2020 dnc和rnc youtube直播流的观众收视率

The DNC and RNC have come to the end, allowing pundits and parties to assess the engagement of the American voter. In prior elections, the living room television had almost monopoly status for the viewing of nationwide political events. TV ratings measuring views of events continue to play a major role in indicating political convention success, and are closely reported on by major news outlets. As compiled by global media and market research company Nielsen, TV ratings for the DNC and the RNC measured unique views within households for broadcast and cable networks, and PBS member stations. However the usefulness of such traditional TV ratings might be changing. The Nielsen ratings for the DNC and RNC did not include views of online streams even though such platforms have grown rapidly since previous presidential elections. As reported in the New York Times, by Michael M. Grynbaum:

DNC和RNC已经走到尽头,允许专家和政党评估美国选民的参与。 在此前的选举中,客厅电视几乎具有垄断地位,可以收看全国范围的政治事件。 衡量事件观点的电视收视率在表明政治惯例取得成功方面继续发挥重要作用,并且主要新闻媒体也对此进行了密切报道。 根据全球媒体和市场研究公司Nielsen的编辑,DNC和RNC的电视收视率衡量了家庭中广播和有线网络以及PBS成员电台的独特视点。 但是,这种传统电视收视率的用处可能会发生变化。 尽管自上届总统大选以来,此类平台的发展Swift,但DNC和RNC的Nielsen评分并未包含在线视频的观看次数。 根据《纽约时报》的报道 ,迈克尔·格伦鲍姆(Michael M. Grynbaum):

“The total television audience for both conventions fell roughly 25 percent from 2016, a sign of Americans’ increasing reliance on online outlets and streaming services to follow live events.”


Since the 2016 election, online video content streaming has displayed explosive growth. Services across the media industry, such as Disney+, Apple TV, Netflix, Facebook/Instagram Live, Twitter, Twitch and YouTube have provide services for content providers to reach millions of viewers. In 2017, research by the Pew Research Center showed that 28% of U.S. adults cite streaming services as their primary method of watching TV, and evidence suggests that that the decline of traditional cable TV continues as consumers turn to online streaming sources. Additionally, Nielsen TV ratings for the DNC and RNC may not reflect the views of younger voters, as 61% of young adults primarily use online streaming to watch television.

自2016年选举以来,在线视频内容流显示出爆炸性增长。 迪士尼+,Apple TV,Netflix,Facebook / Instagram Live,Twitter,Twitch和YouTube等整个媒体行业的服务为内容提供商提供了服务,使其覆盖了数百万的观众。 2017年,皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的研究表明, 美国28%的成年人将流媒体服务作为其观看电视的主要方式,并且有证据表明,随着消费者转向在线流媒体来源,传统有线电视的下降趋势仍在继续。 此外,DNC和RNC的Nielsen电视收视率可能无法反映年轻选民的观点,因为61%的年轻人主要使用在线流媒体观看电视。

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The rise of online streaming has been described as a similar phenomenon to when TV disrupted radio in the 1940s. Using conventional Nielsen TV ratings to gauge voter engagement of the DNC and RNC may soon be comparable to using album sales to gauge successful music, while ignoring Spotify plays. Streaming needs to be taken into account. In this election cycle, live video streams of the DNC and RNC could be found across many online platforms, including social media, news and campaign websites. An accurate count of those voters live streaming the conventions over a device other than television is not publicly available. For this analysis I focused on YouTube live streams of the DNC and RNC.

在线流媒体的兴起被描述为与1940年代电视中断广播时类似的现象。 使用传统的Nielsen电视收视率来评估DNC和RNC的选民参与度,可能很快就会类似于使用唱片销售来衡量成功的音乐,而忽略Spotify的播放。 需要考虑流式传输。 在这个选举周期中,可以在许多在线平台上找到DNC和RNC的实时视频流,包括社交媒体,新闻和竞选网站。 无法公开获得通过电视以外的其他设备实时直播会议的选民的准确计数。 在此分析中,我重点介绍了DNC和RNC的YouTube实时流。

Most major news outlets, political parties, and conventions themselves have a YouTube channel that live-streamed all four days of DNC and RNC, demonstrating the value they perceive in the YouTube platform. Beyond a count of views, a YouTube video provides a rough gauge of viewer sentiment analysis through the number of likes and dislikes. This information on viewer sentiment is not captured in traditional Nielsen television ratings. In tabulating views, likes and dislikes, I seek to understand the reach of online YouTube streaming compared to traditional TV in the streams of the 2020 DNC and RNC.

