
For many years, gamers were just people who played games, differentiated mostly by what system they used to enjoy their hobby. The true “hardcore” gamers played on PC, the realm of flight simulators, grand strategy titles, and classic Sierra-style point-and-click adventure games. Everyone else played on consoles like Atari or Nintendo where bouncy platformers and adventure games ruled the day. Fast forward to the Nintendo Wii where the idea of the “casual” gamer really took off, denoting people like your neighbors and grandparents who had never played games before but could suddenly wrap their minds around Wii’s intuitive motion controls.

F或多年,玩家是谁玩游戏只是人们,用他们享受自己的爱好是什么系统主要区别。 真正的“硬核”游戏玩家可以在PC上玩游戏,飞行模拟器,宏伟的战略游戏以及经典的Sierra风格的点击冒险游戏。 其他所有人都在诸如Atari或Nintendo之类的游戏机上玩耍,在那里有弹性的平台游戏和冒险游戏占据了主导地位。 快进Nintendo Wii时,“休闲”游戏玩家的想法真正兴起,表示像你的邻居和祖父母一样的人,他们以前从未玩过游戏,但突然之间会把注意力集中在Wii的直观运动控制上。

For years things stood, either hardcore or casual, static and unchanging while the industry itself changed drastically. The tidal wave of cell phone ubiquity and app-gaming led to the ‘super casual’ moniker, but that was really the only addition. As the calendar crept toward the second half of the 2010s though, the ability to gather data from consumers increased. The craving for advanced analytics and understanding consumers, with an eye toward selling them more of everything, has swept across multiple industries. Gaming has exploded as a hobby and an industry, growing to be worth over $160 billion in 2020, and the stakeholders naturally screamed for better ways to understand the target audience.

多年来,行业一直在发生巨大变化,无论是硬核还是休闲,固定不变。 手机无处不在和应用程序游戏的浪潮导致了“超级休闲”的绰号,但这确实是唯一的补充。 随着日历逐渐向2010年代下半年过渡,从消费者那里收集数据的能力增强了。 对高级分析和了解消费者的渴望,以期向他们出售更多产品,已席卷多个行业。 游戏作为一种爱好和行业而爆炸性增长,到2020年其价值将超过1600亿美元,而利益相关者自然地大喊着寻求更好的方法来了解目标受众。

Enter Newzoo’s Gamer Segmentation report, a new way to look at and understand the nature and habits of gamers around the world. The report is broken down into eight personas, highlighting the core characteristics and habits of each type of gamer, such as where they play and what value they place on playing, watching, and owning the various types of gaming content available to them. Several bits of data are given as part of each persona, including age, reasons for gaming, home situation, and gender split. The reasons for gaming have three survey choices: “exploring worlds/storylines,” “competition,” and “escaping everyday life.” The home situation survey choices were: “alone,” “with my parents/guardians,” “together or alone/with kids,” and “together/no kids.” Let’s dive into the details, shall we?

输入Newzoo的“玩家细分”报告,这是一种查看和了解世界各地玩家性质和习惯的新方法。 该报告分为八种角色,突出了每种类型游戏玩家的核心特征和习惯,例如他们在哪里玩以及他们在玩,观看和拥有可供他们使用的各种类型游戏内容时的重视程度。 每个角色都提供了一些数据,包括年龄,游戏原因,家庭状况和性别分裂。 游戏的原因有三个调查选择:“探索世界/故事情节”,“竞争”和“逃避日常生活”。 家庭情况调查的选择是:“单独”,“与父母/监护人一起”,“一起或单独/与孩子一起”和“一起/没有孩子”。 让我们深入研究细节,对吧?

