

Choosing the right typography can make or break your design. There’s an infinite amount of ways you can play with type to add character, evoke a certain mood, or achieve a specific goal. You can adjust the type size, kerning, tracking, leading, alignment, and color just to name a few. Once you’ve mastered the basic elements of typography, you can pair with an additional font to create more diversity and hierarchy.

选择正确的版式可以决定设计的成败。 您可以通过多种方式来使用文字来增加角色,唤起某种情绪或实现特定目标。 您可以调整字体大小,字距,跟踪,前导,对齐和颜色,仅举几例。 掌握了排版的基本要素之后,就可以与其他字体配对以创建更多的多样性和层次结构。

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type. Whether it’s a poster, pages in a book, or the words you read on an app screen, it’s all typography the designer used with intention to create an experience.

印刷术是排字的艺术和技术。 无论是海报,书中的页面,还是您在应用程序屏幕上阅读的文字,所有这些都是设计师用来创造体验的字体。

Typography serves two main purposes. The first is it has to be legible, can the user read it? And the second is how can you use typography to create a mood or design aesthetic to attract a specific audience.

排版有两个主要目的。 首先,它必须清晰易读,用户可以阅读吗? 第二个是如何使用版式来营造氛围或设计美学以吸引特定受众。

Learning the fundamental rules of type (so that you can learn how to break them later) will help you become a better designer. It takes practice and a little knowledge, which we’ll go over next. First, let’s discuss some of the basics.

学习类型的基本规则(以便您以后可以学习如何打破它们)将帮助您成为更好的设计师。 它需要实践和一点知识,接下来我们将继续介绍。 首先,让我们讨论一些基础知识。

字体与字体有什么区别? (Typeface vs. font, what’s the difference?)

Sometimes the terms typeface and font are used interchangeably so it can be a little confusing. A typeface is a collection of fonts while a font refers to a specific style or weight within a typeface family.

有时,字体和字体这两个术语可以互换使用,因此可能会有些混乱。 字体是字体的集合,而字体是指字体家族中的特定样式或粗细。

For example, Helvetica is a typeface but Helvetica Bold is a specific font within the Helvetica typeface family. Here’s a visual example so you can see the difference between a typeface and fonts.

例如,Helvetica是字体,而Helvetica Bold是Helvetica字体家族中的特定字体。 这是一个直观的示例,因此您可以看到字体和字体之间的区别。

Example of a typeface vs fonts
Monica Galvan) Monica Galvan )

类型类别 (Categories of type)

Three are three main categories of typefaces a font will fall under. These categories are serif, sans serif, and decorative or display typefaces.

三类是字体所属的字体的三个主要类别。 这些类别是衬线,无衬线和装饰性或显示字体。

The 3 categories of type are serif, sans serif, and decorative / display
Monica Galvan) Monica Galvan )

衬线字体 (Serif typefaces)

A serif is a small line or stroke attached to the end of a larger stroke. They’re often referred to as the “feet” shown at the bottom of letters. Not all serifs are the same, you’ll notice slight character variation from one serif typeface to another and that’s what makes them unique.

衬线是连接到较大笔画末端的细线或笔画。 它们通常被称为字母底部显示的“脚”。 并非所有的衬线都一样,您会注意到从一种衬线字体到另一种衬线字体都有细微的字符差异,这就是它们的独特之处。

Image for post
Monica Galvan) Monica Galvan )

Serif typefaces are more formal and traditional. They’re often used editorially such as in newspapers, magazines, and the body copy of books. One of the most well-known serif typefaces and probably the first font you ever used on a computer is Times New Roman. Here are five visual examples of some of the most well-known serif typefaces.

