c++ 不要节约代码行数_不要只是代码,但也c

c++ 不要节约代码行数

程序员的生活 (Programmers’ Life)

I owe my passion for coding to a very dear friend of mine, who inspired me to excel in learning so much on computer during my youth. Under his tutelage, my knowledge about computer expands beyond computer gaming.

我对编码的热情归功于我的一个非常亲爱的朋友,他激发了我在青年时期在计算机方面学到的知识的才能。 在他的指导下,我对计算机的了解已超越了计算机游戏。

It is unfortunate he passed away in his mid-20s, believed to have taken his own life, felling off from a multistories apartment.


I still remember vividly on his 21st birthday at his house, his dad sarcastically wishes him a happy birthday in front of his friends, saying “Now you have grown up, you can play computer games more fiercely”.


In his teens’ age, other than sleeping and schooling, he will be in front of his Intel 286 computer monitor, fingers on the keyboard, and mouse. Computer gaming, hacking, coding, whatever one can do with the machine.

在他十几岁的时候,除了睡觉和上学之外,他将在英特尔286电脑显示器,键盘上的手指和鼠标的前面。 计算机游戏,黑客攻击,编码,无论用机器做什么。

A cheerful youth he was became a socially isolated individual with just the computer as his closest companion. His ability to interact with others become awkward during his later years.

一个快乐的青年时代,他成为了一个社交孤立的人,只是把计算机当作他的最亲密的伴侣。 他晚年与他人互动的能力变得尴尬。

Sad that he is now gone. He has missed out so much in life other than being with computer. I felt guilty, not able to advise him about life is not just playing with the computer. I was equally naive back then.

遗憾的是他现在不见了。 除了与计算机在一起,他还错过了很多其他生活。 我感到内,无法为他提供生活咨询,而不仅仅是在玩电脑。 那时我同样很幼稚。

Now actively blogging on software development, I owe this community telling there are more things in life other than coding…


与社区联系并积极参与社交活动 (Connecting with community and socially active)

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Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash
Duy PhamUnsplash拍摄的照片

We are a social creature. This is just natural to most people.

我们是一个社交动物。 这对大多数人来说都是自然的。

For those who engrossed in computing activities, sitting in front of a computer for hours becomes part of our life. Deattaching from it is difficult. A conscious effort to do other things is required.

对于那些热衷于计算活动的人来说,坐在电脑前几个小时成为我们生活的一部分。 脱离它很困难。 需要有意识地去做其他事情。

与朋友和家人聊天 (Chat with friends and families)

Take some time, and call up friends or family members. Gathering with them and do something that is not needing a computer.

花一些时间,打电话给朋友或家人。 与他们聚会,做一些不需要计算机的事情。

Ask about how they are doing. Get interested in people.

询问他们的情况。 对人感兴趣。

I have to admit, I am an introvert and relatively self-centered when I was younger. But as I aged, I start to realize how much I have missed out in life.

我必须承认,我年轻时内向且比较以自我为中心。 但是随着年龄的增长,我开始意识到自己在生活中错过了多少。

Knowing what people love, and good at will also benefit oneself. You know who to learn from whenever you are in some situation. And best of all, you make real friends. That’s liberating.

知道人们的爱和擅长的事情也会使自己受益。 您知道在任何情况下都应该向谁学习。 最重要的是,您可以结交真正的朋友。 解放了。

妥协和宽容 (Compromise and tolerate)

In every social relationship, there are bounce to have different opinions, conflict, and misunderstanding.


Coder are more inclined to be logical and treating things as clear 0 or 1. Hence this could make relationships sour easier when one doesn’t step out of one’s view and comprehend there are illogical explanations in life.


Life is not just shades of grey, but also colorful. A seemingly bad situation may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. There’s a saying, “lose to win”. We lost in the argument, but win back the heart and rebuild the relationship.

生活不仅是灰色的阴影,而且是多彩的。 看似糟糕的情况可能是因祸得福。 俗话说:“输赢”。 我们在争论中迷失了方向,但赢得了心,并重建了关系。

品格建设和自我完善 (Character building and self-improvement)

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Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash
Karsten WinegeartUnsplash拍摄的照片

Coding and programming is a very disciplined and demanding field. Many hours of hard work is required for one to excel and succeed. And most of all it requires passion.

编码和编程是一个非常纪律严苛的领域。 一个人要取得成功,就需要许多小时的努力。 最重要的是,它需要激情。

Nonetheless, we are human. We need more than a job and career to be a more wholesome person, and enjoy life better.

尽管如此,我们是人类。 要成为一个更健康的人,并且享受更好的生活,我们不仅需要工作和职业。

Let’s start with the simple one.


做饭,享受美食 (Cooking and enjoy some meal)

Like it or not, we have to eat to live.


Some people have this mantra, “Live to Eat”. While it is not totally right, it has some value to it.

有些人有这样的口头禅:“吃得住”。 虽然这并不完全正确,但它具有一定的价值。

Get away from your computer when you are about to take a meal. Enjoy it properly. Better still plan for it, and try to get different to taste from time to time. Fully enjoy the taste, the texture, the smell… close your eyes and indulge yourself in it.

要用餐时,请远离计算机。 适当地享受它。 最好还是为此做计划,并尝试不时尝试不同的口味。 充分享受味道,质地和气味……闭上眼睛,沉迷其中。

Try cooking. It does bring satisfaction and flavor to life. One will treasure a good meal after had cooked before. Even if you did not turn out to be a good cook, you will appreciate enjoying good food more.

