving fleet by geography, and one of the most diverse self-driving fleets by vehicle type.

快进到今天,特斯拉拥有自动驾驶功能的庞大车队。 更不用说,特斯拉拥有自动驾驶功能的最高附加率之一,按地理分布最多样化的自动驾驶车队以及按车型划分的最多样化的自动驾驶车队之一。

So, how does a struggling automaker achieve such impressive results in less than a decade?


It all boils down to two of Tesla’s biggest strengths, including Elon Musk’s first principles-based thinking and Tesla’s sheer execution prowess. Those and five core pillars to which Tesla’s success can be attributed.

一切都归结为特斯拉最大的两个优势,包括埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的第一个基于原则的思维和特斯拉的纯粹执行能力。 特斯拉的成功可以归因于这五个核心Struts。

1.一种架构-适用于所有车辆 (1. One architecture — across all vehicles)

Starting October 2016, all Tesla vehicles sold are equipped with the hardware necessary for full self-driving — sensors including camera, radar, GPS, ultrasonics, and the onboard computer.


This is counterintuitive to how the automotive industry works, where every last bit of margin is squeezed. Why equip vehicles with extra hardware that the customer specifically didn’t ask for? Turns out, there are quite a few benefits.

这与汽车行业的运作方式有悖常理,因为汽车行业的最后一点利润都受到挤压。 为什么要为车辆配备客户特别不需要的额外硬件? 事实证明,有很多好处。

打开软件收入之门 (Opening the door to software revenues)

This is a very common strategy in the tech world — supply the hardware for cheap and milk revenues by selling software. It’s why Amazon sold echo devices for under $50. But the benefits of this strategy in the automotive world are only magnified. As you can always buy another smart speaker, but your car stays with you much longer.

这是技术世界中非常普遍的策略-通过销售软件来提供廉价的硬件和牛奶收入。 这就是为什么亚马逊以不到50美元的价格出售回声设备的原因。 但是,这种策略在汽车领域的好处只是被放大了。 因为您总是可以购买另一个智能扬声器,但是您的汽车在您身上的停留时间更长。

Say the full self-driving hardware costs Tesla around $1000 per car. ($600 for compute, $400 for sensors + wiring). At 400k vehicles per year, the total cost to Tesla is $400M. And the full self-driving package is priced at $7k. So the break-even point is at $400M/$7k ~ 57k vehicles or an attach rate of 57k/400k ~14%.

假设完整的自动驾驶硬件使特斯拉每辆车的成本约为1000美元。 (计算费用为600美元,传感器+布线费用为400美元)。 以每年40万辆汽车计,特斯拉的总成本为4亿美元。 完整的自动驾驶包售价为7,000美元。 因此,收支平衡点为$ 400M / $ 7k〜57k车辆,或者附加率为57k / 400k〜14%。

Per analysts, Tesla easily beats that rate today. And it seems things will only improve: the price of self-driving vehicles will only increase with time. It’s already up to $8k as of July 2020.

根据分析师的观点,特斯拉今天轻松超过了这个比率。 看来事情只会有所改善:自动驾驶汽车的价格只会随着时间的流逝而增加。 截至2020年7月,它已经高达8000美元。

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What’s more, as Tesla ships more vehicles, the cost of full self-driving hardware per vehicle will drop, too. With time, as Tesla’s software matures, more Tesla owners will purchase some variant of the full self-driving package from the Tesla app.

更重要的是,随着特斯拉运送更多的车辆,每辆车完全自动驾驶硬件的成本也将下降。 随着时间的流逝,随着特斯拉软件的成熟,更多的特斯拉车主将从特斯拉应用程序中购买某种形式的完全自动驾驶程序包。

易于开发,调试和部署软件 (Easier to develop, debug and deploy software)

Just ask any Software Engineer who had to flash upgrades across different hardware skews: a single architecture streamlines development and testing and makes it easier to roll out more upgrades, more frequently.


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