衬线字体更加正式和传统。 它们经常被编辑使用,例如报纸,杂志和书籍的正文。 Times New Roman是最著名的衬线字体之一,可能也是您在计算机上使用的第一种字体。 这是一些最著名的衬线字体的五个视觉示例。

Top 5 serif typefaces: Garamond, Georgia, Times New Roman, Bodoni, Caslon
Monica Galvan) Monica Galvan )

An advantage of using serif typefaces is the level of customization. For example, most serif typefaces have an italics, while a sans serif (coming next!) does not. Some serif typefaces also have small caps and open type features such as ligatures.

使用衬线字体的一个优点是自定义级别。 例如,大多数衬线字体都带有斜体,而无衬线(下一个!)则没有。 一些衬线字体还具有小写字母和开放字体,例如连字。

无衬线字体 (Sans serif typefaces)

The term sans serif comes from the French word sans, meaning “without”, it’s a typeface without serifs. These typefaces are more modern, bold, and tend to make good choices for large headlines.

sans serif术语来自法语单词sans,意为“无”,它是没有衬线的字体。 这些字体更现代,更粗体,并且往往是大型标题的不错选择。

Serif vs sans serif typefaces
Monica Galvan) Monica Galvan )

One of the most popular sans serif typefaces is Arial which is a copycat of Helvetica. Here are a few examples of the most popular and well-known san serif typefaces that have stood the test of time.

最流行的无衬线字体之一是Arial,它是Helvetica的模仿品。 以下是经受时间考验的最受欢迎和最著名的San Serif字体的一些示例。

Top 7 sans serif typefaces: Helvetica, Avenir, Futura, Univers, Din, Arial, Gil Sans
Monica Galvan) Monica Galvan )

装饰或展示字体 (Decorative or display typefaces)

These typefaces are mostly used for titles and headlines. They’re not recommended for large amounts of body copy due to issues with legibility. This is a large bucket for typefaces including subcategories like slab serifs, scripts, blackletter, monospaced, and more. They can also be some of the most fun to use and add flair to your design but use them sparingly.

这些字体主要用于标题和标题。 由于易读性问题,不建议将它们用于大量的正文复制。 这是一个很大的字型存储桶,包括子类别(如平板衬线,脚本,黑体字,等宽字体等)。 它们也可能是一些最有趣的用法,可以为您的设计增添色彩,但要谨慎使用。

Decorative / display typefaces: Slab serif, script, monospaced
Monica Galvan) Monica Galvan )

版式要素 (Elements of typography)

Elements of Typography
Image source) 图像来源)

Now let’s get into some of the technical terms of typography. There’s an endless amount of nerdy type terms like cap height, baseline, ascender, descended, terminal, and more. If you’re curious to learn more about the history of typography, check out What is Typography? A Deep Dive Into All Terms and Rules.

现在让我们来谈谈排版的一些技术术语。 书呆子类型的术语种类繁多,例如帽高,基线,上升,下降,末端等等。 如果您想了解更多有关印刷术的历史,请查看什么是印刷术 深入研究所有条款和规则

But it’s not really important to know these terms by heart to be a good designer. Instead, we’ll stick to a few core elements, ones you’ll need to know as you’ll use them on a daily basis when designing any project.

但是,真正认识这些术语以成为一名优秀的设计师并不是很重要。 相反,我们将坚持一些核心要素,您在设计任何项目时都会每天使用它们,因此您需要了解这些要素。

LeadingLeading refers to the space between lines. It’s measured from one baseline to the next. Leading, as well as the following elements of typography, are important for legibility.

领导前导是指线之间的空间。 它是从一个基准到下一个基准进行测量的。 字体以及字体的以下元素对于提高可读性很重要。

The tighter the lines are, the more difficult it is to read. However, if there’s too much space between the lines, it can also be hard to read. It’s a delicate balance and something you’ll have to adjust for every font you use and how you’re using it.

线条越紧,阅读起来就越困难。 但是,如果行与行之间的空间太大,则可能也很难阅读。 这是一个微妙的平衡,您必须针对所使用的每种字体及其使用方式进行调整。

Leading is the spacing between baselines
Monica Galvan) Monica Galvan )

TrackingTracking refers to the letter spacing over a range of characters, usually one or multiple lines. Negative tracking makes your words appear tight and compact. Increased tracking will add more air or white space in between.