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Alex Kunchevsky. Alex Kunchevsky的动画。

终极玩家 (The Ultimate Gamer)

This persona is the top of the gaming food chain, the gamer who wants to play, watch, and own everything, and makes up 14% of enthusiasts by Newzoo’s calculations. They watch content regularly and are familiar with the goings-on throughout gaming and the esports community. They want to own the latest and greatest hardware and peripherals and have the means to do so. They are typically in the 26–30 age range and have a fairly even split with all three reasons for gaming, with “exploring worlds/storylines” having a relatively small margin over the others. By a wide margin over the others, this persona resides in the “together or alone, with kids” home scenario. The Ultimate Gamer has a 60/40 male to female split, as opposed to the 52/48 male to female split of the gaming audience in general.

这个角色是游戏食物链中最重要的角色,是想要玩,看和拥有所有东西的游戏玩家,按Newzoo的计算,它占发烧友的14%。 他们定期观看内容,并熟悉整个游戏和电竞社区的发展趋势。 他们希望拥有最新最好的硬件和外围设备,并拥有这样做的能力。 他们通常处于26至30岁的年龄段,并且由于游戏的所有三个原因,他们的收入分配相当平均,“探索世界/故事情节”的利润比其他游戏要低。 相对于其他人,这个角色居于“与孩子一起或单独在一起”的家庭场景。 最终游戏玩家的男女比例为60/40,而一般游戏观众的男女比例为52/48。

This is going to be the early adopter group, the type that will be buying Xbox Series X and PS5 at launch. You will likely see this group with PSVR headsets, possibly driving wheels and other peripherals. They will regularly watch streaming content and may play esports competitively as well. It reasons that these are the gamers who are also consuming content on Twitter and other news services and websites to stay on top of the action. This is the best person for the ‘hardcore’ moniker these days.

这将是早期采用者组,将在发布时购买Xbox Series X和PS5。 您可能会看到带有PSVR耳机,驱动轮和其他外围设备的组。 他们将定期观看流媒体内容,并可能具有竞争性地进行电子竞技。 这是因为这些游戏玩家还在Twitter和其他新闻服务和网站上消费内容,以保持领先地位。 这是最近“核心”绰号的最佳人选。

全方位的发烧友 (The All-Round Enthusiast)

This persona is similar to the Ultimate Gamer, but with less of the zeal and passion for pursuing the hobby. Making up 10% of enthusiasts, they are still very serious about gaming and are typically full-time job holders with the ability to purchase the games and hardware they want. They average slightly older than the Ultimate Gamer, at just over 29 years old, and cite “escaping from everyday life” and “to fill time” as tied at the top of their gaming reasons list. Their home situation is also “alone or together, with kids” by a wide margin, and the gender split skews even more towards men here with a 64/36 male to female ratio.

这个角色类似于《终极玩家》,但对追求爱好的热情和热情却更少。 在10%的发烧友中,他们对游戏仍然非常认真,通常是全职工作,能够购买所需的游戏和硬件。 他们的平均年龄略高于Ultimate Gamer,才29岁,并且将“逃离日常生活”和“充裕的时间”列为游戏理由清单的首位。 他们的家庭状况也很大程度是“独居或与孩子在一起”,而且性别分裂对男性的偏向更大,男女比例为64/36。

订户 (The Subscriber)

This persona, formerly called “The Cloud Gamer,” makes up 21% of enthusiasts and is passionate about playing games while being completely hardware-agnostic. They almost never buy hardware, only owning it when necessary for a particular gaming experience or when receiving it as a gift. When they do buy hardware it is with other tasks besides gaming in mind, an important aspect that could inform the types of games they play. The average age for this person is just under 30 years old, and filling time is their main reason for gaming, followed closely by escaping from everyday life. This persona sees a closer balance of gender, with a 57/43 male to female ratio, and leans heavily to the “alone or together, with kids” at home situation.

