
Did you ever find it difficult to fully color an artwork? Or figure out what colors would work well together in a color palette? I remember having all those challenges and being extremely frustrated at how difficult it was to work with color.

您是否发现很难为艺术品完全着色? 还是找出哪种颜色在调色板中可以很好地搭配使用? 我记得遇到了所有这些挑战,对使用色彩的难度感到非常沮丧。

Growing up as an artist and a designer, I learned from many industry professionals and art instructors who taught me how to work with colors. Here are some of the advice and tips they shared with me.

我成长为艺术家和设计师,从许多行业专家和美术指导那里学习,他们教我如何使用色彩。 这是他们与我分享的一些建议和技巧。

First thing’s first, understanding a bit of color theory helps. The color wheel is a great reference to understanding which colors work well together.

首先,了解一些色彩理论会有所帮助。 色轮是了解哪些颜色可以很好地协同工作的重要参考。

Here are the basics: there are three primary colors, red, blue and yellow. The complementary colors, orange, purple and green, are made by mixing two primary colors. For example, red and yellow make orange, blue and red make purple, and blue and yellow make green.

基本知识如下:有三种原色,红色,蓝色和黄色。 橙色,紫色和绿色是互补色,是将两种原色混合而成的。 例如,红色和黄色表示橙色,蓝色和红色表示紫色,蓝色和黄色表示绿色。

Note that the complementary colors will be important if you are trying to create darker neutral tones. For example if you wanted to make a shadow of an object with a yellow hue, you should use the complementary color across from it, which is purple. The reason you use a color instead of a shade like black or gray for shadows is that it makes the whole artwork look richer if you used colors instead of shades.

请注意,如果您尝试创建较深的中性色调,则补色将非常重要。 例如,如果您想用黄色调阴影对象,则应使用其对面互补色,即紫色。 您使用颜色而不是黑色或灰色等阴影作为阴影的原因是,如果您使用颜色而不是阴影,则会使整个艺术品看起来更丰富。

“…but in a technical sense, black and white are not colors, they’re shades. They augment colors. ‘And yet they do function like colors. They evoke feelings. They can be a kid’s favorite color,’ says graphic designer Jimmy Presler.”

“……但从技术上讲,黑白不是颜色,而是阴影。 他们增加颜色。 ”但它们的功能确实像颜色。 他们唤起了感情。 它们可能是孩子最喜欢的颜色,”图形设计师Jimmy Presler说。

— Adobe

— Adob​​e

Sylvain Sarrailh’s The Luxembourg Gardens painting is an example of how yellow and its complementary color, purple, work well together (yellow being the ground’s color, purple being the shadows on the bottom left):

西尔万·萨拉里(Sylvain Sarrailh)的《卢森堡花园》(Luxembourg Gardens)绘画是黄色与紫色的互补色如何协同工作的一个示例(黄色是地面的颜色,紫色是左下角的阴影):

A richly colored, digital painting of the Luxembourg Gardens made by the artist Sylvain Sarrailh.
The Luxembourg Gardens的卢森堡花园

If the shadows were black or gray, they would not blend in as well with all the other colors on this artwork. The artwork would look a little bit more dull and bleak if the shadows were black. As long as the shadow has a bit of color, even if it looks close to black (like the shadows of the trees in Sylvain’s artwork), it will still work together better with the rest of the piece than it would with black or gray.

如果阴影是黑色或灰色,则它们不会与该图稿上的所有其他颜色很好地融合。 如果阴影是黑色的,艺术品看起来会更暗淡和暗淡。 只要阴影有点颜色,即使它看起来接近黑色(就像Sylvain作品中树木的阴影一样),与其余部分相比,它仍将比黑色或灰色更好地协同工作。

That is not to say that using black is 100% wrong, there are just better alternatives for certain situations. Why use black straight out of the tube when you can mix colors for a variation close to black? That variation that is close to black will mesh in with the colors of the painting much more smoothly. Creating a black that has a slight bias towards another color will only enhance your work.

这并不是说使用黑色是100%错误的,在某些情况下只有更好的选择。 当您可以混合颜色使颜色接近黑色时,为什么要直接从管中使用黑色? 接近黑色的变化将与绘画的颜色更加平滑地啮合。 创建一种对其他颜色略有偏向的黑色只会增强您的工作。

Though complementary colors might help your color palette look richer, you do not always have to use the complementary colors when you are looking to make a shadow. You can look to other colors to make it richer, but complementary colors are usually a very safe bet! You just have to work with how much of the complementary color do you want to add to your shadows? Is there another color that can help you achieve a better feel to it?

尽管互补色可以帮助您的调色板看起来更丰富,但是当您要制作阴影时,您不必总是使用互补色。 您可以使用其他颜色使其更丰富,但是互补色通常是一个非常安全的选择! 您只需要处理要添加到阴影中的互补色的数量? 还有另一种颜色可以帮助您获得更好的感觉吗?