追踪跟踪是指一系列字符(通常是一行或多行)上的字母间距。 负跟踪使您的单词显得紧凑紧凑。 跟踪的增加会在它们之间增加更多的空气或空白。

When it comes to tracking, it also varies depending on the typeface you use and the context you’re designing in. Super tight or wide tracking will impact legibility for the user so be sure to adjust accordingly.


In general, titles in all caps should use increased tracking. Lower case and italics usually need to be tracked in tighter.

通常,所有大写字母的标题都应使用增加的跟踪。 通常需要更紧密地跟踪小写和斜体。

Tracking is the letter spacing over a range of characters
Monica Galvan) Monica Galvan )

KerningWhile tracking refers to the spacing over a range of characters, kerning refers to the spacing between individual letters.


Kerning is the spacing between individual letters
Monica Galvan) Monica Galvan )

Most of the time you won’t need to adjust kerning, especially for large blocks of body copy. Kerning mostly comes into play for 1–5 words in a title or a logo. The larger the type is, the more noticeable awkward spacing will be between individual letters. There’s no mathematical formula, you’ll have to train your eye to learn where there’s too much or too little space between letters.

在大多数情况下,您不需要调整字距调整,尤其是对于大块的正文复制而言。 字距调整通常在标题或徽标中使用1-5个字。 类型越大,各个字母之间的尴尬间距越明显。 没有数学公式,您必须训练眼睛以了解字母之间的空间过大或过少的地方。

In most design software, you can choose between optical and metric spacing. Metrics kerning uses kern pairs, which are included with most fonts. Kern pairs contain information about the spacing of specific pairs of letters. Optical kerning adjusts the spacing between adjacent characters based on their shapes (article source).

在大多数设计软件中,您可以在光学间距和公制间距之间进行选择。 度量标准字距调整使用字距对,大多数字体都随附。 核心对包含有关特定字母对间距的信息。 光学字距调整基于相邻字符的形状(商品来源)调整相邻字符之间的间距。

AlignmentFor paragraph alignment, you can choose from left align, right align, center align, and justified. In general, right-aligned is rarely a good choice. Center aligned text can work with small amounts of copy or for a headline. But for the most part, you’ll want to left-align your body copy paragraphs.

对准对于段落对齐,可以从左对齐,右对齐,居中对齐和对正中选择。 通常,右对齐很少是一个好选择。 居中对齐的文本可以使用少量的副本或标题。 但在大多数情况下,您需要将正文副本的段落左对齐。

Left-aligned text is easier on the eyes and best for legibility. We’re used to reading a page of words from left to right. Most books are either left-aligned or left-aligned justified. Justified text is more traditional, often used in newspapers and magazines. For justified text, you’ll need to adjust the tracking to compensate for the forced awkward spacing.

左对齐的文本在眼睛上更容易理解,并且更易读。 我们习惯于从左到右阅读一页单词。 大多数书籍都是左对齐或左对齐的。 合理的文本更为传统,经常在报纸和杂志上使用。 对于对齐的文本,您需要调整跟踪以补偿强制的尴尬间距。

Paragraph alignment styles: Left align, right align, center align, justified
Monica Galvan) Monica Galvan )

An important tip when it comes to paragraph alignment is to think about the visual appearance of the rag. When you left-align or center text, you’ll notice a rag on the edge. Sometimes you’ll need to manually adjust tracking or line breaks to create a better visual rag. Here’s an example of a bad vs good rag. Which looks better to you?

关于段落对齐的一个重要提示是考虑抹布的视觉外观。 当您将文字左对齐或居中时,您会注意到边缘有一块破布。 有时,您需要手动调整跟踪或换行符以创建更好的可视抹布。 这是坏抹布与好抹布的示例。 哪个看起来更好?