这个角色(以前称为“云游戏玩家”)占21%的发烧友,并且对玩游戏充满热情,同时完全与硬件无关。 他们几乎从不购买硬件,仅在有特定游戏体验或收到礼物时才拥有它。 当他们购买硬件时,除了游戏之外,还有其他任务,这是可以告知他们玩游戏类型的重要方面。 这个人的平均年龄不到30岁,娱乐时间是他们玩游戏的主要原因,其次是逃避日常生活。 这个角色看到的性别平衡更加接近,男女比例为57/43,并且在家庭中严重倾向于“独居或与孩子一起”。

The subscriber moniker fits this persona perfectly, as they are the most likely to be early adopters of the cloud gaming revolution currently lead by Google Stadia, and the assumed box-less future of both Sony and Microsoft. This persona will be the main target for Microsoft’s xCloud and Game Pass services, allowing them to play on hardware they already have in their pockets and putting a premium on the amount of gaming for the money. It is surely an encouraging sign for those companies that this is one of the largest personas by percentage, and can be expected to grow with time.

订户绰号完全符合此角色,因为他们最有可能是Google Stadia当前领导的云游戏革命的早期采用者,以及索尼和微软假定的无盒子的未来。 该角色将成为Microsoft xCloud和Game Pass服务的主要目标,使他们可以在口袋中已经拥有的硬件上玩游戏,并为金钱赚钱。 对于这些公司而言,这无疑是一个令人鼓舞的信号,它是按比例计算最大的角色之一,并且有望随着时间的增长而增长。

常规球员 (The Conventional Player)

As Newzoo’s report states, this persona, making up only 3% of enthusiasts, most resembles what the Ultimate Gamer persona looked like a decade ago. Gaming content for viewing was not a thing back then, nor had esports taken off in any large way, so gaming at that time was much more of an insular hobby. This persona doesn’t care to watch content but still consumes news to stay up with the industry, and will purchase whatever hardware and peripherals are needed to play their games of choice. The average age of the persona is almost 32 years old, describes escape from everyday life as their main reason for gaming, and has a 59/41 male to female split.

正如Newzoo的报告所指出的那样,这一角色仅占发烧友的3%,最类似于十年前的Ultimate Gamer角色。 当时,观看内容并不是什么大事,电子竞技也没有任何大发展,因此当时的游戏更多是一种与世隔绝的嗜好。 这个角色并不关心观看内容,但仍会消费新闻以跟上行业发展的步伐,并且会购买所需的任何硬件和外围设备来玩自己喜欢的游戏。 角色的平均年龄将近32岁,将逃避日常生活作为游戏的主要原因,并且男女比例为59/41。

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Alex Kunchevsky. Alex Kunchevsky的动画。

硬件爱好者 (The Hardware Enthusiast)

This persona, making up 9% of gaming enthusiasts, wants the best possible hardware no matter what game they want to play. Gaming is not their primary motivation as their interests extend beyond that, but they will stay up to date on trends and news in service of their hardware obsession. Their primary reason for playing games is to fill time, by a larger than usual margin over the other reasons. The average age of this persona is almost 32 years old, with a heavy lean towards having kids at home and skewing 59/41 to male gamers.

这个角色占9%的游戏发烧友,无论他们想玩什么游戏,都想要最好的硬件。 游戏并不是他们的主要动机,因为他们的兴趣超出了范围,但是他们会在关注硬件的趋势和新闻方面保持最新。 他们玩游戏的主要原因是时间充裕,比其他原因要多。 这个角色的平均年龄接近32岁,尤其倾向于孩子在家里,而男性玩家则倾向于59/41。

These are your PC builders, putting together the impressive-looking boxes with the RGB lights and water-cooled desktop towers. They will spend whatever amount needed to get the latest pieces of tech, graphics cards ruling the day lately, and likely having VR headsets to go along with all that horsepower. It would be interesting to know how much of the gaming that is done with this persona is VR, the most tech-heavy gaming that can be done right now.