大多数主要新闻媒体,政党和会议组织本身都有一个YouTube频道,直播了DNC和RNC的所有四天,展示了他们在YouTube平台上的价值。 除了观看次数外,YouTube视频还通过喜欢和不喜欢的次数来粗略评估观看者的情绪。 传统的Nielsen电视收视率中没有记录有关观众情绪的信息。 在列表视图中,喜欢和不喜欢时,我试图了解2020 DNC和RNC流中与传统电视相比YouTube在线流的影响。

主要问题 (Main Questions)

  1. What size audience streamed the DNC and RNC on YouTube?

  2. Are differing YouTube channels preferred for the DNC and RNC?

  3. How do YouTube streaming numbers compare with Nielsen TV ratings?

  4. What do likes and dislikes tell us about viewer sentiment?


约定 (The Conventions)

The DNC and RNC Conventions each met for 4 days and several hours of programming streamed live each day across multiple YouTube channels.


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DNC and RNC live-streams from PBS NewsHour (screenshots taken August 29, 2020)
PBS NewsHour的DNC和RNC直播(截屏时间为2020年8月29日)

将YouTube实时流添加到分析中: (Adding YouTube live streams to the analysis:)

  1. For this analysis videos were selected that live-streamed the DNC and/or RNC events.

  2. For each stream, the YouTube Channel, video title, link, and counts of views, likes, and dislikes were recorded on August 29, 2020*.

  3. For each day of the DNC/RNC, the streams with the 10 highest view count were added to analysis.

    对于DNC / RNC的每一天,将具有最高10个观看次数的流添加到分析中。
  4. Link to primary data is at the end of this article.


测量DNC和RNC YouTube流的视图。 (Measuring views of the DNC and RNC YouTube streams.)

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For this analysis I summed views from the 10 most popular YouTube live streams of each day of each convention. The RNC had a total of 20.7 million streaming views, while the DNC streaming views were 15.3 million. Traditional TV views over the course of conventions were 86.4 million for the DNC and 77.6 million for the RNC (source Nielsen). As Nielsen reported a combined 164 million tuned into the conventions, YouTube streaming at a combined 35.9 million was 21.9% of traditional TV viewing. The RNC was watched more across YouTube streaming than the DNC, the opposite trend of what was observed in Nielsen TV ratings. However, in total sum of YouTube and TV numbers from Nielsen, the DNC retained a slight margin of 3.2 million views.

在此分析中,我总结了每种会议每天10个最受欢迎的YouTube实时流的观看次数。 RNC共有2070万个流视图,而DNC的流视图为1530万。 在会议期间,DNC的传统电视观看次数为8640万,RNC的传统电视观看次数为7760万(来源尼尔森)。 根据Nielsen的报告,总共有1.64亿收看这些约定,YouTube的流媒体播放量总计3590万,占传统电视观看量的21.9%。 在YouTube流媒体上观看RNC的次数多于DNC,这与Nielsen电视收视率观察到的趋势相反。 但是,在尼尔森的YouTube和电视节目总数中,DNC仅保留了320万次观看量。

首选的YouTube频道流在DNC和RNC之间有所不同。 (Preferred YouTube channel streams varied between DNC and RNC.)

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There were a wide number of established media and political YouTube channels that live-streamed the entire DNC and RNC. I aggregated the views from each channel on each day of the convention, and have plotted the top ten overall. For the DNC the three top channels were (in views), NBC News (3.6 million), The 2020 Democratic National Convention (3.0 million), and MSNBC (2.7 million). The bottom three channels had views, USA Today (473,283), CSPAN (370,079), and The Democrats (338,266).

有大量的知名媒体和政治性YouTube频道直播了整个DNC和RNC。 在会议的每一天,我汇总了每个渠道的观点,并绘制了总体排名前十的观点。 对于DNC,三个主要渠道是(观看),NBC新闻(360万),2020年民主国民大会(300万)和MSNBC(270万)。 前三个频道的观看次数分别为:今日美国(473,283),CSPAN(370,079)和民主党(338,266)。

For the RNC, two channels strongly contributed to the total view count, CSPAN (5.6 million) and Fox News (3.7 million), the bottom three channels had views, CNBC Television (1.3 million), PBS NewsHour (1.0 million) and MSNBC (977,000).

