
更改为云!(Change to Cloud!)

While many people are well-versed in the topic of cloud computing nowadays, there are still many misconceptions that cloud literacy around this concept. Put simply, cloud computing concepts are similar to renting a house; essentially you are renting computer system resources whose processing power may vary due to power and storage capabilities. A major benefit of this concept is that it offers the user the ability to access various resources without the need to have the hardware that hosts these resources physically present in a user’s house, office building, coffee shop (and so on).

尽管当今有许多人精通云计算主题,但仍然有很多误解认为围绕此概念的云素养。 简而言之,云计算概念类似于租房。 本质上,您是在租借计算机系统资源,这些资源的处理能力可能会因电源和存储功能而异。 此概念的主要好处是,它为用户提供了访问各种资源的能力,而无需在用户的房屋,办公楼,咖啡厅(等等)中实际存在承载这些资源的硬件。

Despite the large number of people and businesses who have opted into cloud computing services already, there are still many yet to adopt this technology. This article aims to lay out the benefits of cloud computing so that readers can become better acquainted with the concept and evaluate whether it is something they should introduce to their lives.

尽管已经有大量的人和企业选择使用云计算服务,但仍有许多人采用此技术。 本文旨在介绍云计算的好处,以便读者可以更好地了解这一概念,并评估它是否应该引入生活。

云计算的好处 (Cloud Computing Benefits)

1.具有成本效益(1. Cost-effective)

Introducing cloud computing to your business is a great option in terms of the financial benefits that this decision offers. In adopting this technology, businesses gain the convenience of consumption-based billing as they are charged for the resources that they use and not for the resources that they don’t (as opposed to having to pay the cost of purchasing the hardware that hosts these resources). This also eliminates the need to constantly update outdated infrastructure (saving space in the process).

就此决策提供的财务利益而言,将云计算引入您的企业是一个不错的选择。 在采用这项技术时,企业将获得基于使用量计费的便利,因为它们按使用的资源而不是不使用的资源付费(而不是必须支付购买托管这些资源的硬件的成本)资源)。 这也消除了不断更新过时的基础架构的需要(在此过程中节省了空间)。

2.可扩展性 (2. Scalability)

Cloud computing offers a lot of flexibility in terms of storage, allowing the user to scale their data usage as needed. No longer is the user limited to the storage offered by their computer or exterior hard drives; with cloud computing, users have the ability to upscale their processing power and/ or storage subscriptions as they require. Should users ever find themselves in a position where the cloud’s processing power and storage space exceeds their needs then they can simply downscale their subscription and pay for what they use (avoiding the need to replace their own hardware).

云计算在存储方面提供了很大的灵活性,允许用户根据需要扩展其数据使用量。 用户不再局限于计算机或外部硬盘驱动器提供的存储; 利用云计算,用户可以根据需要扩展其处理能力和/或存储订阅。 如果用户发现自己处在云的处理能力和存储空间超出其需求的位置,那么他们可以简单地缩减其订阅并为使用的东西付费(避免需要更换自己的硬件)。

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Picture by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash
Paul HanaokaUnsplash上的 图片

3.竞争力(3. Competitiveness)

Cloud computing services also reduce the amount of redundancy that a person deals with quite often in the technological age. Today, no matter how well we take care of our devices, our machines are in a constant state of becoming outdated as newer versions and technologies supersede their predecessors in a matter of years or months. This is not the case with concepts such as cloud computing, however, as the service a user subscribes to will maintain its software setups, upgrades, and all other IT needs itself. Additionally, the various cloud computing services compete against one another to provide their users with the highest quality — a battle that the user often gets the best of. The biggest cloud computing service providers right now are Microsoft, Amazon, and Google.

云计算服务还减少了技术时代人们经常处理的冗余量。 如今,无论我们对设备的保养程度如何,我们的机器始终处于过时的状态,因为新版本和技术会在数年或数月之内取代其前身。 但是,诸如云计算之类的概念并非如此,因为用户订购的服务将维持其软件设置,升级以及所有其他IT需求。 此外,各种云计算服务相互竞争,以向其用户提供最高的质量—这是用户经常获得的最好的战斗。 目前最大的云计算服务提供商是Microsoft,Amazon和Google。

4.可靠性 (4. Reliability)

Have you ever experienced data loss due to a hardware failure or a virus attack? It’s a horrible experience, especially as we store more and more of our lives in the digital realm. There’s always the option of backing everything up on external hard drives, however this can be an onerous process requiring drives to be replaced every 2–3 years, and user error can mean that important files may be overlooked. Happily, cloud computing is a great way to avoid the pitfalls of data loss as most services provide data restoration services and recovery plans (for example, Microsoft). They also save you from building up a backlog of outdated external hard drives (a practice that can be quite pricey). For many users, the peace of mind afforded to them by cloud computing’s back up systems is reason enough to invest in a subscription with a cloud service.

