
String formatting in Python has continuously evolved since its inception. We could always choose the best string formatting based on the use case or prefer to stick to the latest, but its always good to look back from where it all started and revive our memory.

自成立以来,Python中的字符串格式一直在不断发展。 我们总是可以根据用例选择最佳的字符串格式,或者宁愿坚持使用最新的字符串格式,但是从所有起点回顾并恢复我们的记忆始终是一件好事。

Let’s revisit the various string formatting options in Python right from the old school C-style formats to the latest self documenting f-string expressions.


1.使用%运算符 (1. Using % operator)

Old method of string formatting which uses C-style. This was prevalent before the introduction of Python 3.The % operator is used to format a set of variables in a tuple using the format string. If format requires a single argument, values may be a single non-tuple object.Otherwise, values must be a tuple with exactly the number of items specified by the format string

使用C样式的字符串格式化的旧方法。 这在引入Python 3之前很普遍。%运算符用于使用格式字符串格式化元组中的一组变量。 如果format需要单个参数,则可以是单个非元组对象;否则, 必须是具有格式字符串指定的项目数准确的元组

print("Hello %s" % "programmer")
print("You have %d message" % 1)
print("Hello %s! You have %d message" % ("programmer", 1))Output:Hello programmer
You have 1 message
Hello programmer! You have 1 message

%d and %s are called format specifiers to define the type of argument being printed. These format specifiers hamper the code readability for larger number of arguments.

%d和%s称为格式说明符,用于定义要打印的参数的类型。 这些格式说明符妨碍了更多参数的代码可读性。

2.使用新的字符串格式 (2. Using new string formatting)

This was introduced with Python 3 and then back-ported to Python 2.7.In most of the cases the syntax is similar to the old %-formatting, with the addition of the {} and with : used instead of %. For example, '%03.2f' can be translated to '{:03.2f}'.The new format syntax also supports new and different access options, shown in the following examples.

它是在Python 3中引入的,然后又移植回Python 2.7。在大多数情况下,语法类似于旧的% -formatting,只是增加了{}和with :而不是% 。 例如,可以将'%03.2f'转换为'{:03.2f}' 。新格式的语法还支持新的和不同的访问选项,如以下示例所示。

We can specify arguments in 2 ways.


  1. By position

  2. By name

print("Hello {}".format("programmer"))
print("You have {} message".format(1))
print("Hello {}! You have {} message".format("programmer", 1))
print("The value is {:.2f}".format(3.145677888))Output:Hello programmer
You have 1 message
Hello programmer! You have 1 message
The value is 3.15

Accessing arguments by position:


Output:This is an example for new style string formatting 
This is an example for new style string formatting
a comes before b
Hello programmer! You are using python language. You are logged in as programmer

Accessing arguments by name


The username is programmer. Email :
The username is programmer. Email :

In addition to accessing arguments by position and name, we can also access arguments by their items.


# accessing dict items using new string formatting
user_info = {"name": "programmer",
"language": "python"}
print("username : {0[name]}, programming in {0[language]} ".format(user_info))Output:
username : programmer, programming in python

The new string.format() is too long again if there are several arguments.


3.模板字符串 (3. Template Strings)

Template strings provide string substitutions using $ based place holders.Template class has two methods substitute() and safe_substitute() which work similarly except the latter does not throw a key error if the number of arguments are incomplete.

模板字符串使用基于$的占位符提供字符串替换。模板类具有两个方法safe_substitute() substitute()safe_substitute() ,它们的工作原理类似,但是如果参数数量不完整,后者不会引发键错误。

from string import Template
s = "$user is logged in as $role"
t = Template(s)
new_string = t.substitute(user="Programmer", role="administrator")
Programmer is logged in as administrator

Below code has incomplete set of arguments in the substitute method. This raises a key error.

