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I am working as a Full-Stack developer for the last five years. In these five years, I have worked with different types of programmers. Together, we have worked on existing modules as well as new modules for different products.

在过去的五年中,我一直是全栈开发人员。 在这五年中,我与不同类型的程序员一起工作。 我们共同致力于现有模块以及适用于不同产品的新模块。

Over the years, I learned a lot of stuff that is important to thrive. There are some lessons which were the milestones in my growth as a professional programmer.

多年以来,我学到了很多对壮成长至关重要的东西。 有一些教训是我成为专业程序员的里程碑。

Today, I am going to share those lessons with you. Let’s get started.

今天,我将与您分享这些教训。 让我们开始吧。

第1课-不要急于编写代码 (Lesson #1 - Do not Rush to Code)

When I started my professional career, I was excited all the time to code. Whenever I used to get a task, I immediately rush to my editor and start coding.

当我开始职业生涯时,我一直很兴奋地编写代码。 每当我用来完成任务时,我都会立即赶赴编辑器并开始编码。

Most of the time, my code was buggy. Not because I write the wrong code but without aptly analyzing the requirement first.

大多数时候,我的代码是错误的。 不是因为我编写了错误的代码,而是没有首先适当地分析需求。

One of the most important aspects of programming is not just how you add the code in an application, but how you make sure that it won’t break the existing functionality.


One of my senior developers once told me -




Even a mediocre programmer can code if they know the answers to what and where. If you give 80% of your time in the proper analysis of the problem, then you find it easier to code in your remaining time.

即使平庸的程序员也可以编写代码,只要他们知道答案和地点。 如果您花费80%的时间来对问题进行适当的分析,那么您会发现在剩余时间内编写代码更容易。

第2课-调试是您的向导 (Lesson #2 - Debugging is your Mentor)

I still remember the time when I joined Capgemini as a fresher. My project lead genuinely helps me to grow in my career.

我仍然记得我刚进入凯捷的时候。 我的项目负责人确实可以帮助我发展自己的职业。

In my first year as a programmer, I used to have a habit of frequently asking my seniors when I got stuck somewhere in the code. Once, my project lead called me during the tea break, and he told me -

在成为程序员的第一年,我习惯于问我的前辈什么时候被卡在代码中。 有一次,我的项目负责人在茶歇期间打电话给我,他告诉我-

You are doing great. I am happy with your performance, and we all are here to help. But don’t expect anyone to spoon-feed you. You won’t learn plenty if every time you ask for help. Try to dive into the problem and struggle for a while.

你做的很棒。 我对您的表现感到满意,我们都将为您提供帮助。 但是不要指望有人来喂你。 如果每次您寻求帮助,您都不会学到很多。 尝试深入研究问题并奋斗一会儿。

I told him that sometimes I find it hard to understand the code.


He gave me a piece of advice that played a vital role in my career growth. He said -

他给了我一些建议,这些建议对我的职业发展起着至关重要的作用。 他说 -

Debugging is your best buddy. It will reflect the actual act of coding.

调试是您最好的伙伴。 它将反映实际的编码行为。

If you can master the art of debugging, then no one can stop you from becoming a good programmer. You won’t be dependent on others, and you can understand any application on your own.

如果您能熟练掌握调试的技巧,那么没有人可以阻止您成为一名优秀的程序员。 您将不会依赖其他人,并且您可以自己理解任何应用程序。

第3课-评论不是一些花哨的功能 (Lesson #3 - Comments are not some fancy Features)

I remember the first time when I encountered a production bug in one of the tasks which I completed a few months back.


I thought it would be easier to fix. But I was wrong. It took me a couple of hours just to understand my previously written code.

我认为修复起来会更容易。 但是我错了。 我花了几个小时才了解我以前编写的代码。

That incident taught me a significant lesson to document the code.


Comments are your friends in the code. They will tell you what you did there in a short specific manner.

注释是您在代码中的朋友。 他们会以简​​短的特定方式告诉您您在那做了什么。

You should always add short and relevant comments to enhance the readability of your code. If all the developers start following this practice, then it can save significant time in the development process.

