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翻译 用cmd查找应用程序路径_如何使用智能手机应用程序查找您的汽车

用cmd查找应用程序路径If you can never remember where you parked your car, check out these apps to keep track. 如果您不记得自己将车停在哪里,请查看这些应用以进行跟踪。 By Lance Whitney 通过 兰斯惠特尼 Having trouble remembering where you parke...

2020-09-29 23:19:13 2043

翻译 修理互联网

“Ban TikTok!” “Take down Twitter and Facebook!” “Remove everything factually inaccurate!” “班提克!” “记下Twitter和Facebook!” “删除实际上不准确的所有内容!” For years, we’ve been treated to reactionary, high-octane polit...

2020-09-29 23:08:32 351

翻译 打破双亲委派么,怎么打破_打破大技术很难

打破双亲委派么,怎么打破But in the latest edition of Pattern Matching, OneZero’s weekly newsletter from senior writer Will Oremus, we explore how a banking law from the 1950s might provide a useful model if lawma...

2020-09-29 22:58:05 257

翻译 Facebook对社交媒体巨头的ESG分析有多可持续

It is a bit spooky to write about tech firms, previously Amazon and Alibaba, and now Facebook. One man, one idea and a huge leap of faith are some of the characteristics of people shaping our world to...

2020-09-29 22:47:45 1341

翻译 云桌面 未来_云游戏的现在和未来

云桌面 未来Cloud gaming has been around for years. And it’s always faced serious questions around viability. It’s easy to forget that the OnLive service kickstarted cloud gaming way back in 2009. It promis...

2020-09-29 22:38:16 781

翻译 星系效果_先进的古代星系质疑宇宙演化的传统模式

星系效果The most interesting thing that I find about space is that it never ceases to amaze you with mind-boggling discoveries. The element of surprise is huge since we know very little about the cosmos a...

2020-09-26 19:37:12 138

翻译 jsnew四件事_关于未来十年技术将如何发展的四件事

jsnew四件事 重点 (Top highlight)Take a moment to think about what the world must have looked like to J.P. Morgan a century ago, in 1919. He was not only an immensely powerful financier with access to the g...

2020-09-26 19:27:59 131

翻译 surface pro_真正的问题是Surface Duo是下一代Surface Pro还是Surface Book

surface proMicrosoft’s first smartphone in years comes with a plethora of surprising facts. First, it runs Android making it the very first Microsoft hardware device not running a Microsoft operating ...

2020-09-26 19:18:56 419

翻译 虚拟现实技术_虚拟现实

虚拟现实技术Virtual Reality or VR is a part of the XR family where X can be Virtual , Augmented , Mixed. Initially started in the 1950s, the first VR Head Mounted Display (HMD) system, the Sword of Damocles...

2020-09-26 19:09:47 1747

翻译 新睿云 亚马逊_等待亚马逊新的可穿戴需求,让我穿着内衣

新睿云 亚马逊Amazon says your semi-nude pictures will be automatically deleted from its servers after 3D body images are rendered. In return, you’ll get an accurate estimate of your body fat percentage. 亚马逊...

2020-09-26 18:59:40 191

翻译 facebook是什么鬼_如果facebook是真正的沉默多数怎么办

facebook是什么鬼By Kevin Roose 凯文·罗斯 Listen, liberals. If you don’t think Donald Trump can get reelected in November, you need to spend more time on Facebook. 听着,自由主义者。 如果您不认为唐纳德·特朗普可以在11月再次当选,则需要花更多时间在F...

2020-09-16 07:37:11 853

翻译 国家电力科技巨头的模糊线路和无所不在的监视系统

During a live hearing conducted before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday July 29th , four of the world’s most powerful tech titans testified at an antitrust hearing titled: ‘Online Platforms ...

2020-09-16 07:26:59 194

翻译 macos黑苹果_为什么苹果在新的macOS版本中打破了一些基本设计原则

macos黑苹果The latest release of the macOS is coming out this fall in 2020, titled macOS 11 Big Sur, and the new design slated for the release brings in a modern, fresh take to the mac, yet somehow keepi...