这些都是您的PC制造商,将带有RGB灯和水冷台式塔的外观精美的盒子组合在一起。 他们将花费一切所需的资金,以获取最新的技术,最新的显卡,并可能拥有VR头显以及所有强大的功能。 知道用此角色完成的游戏中有多少是VR,这是很有趣的,VR是目前可以完成的技术含量最高的游戏。

爆米花玩家 (The Popcorn Gamer)

This persona, making up 14% of the enthusiast pool, doesn’t play games very often, but they are constantly watching gaming content and esports online. They will watch with friends and alone, while also consuming lots of television and online videos. If they do play games they are usually of the casual variety, likely on mobile platforms. The average age is just over 31 years old, and cite filling time as their main reason for gaming by a large margin. This group is less likely than most to have kids at home but still lists that higher than all other options per survey results. Interestingly this is almost an even split in gender, with a 51/49 male to female ratio.

这个角色占发烧友群体的14%,虽然不常玩游戏,但他们一直在观看游戏内容并在线进行电子竞技。 他们将与朋友一起独自观看,同时也消费大量电视和在线视频。 如果他们确实玩游戏,则通常是休闲游戏,很可能在移动平台上。 平均年龄刚刚超过31岁,并且将充裕的时间列为游戏的主要原因。 与大多数人相比,这个群体不太可能有孩子在家,但在每个调查结果中,列出的数字仍高于所有其他选项。 有趣的是,这几乎是性别均分,男女比例为51/49。

This is one of the groups driving the explosive growth of streaming content, both of the gaming type and non-gaming related videos on YouTube. This persona is highly coveted by advertisers and game companies alike, who they expect are likely to see a game on Twitch or YouTube and be influenced to play it as one of their few gaming experiences each month. A recent panel of publishers stated that most gamers play two games a year, and they likely fall into this persona, so the competition to make a game the choice of this persona is likely to grow ever more fierce.

这是推动YouTube上的游戏类型和非游戏相关视频流媒体内容爆炸式增长的组织之一。 广告商和游戏公司都非常渴望这个角色,他们希望他们可能会在Twitch或YouTube上看到一款游戏,并且每月都会受到影响,成为他们为数不多的游戏体验之一。 最近的发行商小组指出,大多数游戏者每年玩两次游戏,而且他们很可能会属于这个角色,因此使游戏成为该角色选择的竞争可能会越来越激烈。

后座查看器 (The Backseat Viewer)

This persona, comprising 6% of enthusiasts, almost never plays games. They used to, but life gets in the way and other commitments remove their ability or monetary capabilities to do so. Some of this persona will watch major gaming events and pick up games for a time as a result, but they aren’t likely to buy hardware and thus would likely resemble the Subscriber for that time period. This persona is analogous to the traditional sports fans, who enjoy watching the sport played at the highest level but don’t attempt it themselves.

这个角色(占6%的发烧友)几乎从不玩游戏。 他们曾经这样做,但是生活阻碍了他们的发展,其他承诺也使他们丧失了这样做的能力或金钱能力。 结果,其中一些角色将观看一段时间的大型游戏活动并挑选游戏,但是他们不太可能购买硬件,因此很可能在该时间段内类似于订户。 这个角色类似于传统的体育迷,他们喜欢观看最高水平的运动,但自己不会尝试。

Newzoo asked this group if they were intending to play games in the next 6 months, with 51% answering yes. This is another group that skews toward having kids, so it is likely that some portion of the content they consume is done peripherally with whatever the kids are watching. With both of those facts in mind, it stands to reason that this would be another target group for advertisers and publishers, looking to be the company that entices them back to the hobby even if for a short time. This is also another close gender split, at 56/44 male to female.

Newzoo询问了这个小组是否打算在未来6个月内玩游戏,其中51%的人回答是。 这是另一个倾向于生孩子的群体,因此,他们所消费的内容的某些部分很可能是与孩子所观看的内容无关的。 考虑到这两个事实,有理由认为这将是广告商和发行商的另一个目标群体,即使是在很短的时间内,也希望成为诱使他们回到业余爱好的公司。 这也是性别之间的另一近距离划分,男女比例为56/44。

时间填充 (The Time Filler)

The last persona is the biggest group of them all at 23% of the enthusiast pool. With the massive uptick in the global market of mobile devices and mobile gaming, it’s not surprising to see a persona that is largely built on mobile experiences. This persona doesn’t care about watching content or owning hardware, and they only game when they have downtime due to a commute or are at social events where a game is being played. The average age of this persona is almost 38 years old, but surprisingly it is the first persona where the largest number of individuals are in the 51–65 age group. This does fit with the phenomenon that older folks are starting to game in larger numbers than ever before.