Bad rag vs good rag in typography
Monica Galvan) Monica Galvan )

层次结构 (Hierarchy)

One of the most important aspects of design and typography is hierarchy. No matter what you’re designing, there needs to be a clear sense of hierarchy. If all type on a landing page is the same size then a potential customer would have no idea what to read first and will exit out immediately. By varying fonts, weights, size, and color you can begin to walk your user through finding all the information they’re looking for.

设计和排版最重要的方面之一是层次结构。 无论您要进行什么设计,都必须具有清晰的层次感。 如果登录页面上的所有类型都具有相同的大小,那么潜在客户将不知道先阅读什么内容,并会立即退出。 通过改变字体,粗细,大小和颜色,您可以开始逐步引导用户查找所需的所有信息。

如何在设计中添加层次结构 (How to add hierarchy to your design)

There are three ways to think about hierarchy. First is the size of typography. Usually whatever is most important is the largest and takes up the most space. Then the secondary messages are smaller in size.

有三种思考等级的方法。 首先是版式的大小。 通常,最重要的是最大的,占用最大的空间。 然后,辅助消息的大小较小。

Next, we can use color or tints to create hierarchy. Use bold colors for the most important message, use more subdued colors or tints of the same color for secondary messages.

接下来,我们可以使用颜色或色调创建层次结构。 对于最重要的消息,请使用粗体颜色;对于次要消息,请使用更柔和的颜色或相同颜色的色彩。

You can also use spacing to create hierarchy. For example, your title can be large and bold but also surrounded by plenty of white space to allow a user to see this message first.

您还可以使用间距创建层次结构。 例如,您的标题可以大而粗体,但也可以被大量空白包围,以使用户可以首先看到此消息。

为您的排版增添对比 (Add contrast to your typography)

Use one or a combination of the above to create contrast in your type. For example, use a bright red for headlines and a dark brick red for body copy. This monochromatic color palette achieves contrast as well as good hierarchy.

使用上述一种或多种组合来创建类型的对比度。 例如,对标题使用亮红色,对正文复制使用暗砖红色。 此单色调色板可实现对比度以及良好的层次结构。

Another way to think about contrast with typography is to vary weight size. As an exercise, try sticking to one font family and pairing various weights together. For one pairing, use bold or light for headlines and regular for body copy. See how many combinations you can create with all the styles in one typeface family. You can also achieve contrast by varying point sizes. Create a pairing with the same font but with different sizes.

考虑与版式对比的另一种方法是改变重量大小。 作为练习,请尝试坚持一个字体系列并将各种粗细配对在一起。 对于一对,标题应使用粗体或浅色,正文应采用常规颜色。 查看一个字体家族中可以使用所有样式创建多少个组合。 您还可以通过改变点大小来实现对比度。 创建具有相同字体但大小不同的配对。

Try varying your use of all caps vs upper and lowercase. You’ll want to keep your main body copy in upper and lower case, a full paragraph of all caps is hard on the eyes. But maybe as a stylistic choice, you decide to use all caps for your header.

尝试改变所有大写字母和大写字母与小写字母的用法。 您需要将主体副本保持为大写和小写形式,所有大写字母的整段都很难看清。 但是,也许作为一种风格选择,您决定使用所有大写字母作为标题。

如何选择字体 (How to choose fonts)

You’ve learned what typography is, the three main categories of type, and key elements and adjustments to make it legible. But now, how do we use this knowledge to choose good fonts for your design projects?

您已经了解了什么是字体,字体的三个主要类别,以及使其清晰易读的关键元素和调整。 但是现在,我们如何利用这些知识为您的设计项目选择好的字体?

避免趋势 (Avoid trends)

The first tip to remember when choosing fonts is to avoid trends. Choose classic typefaces that stand the test of time. Check out this list of 25 classic fonts that will last your whole design career. You really can’t go wrong with any of the fonts on that list.