您是否曾因硬件故障或病毒攻击而经历过数据丢失? 这是一种可怕的经历,尤其是当我们将越来越多的生活存储在数字领域中时。 总是可以选择将所有内容备份到外部硬盘驱动器上,但是这可能是一个繁琐的过程,需要每2至3年更换一次驱动器,并且用户错误可能意味着重要文件可能会被忽略。 幸运的是,云计算是避免数据丢失陷阱的好方法,因为大多数服务都提供数据恢复服务和恢复计划(例如Microsoft)。 它们还可以避免积压过时的外部硬盘驱动器(这种做法可能非常昂贵)。 对于许多用户而言,云计算的备份系统使他们高枕无忧,这足以投资于使用云服务的订阅。

5.辅助功能 (5. Accessibility)

Storing data in the cloud has the added benefit of being far more accessible across a range of devices (in contrast to the more traditional method of keeping data relegated to one machine that must be physically present in order to share files). This reduces delays in file-sharing that may result from accidentally leaving devices at home, and allows users to share updates to files in seconds (this is a great benefit for business working in remote teams). Additionally, if you happen to have the misfortune of losing a device — or having it stolen from you — you can easily purchase a replacement and upload all your important information to your new device via the cloud. This can mean never losing contacts, emails, or photographs ever again.

将数据存储在云中还具有额外的好处,即可以在一系列设备上进行更广泛的访问(与更传统的将数据降级到必须物理存在以共享文件的机器上的传统方法相反)。 这样可以减少因不小心将设备留在家中而导致的文件共享延迟,并允许用户在几秒钟内共享文件更新(这对于在远程团队工作的企业来说是一个很大的好处)。 此外,如果您碰巧遇到丢失设备或被盗的不幸,您可以轻松购买替换产品并将所有重要信息通过云上传到新设备。 这可能意味着再也不会丢失联系人,电子邮件或照片。

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panumas nikhomkhai from Pexels的panumas Pexels nikhomkhai摄

6.安全性(6. Security)

With so much sensitive data stored in cloud computing services, and hacking incidences regularly reported on the news, it’s a natural concern to question the security capabilities of such services. To counter this, many services are strengthened with heavy layers of encryption and offer a vast array of protection against various attacks, such as data breaches and DDoS attacks. If security is something that you are concerned about then I would recommend that you research the most secure cloud subscription services on offer, but rest assured that there are many ways to keep your information secure yet easily accessible to those who require it.

由于云计算服务中存储了如此多的敏感数据,并且定期在新闻中报道骇客入侵事件,因此对此类服务的安全性提出质疑是很自然的事。 为了解决这个问题,许多服务都通过厚重的加密层得到了增强,并提供了广泛的保护措施,可抵御各种攻击,例如数据泄露和DDoS攻击。 如果您担心安全性,那么我建议您研究所提供的最安全的云订阅服务,但是请放心,有很多方法可以使您的信息安全,但是需要这些信息的人可以轻松访问。

最后的话 (Final Words)

Cloud computing is an emerging technology that possesses unknown potentials still waiting to be unlocked. Nevertheless, the convenience and benefits that cloud computing offer right now are life-changing. Whether for personal or business use, cloud computing technology offers a range of competitive advantages from saving money to easy file sharing. If reading this article has made you interested in trialing cloud computing, my suggestion is that you try using a service for a few months and allow yourself to explore its positive and the negative aspects. Only then will you be able to make an informed decision as to whether cloud computing suits your needs or not.

云计算是一种新兴技术,具有未知的潜力,尚待释放。 尽管如此,云计算现在提供的便利和好处正在改变生活。 无论是用于个人还是企业用途,云计算技术都具有一系列竞争优势,从省钱到易于文件共享。 如果阅读本文使您对试用云计算感兴趣,我的建议是您尝试使用该服务几个月,并让自己探索其积极和消极的方面。 只有这样,您才能对云计算是否适合您的需求做出明智的决定。

Thanks for reading- Renata K

感谢您的阅读-Renata K

翻译自: https://codeburst.io/why-cloud-computing-6739da9acdb8

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