最后一个角色是其中最大的角色,占发烧友人数的23%。 随着全球移动设备和移动游戏市场的大幅增长,看到角色很大程度上基于移动体验就不足为奇了。 这个角色并不关心观看内容或拥有硬件,并且仅在由于通勤而导致停机或正在玩游戏的社交活动中玩游戏。 该角色的平均年龄接近38岁,但令人惊讶的是,它是51-65岁年龄段中人数最多的第一个角色。 这确实符合老年人开始玩游戏的人数比以往任何时候都多的现象。

Unsurprisingly, 70% of this group cites the desire to fill time as its main reason to play games. This group is also the first to skew towards females, with the gender split 60/40 for females to males. This group also has a majority with kids, and some of what they play is likely influenced by the games their kids are playing at the time. This group, directly or not, is a target audience for app developers and associated companies that place advertisements in those popular games this persona is likely playing.

毫不奇怪,这个群体中有70%的人将打发时间的渴望作为玩游戏的主要原因。 这个群体也是第一个偏向女性的群体,女性对男性的性别比例为60/40。 该组中大多数人与孩子一起玩,他们玩的某些游戏可能会受到孩子当时玩的游戏的影响。 不管是直接还是不是直接的,这个群体都是应用开发人员和关联公司的目标受众,这些公司将广告投放到该角色可能玩的那些流行游戏中。

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The report has one final category, but it isn’t included as a persona because this category doesn’t actually play games. Known as “The Lapsed Gamer,” these are people who played games in the past but no longer participate due to various other commitments or monetary restrictions. Newzoo’s study concluded that 15% of the total urban online population falls into this category. When asked if they would consider gaming in the next 6 months, only 28% said yes, but more than half said they were aware of esports. At an average age of 39, this is another category where the largest number of people reside in the 51–65 age group, and the gender split is once again favoring women at a 56/44 ratio.

该报告有一个最终类别,但由于它实际上并不玩游戏,因此没有作为角色包含在其中。 这些人过去曾玩过游戏,但由于各种其他承诺或金钱限制而不再参与游戏,他们被称为“失足的玩家” 。 Newzoo的研究得出的结论是,城市在线总人口的15%属于此类。 当被问及是否会在未来6个月内考虑游戏时,只有28%的人表示可以,但超过一半的人表示他们知道电子竞技。 平均年龄39岁,这是另一个类别,其中51-65岁年龄段的人口最多,性别分化再次以56/44的比例偏爱妇女。

This is likely to be the biggest target audience for gaming companies out of all the personas. The reason is that any lapsed gamer who can be successfully reactivated is “new money,” and would likely require a new subscription or hardware purchase along with it. New customers are the holy grail for any company, so it’s not hard to guess where a company’s priority will lie. We can already see this in the model that Microsoft is adopting for their next-generation consoles, the Xbox Series S and Series X. The Series S has a very low price point compared to most recent consoles, at $299, and both systems will offer monthly payment programs which will include the company’s Gamepass service. This is essentially acting as a subscription service which gives the lapsed gamer both the hardware and a great deal of software to play. Whether they end up playing or not, Microsoft still wins with every subscription they get.

