

Would you like to have a chip inside your brain? One that could increase your capacity to think, feel, and handle situations? If so, you don’t have to wait too much longer: Scientists have made significant breakthroughs in developing brain-computer interfaces. Would you sign up for a brain chip?

您想在大脑中植入一个芯片吗? 可以增强您思考,感受和处理情况的能力吗? 如果是这样,您不必等待太久:科学家在开发脑机接口方面取得了重大突破。 您愿意申请大脑芯片吗?

This August, Elon Musk presented a new iteration of the Neuralink brain implant. The goal is to give human brains a direct interface to digital devices, helping, for instance, paralyzed humans, allowing them to control phones or computers. The chip would pick up on signals in the brain and then translate them into motor controls. Neuralink’s technology is quite stunning. This tiny brain implant has more than 1,000 electrodes and will possibly one day allow a person to transmit neuroelectrical activity to anything digital.

今年8月,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)展示了Neuralink脑植入物的新版本。 目的是使人脑与数字设备直接连接,例如帮助瘫痪的人 ,使其能够控制电话或计算机。 该芯片将拾取大脑中的信号,然后将其转换为运动控制。 Neuralink的技术非常出色。 这种很小的大脑植入物有1000多个电极,可能有一天可以使一个人将神经电活动传递到任何数字物体上

This new technology is not exactly new. However, it surpasses current chips neuroscientists use as a standard today: The chip they use has 64 electrodes. While many in the field imagine using these neural interfaces to control a prosthetic limb or cure paralyzed people, Musk describes the overall project as aiming to “achieve symbiosis with artificial intelligence.”

这项新技术并不完全是新技术。 但是,它超过了神经科学家今天使用的当前芯片标准:他们使用的芯片具有64个电极。 尽管该领域的许多人都想象使用这些神经接口来控制假肢或治愈瘫痪的人,但马斯克将整个项目描述为旨在“利用人工智能实现共生”。

What is the premise here precisely? The mindset behind Musk’s interest and Neuralink’s mission goes way beyond finding a cure for paralyzed people and is best described by Arielle Pardes in Wired: “Machines with artificial intelligence are outpacing humankind. Ergo, implant computer chips in human brains to level up the species.”

确切的前提是什么? Musk的兴趣和Neuralink的使命背后的思维方式远不止于为瘫痪的人找到治疗方法, Arielle Pardes在《连线(Wired )中最好地描述了这一观点 :“具有人工智能的机器已经超越了人类。 如此,将计算机芯片植入人脑以使该物种变得平整。”

脑碎片的令人恐惧和令人兴奋的可能性 (The Frightening and Exciting Possibilities of Brain Chips)

The goal is to merge brains and computers deeply through a brain chip that sends and receives information. One of the challenges is how the chip can fully function over a long time inside the brain.

目的是通过发送和接收信息的大脑芯片将大脑和计算机深度融合。 挑战之一是该芯片如何在大脑中长时间保持完整功能。

The mammalian brain is an unfriendly environment for anything that is not a brain. Imagine it as a massive knot of wires that corrodes most metals over time. As with all organs and human tissue, the brain also fights off intruders and has mechanisms to protect its electrodes and cells. The protector of neurons in the brain is called glia. In addition to supporting and protecting neurons, these non-neuronal cells maintain homeostasis and form myelin. For the Neuralink device, this means that over time gliosis kills the electrode’s ability to record. Therefore, Neuralink scientists will have to find materials that won’t set off the glia cells to go nuclear on the electrode and won’t break down over time. If they cannot find these materials, chances are that a patient with a Neuralink device will have to have the device removed sooner than later.

对于不是大脑的任何事物,哺乳动物的大脑都是不友好的环境。 想象一下,它是一股巨大的金属丝结,随着时间的流逝会腐蚀大多数金属。 与所有器官和人体组织一样,大脑还可以抵御入侵者,并具有保护其电极和细胞的机制。 大脑神经元的保护器称为神经胶质细胞 。 除了支持和保护神经元外,这些非神经元细胞还保持体内稳态并形成髓磷脂。 对于Neuralink设备,这意味着随着时间的推移,胶质细胞沉着会破坏电极的记录能力。 因此,Neuralink科学家将不得不找到不会引起神经胶质细胞在电极上产生核并且不会随时间分解的材料。 如果他们找不到这些材料,则可能是带有Neuralink设备的患者必须尽快删除该设备。

Another challenge is how easily the implant is implemented and removed. One of the main selling points of Neuralink is that it is an easy-to-implant, non-damaging, long-lived cybernetic implant. Neuroscientists aren’t exactly sure how this implant could be implemented without damaging blood vessels and how it could remain in the brain over an extended period without doing so.