A colorful digital painting of a character feeding a cat in front of a flower shop.
Krenz Cushart’s FlowerShop 克伦茨·库沙特(Krenz Cushart)的FlowerShop

Krenz Cushart’s artworks are also incredible because of how rich his colors look because of the way he uses other colors to enhance them. Every shadow of his has more than one color implemented, and he uses the complementary color additions as well as made other color variations to make his piece look rich in color.

克伦茨·库沙特(Krenz Cushart)的作品也令人难以置信,因为他的色彩看起来很丰富,因为他使用其他色彩来增强它们的方式。 他的每个阴影都实现了不止一种颜色,并且他使用补充的颜色添加以及进行其他颜色变化以使他的作品看起来色彩丰富。

Some more advice would be to work with neutral or gray-like colors first and then work with saturated colors last, because colors with a gray or neutral tint will work better together than if you were to put saturated colors together. Marco Bucci’s video on Color Theory gives a great explanation and demonstration on how and why neutral colors blend much more smoothly.

还有一些建议是先使用中性或类似灰色的颜色,然后再处理饱和的颜色,因为与将饱和的颜色放在一起相比,具有灰色或中性色的颜色可以更好地协同工作。 马可·布奇(Marco Bucci)的“色彩理论”视频很好地解释和演示了中性色如何以及为何融合得更加顺畅。

The left picture has colors that are gray-like. The right picture has a set of colors that are very saturated.
Marco Bucci’s Video on Color Theory Marco Bucci的色彩理论视频截图

If you still have trouble working with color, make your paintings in grayscale first and then start slowly transitioning towards color. Marco Bucci also covers this in his Grayscale to Color Art Process video. However, just like Bucci stated in his video, when you use this method, the colors will still look slightly dull compared to if you started with colors right off the bat but this is still a good first step into working with colors. The more familiar you become with working with colors, the less you will need to start off in grayscale. It’s just that when you start with grayscale, you are focusing more on values over hues.

如果仍然无法使用颜色,请先使您的绘画呈灰度,然后再慢慢过渡到颜色。 马可·布奇(Marco Bucci)在他的“灰度到彩色艺术处理”视频中也对此做了介绍。 但是,就像Bucci在他的视频中所说的那样,当您使用这种方法时,与立即开始使用颜色相比,颜色仍然显得有些暗淡,但这仍然是使用颜色的不错的第一步。 您对色彩的熟悉程度越高,则从灰度开始的知识就越少。 仅仅是从灰度开始,您就将更多的精力放在色相上。

When it comes to working with colors in UI design, it is important to establish hierarchy through colors. It leaves the viewer less confused if the design has a sense of hierarchy. It can make the content more readable for certain users, it can also draw attention towards call-to-action elements. Overall, it has the potential to enhance the users’ navigation capabilities.

在UI设计中使用颜色时,通过颜色建立层次结构很重要。 如果设计具有层次感,则可以使观看者不那么困惑。 它可以使某些用户更容易理解内容,还可以吸引人们对号召性用语的注意。 总体而言,它具有增强用户导航功能的潜力。

It also helps to apply the golden ratio in color proportion. The rule states that you should use the 6:3:1 ratio because it allows the users to navigate through the content much more easily. It allows them to notice which elements are more important, which are usually the call-to-action elements. While you do not have to use exactly the 6:3:1 ratio, it’s good to keep in mind what elements you want to bring to attention and how to go about it.

它还有助于在颜色比例中应用黄金比例。 该规则指出您应该使用6:3:1的比率,因为它使用户可以更轻松地浏览内容。 它使他们可以注意到哪些元素更重要,通常是号召性用语。 尽管不必完全使用6:3:1的比率,但最好记住要注意哪些元素以及如何注意它。

A screenshot of Peloton’s homepage. It has a photo of a woman exercising. She is raising her left arm holding a dumbbell.
Peloton’s website — Color hierarchy 佩洛顿的网站-颜色层次

The next time you make a drop shadow for a card or a UI design, think about putting in a small bit of color into the shadow and not using just a black or gray shade. It makes a big difference, check out Christian Vizcarra’s in depth guide on colors in UI Design!

下次为卡或UI设计创建阴影时,请考虑将少量颜色放入阴影中,而不仅仅是使用黑色或灰色阴影。 这有很大的不同,请查看Christian Vizcarra关于UI设计颜色的深度指南!

The left version shows a card with a gray drop shadow. The right side has a card with a drop shadow with a pink color.
Christian Vizcarra’s Dropshadow Example
克里斯蒂安·比Scala(Christian Vizcarra)的Dropshadow示例

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/working-with-color-234a28e285af

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