在所有角色中,这可能是游戏公司的最大目标受众。 原因是任何可以成功重新激活的失效游戏玩家都是“新钱”,并且可能需要新的订阅或购买硬件。 新客户是任何公司的圣杯,因此不难猜测公司的优先级将在哪里。 我们已经可以在Microsoft为其下一代游戏机Xbox Series S和Series X所采用的模型中看到这一点。与最新的游戏机相比,Series S的价格非常低,为299美元,并且两种系统都将提供每月付款计划,其中包括公司的Gamepass服务。 这本质上是作为一种订阅服务,为失踪的游戏玩家提供硬件和大量软件。 不管他们最终是否参加比赛,Microsoft仍然会获得他们所获得的每个订阅。

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So what does all this data and categorization tell us? Well for one, it should put to rest once and for all the misguided characterization of gamers as lonely social degenerates. With every group reporting a larger percentage of having kids than any other familial setting, it’s clear that the kids who grew up gaming are still by and large keeping with the hobby as they age and have their own families.

那么所有这些数据和分类告诉我们什么? 好吧,它应该一劳永逸地解决,因为孤独的社会堕落会误导玩家。 显然,每个组的孩子生孩子的比例均高于其他任何家庭环境,很明显,随着年龄的增长和拥有自己的家庭,那些长大游戏的孩子仍然基本上与业余爱好保持一致。

It also gives additional truth to the data showing women are becoming a much larger part of the gaming demographic, now accounting for almost half of all gamers and roughly 40% of the most dedicated group. And it gives everyone throughout the industry the tools to better understand their audiences and refine the marketing and creation processes to fit those who will eventually consume those products. That’s a win for everyone involved.

该数据还显示出女性正在成为游戏人口中更大的一部分的数据,这也提供了更多的真相,如今女性已占所有游戏玩家的近一半,并且是最专注的群体的约40%。 它为整个行业的每个人提供了工具,以更好地了解他们的受众并完善营销和创建流程,以适应最终将使用这些产品的人。 这是每个参与人员的胜利。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/the-eight-gaming-personas-b05f20e18eeb

内容索引:脚本资源,HTML,网页游戏,魔塔   运行方法:进入 src 或 build 目录,用浏览器(如IE9)打开 td.html 即可运行。   请注意,IE8不能运行本游戏,你必需按以上要求运行。   相关的技术说明:   1.本游戏完全使用 HTML5 / JavaScript / CSS 实现,没有用到 Flash、SilverLight 等技术。   2.这一个版本没有用到图片,游戏中的所有物品都是使用 HTML5 画出来的。   3.这一个版本部分地方为 IE9 做了专门的优化,可正常运行在 IE9 下。   脚本及资源目录说明:   /build 压缩后的可发布的文件   /screenshorts 屏幕截图   /src 源码   /css 样式表   /js JavaScripts 源文件   /tools 小工具、脚本      作弊方法:为方便测试,本游戏内置了几个作弊方法,如下:   1.增加 100 万金钱:[removed]_TD.cheat="money+";void(0);   2.难度增倍:[removed]_TD.cheat="difficulty+";void(0);   3.难度减半:[removed]_TD.cheat="difficulty-";void(0);   4.生命值恢复:[removed]_TD.cheat="life+";void(0);   5.生命值降为最低:[removed]_TD.cheat="life-";void(0);   在浏览器地址栏输入上面的“[removed]...;”并回车,即可实现作弊。   注意,以上作弊方法主要是为测试设计,正常游戏过程中请酌情使用,否则可能会降低游戏乐趣。   更新历史:   2010-12-29 根据网友建议,增加生命自动恢复功能(每隔 5 波生命恢复 5 点,每隔 10 波生命恢复 10 点)。调整参数,减小了激光枪的射程,增强了重机枪的威力。(v0.1.12)。   2010-12-18 添加新武器“激光枪”(v0.1.8.0)。   2010-12-12 暂停图片资源版本分支的开发,继续优化、开发圈圈版(v0.1.7.0)。   2010-11-28 第一个图片资源版本(v0.2.1.3267)。   2010-11-23 发布 圈圈版(v0.1.6.2970)。   2010-11-14 线上发布第一个版本。   2010-11-11 开始编写这个游戏




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钱包余额 0


