

I still remember when I landed my first job out of university, how amazing and overwhelming it felt. I was eager to absorb every bit of knowledge and be the best at my craft but soon realized that ‘perfect’ code does not exist.

我仍然记得当我从大学毕业后才找到第一份工作时,感觉多么令人惊奇和压倒性。 我渴望吸收所有知识,并尽我所能,但很快意识到“完美”的代码不存在。

I started noticing myself stuck for hours, sometimes days in a situation that I refer to as ‘code paralysis’. If you are an over-thinker like myself, you may have even come across a similar situation where you found yourself stuck analyzing the situations and its parameters rather than acting upon it; its referred to as ‘analysis paralysis’.

我开始注意到自己被困了几个小时,有时甚至是几天,在我称之为“代码瘫痪”的情况下。 如果您像我一样过于思想,那么您甚至可能遇到过类似的情况,您发现自己陷于分析情况及其参数,而不是对之采取行动; 它称为“分析瘫痪”。

Code paralysis is a situation of impaired productivity due to overthinking in the context of software development.


问题 (The problem)

Code paralysis is a common phenomenon that can occur over a wide range of decision-making situations; they can range from big architectural decisions, to simply writing a small conditional statement.

代码瘫痪是一种常见现象,可能会在广泛的决策情况下发生; 它们的范围从大型的体系结构决策到简单地编写小的条件语句。

Let us consider the following task: you are provided with an array of Account and asked to write a function that set the state of all Account with a negative balance to 'inactive' and return an array of the updated ones.


class Account {
  constructor (balance, state) {
    this.balance = balance;
    this.state = state;

A possible solution that you may come up with is:


function deactivateAccounts (accounts) {
  const updatedAccounts = [];
  accounts.forEach(account => {
    if (account.balance < 0) {
      account.state = 'inactive';
  return updatedAccounts;

It works as intended but how about we filter the array first and then update the Account to the proper state:


function deactivateAccounts (accounts) {
  return accounts
    .filter(account => account.balance < 0)
    .map(account => {
      account.state = 'inactive';
      return account;

But wait, why are we iterating twice over when we can reduce it instead:


function deactivateAccounts (accounts) {
  return accounts.reduce((accumulator, account) => {
    if (account.balance < 0) {
      account.state = 'inactive';
    return accumulator;
  }, []);

Looking great! But what if the function is called with an array of Account consisting of million entries? In this situation, we are far better off using a native for loop…

看起来很棒! 但是,如果用包含数百万个条目的Account数组调用该函数怎么办? 在这种情况下,我们最好使用本机的for循环…

Though this may be a very simple task, it can escalate very quickly in an overthinker’s mind. The art of writing code is never black and white, and the correctness of the implementation varies on multiple factors such as:

尽管这可能是一个非常简单的任务,但在思想者的脑海中它可以Swift升级。 编写代码的技巧从来都不是黑白的,并且实现的正确性取决于多种因素,例如:

  • Codebase patterns

  • Language-specific idioms

  • The balance between readability and performance


解决方案” (The “solution”)

Alright, so how do we deal with it?


Image for post
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
PexelsAndrea Piacquadio

The bad news is that there is no way around it. It still is a constant struggle for me to this day. But I have developed a simple framework to help me deal with the situation as soon as I catch myself stuck in this mental loop. I tried to keep it keep as simple as possible or I know that I will never stick to it, here we go:

坏消息是没有办法解决。 直到今天,对我而言,这仍然是不断的斗争。 但是,我开发了一个简单的框架,可以帮助我在陷入这种心理循环时立即处理这种情况。 我试图使其保持尽可能的简单,否则我将永远坚持下去,那就开始吧:

1.有一个明确的目标 (1. Have a clear goal)

Oftentimes we don’t know how to build a feature or service because we don’t know what needs to be built in the first place. Be sure you have all the requirements and that you fully understand them. This is also a good opportunity to put on your ‘user hat’ and ask yourself:

通常,我们不知道如何构建功能或服务,因为我们一开始就不知道需要构建什么。 确保您具有所有要求,并且您完全了解它们。 这也是戴上“用户帽子”并问自己的好机会:

  • Does the solution solves the problem and satisfies the user requirements that were initially imposed?

  • Is this the most impactful solution given the time constraints?


2.使它工作,无论如何! (2. Make it work, no matter what!)

No seriously, pretend that no one is ever going to read your code and write out whatever comes to mind to make it as functional as possible. As soon as the test cases pass, or the minimum functionality works, stop and walk away from your laptop!

没错,假装没有人会阅读您的代码并写出想出的任何东西来使其尽可能发挥作用。 一旦测试用例通过或最低功能正常运行,请停止并离开笔记本电脑!

3.开始重构 (3. Start refactoring)

This is the hardest step in my opinion and code refactoring deserves an entire article, or book, or even an entire library on its own. Here is my general thought process when tackling the refactoring process represented as a state diagram:

在我看来,这是最难的一步,代码重构值得一整篇文章或一本书,甚至是一个完整的库。 这是我处理以状态图表示的重构过程时的一般思考过程:

Image for post

Note that this is not a “one size fits all” scenario, but rather a good entry point if you are not sure of where to start.


There are plenty of software design principles, but personally, the most important and practical one is the single-responsibility principle (SRP).

有很多软件设计原则,但就个人而言,最重要和最实用的原则单一职责原则 (SRP)。

Functions should do one thing. They should do it well. They should do it only.

