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翻译 小程序ios 预览本地_为本地ios应用程序和本地android应用程序设计

小程序ios 预览本地Finmagix was Native app and before starting any UX process I went through material guidelines and IOS Human interface Guidelines. Below I am listing some of important points to keep in mind...

2020-09-29 22:29:05 241

翻译 cesium 围绕_围绕可定制的交付进行导航

cesium 围绕Co-authored by Dom Elliott and Ben Weiss 由 Dom Elliott 和 Ben Weiss 合着 Android App Bundle is the new publishing format for Android apps, replacing the monolithic APK. An app bundle is not ins...

2020-09-29 22:19:29 531

翻译 在Android上运行Windows XP

No rooting or custom modifications needed, we’re going to do this with stock Android and a few free (but high-quality) apps. 无需生根或自定义修改,我们将使用库存的Android和一些免费(但高质量)的应用程序来做到这一点。 I’m not even going to add...

2020-09-29 22:10:16 2695

翻译 android新架构模式_Android MVIReact架构模式

android新架构模式If you are already aware of basic principles of architecture patterns and MVVM and MVI patterns in detail then skip the basics and jump to MVI + LiveData + ViewModel (or second) section of...

2020-09-29 21:59:29 1421

翻译 android库kotlin创建访问部署问题解决了您想要的所有问题

Every Android developer knows how time taking is to create a new project from the scratch so rectify this android development have special architecture called modules architecture. We can reduce time,...

2020-09-16 05:43:48 119

翻译 如何使用Chrome在Android设备上远程调试网站

With Android being installed on over 2.5 billion devices, web developers cannot neglect optimizing web pages for Android. The web browser of choice for Android users will most likely be Google Chrome,...

2020-09-16 05:33:05 349

翻译 什么是扑朔迷离的期货,什么时候应该使用它们

Today we will explore what is a Future in Flutter and its use case on a sample app that fetches a list of holidays and displays them in a ListView. As a bonus, we will cover how to send simple network...

2020-09-16 05:22:37 63

翻译 java 文本匹配_Java 15具有密封和隐藏类模式匹配和文本块的功能

java 文本匹配Time seems to fly since the pandemic began in US and Europe in the middle of March, just around the time Java 14 got released, and now, six months of quarantine later, Java 15 is here! 自3月中旬在...

2020-09-16 05:12:20 242

翻译 android app bundle完整指南

Google introduced new app publishing format on play console known as Android App Bundle (.aab extension) and is now the official publishing format. It was introduced in Google I/O 2018 and by second h...

2020-09-16 05:02:30 3335

翻译 odoo 自定义视图_通过使用合并和自定义视图组重构您的活动或片段

odoo 自定义视图In the Android application, Activity or Fragment would be the base component for the single page. You can put other UI controls into a single layout xml and inflate it in anActivity or a Fra...

2020-09-08 04:21:46 390

翻译 android api17_现在在Android 17中

android api17Welcome to Now in Android, your ongoing guide to what’s new and notable in the world of Android development. 欢迎使用Android Now,这是您持续不断的有关Android开发领域新事物和着名指南。 NiA17视频和播客形式 (NiA17 in Video ...

2020-09-08 04:03:27 558

翻译 kotlin跨平台_Kotlin多平台准备稳定

kotlin跨平台There are dozens of cross-platform technologies, which promise you "write-once run-anywhere" experience out of the box without any considerable drawbacks. But in the end, we all know it's not...

2020-09-08 03:54:05 346

翻译 android导航组件

Designing an application tends to be cumbersome and more often than not, there is a whiteboard with arrows pointing from various points to others. What you initially thought would be an application wi...

2020-09-08 03:44:56 315

翻译 探索Android上的动态功能导航

Since the introduction of the Navigation Component on Android, navigating the different parts of our application has become much more pleasant to implement. We’ve been able to better decouple navigati...

2020-09-01 04:26:34 557

翻译 springaop引入约束_引入约束布局2 0

springaop引入约束Constraint Layout is one of the most popular jetpack libraries and we’re happy to share that Constraint Layout 2.0 is out! It has all of the features of Constraint Layout 1.1 that you’re ...

2020-09-01 04:16:36 667

翻译 kotlin 构建对象_在gitlab中为kotlin创建自动构建管道

kotlin 构建对象Over the past few months I’ve been learning a bit of Gradle and Kotlin for a new project at work. 在过去的几个月中,我一直在学习Gradle和Kotlin的新项目。 At work we use an internal code repository that doesn’t ...

2020-09-01 04:06:57 253

翻译 mileiq使用蓝牙提高驱动器质量

什么是MileIQ? (What Is MileIQ?)MileIQ is a mileage tracking app that automatically tracks drives for classification as business vs. personal. For users, it eliminates the time to track drives with a wr...

2020-09-01 03:36:32 404

翻译 paddle 移动端部署_带有移动部署的基本语音认证系统

paddle 移动端部署 机器学习 , 编程 (Machine Learning, Programming)For the group project component of my Android development course in university, our team built and deployed an authentication system that authent...

