cesium 围绕_围绕可定制的交付进行导航

cesium 围绕

Co-authored by Dom Elliott and Ben Weiss

Dom Elliott Ben Weiss 合着

Android App Bundle is the new publishing format for Android apps, replacing the monolithic APK. An app bundle is not installed directly. Instead, Google Play generates optimized APKs for each device from the app bundle. Compared to a monolithic APK, the APKs generated from bundles are typically much smaller. The development experience is simpler too, you don’t have to manage and version multiple APKs for different device configurations every release, saving you a lot of time.

Android App Bundle是Android应用程序的新发布格式,代替了整体式APK。 没有直接安装应用程序捆绑包。 取而代之的是,Google Play通过应用捆绑包为每个设备生成优化的APK。 与整体式APK相比,捆绑软件生成的APK通常要小得多。 开发经验也更简单,您不必为每个版本的不同设备配置管理和版本化多个APK,从而节省了大量时间。

The momentum behind Android App Bundle is incredible. Over 450,000 apps and games on Google Play use app bundles in production, representing over 30% of active installs. Apps switching to a[[ bundles have seen, on average, a 16% size saving compared to using a universal APK. This size savings has resulted in partners seeing up to an 11% increase in installs.

Android App Bundle的发展势头令人难以置信。 Google Play上有超过450,000个应用和游戏在生产中使用应用捆绑包,占有效安装量的30%以上。 与使用通用APK相比,切换到捆绑包的应用平均可节省16%的大小。 节省的空间使合作伙伴的安装量增加了11%。

When you modularize your app you can take advantage of app bundles conditional delivery features. You can choose to deliver modules at install time based on conditions, such as a user’s country or device features. On-demand delivery means you can install and uninstall modules on the fly when your app needs them. We’ve seen partners build modules for a variety of use cases such as:

模块化应用程序时,您可以利用应用程序包的条件交付功能。 您可以选择在安装时根据条件(例如用户所在的国家/地区或设备功能)交付模块。 按需交付意味着您可以在应用程序需要时即时安装和卸载模块。 我们已经看到合作伙伴为各种用例构建模块,例如:

  • Large features that are only used by a small percentage of users

  • Specific hardware or software capabilities such as delivering an AR module to compatible devices

  • Specific Android versions

  • Delivering large libraries with limited lifetime that can be installed and removed when they’re no longer needed.


These advanced features are optional, you can just use the app bundle for publishing. You can also modularize your app without using any other customizable delivery options.

这些高级功能是可选的,您可以仅使用应用程序捆绑包进行发布。 您还可以在不使用任何其他可自定义交付选项的情况下模块化您的应用程序。

This post explores in some detail the features for creating and delivering modular apps, focusing on defining module dependencies and working with app navigation. First, however, I’ll bring you up-to-date with some of the new and planned features for bundles.

这篇文章更详细地探讨了创建和交付模块化应用程序的功能,重点是定义模块依赖性以及使用应用程序导航。 但是,首先,我将为您介绍捆绑包的一些新功能和计划中的功能。

最新和最伟大的 (Latest and greatest)

Our vision for app bundles goes further. We’re working on a dynamic framework with more options.

我们对应用程序捆绑包的愿景进一步提高。 我们正在开发具有更多选项的动态框架。

These options include in-app updates, enabling you to trigger and complete updates entirely from within your app. We’ve also worked on customizable asset delivery, enabling the app bundle to include asset packs. This feature can be especially useful for games developers who want to package large game assets with their game binary as a single artifact. We further introduced several options for delivering those assets to users.

这些选项包括应用程序内更新,使您可以完全从应用程序内部触发和完成更新。 我们还致力于可定制的资产交付,使应用程序捆绑包包含资产包。 对于希望将大型游戏资产与游戏二进制文件打包为单个工件的游戏开发人员而言,此功能特别有用。 我们进一步介绍了几种用于将这些资产交付给用户的选项。

We’re introducing new features that complement this dynamic framework. For example, the app size report in the Google Play Console provides data such as app download size and size on device. It gives you size guidance when you’re using the app bundle too. Recently, we added new metrics relating to your users, and we show you the proportion of your active users who have low device storage. These users can present an uninstall risk, and optimizing your app size is one way to reduce that risk.

我们正在引入补充此动态框架的新功能。 例如,Google Play控制台中的应用程序大小报告提供了数据,例如应用程序下载大小和设备上的大小。 当您同时使用应用包时,它还会为您提供尺寸指导。 最近,我们添加了与您的用户有关的新指标,并向您显示了设备存储空间低的活动用户的比例。 这些用户可能会带来卸载风险,而优化您的应用大小是降低这种风险的一种方法。

We’ve also added a new feature to Google Play’s app signing service that enables you to upgrade your app signing key to a new cryptographically stronger signing key for new installs. This is especially useful if you created your app signing key a long time ago, and it’s not as cryptographically strong as you want it to be.

我们还为Google Play的应用签名服务添加了一项新功能,使您可以将应用签名密钥升级为新安装的,加密强度更高的新签名密钥。 如果您很久以前创建了应用程序签名密钥,并且它的加密强度不如您希望的那样,这将特别有用。

Finally, there’s internal app sharing, which makes testing app bundles and dynamic delivery easier. Internal app sharing gives you a fast way to share your apps for local testing. Using this mechanism, Google Play installs the test app on a device in the same way it is if the app were released. All you need to do is upload a bundle to Google Play, then share a URL with your testers, they then open this URL on their device to install the app. Developers using internal app sharing say it speeds up their workflows. You can make anyone at your company an uploader to internal app sharing, without giving them any other access to the Play Console.

最后,内部有应用程序共享,这使测试应用程序捆绑包和动态交付更加容易。 内部应用程序共享使您可以快速共享应用程序以进行本地测试。 Google Play使用此机制将测试应用程序安装到设备上,就像发布应用程序一样。 您需要做的就是将捆绑包上传到Google Play,然后与测试人员共享一个URL,然后他们在设备上打开此URL以安装该应用。 使用内部应用程序共享的开发人员表示,这可以加快工作流程。 您可以将公司中的任何人设为内部应用共享的上传者,而无需授予他们其他对Play控制台的访问权限。

Internal app sharing workflow

If you have other artifacts you’ve uploaded to the Play Console, you will be able to get install links for them too. For app bundles, go to the bundle explore and switch to an old version, and you can copy an install link. Find out more about developer tools on the Play Store here.

如果您还有其他工件已上传到Play控制台,则也可以获取它们的安装链接。 对于应用程序捆绑包,请转到捆绑包浏览并切换到旧版本,然后您可以复制安装链接。 了解更多关于在Play商店的开发者工具在这里

Finally, we’ve added the FakeSplitInstallManager class to Play Core. This enables you to test an app with dynamic features offline. Normally, when you load an on-demand dynamic feature in your app, SplitInstallManager requests the Play Store to install the splits for that dynamic feature and you have to wait for them to load. Using FakeSplitInstallManager, your app installs the splits needed locally, offline. You don’t have to wait for Play to deliver and install the splits. This makes it easy to iterate on dynamic features early on in the development process, without needing to be online and without waiting for the Play Store. You can still switch to SplitInstallManager and do full online testing with internal app sharing when you’re ready. This is available now in the latest Play Core release.


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