尝试做饭。 它确实为生活带来满足感和风味。 煮过后会珍惜一顿美餐。 即使您没有成为一名好厨师,您也将更喜欢享受美食。

卡路里控制和锻炼 (Calories controlling and exercising)

Eating is nice. It’s easy to enjoy a good one. But it has side effects 😓

吃的很好。 享受一个好东西很容易。 但是有副作用side

Exercising is a necessary pain one has to pursue to reap the joy of it. If you enjoy some physical games and have fellow friends to play with, that’s great.

锻炼是获得喜悦的一种必须经历的痛苦。 如果您喜欢一些体育游戏,并且可以和其他朋友一起玩,那就太好了。

But as we age, we need something that is daily, sustainable, and not reliance on others or environments for us to continue doing it. Such exercises needed only one thing, discipline.

但是随着年龄的增长,我们需要的是日常的,可持续的,不依赖他人或环境的东西,我们才能继续这样做。 这样的练习只需要一件事,即纪律。

No pain, no gain. The gain not only having a good feeling after exercising but also we will be mentally alert, confident, and able to do coding better 😅.

一分耕耘一分收获。 锻炼后获得的感觉不仅感觉良好,而且我们将在精神上变得机敏,自信并能够更好地进行编码coding。

露营,旅行,…在外面做点事情 (Camping, traveling, … do something outside)

Not only should one leave the computer sometimes, one should get out of a regular routine, doing something totally different, and preferably in a totally different environment.


This is definitely not something to do daily. But could be a weekly activity, or monthly, and having a major annual event.

这绝对不是每天要做的事情。 但是可能是每周一次或每月一次,并且有一个重大的年度活动。

Plan for it. Get outside. Get some Vitamin D from the sun. It’s rejuvenating and will bring some inspiration in life that you normally will not get.

计划一下。 出去 从阳光中获取一些维生素D。 它会焕发青春,为您带来平时无法获得的生活灵感。

哭,笑,情绪激动……感受你的心 (Cry, laugh, get emotional… feel your heart)

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Photo by Nijwam Swargiary on Unsplash
Nijwam SwargiaryUnsplash上的 照片

One thing that technology cannot replace human (at least yet), is our emotion. If we detach ourselves totally from our emotions, we are nothing but just another object on earth.

技术无法(至少至今)不能替代人类,这是我们的情感。 如果我们使自己完全脱离情感,那么我们就是地球上的另一个物体。

Human is a special creature. We need to get emotional. Properly channel these emotions will bring out the better of us. Those could be the moment of inspiration, and enlightenment one gets. One will find it connect to nature better, and find the purpose of life better.

人类是一种特殊的生物。 我们需要变得情绪化。 正确地传达这些情绪将使我们变得更好。 那些可能是灵感的时刻,而启发就会得到。 人们会发现它更好地与自然联系,并找到更好的生活目的。

关怀他人 (Caring for others)

With emotion, we can understand and empathy. It’s no longer logic 0 or 1 as mentioned earlier. We can suddenly find ourselves is no longer an individual, but are all connected. We can relate, comfort, and strengthen each other. And we will be cared for, comforted, and strengthen as well.

有了情感,我们就能理解和同情。 如前所述,它不再是逻辑0或1。 我们突然发现自己不再是一个人,而是全部相连。 我们可以相互联系,相互安慰并相互加强。 我们也会得到照顾,安慰和加强。

We cry with those who cry, and genuinely happy with the success of others. Whatever affect others, is related to us.

我们与那些哭泣的人一起哭泣,并对他人的成功感到真正的满意。 无论影响他人,都与我们有关。

珍惜关系 (Cherish the relationship)

Like it or not, we have been created to have affection. Express your feeling appropriately, to make it known. Doesn’t matter how that turns out, you have done your part. There may not be a second chance if you just keep it to yourself.

不管您喜不喜欢,我们都是被创造来拥有深情的。 适当表达您的感受,以使其广为人知。 不管结果如何,您都已经做好了自己的工作。 如果只是自己动手,可能没有第二次机会。

If there is an ongoing relationship, treasure it. Spend time with each other. Doing something both love today, and enjoy the moments. Ultimately at the end of one life, these are all that counts.

如果存在持续的关系,请珍惜它。 彼此花费时间。 做某事既爱今天,享受美好时光。 最终,这些都是至关重要的。

I have been rambling much. Give yourself a pat at the back if you read until here. In reality, if you manage to read so far, you are probably fine.

我一直在闲逛。 如果您读到这里,请在后面轻拍一下。 实际上,如果您到目前为止已经阅读完毕,可能还不错。

As a programmer, we have friends around us who love computers and engrossed in it immensely. They might turn out fine as I thought about how my friend might turn out. Or they might not.

作为程序员,我们周围的朋友热爱计算机,并且全神贯注于计算机。 当我想到朋友的结果时,它们可能会变好。 否则他们可能不会。

Hence I hope we can play a part in lookout for those at risk, and tactfully aid them. The action we did might save life without us even knowing it.

因此,我希望我们能在寻找危险人群中发挥作用,并在策略上帮助他们。 我们所采取的行动可能会挽救生命,甚至我们都不知道。

Thank you.


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/dont-just-code-but-also-c-e27e86d708ef

c++ 不要节约代码行数

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