函数应该做一件事。 他们应该做好。 他们只能这样做。

— Uncle Bob


SRP helps to keep your functions small and manageable. Now let us try to refactor the code from our previous example by navigating through the state diagram.

SRP有助于使您的功能小巧且易于管理。 现在,让我们通过浏览状态图来尝试重构先前示例中的代码。

The first step is to ask ourselves: How many responsibilities does the deactivateAccounts function have?

第一步是自问: deactivateAccounts函数有多少职责?

The answer is 2:


  1. Filter out Account with negative balances.


  2. Set their state to "inactive".


As indicated our first course of action is to “Break down” deactivateAccounts into two pieces as follows:

如所示,我们的第一个行动方案是“分解” deactivateAccounts分为以下两个部分:

function filterByNegativeBalance (accounts) {
  return accounts.filter(account => account.balance < 0);

function deactivateAccounts (accounts) {
  return accounts.map(account => {
    account.state = 'inactive';
    return account;

Notice how deactivateAccounts is now going to deactivate all Account regardless of their balance. This is intentional, as someone who might be calling deactivateAccounts from a different module will never expect it to only deactivate negative Account. A more descriptive and accurate name for the main function is deactivateNegativeAccounts.

请注意, deactivateAccounts现在将如何停用所有Account而不管其balance如何。 这是有意为之的,因为可能会从其他模块调用deactivateAccounts永远不会希望它仅停用否定的Account 。 主要函数的一个更具描述性和准确性的名称是deactivateNegativeAccounts

function deactivateNegativeAccounts (accounts) {	
  const negativeAccounts = filterByNegativeBalance(accounts);	
  return deactivateAccounts(negativeAccounts);	

Back to the state diagram: How many responsibilities does each function have? Now the answer is one each:

回到状态图:每个功能有多少职责? 现在答案是一个:

  • filterByNegativeBalance is only filtering the accounts by balance.


  • deactivateAccounts is only updating the state.


Sweet! we can move on to the next step: Are all the statements at the same level of abstraction?

甜! 我们可以继续下一步:所有语句是否处于相同的抽象级别?

  • filterByNegativeBalance we are simply calling a getter on balance, so we are good here.

    filterByNegativeBalance我们只是在balance上调用getter ,所以我们在这里很好。

  • deactivateAccounts does this function really need to know how to an Account should be deactivated? Not really, so we should abstract the state update and encapsulate it in the class Account.

    deactivateAccounts这个功能真的需要知道如何停用一个Account吗? 并非如此,因此我们应该抽象state更新并将其封装在Account类中。

function deactivateAccounts (accounts) {
  return accounts.map(account => account.deactivate());

Here is the complete refactored code:


class Account {
  constructor (balance, state) {
    this.balance = balance;
    this.state = state;
  deactivate () {
    this.state = 'inactive';
    return this;

function deactivateNegativeAccounts (accounts) {
  const negativeAccounts = filterByNegativeBalance(accounts);
  return deactivateAccounts(negativeAccounts);

function filterByNegativeBalance (accounts) {
  return accounts.filter(account => account.balance < 0);

function deactivateAccounts (accounts) {
  return accounts.map(account => account.deactivate());

Done! As mentioned previously, refactoring code is a huge topic and if you want to learn more about it, I highly recommend “Clean Code” by Robert C. Martin.

做完了! 如前所述,重构代码是一个巨大的话题,如果您想了解更多信息,我强烈推荐Robert C. Martin的“ Clean Code”。

4.寻求反馈 (4. Ask for feedback)

Ready or not, don’t be afraid to reach out. If you have the opportunity to work in a great company, then everybody in your team, especially your manager will want you to succeed. It is in their best interest. Still unsure? Present your CL as a “draft”, they don’t need to know that it is, in fact, your finished work :)

准备好与否,不要害怕伸出手。 如果您有机会在一家出色的公司工作,那么团队中的每个人,特别是您的经理都希望您成功。 这符合他们的最大利益。 还不确定吗? 将您的CL呈现为“草稿”,他们不需要知道它实际上就是您完成的工作:)

5.重复 (5. Repeat)

Do a few iterations of step #3 and #4, the more complex the problem the more iterations it requires. But it is very important to set a hard limit on the number of iterations and to time-box your steps to ensure that you don’t get stuck in an infinite refactoring loop. This will help bring balance between getting sh*t done and pushing clean and readable code.

对步骤3和#4进行几次迭代,问题越复杂,则需要进行的迭代越多。 但是,对迭代次数设置硬性限制并设置步骤时间以确保您不会陷入无限重构循环中,这一点非常重要。 这将有助于在完成与推送干净且可读的代码之间取得平衡。

仅此而已! (And that is all!)

One more thing, go for a 5-min walk at least once in the process. I mean it, get up and walk away from your desk! There is some biology involved here, walking increases blood flow to the brain and allows your mind to reset and come back with fresh perspectives.

还有一件事,在此过程中至少步行5分钟。 我是认真的,站起来离开办公桌! 此处涉及一些生物学,步行会增加流向大脑的血液,并使您的思想重新设置并以崭新的视角返回。

This little framework has helped me tremendously against code paralysis throughout my career and still is, and I hope it does to you as well. Thanks for reading!

这个小框架在我的整个职业生涯中一直为我提供了极大的帮助,以防止代码瘫痪,现在仍然如此,我希望它对你也有帮助。 谢谢阅读!

翻译自: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/how-to-deal-with-overthinking-as-a-programmer-5e8b53c08742


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