
To a certain extent, the projects on your resume will control what you will be going through in the interview.


If you have just any random cliche projects, the interviewer will bring out questions from their own books. But if you have some really interesting and valuable things to talk about based on what you have built, it will give you a lot more confidence and a clear edge over other candidates.

如果您只有任何随机的陈词滥调项目,那么面试官将从他们自己的书本中提出问题。 但是,如果您根据自己构建的内容要讨论一些真正有趣且有价值的事情,它将给您带来更多的信心,并且比其他候选人更具优势。

开始之前,有些神话要破灭 (Some Myths to Bust Before We Get Started)

1.您必须构建一个自己热衷的项目 (1. You have to build a project that you are passionate about)

You don’t have to build a project you are passionate about.

不必 建立一个您热衷的项目。

If you really are passionate about it, go for it, but it isn’t necessary to get you a job. All you have to do is identify the audience that will actually be checking out your projects (technical leads, hiring managers, etc.). Make something that they can easily identify and assess the quality of.

如果您真的对此充满热情,那就去做吧,但是没有必要找工作。 您所要做的就是确定实际上将检查您的项目的观众(技术主管,招聘经理等)。 做一些他们可以轻松识别和评估其质量的事情。

If you want to join Marvel or DC Comics, you could create the next Captain America or Batman and show it to them. They can easily understand whether you’ve done good work or not. But if you show them a new character, it might be a little harder for them to relate to it.

如果您想加入Marvel或DC Comics,则可以创建下一个美国队长或蝙蝠侠并将其展示给他们。 他们可以轻松地了解您是否做得很好。 但是,如果您向他们展示一个新角色,与他们建立联系可能会更加困难。

2.技术栈没关系 (2. The tech stack doesn’t matter)

Yes, they are all just tools. Your tech stack shouldn’t define you.

是的,它们都是工具。 您的技术堆栈不应定义您。

But if you build your projects using the popular tech stack that the company in question is using, it increases the likelihood that they will relate to you and understand you.


Do be mindful of why you are choosing a certain tech stack because you have to show your system design decision-making skills during your interview as well.


3.您每天可以在一个副项目上工作一个小时 (3. You can work on a side project for one hour a day)

You need to commit hours of your time to it.


If you are thinking of putting in one hour a day for practice/experimentation, that’s good! But for projects, you actually have to get some work done rather than being consistent about it.

如果您打算每天花一个小时进行练习/实验,那就太好了! 但是对于项目,您实际上必须完成一些工作而不是始终如一。

When you are building the project and achieve a deep productive state, use it to keep progressing and get your project done rather than breaking your productive state for your “one hour a day” rule.


项目技巧 (Tips for Your Project)

You don’t have to implement them all, but every single one of them adds a lot of value to your project and your confidence. So try to follow them all.

您不必全部实现它们,但是每个元素都可以为您的项目和您的信心增加很多价值。 因此,请尝试全部遵循。

1.在构建项目时遵循标准的架构/设计模式 (1. Follow a standard architecture/design pattern while building your project)

You could build a to-do list app that works, and it would mean nothing to the company interviewing you. But if you tell the interviewer that you built the app following this particular design pattern — even if it only partially works — that would mean a lot!

您可以构建一个可以运行的待办事项列表应用程序,这对面试您的公司没有任何意义。 但是,如果您告诉面试官您是按照这种特定的设计模式构建应用程序的,即使它只能部分起作用,那也就意味着很多!

An interviewer who is a developer will always be more interested in knowing how you built something rather than what you built it with.


  • They would want to know what key architectural decisions you made and why.

  • They would want to know how you structured your code and why.

  • They would want to know what technical blocks you faced and how you resolved them.

  • They would want to know how you would scale this application.


If you don’t know what design patterns are, now would be a great time to learn about them.


2.建立专业的用户界面,但不要浪费太多时间 (2. Build a professional UI, but don’t waste too much time on it)

People have a visual bias — they literally judge a book by its cover.


Similarly, make sure the UI for whatever you build looks good and professional. When it comes to applications, people often make the assumption that if the app looks good, the code is good too. I know, it’s sad.