2020-09-01 03:27:21 434

翻译 您的存储库中没有更多实时数据,还有更好的选择

重点 (Top highlight)Three years ago at a Google I/O that every Android developer remembers, Google announced Android Architecture Components and we were all excited about it. 三年前,在每个Android开发人员都记得的Goog...

2020-09-01 03:17:52 211

翻译 使用提供程序和样式在扑朔迷离的基础上建立多个构建环境

It is always a good practice to build separate apps from the same source code and for different environment such as development, staging and production. Why? When you build a system, most of the time,...

2020-09-01 03:08:22 116

翻译 Android片段片段结果

Passing data between Fragments can be achieved in various ways, including using the target Fragment APIs (Fragment.setTargetFragment() and Fragment.getTargetFragment()), ViewModel or the Fragments’ pa...

2020-09-01 02:47:41 90

翻译 react中定时器的应用_在离子React电容器应用中实施admob

react中定时器的应用This post is done on a special request from one of our readers. If you have more requests, let me know in the comments. 这篇文章是应一位读者的特殊要求完成的。 如果您有更多要求,请在评论中告诉我。 In this post, you will learn ...

2020-09-01 02:37:17 108

翻译 响应式 协程_为协程创建改造calladapter以将响应作为状态进行处理

响应式 协程In the past, we used to use JakeWharton/retrofit2-kotlin-coroutines-adapter in order to use Retrofit with Coroutines. 过去,我们曾经使用JakeWharton / retrofit2-kotlin-coroutines-adapter来将Retrofit与Corouti...

2020-08-17 00:34:10 360

翻译 dagger 生成_深入研究Dagger生成的代码,第3部分

dagger 生成In previous blog posts, we looked at how different features of Dagger are implemented under the hood. We refactored and converted the generated code from Java to Kotlin to get a better unders...

2020-08-17 00:25:09 165

翻译 多模块项目配置文件模块_配置多模块项目

多模块项目配置文件模块 背景 (Background)Sometimes, when I procrastinate, I like to clean the table, re-arrange my stuff, tidy up the room. Basically, what I’m doing is putting the environment in order: it brings ...

2020-08-17 00:15:01 601

翻译 java map最大限度_最大限度地利用Android中的架构

java map最大限度Picking the right architecture pattern can be a debated topic. There are plenty of popular options like MVP, MVVM, Clean Architecture, etc. 选择正确的架构模式可能是一个有争议的话题。 有很多流行的选项,例如MVP,MVVM,Clean ...

2020-08-17 00:05:45 106

翻译 Kotlins猫王胜过swift的后卫

If you’ve programmed for iOS Swift before, you’ll find this interesting keyword, guard, that helps to guard and ensure some condition is met or some variable is not null before proceeding. 如果您以前为iOS S...

2020-08-16 23:56:15 96

翻译 如何在Nativescript角度应用程序中检测ibeacons

At my work, we constantly think about ways to improve the user’s experience. One of the things I am working on is enabling our mobile app to aware of the user’s presence when the user come within prox...

2020-08-16 23:46:38 102

翻译 从嵌套的recyclerview中删除项目

As seen in the Google Play Store or Netflix app, nested RecyclerView implementations are generally modeled as additional options or features to the parent RecyclerView. But that is not always the case...

2020-08-16 23:36:47 253

翻译 androidfragmentfactory

Fragments provide core Android app functionality. With the introduction of AndroidX in Android Jetpack, fragments got an overhaul and under the covers, the internals for fragment instantiation have ch...

2020-08-16 23:26:37 277

翻译 使用Android LiveData

As an Android Developer, you can use ViewModel concept in your architecture to communicate among various views of your app. However, the situation could be more complicated due to a large number of da...

2020-08-16 23:15:50 86

翻译 android 蓝牙接口_如何从现代的android手机获取蓝牙主机控制器接口日志

android 蓝牙接口Most of the guidance floating around the internet for extracting the Bluetooth HCI logs from Android is grossly out of date. Here is how I managed to achieve it with a Samsung Galaxy S10 r...

2020-08-16 23:06:37 543

翻译 kotlin 绑定控件_使用Kotlin使android view绑定很棒

kotlin 绑定控件View Binding is a new feature in Android Studio 3.6, but this isn’t true at all. View Binding is a lighter variant of Android Data Binding. Why do we need View Binding? The answer is perfor...

2020-08-16 22:56:24 1804

翻译 恢复recyclerview滚动位置

You might have had the problem where a RecyclerView loses the scroll position when your Activity/Fragment is re-created. This usually happens because the Adapter data is loaded asynchronously and data...

2020-08-16 22:46:16 420

翻译 在第4部分中使用Workmanager

Welcome to the fourth post of our WorkManager series. 欢迎来到我们的WorkManager系列的第四篇文章。 In this blog post, I’ll cover: 在此博客文章中,我将介绍: Custom Work Manager configuration with Types of Worker classes 具有Worker...

2020-08-16 22:35:48 243



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