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翻译 python数据预处理_用python预处理FIFA世界杯数据

python数据预处理 总览 (Overview)A large amount of football play by play data was published by Wyscout in May 2019 on figshare. Wyscout于2019年5月在figshare上发布了大量按比赛数据播放的足球比赛。 These data are JSON format and it ...

2020-09-17 09:42:50 227

翻译 python数据统计编程_使用python pass声纳编程足球统计数据

python数据统计编程 总览 (Overview)Using open source data from Wyscout, I extracted data and format into csv. To get more details, please see my article below: 使用来自Wyscout的开源数据,我将数据提取并格式化为csv。 要获取更多详细信息,请参阅以下...

2020-09-17 09:33:14 379

翻译 tableau public使用形状文件进行数据可视化

问题背景 (Problem Context)Pedestrian activity in any country is a symbol of vibrancy and vitality. As often stated, “Walking is important to a city”, the pedestrian activity is an indication of economic...

2020-09-17 09:23:14 581

翻译 建立在线新闻发布系统的方法

News has always been a very significant part of our society. In the past, we mostly depended on the news channels and newspapers to get our feeds and keep ourselves updated. Currently, in the fast-pac...

2020-09-17 09:12:39 385

翻译 airbnbs收入预测数据平台

This article introduces how we build a comprehensive data platform to conduct Revenue Forecasting at Airbnb. It focuses on data warehousing and workflow orchestration management, and shares innovative...

2020-09-17 09:03:23 765

翻译 数据可视化大赛_数据可视化

数据可视化大赛Visualizations are a great way to show the story that data wants to tell. However, not all visualizations are built the same. My rule of thumb is stick to simple, easy to understand, and well l...

2020-09-17 08:52:32 1312

翻译 用抛硬币的方式介绍Python中的遍历经济学

This post was inspired by Ergodicity Economics. 这篇文章的灵感来自遍历经济学。 Suppose your wealth was subject to a coin toss- if heads, your wealth increases by 50%, if tails, your wealth decreases by 40%. Would y...

2020-09-15 07:39:11 276

翻译 相当一名科学家的规划_所以你想成为一名数据科学家

相当一名科学家的规划“I need just a little advice … how to get the first job in data science” “我只需要一点建议……如何获得数据科学领域的第一份工作” “Will you direct me, please … I am looking for a career opportunity fresher” “请指导我,我正在寻...

2020-09-12 12:37:17 80

翻译 有符号数据参与位与_参与数据科学家网络的七个习惯

有符号数据参与位与What is the most important thing to do after you got your skills to be a data scientist? It has to be to get involved in the data scientist community. Know their work, the technology they are...

2020-09-09 10:01:12 64

翻译 matplotlib第1部分中的高级图

The Python visualisation landscape consists of several useful python libraries. Every library shines in its own unique way. While some libraries are easy to use, the others have superior functionaliti...

2020-09-06 03:06:15 236

翻译 nfl定理_NFL 2020预览与python冲

nfl定理NFL 2020 season is coming soon. For preview this season, I’m going to visualize some rushing data using 2019 dataset. NFL 2020赛季即将到来。 为了预览本季,我将使用2019年数据集可视化一些紧急数据。 Please see also my article abo...

2020-09-06 02:55:44 92

翻译 van访谈_谷歌业务分析师访谈

van访谈 介绍 (Introduction)Google, an American tech giant with internet-related products and services ranging from operating systems (Android, Chrome OS) to mobile and desktop applications (Google Chrome...

2020-09-06 02:45:40 987

翻译 为什么随机性是信息

重点 (Top highlight) 用位思考 (Thinking in terms of Bits)Imagine you want to send outcomes of 3 coin flips to your friend’s house. Your friend knows that you want to send him those messages but all he can...

2020-09-06 02:36:24 104

翻译 rfm模型分析与客户细分_细分多伦多餐馆市场,向陷入困境的行业提供分析手

rfm模型分析与客户细分The Toronto restaurant landscape is a bustling set of culinary traditions that is as rich as it is diverse. No surprise for a city touted as the most multicultural in the world. It isn’t h...

2020-09-06 02:27:17 238



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