对于RNC,有两个频道对观看总数做出了重大贡献,CSPAN(560万)和Fox News(370万),排在后三个频道的是CNBC电视(130万),PBS NewsHour(100万)和MSNBC( 977,000)。

The top YouTube channel for the DNC; NBC News, and RNC; CSPAN, do not track with the Nielsen ratings for the DNC where MSNBC was the highest viewed TV, or the RNC where Fox News was the most viewed TV. However both MSNBC and Fox News where within the top three YouTube channels for both conventions, indicating that viewer channel preference appears to carry over somewhat from traditional TV.

DNC的YouTube顶级频道; NBC新闻和RNC; CSPAN,不为DNC其中MSNBC是尼尔森收视率追踪最高看电视 ,或RNC,其中福克斯新闻是最观看的电视 。 但是,MSNBC和Fox News都在这两个公约的YouTube频道中排名前三,这表明观众频道的偏好似乎在一定程度上已经超越了传统电视。

确定2020 DNC和RNC最受欢迎的日子。 (Determining the most popular days of the 2020 DNC and RNC.)

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For the DNC, Day 1 of the convention, featuring Senator Bernie Sanders and former First Lady Michelle Obama, was the most viewed at 4.8 million, seconded by Day 3, featuring President Barack Obama and Vice Presidential Candidate Senator Kamala Harris, at 4.4 million. For the RNC, day 2, featuring First Lady Melania Trump was most viewed at 6.0 million, followed by day 4, featuring President Donald Trump at 5.8 million.

对于DNC,以参议员伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)和前第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)为代表的会议第一天的观看人数最多,为480万,其次是由巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统和副总统候选人参议员卡马拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)参加的第三天,观看人数为440万。 对于RNC,以第一夫人梅拉尼娅·特朗普(Melania Trump)为首的第2天,观看人数最多,为600万,其次是以唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)为首的580万。

The acceptance speeches by the Presidential Candidates occurred on day 4 of both conventions. The DNC Day 4 YouTube views were 3.1 million compared with RNC at 5.8 million. This difference between the two conventions in YouTube views on Day 4 was not observed in the traditional Nielsen TV ratings, which reported a slight greater viewing for Day 4 of the DNC with 24.6 million versus RNC with 23.8 million.

两项会议的第4天都举行了总统候选人的致辞。 DNC第4天的YouTube观看次数为310万,而RNC为580万。 传统的Nielsen TV收视率并未在第4天的YouTube观看次数中发现这两种约定之间的差异,传统的Nielsen TV收视率显示DNC第4天的观看次数略有增加,为2460万,而RNC为2380万。

分析DNC和RNC YouTube流中的喜欢和不喜欢 (Analysis of Likes and Dislikes on DNC and RNC YouTube Streams)

YouTube video streams provide viewers the ability to like or dislike the video. Although this is an imperfect measurement of sentiment analysis of the audience, they provide an additional metric compared to Nielsen TV ratings, that only count views of traditional TV. For this analysis, I measured the number of likes and dislikes for each live stream of the DNC and RNC. In total, the DNC live streams had a total (rounded to nearest thousand) of 205,000 likes and 158,000 dislikes, for a like percentage (likes as percent of total likes + dislikes) of 56.5%. The RNC live streams had a total of 455,000 likes and 103,800 dislikes, for a like percentage of 81.4%.

YouTube视频流使观众能够喜欢或不喜欢该视频。 尽管这并不是对受众情绪分析的完美衡量,但与仅统计传统电视观看次数的尼尔森电视收视率相比,他们提供了额外的衡量标准。 为了进行此分析,我测量了DNC和RNC的每个实时流的喜欢和不喜欢的次数。 DNC直播总共有205,000个点赞和158,000个点赞(四舍五入至最接近的千位),点赞百分比(点赞占总点赞+不喜欢的百分比)为56.5%。 RNC直播流总共有455,000个点赞和103,800个点赞,占总数的81.4%。

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Fox Business disables Likes/Dislikes for 3 of 4 days of the RNC, and was the only YouTube channel to do so.
Fox Business在RNC的4天中有3天禁用了点赞/不喜欢,并且是唯一这样做的YouTube频道。

将YouTube评分添加到Nielsen TV评分 (Adding YouTube Ratings to Nielsen TV Ratings)

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TV (Nielsen ratings) and YouTube views as a percent of total.