下面的代码在replace方法中具有不完整的参数集。 这会引发关键错误。

from string import Template
s = "$user is logged in as $role"
t = Template(s)
new_string = t.substitute(user="Programmer")
print(new_string)Output:Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/user/MyGitHub/", line 38, in <module>
new_string = t.substitute(user="Programmer")
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 126, in substitute
return self.pattern.sub(convert, self.template)
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 119, in convert
return str(mapping[named])
KeyError: 'role'

To handle the above key error we could use safe_substitute().Though this is not quite common its good to know this.


from string import Template
s = "$user is logged in as $role"
t = Template(s)
new_string = t.safe_substitute(user="Programmer")
Programmer is logged in as $role

4.字符串插值/ F字符串 (4. String Interpolations/F-Strings)

Introduced in PEP-0498 with Python version 3.6, f-strings provide a way to embed expressions inside string literals, using a minimal syntax. It should be noted that an f-string is really an expression evaluated at run time, not a constant value. In Python source code, an f-string is a literal string, prefixed with ‘f’, which contains expressions inside braces.

f字符串在PEP-0498和Python 3.6版本中引入,它提供了一种使用最小语法将表达式嵌入到字符串文字中的方法。 应该注意的是,f字符串实际上是在运行时评估的表达式,而不是常数。 在Python源代码中,f字符串是文字字符串,前缀为'f',其中包含大括号内的表达式。

As stated in the docs, the f-string evaluates any valid Python expression. Let’s look at examples for all the use cases.

如文档所述,f字符串可评估任何有效的Python表达式。 让我们看一下所有用例的示例。

i. String interpolation for literals

一世。 文字的字符串内插

# This is a string literal
username = "programmer"
role = "admin"
print(f"{username} is logged in as {role}")Output:
programmer is logged in as admin

ii. String interpolation for Python expressions

ii。 Python表达式的字符串插值

# This is an example for string operation
username = "programmer"
role = "admin"
print(f"{username.upper()} is logged in as {role.title()}")Output:
PROGRAMMER is logged in as Admin

Note that we have converted the username to uppercase and role to title case inside the f-string. This is not possible with the other string formatting types.

请注意,我们已经在f字符串中将用户名转换为大写,并将角色转换为标题大写。 对于其他字符串格式类型,这是不可能的。

This will work for mathematical expressions as well.


# This is an example for mathematical expression
n = 2
print(f" The square of {n} is {n*n}")Output:
The square of 2 is 4

5. Python 3.8中f字符串的新增功能 (5. New addition to f-strings in Python 3.8)

From Python 3.8, support for “=” has been added for self documenting expressions to save some typing and for debugging purposes.

从Python 3.8开始,添加了对“ =”的支持,用于自记录表达式以节省一些键入内容并用于调试目的。

response = {"name": "John",
"role": "software engineer"}
print(f" The GET {response=}")Output:
The GET response={'name': 'John', 'role': 'software engineer'}

An f-string expression with = will expand the expression and then evaluate the expression.


摘要 (Summary)

  • We have discussed 4 different types of string formatting. Old style, new string formatting, string templates and f-strings

    我们讨论了4种不同类型的字符串格式。 旧样式,新字符串格式,字符串模板和f字符串
  • New string formatting was introduced in Python 3 and back ported to 2.7. This uses str.format() syntax.

    Python 3中引入了新的字符串格式,并将其移植回2.7。 这使用str.format()语法。
  • f-strings are available from Python 3.6 represented by f“{}”

    f字符串可从以f“ {}”表示的Python 3.6中获得
  • f-strings support self documenting expression with “=” from Python 3.8

    f字符串支持Python 3.8中带有“ =”的自我记录表达式


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Python字符串格式化是一种将变量或表达式嵌入到字符串的方法,使其更具可读性和灵活性。有几种方式可以实现字符串格式化: 1. 使用百分号(%)操作符:这是一种传统的字符串格式化方法。你可以使用%来指定插入变量的位置,并在字符串内部使用占位符来表示变量的类型。例如: ```python name = "Alice" age = 25 print("My name is %s and I am %d years old." % (name, age)) ``` 2. 使用str.format()方法:这是一种更现代化和灵活的字符串格式化方法。你可以在字符串使用大括号{}作为占位符,并使用format()方法将变量传递给字符串。例如: ```python name = "Alice" age = 25 print("My name is {} and I am {} years old.".format(name, age)) ``` 3. 使用f-strings(在Python 3.6及更高版本可用):f-strings是一种简洁和直观的字符串格式化方法。它们以字母"f"开头,并在大括号{}使用变量或表达式。例如: ```python name = "Alice" age = 25 print(f"My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.") ``` 无论你选择使用哪种方法,都可以在占位符添加格式说明符,例如指定数字的精度或对齐方式。这些格式说明符的语法与C语言的printf函数类似。 除了上述方法外,还有其他一些库和工具可用于字符串格式化,例如Template模块、字符串插值库等。但上述提到的方法是Python内置的且最常用的。希望这可以回答你的问题!如果还有其他问题,请继续提问。


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