2020-09-16 07:16:09 360

翻译 magicbook屏幕_荣誉Magicbook 15降压笔记本电脑的最佳爆炸现在

magicbook屏幕Let’s say you’re out there wishing to buy a new laptop under ₹40,000. You want portability, superb battery life, and of course a gorgeous display. Then look no further. Honor MagicBook 15 h...

2020-09-16 07:06:47 253

翻译 网站cookie和曲奇饼干_谷歌扔饼干和营销人员感到恶心

网站cookie和曲奇饼干By Josh Coon, Mike DiCaprio & Ken McVeagh 乔什·库恩(Josh Coon),迈克·迪卡普里奥(Mike DiCaprio)和肯·麦克维(Ken McVeagh) Let’s face it, as marketers we’ve had our hands in the digital cookie jar for a ...

2020-09-16 06:55:52 571

翻译 fsf大流行政治天网抗议监视

In August, International Affairs has teamed up with the Future Strategy Forum for the ‘Pandemic Politics’ series on US politics and the COVID-19 pandemic. International Affairs’ 50:50 in 2020 initiati...

2020-09-16 06:46:13 271

翻译 covid 19只有一个优先事项

重点 (Top highlight)An excellent article in The New York Times, “A Warning for the United States From the Author of ‘The Great Influenza’” by John M. Barry, professor of public health at Tulane Univers...

2020-09-16 06:35:26 161

翻译 模拟摄像头和网络摄像头_今天的网络摄像头很无聊,所以我带回了经典

模拟摄像头和网络摄像头It’s a pandemic outside, many of us are working from home, and I found myself buying a webcam for the first time since the last century. I was not the only one. 我是外面的大流行病,我们许多人在家中工作,而我发现自己自...

2020-09-16 06:25:08 785

翻译 ps手持_大胆地只手持

ps手持I picked up my turquoise Switch Lite back in April after scouring the internet for several days, desperate to finally try my favorite company’s current console. In retrospect, it feels sacrilegiou...

2020-09-16 06:05:30 429

翻译 忽视警告_不要忽视下雨的风险2

忽视警告When I first saw Risk of Rain 2 a couple of months back in the Steam store, I didn’t know what I was looking at. It looked like some bootlegged copy of Unturned. The graphics didn’t impress me and...

2020-09-16 05:54:32 288

翻译 macbook_我如何学会不再担心并热爱Macbook

macbookMy journey to find my next computer has been a long and winding road. And I’m sure many wouldn’t understand why I’ve been so indecisive, going back and forth between this laptop and that laptop...

2020-09-08 06:39:32 552

翻译 android地磁场探测_Google已将Android手机变成地震探测器

android地磁场探测Taking technology advancement one step further, the powerhouse Google has added an earthquake alert system in California on Tuesday. This will turn Android smartphones as a tremor detector...

2020-09-08 06:10:17 649

翻译 银河土星_三星银河芽加评论

银河土星Techdary技术 Follow跟随 Aug 16 8月16 Samsung Galaxy Buds Plus review 三星Galaxy Buds Plus评估 After hanging on to the headphone jack for a long time, I finally bit the bullet and got my first truly wirele...

2020-09-08 06:01:11 158

翻译 bibtex 共生_游戏与音乐的共生

bibtex 共生Whenever we discuss video games and their ratings, players and critics argue over what is the most crucial aspect of the experience. Some will argue that gameplay and gaming mechanics are the...

2020-09-08 05:41:33 191

翻译 电路图中常见的储能元件_智能砖是储能中的新概念

电路图中常见的储能元件This is a typical example of how technology can be put to good use to convert something like a red brick — the most common and the cheapest building material which doesn’t do much apart fro...

2020-09-08 05:31:32 441

翻译 5g 为什么需要边缘云_5g将云的力量带到了边缘

5g 为什么需要边缘云by Peter McHale, Summer Associate, Darling Ventures 作者:Darling Ventures夏季合伙人Peter McHale Big data management, SAAS, predictive analytics, and AI — these are just a few industries enabled b...

2020-09-08 05:22:26 1188

翻译 奶酪和奶酪碎的区别_与奶酪三星银河芽战斗大逃杀直播vs airpods

奶酪和奶酪碎的区别I said in my last Battle Royale involving headphones that I was very interested in the new Samsung “bean” earbuds, and I wasn’t kidding. After seeing a couple of reviews, I decided that I had...