另一个挑战是植入物的实施和拆卸有多容易。 Neuralink的主要卖点之一是它是易于植入,无损,寿命长的控制论植入物。 神经科学家们不确定如何在不损害血管的情况下实现这种植入物,以及在不这样做的情况下如何将其长时间保留在大脑中。

However, for the sake of argument, let’s say scientists and engineers overcome all of these obstacles and can implant a perfect brain chip inside your brain. Think of the frightening and the exciting possibilities, the two sides to this endeavor, as described by Jeff Stibel:

但是,为了争辩起见,假设科学家和工程师克服了所有这些障碍,可以将完美的大脑芯片植入大脑。 考虑到这种令人恐惧和令人兴奋的可能性,正如杰夫·斯蒂贝尔 ( Jeff Stibel)所描述的那样:

“The ability to communicate with others via thought, for example, is exciting, but giving others the ability to read your mind is frightening. Controlling a light switch or driving a car with one’s mind is exciting; the potential of others controlling your mind is frightening. It might be cool to have a perfect memory, but it would be terrifying if your memory could be hacked.”

“例如,通过思想与他人交流的能力令人兴奋,但赋予他人阅读思想的能力却令人恐惧。 控制电灯开关或全神贯注地驾驶汽车令人兴奋; 他人控制您的思想的潜力令人恐惧。 拥有完美的内存可能很酷,但是如果您的内存可能被黑,那将是可怕的。”

The way we remember information is linked to our memory. Let’s take the self-reference effect. We have a tendency to encode information differently depending on whether the information given is implicating us in some way. I will always remember the name of your aunt Sarah — obviously, because I am a Sarah myself. What if my memory was altered? How would I process the information given to me now?

我们记住信息的方式与我们的记忆有关。 让我们来看看自我参照效应 。 我们倾向于根据给定的信息是否以某种方式暗示我们而对信息进行不同的编码。 我将永远记住您的莎拉姨妈的名字-显然,因为我本人是莎拉。 如果我的记忆被改变了怎么办? 我现在将如何处理提供给我的信息?

What I mean by to process is the conclusions I’d draw based on an altered memory. While it is relatively easy to detect and measure signals from the neuron, extracting meaning from the measurements is entirely different. How do these measurements and data derived correlate with human dreams, hopes, memories, and thoughts? Or as Adam Rogers put it: “The electrical activity of the brain happens while you are thinking or remembering, but it may not be what you are thinking or remembering. Just being able to sense and record that activity isn’t recording actual thought. It correlates, but may not cause.”

我要处理的意思是我根据更改的记忆得出的结论。 虽然从神经元中检测和测量信号相对容易,但从测量中提取含义却完全不同。 这些测量和得出的数据如何与人类的梦想,希望,记忆和思想联系起来? 或如亚当·罗杰斯 ( Adam Rogers)所说:“大脑的电活动在您思考或记忆时发生,但可能并非您在思考或记忆中。 仅仅能够感知和记录这种活动并不意味着记录实际的思想。 它具有相关性,但可能不会导致。”

Furthermore, there is no consistent theory of consciousness. Which brings me to the heart of artificial intelligence research: We’re not sure what to aim for. We can’t fully explain what intelligence is and therefore lack a comprehensive model for algorithms to follow.

此外,没有一致的意识理论。 这使我进入了人工智能研究的核心:我们不确定目标是什么。 我们无法完全解释什么是智能 ,因此缺乏可遵循的综合算法模型。

AI世界末日与我头上的筹码 (AI Doomsday and the Chip in My Head)

Scientists determine whether something is possible (remember, the technology helping people control prosthetic limbs with their minds already exists). It is an engineer’s job to figure out how those ideas become a reality. But as so often, the question of whether we should create this technology takes a back seat. Which, I argue, is wrong.

科学家确定是否有可能(请记住, 已经存在帮助人们用自己的思想控制假肢的技术)。 弄清楚这些想法如何变为现实是工程师的工作。 但是,通常情况下,我们是否应该创造这项技术的问题却处于后座。 我认为这是错误的。

As history unfolds, we as a world community do not determine the direction in which technology should develop: A few powerful corporations do. This means not only deciding which technology is worth developing but also what the goal of the development will be. But it cannot be in everyone’s interest that only a few decide what this goal should look like.

随着历史的发展,我们作为一个国际社会并没有决定技术的发展方向:一些强大的公司会这样做。 这不仅意味着决定哪种技术值得开发,而且还要确定开发的目标。 但是,只有少数几个人决定该目标应该是什么样,这并不符合所有人的利益。

Let’s think about this future chip in our heads: The real driving force behind this project lies in one man’s fear of AI getting cognizant and looking to obliterate us. It may well be that his fear is well-founded. But what if he is wrong?

让我们考虑一下我们脑海中的未来芯片:该项目背后的真正推动力在于一个人担心AI变得认知并试图消灭我们。 他的恐惧很可能是有根据的。 但是,如果他错了怎么办?

My fear is a different one: I fear corrupt individuals will utilize AI to do evil. Maybe my fear has already come to fruition.

我的恐惧与众不同:我担心腐败的人会利用AI来做恶。 也许我的恐惧已经实现了。

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/your-brain-has-been-hacked-dd55ba983bcf






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