javascript 应用_我学到的尝试使用JavaScript构建两个应用的知识

javascript 应用

In June of this year, I was pouring all my energy into completing the JavaScript curriculum on FreeCodeCamp, and I went far, like Object-Oriented Programming, Regular Expressions, Basic Algorithm scripting, far.


In any course of study you find yourself devoted to, you oft find yourself sitted and staring off into space, thinking about the limitless possibilities of things that can be done with the knowledge you have gotten and hope to get.


For example, A chef contemplates endless food combinations, scales and chords on instruments are plenty a majority and minority due to this line of thought end even in games there are a number of possible tactics for winning. I think that understanding comes better this way.

例如,一名厨师考虑了无休止的食物组合,乐器上的音阶和和弦因这种思维方式而占多数,因此即使在游戏中也有很多可能的获胜策略。 我认为这种理解会更好。

“To be sure, there were all these maddening permutations of what could be that were not to be ignored – possibilities that were still too many to consider to one’s satisfaction. - Ashim Shanker”

“可以肯定的是,存在着所有这些令人发指的变化,这些变化是不容忽视的–可能性仍然太多,无法让人满意。 -Ashim Shanker”

So when I sat down to think of implementing my “gained-knowledge” into any of my projects and I COULD NOT EVEN REMEMBER ANYTHING I HAD LEARNT, I knew that I had been doing it wrong. I was absolutely frustrated, as common with anyone that tries to learn JavaScript, I had tried and not only had I failed but I wasn’t able to properly articulate why I had failed. After this, anger and a feeling of being lost followed.

因此,当我坐下来考虑将我的“知识”实施到我的任何项目中时, 即使我无法记住我曾经学过的任何东西,我也知道我做错了。 与尝试学习JavaScript的任何人一样,我非常沮丧,我尝试过,不仅失败了,而且我无法正确地阐明失败的原因。 此后,愤怒和迷失的感觉随之而来。

那么下一步呢? (So What NEXT?)



Sometimes you need to take a breather, a lot of things could cause you to feel this way, mine was information overload without practice. It could be any other set of reasons, like your actual learning speed, or your approach to the concept(s) in question, and in a field where things are constantly changing, the urge and rush to keep up with trends was simply annoying.

有时您需要喘口气,很多事情可能会使您有这种感觉,我的信息过多而没有实践。 可能是由于其他任何原因,例如您的实际学习速度或您对所讨论概念的处理方式,并且在事情不断变化的领域中,紧跟潮流的冲动和冲动简直令人讨厌。

I found that to take a break completely, for even a whole day can go a long way. I used a 7-day process, for the first four days I did other things like upping my workout routine or reading a book. Then the three days left, I did a cross-examination of my learning process and how it can be improved. Then came the next step:

我发现完全休息一下,因为即使是一整天也可以走很长一段路。 我使用了7天的过程,在开始的四天里,我做了其他一些事情,例如增加锻炼程序或看书。 然后剩下的三天,我对自己的学习过程以及如何进行改进进行了盘问。 然后进行下一步:



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If you are learning a course by virtue of being Self-taught (Tutorials, Online Courses, Personal Documentation) then it may interest you to know that, “You can’t teach yourself everything”, if you tried to, it will be a long arduous, and sometimes unnecessarily painful process. There are some mistakes that could be avoided by actually asking and/or talking to someone in that field with a better experience and you must be willing to LISTEN. Don’t drown yourself in online certificates and feel you can do it all by yourself. I will admit, this can be scary, for fear of ridicule amongst many things, so start slow. For me I started interacting with other developers on Twitter and sharing my little knowledge with others that needed it. Then later I met someone that recommended a course by Gordon Zhu that helped me achieve the title of this article.

如果您通过自学而学习一门课程(教程,在线课程,个人文档),那么您可能会想知道:“ 您不能自学一切”,如果您尝试这样做,那将是一个漫长而艰辛的过程,有时甚至是不必要的痛苦过程。 通过实际询问和/或与该领域的经验丰富的人交谈可以避免一些错误,您必须愿意LISTEN 。 不要淹没在线证书中,而是觉得自己可以自己做。 我会承认,由于担心许多事情会引起嘲笑,所以这可能会很可怕,所以开始要慢一些。 对我来说,我开始在Twitter上与其他开发人员进行互动,并与需要它的其他人分享我的一点知识。 然后,后来我遇到了一个人,他推荐了Gordon Zhu的一门课程,该课程帮助我获得了本文的标题。

3. CELEBRATE LITTLE WINS (BE GRATEFUL)As a developer, I would advise you to follow Danny Thompson on Twitter, he’d teach you how to do this and do it well. Before getting in this JavaScript pothole, I had learned the CSS pre-processor SASS and understood responsive Layouts better thanks to Kevin Powell’s course and this made significant changes to my CSS game, and it was a pretty big deal but I was ignoring it. But later, they would prove very helpful in one of my freelance commissions. Take time to acknowledge what you’ve been able to achieve, this makes you grateful.