Online streaming of live television events continues to grow and disrupt traditional television. YouTube streaming of the RNC and DNC reached millions of voters not considered in the traditional Nielsen TV ratings. To gain a more complete picture of the reach of the DNC and RNC to total viewers, I added YouTube views to the traditional television views reported by Nielsen, bringing total views for the DNC to 102 million and the RNC to 98 million. YouTube views of live streams of the DNC and RNC were 18% of the combined total of TV views(Nielsen ratings) and YouTube views. Further work is needed to identify online streaming views on other platforms, but it is feasible that in adding this data, it could come close to the measure from the Pew Research Center that 28% of U.S. adults say online streaming services are the primary way they watch television. If this measure is accurate, it suggests that the Nielsen TV ratings are an incomplete metric for how the public viewed the 2020 DNC and RNC. YouTube views and other data sources from online streaming of political events will become more important as online streaming continues to expand.

直播电视活动的在线流媒体继续增长并破坏了传统电视。 YouTube上的RNC和DNC流媒体传播了数以百万计的选民,这在传统的Nielsen电视收视率中并未考虑。 为了更全面地了解DNC和RNC对全部观众的影响,我将YouTube的观看次数添加到Nielsen报道的传统电视观看次数中,使DNC和RNC的观看总次数达到1.02亿,达到9800万。 DNC和RNC实时流的YouTube观看次数占电视观看次数(Nielsen评分)和YouTube观看总和的18%。 需要进一步的工作来确定其他平台上的在线流媒体观看,但是可行的是,在添加此数据时,它可能接近皮尤研究中心的估计,即28%的美国成年人说在线流媒体服务是他们的主要方式看电视。 如果这项措施是准确的,则表明尼尔森电视收视率对于公众如何看待2020年DNC和RNC而言是一个不完整的指标。 随着在线流媒体的不断发展,来自政治事件在线流媒体的YouTube观看次数和其他数据来源将变得越来越重要。

笔记 (Notes)

See here for a spreadsheet of the data.


Screen captures of YouTube streams


Although paid views have been previously observed on YouTube, it is important to note no such activity has been reported on live streams of the DNC and RNC.

尽管以前曾在YouTube上观察到付费观看 ,但重要的是要注意DNC和RNC的实时流中没有报道过此类活动。

*All YouTube video statistics in this analysis were captured on August 29, 2020 from the recordings of the live streamed videos. This may affect interpretation, as the DNC occurred the week of August 17 and RNC the week of August 24, (perhaps slightly skewing more viewership to DNC, as the streams have been online longer). YouTube views of live streamed events do also measure replays.

*此分析中的所有YouTube视频统计数据均于2020年8月29日从实时流式视频的录制中捕获。 这可能会影响解释,因为DNC发生在8月17日那一周,而RNC发生在8月24日那一周(可能是由于DNC的流媒体在线时间更长,因此可能会稍微增加DNC的收视率)。 YouTube对直播事件的观看次数也可以衡量重播。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/viewer-ratings-of-the-2020-dnc-and-rnc-youtube-live-streams-3251b5c9a584

DNC系统和MDC系统都是一种在制造业中常用的工厂自动化系统,但它们在功能和应用上有着一些区别。 DNC系统,全称为分布式数控系统(Distributed Numerical Control System),主要用于数控机床的管理和控制。它通过网络连接数控机床与中央服务器,实现对机床的远程监控和编程。DNC系统能够将计算机程序和数据传输到数控机床中,并从机床中收集反馈信息。它具有以下特点:首先,具有集中管理的特点,可以管理多台数控机床,并提供实时监控和远程操作;其次,使得数控机床的编程和数据传输更加方便和高效;最后,能够实现数控机床的智能化管理,提高生产效率和质量。 MDC系统,即制造数据采集系统(Manufacturing Data Collection System),主要用于收集和分析生产过程中的数据。MDC系统通过连接到生产设备和控制系统,收集和记录生产中的各种数据,例如生产数量、生产速度、设备开启时间等等。它可以实时监控生产状态,并生成详细的生产报告和分析,帮助管理者了解生产情况和进行决策。MDC系统的特点包括:首先,提供全面的数据收集和分析,帮助企业实时监控和控制生产过程;其次,能够发现生产中的问题和瓶颈,并进行数据分析,提供优化建议;最后,具有数据存储和备份功能,保证数据的安全性和可靠性。 综上所述,DNC系统主要用于数控机床的远程编程和管理,而MDC系统主要用于生产数据的收集和分析。两者虽然功能不同,但都能够提高制造业的生产效率和质量。




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