同样,请确保所构建的UI看起来既美观又专业。 当涉及到应用程序时,人们通常会假设,如果应用程序看起来不错,那么代码也很好。 我知道,很难过。

Here is the great part: There are tons of great-looking free project templates that you can use to build your awesome-looking application. This way, you can focus more on building the core application rather than wasting too much time on aligning things vertically.

这是最重要的部分:您可以使用大量美观的免费项目模板来构建外观精美的应用程序。 这样,您可以将更多精力放在构建核心应用程序上,而不是在垂直对齐方面浪费太多时间。

3.考虑数据库和安全性 (3. Think about database and security)

This is where things start to get tricky, giving you a lot of things to talk about during the interview. If your project doesn’t have any database, it just might not be sophisticated enough. So maybe pick a new one?

这就是事情开始变得棘手的地方,给您很多在面试中要谈论的事情。 如果您的项目没有任何数据库,则可能不够复杂。 那么也许选择一个新的?

There are four basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations that you need to add to showcase your skills. Spend time planning your DB’s architecture and think about how you can optimize for the reads and writes. This is another great talking point in the interviews.

您需要添加四个基本的CRUD(创建,读取,更新,删除)操作来展示您的技能。 花时间计划数据库的体系结构,并考虑如何针对读写进行优化。 这是采访中另一个很好的话题。

Also, have at least some sort of authorization that adds basic security to your application. You can totally use Firebase Auth to take care of basic authentication in your application without having to waste too much time on it.

另外,至少要具有某种可以为您的应用程序增加基本安全性的授权。 您可以完全使用Firebase Auth 在您的应用程序中照顾基本身份验证而不必浪费太多时间。

When you are making decisions like depending on third-party solutions to quickly build your app and not reinvent the wheel, that’s a really valuable skill to have and show during your interview. You can talk about it and how much value that decision added to your project.

当您做出决定时,例如依赖第三方解决方案来快速构建您的应用程序而又不浪费时间,这是在面试中拥有和展示的一项非常有价值的技能。 您可以谈论它以及该决定为您的项目增加了多少价值。

You can always do more things to make your application more secure. See what is feasible and required as per your application’s scope.

您总是可以做更多的事情来使您的应用程序更安全。 根据您的应用程序范围查看可行和必需的内容。

4.解决业务问题 (4. Solve a business problem)

This is something I learned in my first year as a working professional. No matter how cool the technology you learned is, don’t just build anything to show your skills.

这是我作为职业人士在第一年学到的东西。 无论您学到的技术多么酷,都不要仅仅构建任何东西来展示您的技能。

Identify a suitable business problem and then implement the solution using technology. When you do actually solve a business problem, the business doesn’t care about the technology you used to solve it. True story.

确定合适的业务问题,然后使用技术实施解决方案。 当您确实解决了业务问题时,企业就不会在意用于解决该问题的技术。 真实的故事。

There will be candidates showing random applications and games, while you:


  • Invested some time into understanding the business — learning ability.

  • Identified its problems — analytical ability.

  • Thought about a solution— problem-solving ability.

  • Built something — your technical competency.


Those are the skills of a working professional and not just any developer, and that’s who the businesses are looking to hire.


温馨提示:遵循行业标准 (Bonus tip: Follow the industry standards)

There are some industry standards around the development process, and if you already know them, it will portray you as a professional. These are:

在开发过程中有一些行业标准,如果您已经知道它们,它将把您描绘成一个专业人士。 这些是:

  • Clean code standards.

  • Writing unit tests for your code.

  • Maintaining a code repository.

  • Continuous Integrations and Continuous Delivery.

  • Being agile.


If you can also learn and showcase these skills in your side projects, they will definitely make all your projects more valuable and give you a lot more keywords to add to your resume and talk about during your interview as a true professional.


结论 (Conclusion)

Now that you have learned these tips, it’s time to act!


Thanks for reading!


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/4-tips-to-build-projects-that-look-great-on-your-resume-b1f022a0968c

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