您应该始终添加简短且相关的注释,以增强代码的可读性。 如果所有开发人员都开始遵循这种做法,则可以节省大量开发时间。

第4课-充分利用编辑器 (Lesson #4 - Get the best out of your Editor)

Most of the developers stick with an editor for most of their careers. Be it Atom, Eclipse, IntelliJ, PyCharm, or VS Code.

大多数开发人员在大部分职业中都坚持使用编辑器。 可以是Atom,Eclipse,IntelliJ,PyCharm或VS Code

One of the common characteristics of all the good programmers I have worked with is their efficiency with their editors. They are aware of most of the shortcut tricks which enhance their potency.

与我合作的所有优秀程序员的共同特征之一是他们与编辑人员的效率。 他们知道大多数可增强效能的捷径技巧。

It is beneficial for a developer to be familiar with their IDE (Integrated development environment). It not only makes coding easier for you but also saves a lot of time.

对开发人员来说,熟悉其IDE( 集成开发环境 )是有益的。 它不仅使您的编码更容易,而且节省了大量时间。

You can save at least 30% of your development time if you are acquainted with your editor. A developer should spend some time figuring out their IDE by going through online docs or videos.

如果您熟悉编辑器,则可以节省至少30%的开发时间。 开发人员应该花一些时间通过在线文档或视频来弄清楚自己的IDE。

第5课-解决问题不是解决方案 (Lesson #5 - Solving the Problem is not a Solution)

Most of the programmers follow the approach of finding out a solution to their problem. Once they reach the solution, they consider it done.

大多数程序员都遵循为他们的问题找到解决方案的方法。 一旦找到解决方案,他们就会认为它已经完成。

If you want to grow as a programmer, then you should always try to look for more solutions to a single problem.


When you try to find alternate solutions to a problem, then you have options to analyze all those solutions, and you can select the most optimized one.


Try to make it a habit. It will help you to write a clean, reusable, and optimized code.

设法养成习惯。 它将帮助您编写干净,可重用和优化的代码。

教训#6挖掘他人的混乱 (Lesson #6 Dig into other People’s Mess)

Most of the programmers hate to review other’s code. No one wants to debug someone else’s code. But don’t be afraid to do that.

大多数程序员都讨厌查看其他人的代码。 没有人想调试别人的代码。 但不要害怕这样做。

It will help you to thrive as a good programmer.


Every programmer has a different approach and coding style. When you read someone’s code, then you get a chance to look at various approaches other than yours.

每个程序员都有不同的方法和编码风格。 当您阅读某人的代码时,您就有机会查看除您自己以外的其他方法。

This way you get a chance to compare your coding strategies with other developers. You can analyze which one is better in terms of speed and complexity.

这样,您就有机会与其他开发人员比较您的编码策略。 您可以分析在速度和复杂性方面哪个更好。

You should make peer programming as a habit. It will teach you a lot of things.

您应该将对等编程作为一种习惯。 它会教你很多东西。

第7课使您的学习计数器成为++ (Lesson #7 Make your Learning Counter as ++)

The most challenging and interesting task being a programmer is to stay up-to-date. With so many emerging technologies and frameworks every year, it is hard to confine with existing stuff.

作为程序员,最具挑战性和最有趣的任务是保持最新状态。 每年都有如此众多的新兴技术和框架,很难将其局限在现有的东西上。

Programmers need to update themselves just like their software, to stay relevant in the market.


You can read different programming blogs, articles, and go through Youtube videos. These days you can find everything online. Try to make yourself familiar with all the new things coming under your domain.

您可以阅读不同的编程博客,文章,并浏览Youtube视频。 这些天,您可以在网上找到所有内容。 尝试使自己熟悉域中的所有新事物。

I’m Shubham Pathania. I’m a .NET developer working in the finance domain. I find C# a great language to use and it’s also backed by a great ecosystem, I love solving complex problems and want to continue talking about the tech I use.

我是Shubham Pathania。 我是从事金融领域工作的.NET开发人员。 我发现C#是一种很棒的语言,而且它还拥有一个很棒的生态系统,我喜欢解决复杂的问题,并且希望继续谈论我使用的技术。

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如果您发现本文有帮助或发人深省,请发表评论,让我们通过 LinkedIn进行联系

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翻译自: https://medium.com/illumination/7-things-i-learned-from-good-programmers-a1508f144dbf






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