选择字体时要记住的第一个技巧是避免趋势。 选择经得起时间考验的经典字体。 查看这份将持续整个设计生涯25种经典字体的列表。 您确实可以使用该列表上的任何字体都不会出错。

从缩小到字体类别开始 (Start by narrowing down to a typeface category)

Think about choosing fonts as choosing an outfit for an occasion. Is this event formal or casual? Who will be there? This will help you narrow down to a type category. If you’re designing a landing page for Pepsi, you’ll probably want to look at modern san serif typefaces to go with their bold logo.

考虑选择字体就像选择场合的服装。 这是正式活动还是休闲活动? 谁会在那里? 这将帮助您缩小类型类别的范围。 如果您正在为百事可乐设计着陆页,则可能需要查看现代的San Serif字体以及其大胆的徽标。

If you’re designing a poster for a serious drama film, maybe you’ll want a strong, yet elegant serif for the title. Typography gives character to your design so choose wisely.

如果您要为一部严肃的戏剧电影设计海报,也许您会想要一个结实而优雅的衬线作为标题。 排版为您的设计赋予了个性,因此请明智地选择。

将类型配对限制为最多2或3 (Limit type pairings to 2 or 3 max)

Try not to use too many typefaces on one design. The more typefaces you use, the harder it is to read or distinguish hierarchy. As a rule, try to stick to 2 or 3 typefaces at the most.

尽量不要在一种设计上使用过多的字体。 使用的字体越多,阅读或区分层次结构就越困难。 通常,请尽量坚持使用2或3个字样。

When pairing multiple typefaces, be sure to choose two distinctly different fonts. For example, don’t use two sans serifs that look nearly identical. Instead, pair a serif or other decorative font with a sans serif to achieve a good balance.

配对多个字体时,请确保选择两种截然不同的字体。 例如,不要使用看起来几乎相同的两个无衬线。 而是将衬线或其他装饰性字体与无衬线配对,以达到良好的平衡。

使用免费字体练习设计 (Practice designing with free fonts)

There are so many fonts out there, have fun and play around with some! You can watch my creative process unfold as I play around with 10 different fonts in this video:

那里有很多字体,玩得开心,一起玩吧! 在此视频中,当我使用10种不同的字体时,您可以观看我的创作过程:

Watch video) 观看视频)

如何提高排版技巧 (How to improve your typography skills)

There’s really no way around it but to practice. Essentially design is type + image. But within these two elements, there’s an endless amount of design possibilities.

实际上,除了实践之外,别无选择。 设计本质上是类型+图像。 但是在这两个元素中,存在无限的设计可能性。

If you’re new to design and typography, try experimenting with type only exercises on your own. Don’t think about color, photography, illustration, or any other design elements yet.

如果您不熟悉设计和排版,请尝试自己尝试仅打字练习。 暂时不要考虑颜色,摄影,插图或任何其他设计元素。

Start with a blank white canvas in your favorite design software. Add small blocks of black type one at a time. Start with one typeface only, add a title, add a subtitle, and body copy. For placeholder text, copy and paste from a Lorem Ipsum text generator.

从您喜欢的设计软件中的空白白色画布开始。 一次添加一个黑色小块。 仅以一种字体开始,添加标题,添加字幕和正文。 对于占位符文本,请从Lorem Ipsum文本生成器复制并粘贴。

How can you create hierarchy? Try to create at least 10 different layout options by using some of the tips you learned in this article. Try varying the type size, use all caps for headlines, consider white space.

您如何创建层次结构? 通过使用您在本文中学到的一些技巧,尝试创建至少10个不同的布局选项。 尝试改变字体大小,使用所有大写字母作为标题,并考虑空白。

If you’re feeling ambitious, begin to pair 2–3 typefaces, find combinations that work well together. It might be tough at first but soon you’ll realize how many possibilities there are when designing with type.

如果您有雄心壮志,请开始配对2–3个字体,找到可以很好地搭配使用的组合。 一开始可能很难,但是很快您就会意识到使用类型进行设计时有多少种可能性。

Image for post
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