

Software development is a constant learning experience, but there are certain habits and tips that I wished I internalized earlier. Hopefully, these will be of help to any learning software developer to help you save time, frustration, and effort in the long run.

软件开发是一种不断学习的经验,但是我希望能早日内化某些习惯和技巧。 希望这些对所有学习软件开发人员都有帮助,从长远来看,可以帮助您节省时间,沮丧和精力。

Habits are not a finish line to be crossed, they are a lifestyle to be lived


James Clear


经验教训 (Lessons)

您将永远不会了解任何事情。 (You’ll never know everything about anything.)

Programming, algorithms, frameworks, libraries, they’re all too vast for any one person to understand the whole system. Swallow your ego and accept that you don’t know most of the things out there.

编程,算法,框架,库,它们对于每个人来说都太庞大了,无法理解整个系统。 吞下你的自我,接受你不了解大多数事情。

了解如何正确使用Git。 (Learn how to use Git, properly.)

The worst programmers are the ones who don’t actually know how to use git and don’t ask for help, messing up the git tree and causing hours of unnecessary work. Don’t be that guy, learn git.

最糟糕的程序员是那些实际上不知道如何使用git,不寻求帮助,弄乱git树并导致数小时不必要工作的程序员。 不要那个家伙,学习git。

了解IDE中的快捷方式。 (Learn shortcuts in your IDE.)

You’ll be surprised how much time you can save if you’re effective in your IDE. That means knowing where all the menu items are and shortcuts to the most common ones to spend less time having to click around and more time coding.

如果在IDE中有效,您会节省多少时间,您会感到惊讶。 这意味着知道所有菜单项的位置以及最常用菜单项的快捷方式,以减少点击所需的时间,并花费更多时间进行编码。

保持身体活跃。 (Stay physically active.)

Coding is a very sedentary activity. Staying physically active, whether walking around for half an hour a day to going to the gym will do wonders for your productivity.

编码是非常久坐的活动。 保持身体活跃,无论是每天半小时左右步行去健身房,都会对您的生产力产生奇迹。

编码前先计划。 (Plan before coding.)

I see too many experienced developers rush head first into programming without doing the proper preparation to ensure that they aren’t wasting time. Yes, I understand that we’re software developers because we love coding, but some nice flowcharts, feature requirements, and other preparations can be done that’ll make the programming that much easier and faster.

我看到太多有经验的开发人员在没有做好适当准备以确保他们不会浪费时间的情况下立即抢先进行编程。 是的,我了解我们是软件开发人员,因为我们喜欢编码,但是可以执行一些不错的流程图,功能要求以及其他准备工作,这些工作将使编程变得更加轻松和快捷。

为了爱上帝,请使用棉短绒 (For the love of God use a Linter)

Style consistency is a big deal in any software application where you’re working with others. Using a linter is a great way to ensure that you write code that follows the latest and greatest standards.

在您与他人合作的任何软件应用程序中,样式一致性都是很重要的。 使用lint是确保您编写遵循最新最好标准的代码的好方法。

贡献开源 (Contribute to Open Source)

I’ve written an entire article on why contributing to open source is good, but simply put it gets your name out there, gives you experience working on large projects, and hopefully makes you feel good about giving back to the community.

我写了整篇文章 ,说明了为什么对开源做出贡献是一件好事,但简单地说,就是让您声名远播,让您有从事大型项目的经验,并希望您能回馈社区。

停止狂欢观看教程并开始编码 (Stop binge watching tutorials and start coding)

I’ve fallen into this trap many times myself, of constantly watching tutorial after tutorial but never taking the step of creating something. That chasm is one that has to be jumped, and once jumped, will make you feel so much better.

我本人多次陷入这个陷阱,一直在不断地观看教程,但从未采取任何创造步骤。 这种鸿沟是必须跳的,一旦跳下,会让您感觉好多了。

如果您有时间,请写博客! (If you have time, blog!)

Blogging is a great way to practice technical writing, get your name out there, and make people happy with great articles!


创建您的开发人员组合 (Create your developer portfolio)

If you’re trying to get hired, or show off your skills to friends, a portfolio is essential. This is a fun weekend project that will make your life so much easier when trying to show others your developer talents.

如果您想被录用或向朋友炫耀您的技能,投资组合必不可少。 这是一个有趣的周末项目,当试图向其他人展示您的开发人员才能时,您的生活将变得更加轻松。

尝试每天学习新东西! (Try to learn something new everyday!)

Don’t ignore the power of compound habits. Think of how much more knowledge you’ll have in a year if you commit right now to learning something new daily!

不要忽视复合习惯的力量。 想一想,如果您现在承诺每天学习一些新知识,一年将拥有多少知识!

不要亲自进行代码批判 (Don’t take code critique personally)

This is one that I struggle with myself, but when someone is criticizing your code, it’s not a personal attack. Have the matureness to step away and view what you’ve created from an unbiased view. It’ll help you write better and faster code as a developer.

这是我自己奋斗的过程,但是当有人批评您的代码时,这不是人身攻击。 具有成熟的能力,可以从无偏差的视图中查看创建的内容。 它可以帮助您以开发人员的身份编写更好,更快的代码。

不要把自己和周围的人比较 (Don’t compare yourself to those around you)

Imposter syndrome is a big problem in the software developer community. Don’t make it worse by comparing your skills and talents to others. Everyone has unique experiences. Recognize that your path has led you to where you are today, and appreciate that!

Imposter综合征是软件开发人员社区中的一个大问题。 将您的技能和才能与他人进行比较,不要使情况变得更糟。 每个人都有独特的经验。 认识到您的道路已将您带到今天的位置,并对此表示赞赏!

不要害怕说不 (Don’t be afraid to say No)

Don’t overcommit yourself and be firm in your dedication to a singular focus. Don’t be afraid to turn down offers to work more, or on different projects, and prioritize yourself above your work.

不要过度投入自己,要坚定地专注于一个单一的焦点。 不要害怕拒绝提供更多工作或在不同项目上工作的提议,并将自己置于工作之上。

学习基本的Devops (Learn basic Devops)

Devops, though often considered boring, is critical to building any kind of application. Take some time and learn the basics of how devops works so you can leverage it effectively for your next project.

尽管Devops通常被认为很无聊,但对于构​​建任何类型的应用程序都至关重要。 花一些时间来学习devop的工作原理,以便您可以在下一个项目中有效地利用它。

结论 (Conclusion)

Commit to learning these tips and you’ll see your value and productivity as a software developer drastically increase.


保持联系 (Keep in Touch)

There’s a lot of content out there, I appreciate you reading mine. I’m a young entrepreneur and I write about software development and my experience running companies. You can signup for my newsletter here

那里有很多内容,感谢您阅读我的内容。 我是一个年轻的企业家,我写有关软件开发和我经营公司的经验的文章。 您可以在这里注册我的时事通讯

Feel free to reach out and connect with me on Linkedin or Twitter.


翻译自: https://medium.com/@caelinsutch/15-things-i-wished-i-learned-earlier-as-a-software-developer-73d515a61aba


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