2020-09-05 14:46:29 720

翻译 您想要戴口罩的箱子吗

A Revolutionary Idea That Can Change The Way You Carry Your Mask 一种革命性的想法,可以改变您戴口罩的方式 This is genius! I thought to myself as I came across this innovative idea. Wearing a mask has become mandatory in...

2020-09-05 14:28:10 98

翻译 wii手柄_Wii时代的隐藏宝石

wii手柄With its family-oriented marketing and easy-to-learn motion controls, the Wii garnered a mixed reputation as a Nintendo console which did not cater to actual gamers, but instead as a vessel for N...

2020-09-05 14:07:14 2030

翻译 特斯拉 自动驾驶 芯片_关于特斯拉和英国全面自我驾驶的真相

特斯拉 自动驾驶 芯片It’s the question on everyones mind when purchasing a Tesla. Should I buy the Full Self Driving (FSD) package? 这是每个人在购买特斯拉时都会想到的问题。 我应该购买全自动驾驶(FSD)套餐吗? I’ve owned my Tesla Model 3 with the...

2020-09-05 13:37:10 701

翻译 ev3双足行驶机器人_每天行驶3年后的想法

ev3双足行驶机器人So I have been driving EVs (electric vehicles) for the past three years now, and during this time I’ve learned a lot about what it’s like to own and drive one in day to day life. And so here...

2020-09-05 13:06:27 1608

翻译 4环耳机定义_为什么耳机针有这些环

4环耳机定义The advent of wireless headphones is slowly laying the headphone jack to rest, but it’s not going out without a fight. The design, which traces its roots back to the late 1800s is sure to find a...

2020-09-05 12:56:10 878

翻译 开灯问题_谁会一直开灯

开灯问题California is arguably the wealthiest and most technologically advanced place on earth. It’s ground zero for innovation and a magnet for the world’s brightest people. çalifornia可以说是地球上最富有,技术最先进的地方...

2020-09-05 12:36:10 174

翻译 智能表带如何为Apple Watch添加功能

“I think the Wrist is Interesting”, Apple CEO Tim Cook 2013 “我认为手腕很有趣”, 苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克,2013年 The human wrist is a highly valuable “real-estate” for sensing the human body. Nerve bundles and arteries pas...

2020-09-05 12:26:52 834

翻译 托马斯插件_托马斯·爱迪生讨厌的营销策略

托马斯插件 托马斯·爱迪生曾经是我的英雄 (Thomas Edison Used to Be My Hero)In fourth grade, I read a biography of Thomas Edison, the creator of the light bulb and the man responsible for movies. When you’re 10 years old...

2020-09-05 12:07:13 700

翻译 jq的三种选择qi_您已经选择了带有qi无线充电功能的无线耳机

jq的三种选择qiThere’s plenty of good earbuds at all price ranges, and they’re pretty much all cheaper than AirPods (and arguably just as good). 在所有价格范围内都有很多优质的耳塞,而且它们几乎都比AirPods便宜(而且价格也差不多)。 How many time...

2020-09-01 10:45:57 597

翻译 联想Ideapad S540最佳13英寸Macbook替代

There must be times when you just want a laptop that delivers what it claims. The first reliable option is always the MacBooks. but what if you want to stick to the Windows side? Well, in this article...

2020-09-01 10:03:04 671

翻译 自己diy电脑_忘记黑暗的天空,建立自己的diy天气应用

自己diy电脑 调试器 (Debugger)When Apple acquired my preferred weather app, Dark Sky, and shut it down for Android users in July, I decided I finally had the excuse I was looking for to set up my own hyper-l...

2020-09-01 09:35:38 129

翻译 爬虫goodreads数据_精通技术的读者正在设计自己更好的goodreads版本

爬虫goodreads数据Last year, I lamented the poor design of Goodreads — a much-needed platform where readers can review books they’ve read and track those they want to. Poor search functionality, ugly aesth...

2020-09-01 09:26:11 465

翻译 特斯拉自动驾驶原理_仔细观察特斯拉通往全自动驾驶汽车的道路

特斯拉自动驾驶原理Self-driving cars are as fascinating as they are challenging to develop. The sensors, compute, actuation all need to continuously work together to understand the surrounding environment and r...

2020-09-01 09:15:40 4523



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