3.庆祝小胜(感恩)作为开发人员,我建议您在Twitter上关注Danny Thompson,他会教您如何做到这一点并做好。 在进入JavaScript漏洞之前,由于凯文·鲍威尔(Kevin Powell)的课程,我已经学习了CSS预处理程序SASS并更好地理解了响应式布局,这对我CSS游戏进行了重大更改,虽然这是很大的事情,但是我却忽略了它。 但是后来,在我的一项自由委员会中,他们将被证明非常有帮助。 花些时间确认您已经取得的成就,这使您感激不已。

Alright, you’ve applied these concepts and you’re ready to learn a new concept or take on a project, what’s next?



4. DO IT EVEN THOUGH YOU’RE SCAREDThe first app I decided to build was a Simple Calculator without any external help. And this was daunting, but I decided to do it anyways and the approach I used was to:

4.做到无所适从我决定构建的第一个应用程序是没有任何外部帮助的简单计算器 。 这令人生畏,但我还是决定这样做,而我使用的方法是:

  • Take the fundamentals seriously


This allows you to explore endless methods of solving a problem. Fundamentals are like the foundation to a house of knowledge you’re building in your head and without them, the house would crumble.

这使您可以探索解决问题的无穷方法。 基础知识就像是您在脑海中建立的知识之家的基础,没有这些知识之家,知识之家将会崩溃。

  • Break it down and use the simplest approach


In Biology, we are taught that cells make up tissue, tissues make up organs, and organs make up a system. So when trying to approach a problem break it down to its cellular level.

在生物学中,我们被教导细胞组成组织,组织组成器官,而器官组成系统。 因此,当尝试解决问题时,可以将其分解为蜂窝级别。

  • Make it work, then better and faster


Do not be a crazy perfectionist, make it work, then make it better and faster as a 3 step process in that order, not in any other way.


“First solve the problem, then write the code – John Johnson”

“首先解决问题,然后编写代码– John Johnson”

5. Be Honest And Realistic


Understand where you are and where you intend to go, for me finally understanding and accepting that I did not know JavaScript was my step In the right direction so my goal was not to build the next great JavaScript library but to make something simple that would help me practice and get better.


6. Avoid Burnouts

6. 避免倦怠

For me, I get a high from coding marathons, in the dead of night when my family is asleep and I get to enjoy the quiet or listen to my favourite kind of music (indie folk) or a podcast. This being my idle situation means I can sit through hours of coding and for the most part be productive. But eventually I would get frustrated and go to bed grumbling with a strained back and exhaustion on my lips.

对我而言,在全家人入睡的深夜里,我从编写马拉松比赛中受益匪浅,可以享受安静或听我喜欢的音乐(独立民谣)或播客。 这是我的闲事,这意味着我可以坐几个小时的代码,并且大部分时间可以提高工作效率。 但是最终,我会感到沮丧,并因背部绷紧和嘴唇疲惫而抱怨着。

“In all your cross-examinations … most important of all, let me repeat the injunction to be ever on the alert for a good place to stop – Francis L. Wellman

“在您所有的盘问中……最重要的是,让我再重复一次禁令,以戒备一个好地方-弗朗西斯·韦尔曼(Francis L. Wellman)

From taking time to stretch every 30mins, to knowing when to stop each time, taking breathers, and avoiding burnouts is very important. I am able to achieve this by drinking water while coding and 30minutes later I am forced to stand up to go pee, you can set a timer instead, or write it somewhere around your workspace.

从每30分钟抽出时间到知道每次停止的时间,呼吸和避免倦怠非常重要。 我可以通过在编码时喝水来实现这一目标,而30分钟后,我不得不站起来去撒尿,您可以设置一个计时器,也可以将它写在工作区的某个地方。

7. Enjoy the process

7. 享受过程

Just that, the wins the losses and learn from it by documenting your journey. I have a book where I wrote my building process. So take time to enjoy the process.

就是这样,获胜者会输,并通过记录您的旅程来学习。 我有一本书,我在其中写了我的构建过程。 因此,花点时间享受这个过程。

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Links to apps I built


简单计算器 (Simple Calculator)

剪刀石头布 (Rock Paper Scissors)

Courses Mentioned


实用JavaScript –朱Zhu 征服响应式布局– Kevin Powell。 (Practical JavaScript – Gordon ZhuConquering responsive layouts – Kevin Powell.)


javascript 应用

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